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Journal of Applied Transintegration Paradigm
ISSN : -     EISSN : 28281217     DOI : -
JOURNAL OF APPLIED TRANSINTEGRATION PARADIGM (JATP) is a peer-reviewed International Journal devoted to the timely study of Religion, Saints, Social, Health Sciences, Education, and Technology. The journal seeks high-quality research papers on the challenges and opportunities presented by Religion, Sains, Health Sciences, Education, and Technology and their impact on society. Issues in JATP cover almost all of the areas of knowledge. Topics include, but are not limited to, the following: Religion, Sains, Social, Health Sciences, Education, and Technology.
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Articles 7 Documents
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Gerakan Sosial Politik Alimin bin Prawirodirdjo Dalam Partai Komunis Indonesia (PKI) Alam Mahadika
Journal of Applied Transintegration Paradigm Vol. 2 No. 01 (2022): Journal of Applied Transintegration Paradigm
Publisher : LPPM UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

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This research article narrates Alimin bin Prawirodirdjo's social-political movement within the Indonesian Communist Party. This research article conveys Alimin bin Prawirodirdjo's social-political movement, which was rarely discussed and silenced after 1965. Even many young people today do not know the figure of the struggle. Alimin was also one of the leaders of the Indonesian independence movement and an Indonesian communist sculptor who became a national hero. This study uses a qualitative approach using historical methods. This research focuses on libraries and documents related to the discussion using the historical process. The indicators of this research discussed in the debate are Alimin bin Prawirodirdjo's life history, the movement in the Indonesian Communist Party, being a member of the Constituent Assembly, their determination as a National Hero, and the narrative of Alimin's work in socialism thought
penerapan E-Goverment dalam pelayanan publik geby julia saputri
Journal of Applied Transintegration Paradigm Vol. 2 No. 01 (2022): Journal of Applied Transintegration Paradigm
Publisher : LPPM UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

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pelayanan E-government dalam pelayanan publik
Empowerment of "Winangsari" Coffee Farmer Group by the Agricultural Extension Center of Bawang District Pemalang Regency ahmad bustomi
Journal of Applied Transintegration Paradigm Vol. 2 No. 01 (2022): Journal of Applied Transintegration Paradigm
Publisher : LPPM UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

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Abstract This research explain about the steps or process and impact of empowerment coffee farmer group “Winangsari” by Balai Penyuluhan Pertanian Kecamatan Bawang. This research is qualitative descrivtive research. The aim of this research is to describe the process and impact of empowerment by Balai Penyuluhan Pertanian to coffee farmer group “Winangsari”. Data collecting technique utilizes interview, observation and documentation. Data validity utilizes triangulation of source and analized by data reduction, data display and conclution. The result of this research emerges the process of empowerment in the beginning is identification of potention and problem”, and then socialization step and the last is preparing of legality program. Afterwards, there are three main implementation of empowerment such as institution legality program, sertification of organic agriculture, and guiding program. The impact of empowerment are increasing price of coffe in Dusun Karangsari, getting business partner and trust from consument, ability to produce the coffee and opened of farmer thought to select in plant the coffee. Key Words: Empowerment, Balai Penyuluhan Pertanian, Farmer group. Abstrak Penelitian ini membahas mengenai apa saja tahapan atau proses serta dampak dari pemberdayaan Kelompok Petani kopi “Winangsari” oleh Balai Penyuluhan Pertanian Kecamatan Bawang. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk mendeskripsikan proses serta dampak pemberdayaan oleh Balai Penyuluhan Pertanian kepada Kelompok Petani Kopi “Winangsari”. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Pengujian data dengan teknik triangulasi sumber kemudian dianalisis dengan proses reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa proses pemberdayaan tersebut diawali dengan tahap identifikasi potensi dan masalah, kemudian tahap sosialisasi dan persiapan program sertifikasi. Lalu ada 3 implementasi utama dari pemberdayaan kelompok tani yaitu program legalitas kelembagaan, sertifikasi pertanian organik dan program pendamping. Dampak pemberdayaan yakni meningkatnya nilai ekonomi kopi robusta di Dusun Karangsari, mendapatkan mitra dan kepercayaan dari konsumen, skill mengolah kopi yang meningkat dan terbukanya pikiran para petani untuk tidak sembarangan menanam dan membudidayakan tanaman. Kata Kunci: Pemberdayaan, Balai Penyuluhan Pertanian, Kelompok Tani.
Is foreign language taught early or late in Indonesia? Noor Fitriah; M. Kholis Amrullah
Journal of Applied Transintegration Paradigm Vol. 2 No. 01 (2022): Journal of Applied Transintegration Paradigm
Publisher : LPPM UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

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Curriculum 2013 (K-13) changes the structure of basic education where children should be emphasized more on teaching about the religious values ​​and culture of the state before they were exposed to foreign language. So, English is not compulsory subject that is taught in elementary school. Some literatures on second language learning recommends many factors that influence the success of learning language such as learning style, personality, motivation, and age. The age factor in learning foreign language is still becoming topic of debate, whether English is learnt early or late. In Indonesia, in the level of elementary school, English is taught as local content and not every elementary school choose English for that subject. Responding that issue this study mainly discussed about how age factor support learning English as foreign language. This study is critical analysis relevant books and journals. This conveyed that the age factor influence the foreign learning. Children are able to learn English before they turn to 12 years old, that stage language skills are developed. The teachers need to pay attention to the special young learners’ characteristic and optimally build the input comprehension of learners. And the English learning and teaching process should use also appropriate methods and techniques to create the real life environment. And Indonesia government should revitalize curriculum and facilitate the learning and teaching process, especially for foreign language.
الإدراك الحسي عند طلبة الصف الثاني عشر للغة العربية كمادة اللغة الأجنبية في مدرسة الريحان الثانوية باندار لامبونج Ahmad Bukhari Muslim; Rodhy Harisca; Adam Alhaji Tafida
Journal of Applied Transintegration Paradigm Vol. 2 No. 01 (2022): Journal of Applied Transintegration Paradigm
Publisher : LPPM UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

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The aim of this research is to carry out the process of researching the sensory perception among students of the Arabic language as a foreign language subject in the high school of Al-Rayhan Secondary School, Bandar Lampung. In writing this article, the researchers use the quantitative approach, and empirical research. The experimental research searches for the relationships between the correct variables (factors) to obtain a generalization. This research has two groups: the first is the experimental group, which is the group that is exposed to the experimental or independent variable, to know the effect of this variable on it. The second control group is the group that is not exposed to the experimental variable and remains under normal conditions. One of the results of this research is the emotional field of the 12th grade students of Arabic language as a foreign language subject in the high school of Al-Rayhan Secondary School, Bandar Lampung good. The intentional field for the 12th grade students of Arabic as a foreign language subject in the high school of Al-Rayhan Secondary School Bandar Lampung is good.
Parent Engagement in Students’s Learn from Home Activity Fitriah Fitriah; Ahmad Arifin; Faisol Mahmud Adam Ibrahim
Journal of Applied Transintegration Paradigm Vol. 2 No. 01 (2022): Journal of Applied Transintegration Paradigm
Publisher : LPPM UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

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This study tells the role of parents who are Civil Servants in accompanying their children to study from home during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study method uses qualitative approach with the type of case study on parents who are Civil Servants in accompanying their children to study from home during the Covid-19 pandemic. The data were collected through semi-structured interview, observation and documentation are related to the role of parents in accompanying their children to learn from home. Then the data were analyzed by thematic analysis techniques. The study shows that the role of parents who are Civil Servants in accompanying their children to study from home during the Covid-19 pandemic is to act as teachers at home, as facilitators by providing various facilities such as learning that is relevant to the Covid-19 pandemic situation, and as a motivator.
Hemorrhagic Disease of The Newborn Ratih Nawang Wulan
Journal of Applied Transintegration Paradigm Vol. 2 No. 01 (2022): Journal of Applied Transintegration Paradigm
Publisher : LPPM UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

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The incidence of HDN in infants who do not receive prophylactic vitamin K in various countries is reported to vary. Researchers implement Midwifery Care for Neonates with Hemorrarchic Diseases of the Newborn (HDN) using the midwifery management mindset according to Varney and documenting care in the form of SOAP. The study used an observation method on a 4-day-old baby with a history of premature birth at 34-45 weeks of gestation and was born by Sectio Caesarea with indications of Placenta Previa Totalis. HDN in this case was classified as classic HDN because it occurred 4 days after birth and was followed by several symptoms such as bleeding from the digestive system and followed by prolonged PPT without any thrombocytopenia or other abnormalities on physical examination.

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