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Singgih Subiyantoro
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Cognitive Development Journal
ISSN : -     EISSN : 30258693     DOI :
Core Subject : Education,
This journal presents scientific articles that discuss various cognitive aspects, including thinking processes, memory, language, problem-solving, perception, and intelligence. The journal serves as a platform for researchers to share the latest findings, theories, research methods, and empirical discoveries in the field of cognitive development.
Articles 16 Documents
Improving The Ability to Perform Summary Calculation Operations Using Number Bag Media Endah Tri Wahyuni; Singgih Subiyantoro; Suparti
Cognitive Development Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): June
Publisher : Edutech Publishing Media

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32585/cognitive.v1i1.1


Meaningful learning begins with student participation in learning activities that are still educationally centered. This is due to limitations in the use of teaching aids in implementing learning, resulting in students being less active when solving problems in learning. In this research, the aim is to improve students' ability to solve addition problems in mathematics by applying number pockets to grade 1 students at SD Godog 1. In this case, Classroom Action Research is chosen by applying the Kemmis and McTaggart strategy consisting of planning, implementation, observation, and reflection at the end of each cycle. The subjects of this research were 15 grade I students of SD Negeri Godog 1 Polokarto. Observations, tests, and documentation were implemented as data collection techniques. The results of this research prove that student learning outcomes can be improved through the use of media number bags in mathematics content in addition to material. This is reflected in the increase in "student learning outcomes in cycle I" from only 73% to 93% in cycle II. This success is quite satisfying because the indicators of "success presented in this research have been achieved. So, it can be concluded that there is a significant influence on mathematics learning outcomes in addition to material for class I students at SD Negeri Godog 1, Polokarto. Overall, the researcher contributed to increasing students' abilities in addition to material and teachers' abilities in increasing their own creativity in presenting interesting lessons. Overall, researchers contributed to increasing students' abilities in addition to material and teachers' abilities in increasing their own creativity in presenting interesting lessons.
Application of Problem-Based Learning Models and Puzzle Media to Improve The Learning Outcomes Maya Indrasari; Singgih Subiyantoro; Dwi Hastuti
Cognitive Development Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): June
Publisher : Edutech Publishing Media

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32585/cognitive.v1i1.2


The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on education in Indonesia is the occurrence of Learning Loss. In this case, teachers are required to innovate by using strategies, learning models that make the learning process and results increase. This study aims to describe the use of the Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model and puzzle media in improving student learning outcomes in learning Pancasila and Citizenship Education in Grade 1 Elementary School. This type of research is a class action research (PTK). The subjects in the study were first grade students of SDN Genengsari 03 as many as 17 students. The data collection techniques used in this study were item instrument test techniques, and observations. The data analysis technique used is a comparative descriptive technique with a percentage comparison of cycle 1 and cycle 2 based on the percentage of completion of the minimum score, maximum score and average score. The results showed an increase in learning outcomes, in pre-cycle learning the results of class action research of students who completed as many as 8 students out of 17 children or 47% of 100%, with an average score of 61. In cycle I as many as 11 students out of 17 children or 64% of 100%, with an average score of 81. Furthermore, in cycle II as many as 16 learners out of 17 children or 94% of 100%, with an average score of 88.In conclusion, the Problem Based Learning learning model and Puzzle media are effectively used in improving learning outcomes in grade 1 elementary school students. Overall, this research contributes to improving student learning outcomes.
Optimizing the Use of Practical Methods to Improve Skills in Creating 2D and 3D Animations Singgih Subiyantoro; Mita Yuliana; Nita Nurbaiti; Sari Aisyah Ramadhani; Wandha Prayuda Murti
Cognitive Development Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): June
Publisher : Edutech Publishing Media

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32585/cognitive.v1i1.5


Practice is a learning method that involves students directly in developing specific skills. Objectively, there are many advantages and disadvantages of using practical methods in learning. This research aims to improve students' skills in creating 2D and 3D animations through the use of practical methods. The research method used is Classroom Action Research (PTK) by adopting the Kemmis & Tagart model. The subjects of this study were students in class 11 A majoring in Multimedia at a Vocational High School (SMK) in Indonesia who were making 2D and 3D animations. Data was collected using observation sheets, interview guides, and portfolios. The research results show that the practical method is able to improve students' skills in creating 2D and 3D animations. The observation results showed that there was an increase in students' skills, namely by (7.01%) after using practical methods rather than just theory. The results of interviews and analysis of the portfolio also show data that is relevant to the results of these observations. In conclusion, the use of practical methods has proven to be effective in improving students' skills in creating 2D and 3D animations. Overall, this research contributes to solving learning problems, especially the low skills of students in making 2D and 3D animations which are commonly found in Vocational High Schools.
Development of Android-Based Mobile Learning Media in Educational Sciences Courses Hamda Kharisma Putra
Cognitive Development Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): June
Publisher : Edutech Publishing Media

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32585/cognitive.v1i1.6


The aim of this research is to develop learning facilities through Android-based mobile learning media that are suitable for use in educational science courses. With mobile learning, users can access learning content anywhere and at any time, without having to visit a certain place at a certain time. So, users can access educational content without being bound by space and time. This research is a development research that goes through several stages. The first stage is a preliminary study, carried out to determine the results of a needs analysis based on learning objectives, mass, and learning strategies in order to produce products that suit student needs. The second stage is design, namely designing product prototypes according to the results of the needs analysis. The third stage is product development. In this stage, Android media products are started to be developed. The fourth stage is to carry out a product feasibility test using a scale of 4. From the results of material expert validation, a score of 29 was obtained for the 8 aspects of the material tested with an average score of 3.6, which is very suitable for use. Meanwhile, from the results of the media expert validation test, a total score of 42 was obtained for the assessment of 12 media aspects with an average of 3.5 or very decent. The field test is testing the product with student respondents. The results of this study are prototypes of Android-based mobile learning media products that are suitable for use in education science courses.
Analysis of Teachers' and Students' Perceptions of Using Artificial Intelligence Chatbots in Higher Education Singgih Subiyantoro; Madyo Ekosusilo; Ismail Ismail; Hamda Kharisma Putra; Syifa Fauziyah
Cognitive Development Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): June
Publisher : Edutech Publishing Media

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32585/cognitive.v1i1.7


Artificial Intelligence (AI) chatbots have emerged as tools with the potential to enrich the learning experience. This research aims to analyze the perceptions of professors and students regarding the utilization of AI chatbots in the context of higher education. The primary objective of this study is to comprehend how teachers and students view the use of AI chatbots in higher education. This research adopts a qualitative approach employing semi-structured interviews and content analysis of relevant written documents. Data are collected and analyzed using descriptive statistics. The findings of this research reveal that most respondents, both professors and students, hold a positive attitude toward using AI chatbots in higher education. The critical benefits acknowledged include accessibility, assistance answering questions, and enhanced learning efficiency. Some challenges related to data security and the quality of interaction with chatbots are also identified. This research demonstrates that AI chatbots have significant potential to enhance the learning experience in higher education. However, attention must be given to existing technical challenges and privacy concerns to ensure broader acceptance. This study provides valuable insights into the perceptions of professors and students regarding AI chatbots, which can serve as a guide for educational institutions in developing effective implementation strategies. Furthermore, these results may stimulate further research into the use of AI technology in higher education.
Opportunities and Challenges for Using Augmented Reality-Based Learning Media in Learning Chemistry in The Era of Society 5.0 Jakub Saddam Akbar; Djakariah Djakariah
Cognitive Development Journal Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): December
Publisher : Edutech Publishing Media

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32585/cognitive.v1i2.9


This research aims to explore the use of augmented reality (AR) in the context of chemistry learning with a descriptive qualitative approach. Through in-depth analysis of a number of literature sources, including scientific articles, books, and related publications, this research identifies the opportunities and challenges associated with the integration of AR in chemistry learning. One of the main focuses is on the potential of AR in improving students' understanding of abstract chemistry concepts. The results of this literature study highlight the important role of AR in providing a more interactive learning experience, clarifying difficult-to-understand chemistry concepts, and the challenges in developing and integrating this technology into educational curricula. The implications of these findings can provide guidance for educational institutions to effectively adopt AR in chemistry learning.
Maximizing Multiple Intelligences for Unprecedented Academic Achievement Kurniawan Arif Maspul
Cognitive Development Journal Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): December
Publisher : Edutech Publishing Media

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32585/cognitive.v1i2.10


This study explores the integration of multiple intelligences and enhancing student motivation in Indonesian classrooms. Individual diversity is respected, inclusive education is promoted, student engagement is maximized, and academic motivation is increased. Educators may develop engaging learning environments that respond to students' talents and interests by identifying and integrating multiple intelligences. To collect perspectives from educators, students, and stakeholders, the study used qualitative approaches such as interviews and observations. According to the findings, using multiple intelligences improves student engagement and academic accomplishment. However, issues such as teacher training and assessment systems must be addressed. Collaboration among educators, policymakers, and stakeholders is critical for implementation success. Indonesia can develop a dynamic and empowering educational system that releases students' full potential by integrating multiple intelligences and local expertise.
Students' Perceptions Related to The Interaction Between Teachers and Students in The Learning Process Agus Susilo; Yohana Satinem; Yeni Asmara; Selpia; Regita Nada Hervanis
Cognitive Development Journal Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): December
Publisher : Edutech Publishing Media

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32585/cognitive.v1i2.11


The purpose of this study was to determine student perceptions related to interactions between teachers and students in the learning process. The problem of this research is the interaction between teachers and students in the process of implementing learning, which is done so that student perceptions related to interactions between teachers can trigger a learning process well, so as not to cause failure for the teacher when implementing learning. In the learning process, the interaction between teachers and students greatly affects students' interest in learning, in which the teacher plays an important role during the learning process. The research method is about the basis for conducting research related to student perceptions regarding the interaction between teachers and students in the learning process. The design of the author of this scientific work with a qualitative research study based on literature review. Analysis of sources obtained comes from relevant journal sources and reference books. Results and discussion, namely the interaction between teachers and students in the learning process. Student response or acceptance is related to an action taken between the teacher and students so that students can understand an important interaction concept in learning. The existence of an interaction carried out by a teacher towards students can make students become brave and confident to communicate (express opinions) such as during discussions; questions and answers; quizzes and rewards. The interaction between teachers and students in the learning process must be equally active. An affectionate and conducive atmosphere that is successfully built in a relationship will make a person able to direct the interaction in a positive direction. This concept is very important and relevant not only to the concept of education today but also to education in the future.
Analysis of The Use of Digital Learning Media Technology in Science Lesson Materials in Primary Schools Based on The Philosophy Perspective of Progressivism Sharfina Khairun Nisa; Enjelina Regina Putri; Irega Gelly gera
Cognitive Development Journal Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): December
Publisher : Edutech Publishing Media

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32585/cognitive.v1i2.13


This research aims to investigate the use of digital learning media technology in teaching science in elementary schools by considering the perspective of progressivism philosophy. In an era of technology that continues to develop, digital media art is an important key to supporting the application of technology. The use of digital teaching materials, especially in science learning in elementary schools, is an innovation. It is hoped that the rapid and rapid development and progress of Information Technology Systems will be able to bring changes and positive impacts in various aspects of life, especially in the advancement of the world of education. Therefore, the world of education must continue to make updates in line with current developments to avoid being left behind in technological developments. A progressivism approach is applied to evaluate the impact of using technology on active interaction and student involvement in the learning process. The results of the analysis show that the application of digital learning media technology can effectively improve student understanding, skill development and stimulate critical thinking at the basic education level.
Language Choice In Mixed Families Of Different Ethrobs In Empus Talu Village Sediken Tara Munthe Munthe; Inge Ayudia
Cognitive Development Journal Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): December
Publisher : Edutech Publishing Media

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32585/cognitive.v1i2.14


This research is entitled "Language choice in mixed ethnic families in Empus Talu Village, Bebesen District, Central Aceh Regency". The formulation of the problem studied is (1) What language is chosen and (2) What factors influence the choice of language in mixed families in Empus Talu Village, Bebesen District, Central Aceh Regency. This research aims to find out what language is chosen in mixed families in Empus Talu Village, Bebebsen District, Central Aceh Regency and also to find out what factors influence the choice of language in mixed families in Empus Talu Village, Bebebsen District, Central Aceh Regency. The research method used is a qualitative research method. The data source in this research is a mixed family, namely the mother and father have different ethnicities. The family lives in the Empus Talu Village area, Kec. Bebesen, Kab. Central Aceh. The data analysis steps in this research are as follows. (1) Data is grouped based on problem formulation; (2) Classifying data according to the aspects studied; (3) Correcting the results of observation notes; (4) Record all data and carry out re-analysis and convey the results according to the problem in descriptive form; (5) Concluding research results. The language chosen by mixed ethnic families in Empus Talu Village, Bebesen District, Central Aceh Regency is generally Indonesian.

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