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Quranic Edu
ISSN : -     EISSN : 28092481     DOI : 10.37252/quranicedu.v4i1.526
Core Subject : Religion, Education,
QuranicEdu: Journal of Islamic Education (E-ISSN 2809-2481) is a national journal published by the Faculty of Tarbiyah Institut Ilmu Al Qur’an (IIQ) An Nur Yogyakarta, posted twice a year on February and August. The journal focuses its scope on the issues of Islamic Education. We invite scholars, scientists, researchers, teachers, as well as profesionals in the field of Islamic Education to publish their researches in our journal.
Articles 7 Documents
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Problematika Pembelajaran Daring pada Mata Pelajaran PAI Siswa Kelas XI di SMKN 1 Lingsar Tahun Pelajaran 2020/2021 Muhammad Yuslih; Nuralip
QuranicEdu: Journal of Islamic Education Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): QuranicEdu: Journal of Islamic Education
Publisher : IIQ An Nur Yogyakarta

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The emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic forced the learning process to be carried out online. Learning with the online system caused various problems in it, there was no learning in PAI subjects for class XI at SMKN 1 Lingsar. Therefore, this paper aimed to show the various problems contained in the online learning process, as well as the efforts made to overcome these problems. This research was included in the category of field research with analytical descriptive method. So the data sources in this research were PAI teachers, school principals, and class XI students of SMKN 1 Lingsar. To obtain valid data in this research, researchers used the interview method, and observation in data collection. The research results indicated that there were several problems faced by teachers and participants in the online learning process including, not a few students who did not understand the material, lack of cooperation between educators and parents of students, difficulties in determining methods, difficulties in evaluation, students who were less active, and inadequate internet access. Then the efforts made include simplifying the material, increasing cooperation, varying the method according to the material, conducting evaluations according to the plan, collaborating with homeroom teachers, BK teachers so that students were more active, and providing quotas to students.
Komponen Pembelajaran dalam Perspektif Pendidikan Islam Fahrudin
QuranicEdu: Journal of Islamic Education Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): QuranicEdu: Journal of Islamic Education
Publisher : IIQ An Nur Yogyakarta

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This study aimed to describe in depth for a complete understanding of the importance of learning components in the perspective of Islamic education, using a library study approach that focuses on literature review as the main source in exploring the themes raised. The results of this study indicated that the learning components such as students, learning materials, teachers, learning objectives, learning methods, learning media and learning assessment in the perspective of Islamic education were closely related. Therefore, as the main actor, the teacher should optimize his professional efforts in supervising, guarding, motivating, and guiding his students during the learning process. So that the existing learning components could be run properly and optimally.
Relevansi Nilai-Nilai Kewirausahaan dalam Materi PAI BP SMA Sederajat K-13 Revisi 2020 Hamdan Adib
QuranicEdu: Journal of Islamic Education Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): QuranicEdu: Journal of Islamic Education
Publisher : IIQ An Nur Yogyakarta

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The purpose of this research was to determine the relevance of entrepreneurship values to the material for BP PAI at SMA of K-13 Revised 2020. This research used a qualitative method with the type of literature study. The primary sources in this research were LKS PAI BP SMA and secondary sources were various literatures that supported the research theme. The results of this research indicated that there was a relevance of entrepreneurial values in the BP PAI material in high school, including the material for class X. Chapter 3 described learning obligations where entrepreneurs had to have broad insights, then class XI in Chapter 1 was a work of ethical material that had work orientation. Then the results were in Chapter 10 related to Islamic economics and various economic practices based on the rules of the Qur'an Hadith and other basic Islamic law and class XII in Chapter 1 and Chapter 4 which discussed positive thinking, hard work and responsibility. It was a concrete form of leadership values contained in entrepreneurship.
Mempromosikan Nilai-Nilai Moderasi Islam dalam Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris di MI NU Rowolaku Muhammad Jauhari Sofi; Nur Hikmah
QuranicEdu: Journal of Islamic Education Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): QuranicEdu: Journal of Islamic Education
Publisher : IIQ An Nur Yogyakarta

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The values of moderation were very important for young learners. These values were believed to maintain the unity of Indonesia. Therefore, these values were suitable as guidelines for life in all aspects including education. One alternative way to implement Islamic moderation values in education was to internalize them in the learning process, including learning English. This research aimed to explore how to promote Islamic moderation values for MI NU Rowolaku students in English as a foreign language. This research was conducted in grade 3 which consisted of 28 students. This research was a qualitative research. Data were collected using observation and interviews. The results of the research showed that there were five Islamic moderation values promoted by the English teacher at MI NU Rowolaku, namely: tolerance, openness, balance, reasoning that provides space for different opinions, and moderate reasoning does not absolute truth itself.
Pembelajaran Model Pendidikan Anak dalam Al-Qur’an terhadap Kisah Nabi Ibrahim Dwi Noviatul Zahra; Nurul Aisyah
QuranicEdu: Journal of Islamic Education Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): QuranicEdu: Journal of Islamic Education
Publisher : IIQ An Nur Yogyakarta

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The purpose of this research was to create a children's learning model based on the story of the prophet Ibrahim and his family in the Koran. The verse was then analyzed using a thematic analysis model. Based on the research results, it showed that the family learning model taught by the prophet Ibrahim to his children used prenatal and postnatal learning models. Prenatal learning was the awareness of parents in providing education to their children since their children were still in the womb or long before their children were born, such as in choosing a partner which was included as an effort to educate children. In contrast, postnatal learning was the awareness of parents in educating their children after birth.
Upaya Guru dalam Menumbuhkan Kreativitas Belajar Tematik di Masa Pandemi pada Siswa Kelas II C MIN 1 Bantul Yogyakarta Kowi Dhukhurmatin; Munjahid; Mujawazah
QuranicEdu: Journal of Islamic Education Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): QuranicEdu: Journal of Islamic Education
Publisher : IIQ An Nur Yogyakarta

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This research was motivated by the condition of the world being affected by the coronavirus outbreak, so it was important to plan a strategy in growing thematic learning creativity in students through online learning strategies. This research aimed to determine: 1) the teacher's efforts in fostering thematic learning creativity during the pandemic in class II C MIN 1 Bantul students in the 2020/2021 academic year. This research was a qualitative research with descriptive-analytical type. The approach to this research was a case study. Data was collected by means of observation, interviews, and documentation. While the data analysis used the analysis of John W. Cresswell. The research results revealed that: (1) the implementation of online learning systems in fostering thematic learning creativity, namely: (a) utilizing social media applications, (b) synergizing and collaborating with students' parents, (c) emphasizing learning on life skills, (d) emphasize good habits, (e) apply learning evaluation. (2) the implications of online learning systems for the growth of children's creativity, namely: (a) less optimal inculcation of cognitive aspects in students, (b) students were more 'literate' technology, and (c) students became more focused in the learning process.
Pengaruh Qanun Madrasah dan Keteladanan Guru terhadap Kedisiplinan Siswa Kelas VIII MTs Al Ma’had An-Nur Bantul Lana Fauziyah; Lina; Muhammad Asrofi
QuranicEdu: Journal of Islamic Education Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): QuranicEdu: Journal of Islamic Education
Publisher : IIQ An Nur Yogyakarta

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This research aimed to (1) determine the relationship between madrasa qanuns and the discipline of class VIII MTs Al Ma'had An-Nur Sewon Bantul Yogyakarta, (2) find out the relationship between teacher exemplary and student discipline in the class, and (3) find out how much influence there is. madrasa qanuns and the teacher's example of student discipline in the class. This research used a quantitative method with three variables, namely the madrasa qanun variable (X1), teacher exemplary (X2), and student discipline (Y). The subjects in this research were students of class VIII who opened 80 people. Data was collected by using questionnaire, observation, documentation and interview methods. Based on the analysis conducted using multiple regression test with an error rate of 5%, it was concluded that: (1) there was a positive and significant relationship between the variables of Islamic qanun (X1) and student discipline (Y). It was indicated by the correlation value (r) of 0.739 and p (sig) of 0.000. (2) there was a positive and significant relationship between the teacher exemplary variable (X2) and student discipline (Y). It was indicated by the correlation value (r) 0.291 and p (sig) of 0.000. (3) together the variables of madrasa qanun (X1) and teacher's example (X2) affect student discipline by 56.2%.

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