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CSRID (Computer Science Research and Its Development Journal) is a scientific journal published by LPPM Universitas Potensi Utama in collaboration with professional computer science associations, Indonesian Computer Electronics and Instrumentation Support Society (IndoCEISS) and CORIS (Cooperation Research Inter University).
Articles 45 Documents
Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Pemasaran Barang Antik Berbasis Mobile Web Rofiqoh Dewi; Abdul Muis
Computer Science Research and Its Development Journal Vol. 15 No. 3 (2023): October 2023
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Potensi Utama

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In this era of digitalization, the use of technology in developing a product is very commonly used to introduce products, sell products and other things related to recognizing product needs such as product information, product functionality, price, or uniqueness that a product has but is not found in other products. like antiques. Currently, it is very rare to find the marketing of antiques in modern and traditional markets. The need to buy antiques is also very rare, but that doesn't mean it has disappeared with time because there are still some people who are interested in antiques if they appear displayed in a window at the market. Based on this, to make it easier for people to access antiques, technology is needed to be able to process data well to make it more efficient and effective. Based on this, the direction of the research carried out by the researcher aims to introduce antiques to all levels of society and build a mobile website to market these antiques so that people can get to know the types and benefits of antiques, the history of antiques and the prices of these antiques.
Analisa Hubungan Nilai Indeks Sistem Pemerintahan Berbasis Elektronik Terhadap Jumlah Kasus Web-Defacement Menggunakan Regresi Linear Agung Nugroho; Achmad Farid Wadjdi; Teddy Mantoro
Computer Science Research and Its Development Journal Vol. 16 No. 1 (2024): February 2024
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Potensi Utama

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The government has established an electronic-based government system (SPBE) program to realize clean, effective, transparent and accountable government governance as well as quality and trustworthy public services implemented with the principles of effectiveness, integration, continuity, efficiency, accountability, interoperability and security. . The implementation of SPBE has been evaluated with the achievement of 16 government agencies receiving a very good title in monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the Electronic Based Government System (SPBE) in 2022. During 2022, there were several agencies with excellent predicates who reported cases of web defacement in their electronic systems. via the site as an open publication media regarding web defacement cases. The National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN) said that during 2022 there would be 2,348 cases of web defacement with the sector most affected by web defacement attacks being the Government Administration sector with a total of 885 cases. This research analyzes the influence between the SPBE index value as the independent variable and the number of web defacement cases as the dependent variable using a simple linear regression statistical method to see the gap in the relationship between the SPBE index and cyber attack cases in the form of web defacement cases that occurred at SPBE agencies. The research was carried out using quantitative research methods to process research data using a simple linear regression method. In the research, the results showed that F count = 2,363978 < from F table = 4,60011 , so it was concluded that there was no relationship between the SPBE index value and the number of web defacement cases in agencies that received excellent predicate
SISTEM PAKAR DIAGNOSA PENYAKIT PADA SAPI BERBASIS WEB MENGGUNAKAN METODE FORWARD CHAINING Evi Dewi Sri Mulyani; N Nelis Febriani SM; Teuku Mufizar; Shinta Siti Sundari; Cepi Rahmat Hidayat; Gilang Muhammad Nur Alip; Kurdiman
Computer Science Research and Its Development Journal Vol. 16 No. 1 (2024): February 2024
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Potensi Utama

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Beternak sapi merupakan bisnis yang memiliki potensi ekonomi yang sangat menjanjikan, namun tingginya permintaan daging sapi dan air susu sapi tidak disertai dengan laju pertumbuhan ternak. Selain itu, kendala yang sering dialami oleh para peternak adalah proses merawat sapi agar terhindar dari penyakit berbahaya dan menular dengan cepat yang dapat berakibat pada kematian. Untuk mencegah agar sapi tidak sakit, maka pemilik sapi harus senantiasa berkonsultasi dengan dokter hewan agar dapat dilakukan pencegahan dan pengobatan terhadap hewan sapi sedini mungkin, namun terbatasnya pakar dan tingginya biaya konsultasi menjadi kendala utama bagi para peternak. Aplikasi pakar ini dirancang sebagai solusi dari kendala yang dihadapi oleh peternak, agar para peternak dapat melakukan konsultasi mengenai penyakit sapi sehingga peternak dapat melakukan penanganan sedini mungkin dari diagnosis yang dihasilkan. Dengan menggunakan metode Forward Chaining, proses pengumpulan fakta dimulai dari gejala yang ditemukan sampai menghasilkan diagnosis sebagai konklusinya dan dengan metode Certainty Factor, hasil diagnosis tersebut diberi nilai persentase atau tingkat keyakinannya
Rancang Bangun Saron Elektrik Berbasis Mikrokontroler Arduino Uno CH340 Dengan Sensor Piezoelectric Dani Rohpandi; Evi Dewi Sri Mulyani; Kiki Abduloh
Computer Science Research and Its Development Journal Vol. 16 No. 1 (2024): February 2024
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Potensi Utama

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Gamelan merupakan alat musik tradisional yang cara memainkannya bermacam-macam yaitu dengan cara diketuk atau dipukul, digesek dan ada juga yang dipetik. Dengan adanya teknologi maka banyak pengembangan alat musik yang dibuat, akan tetapi dari beberapa aplikasi alat musik yang dibuat cara memainkannya belum sesuai dengan alat musik yang aslinya, sehingga akan menghilangkan suatu unsur dan nilai dari alat musik tersebut. Salah satu contoh yaitu aplikasi Saron Virtual Instrument berbasis android yang cara memainkannya hanya dengan disentuh oleh jari, sedangkan saron yang aslinya dimainkan dengan cara diketuk atau dipukul. Dengan mengacu pada metode R&D (Research & Development), penulis bermaksud membuat rancang bangun saron elektrik menggunakan mikrokontroler Arduino UNO dan sensor Piezoelectric. Maka hasil akhirnya yaitu dapat membuat saron elektrik yang cara memainkannya sesuai dengan aslinya diketuk sehingga nilai dari alat musik tradisional jenis saron tersebut tetap ada
Smart Lock Application for Smart Security System in Cargo Shipment Faisal Lubis
Computer Science Research and Its Development Journal Vol. 16 No. 1 (2024): February 2024
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Potensi Utama

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Transportation services for cargo shipment is growing rapidly during the pandemic and the post pandemic of Covid-19. However, this business is not without problems. Security disturbances during the cargo shipment process are a major problem, and this often happens in Indonesia. For this reason, this research will build a smart security system using automation technology and based on the Internet of Things (IoT). The system is a Smart Lock installed on the cargo. This smart lock can be monitored remotely, such as opening or closing the lock and the condition of the cargo in the field. Only the cargo owner can open or close the cargo lock. In addition, this system is also equipped with temperature and humidity sensor to maintain the quality of the goods in the cargo. Cargo position, temperature and temperature data can be monitored via the website by the cargo owner. The results of this research will be useful for the security system and convenience of the cargo delivery process and the digitization process will be easier to do in the future.
Perancangan Sistem Informasi Deteksi dan Pemantauan Stunting Balita di Desa Melalui SIHARAPAN Alal Lestari; Ridha Rahma Tina; Ferdiyansyah Achmad; Fathurrahmani; Agustian Noor
Computer Science Research and Its Development Journal Vol. 16 No. 2 (2024): June 2024
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Potensi Utama

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22303/csrid.16.2.2024.91-106


The nutritional health of children is a crucial matter to consider, given its significant impact on physical and cognitive development. Therefore, early nutritional detection in infants and toddlers is highly necessary to identify whether the obtained nutrition is sufficient. This is done to prevent children from experiencing stunting conditions, which can affect educational quality, morbidity, and productivity in adulthood. In addressing these issues and challenges related to limited health resources and manual data recording systems, the development of the SIHARAPAN application (Information System to Prevent Low Intake of Food and Nutrition in Children) becomes a highly important solution. This application aims to facilitate the management of infant and toddler nutritional health data in integrated health posts (posyandu), as well as a tool to identify symptoms of stunting in children. The application is designed to streamline administration and management of nutritional status data in children through a technological approach. This research applies a waterfall approach in development, starting from system requirements analysis, system design, coding using the CodeIgniter 4 framework based on the PHP programming language, and implementing z-score formulas to determine nutritional status in children, as well as testing using black box testing. The test results indicate that the SIHARAPAN application runs 100% successfully according to its functions, improving information accessibility for posyandu cadres and related parties to prevent stunting and facilitate coordination in child health care.
Diagnosa Stunting Pada Balita Menggunakan Metode Naive Bayes Untuk Sistem Pakar Hygiana Prima Desty; Noveri Lysbetti Marpaung
Computer Science Research and Its Development Journal Vol. 16 No. 2 (2024): June 2024
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Potensi Utama

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22303/csrid.16.2.2024.107-123


Stunting is a chronic nutritional problem that impacts intelligence, productivity, and susceptibility to diseases in toddlers. According to the 2022 Indonesia Nutritional Status Survey (SSGI), the prevalence of stunting in Indonesia reached 21.6%. In line with the Indonesian government's efforts to reduce the prevalence of stunting to 14% by 2024, as per Presidential Regulation No. 72 of 2021, early detection and proper treatment of stunted children are essential. This study implements the Naïve Bayes method to predict the nutritional status of toddlers using parameters such as age, weight, height, head circumference, and upper arm circumference. The expert system is designed to integrate expert knowledge into a computer, assisting healthcare professionals in quickly and accurately diagnosing stunting and enhancing parental education on stunting, particularly at the study site in Puskesmas Pembantu Alam Raya, Pekanbaru City. Data collected directly from the study site comprised 340 records, with 238 training data and 102 testing data. The test results using a confusion matrix table showed a precision value of 50%, recall 50%, error rate 3.9%, and accuracy of 97.05%. The system is built using PHP, the CodeIgniter framework, and MySQL as the database. The implementation of the expert system using the Naïve Bayes method in this study is expected to aid in making accurate policies for the prevention and management of stunting in toddlers.
Analisis Sentimen Model Distilbert Multilingual Cased Dalam Mengklasifikasikan Ulasan Game Genshin Impact Abdullah Sajad; Nurmalitasari Nurmalitasari; Eko Purwanto
Computer Science Research and Its Development Journal Vol. 16 No. 2 (2024): June 2024
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Potensi Utama

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22303/csrid.16.2.2024.124-136


The evolution of information technology has revolutionized how humans engage with the world, particularly within the gaming sector. This paper explores the utilization of the DistilBERT Multilingual Cased model for analyzing sentiments expressed in Genshin Impact game reviews. The research methodology encompasses gathering data from Google PlayStore and Apple AppStore, manually labeling data, preprocessing it, and employing the DistilBERT Multilingual Cased model for analysis. The model's performance is assessed using metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, and f1-score. Findings reveal that the model effectively categorizes sentiment in reviews, achieving an overall accuracy of 82%. Precision, recall, and f1-score metrics consistently surpass 0.77 across all sentiment categories. This study concludes that the DistilBERT Multilingual Cased model shows promise as a valuable tool for multilingual sentiment analysis within the realm of game reviews.
Pengembangan E-Service Jasa Pernikahan Pada Marni Wedding Organizer Dengan Metode RAD Muhammad Alwan Nurdin; Vihi Atina; Faulinda Ely Nastiti
Computer Science Research and Its Development Journal Vol. 16 No. 2 (2024): June 2024
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Potensi Utama

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22303/csrid.16.2.2024.201-213


In the digital era, Wedding Organizer (WO) services have become increasingly vital in facilitating wedding planning and execution. However, many WOs, including Marni Wedding Organizer, still grapple with inefficiencies stemming from manual operational systems. This research endeavors to address this issue by developing a web-based e-service system for Marni Wedding Organizer using the Rapid Application Development (RAD) method. RAD was chosen for its iterative approach and adaptability to evolving requirements. The system, developed using PHP, JavaScript, MySQL, and the Midtrans API, progresses through phases of requirements analysis, system design, coding, and testing. The study identifies operational inefficiencies as the primary problem, prompting the need for technological intervention. Through thorough testing, the system achieves a 100% testing level across all modules, ensuring robust functionality. However, limitations exist in the system's scope, focusing solely on booking and payment processes. Future research could explore expanding system features for enhanced service personalization. Ultimately, the developed e-service system enhances operational efficiency, customer satisfaction, and resource management for Marni Wedding Organizer.
Sistem Informasi Monitoring Peserta Magang Berbasis Web Pada Perusahaan XYZ Stevania Setiawan; Hanifah Permatasari; Ridwan Dwi Irawan
Computer Science Research and Its Development Journal Vol. 16 No. 2 (2024): June 2024
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Potensi Utama

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22303/csrid.16.2.2024.148-160


This research aims to address the issue of manually monitoring the attendance of interns at XYZ Company by developing a Web-Based Attendance Monitoring Information System. The system development method uses the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) approach. This system utilizes QR Code technology to facilitate the attendance process of interns, ensure data authenticity, and provide real-time monitoring. The research results show that this system can improve the accuracy of attendance data, reduce the potential for fraud, and simplify the management of interns for the company. The system also offers features for interns to view their attendance history, fill in logbooks, and request leave. Administrators can monitor intern attendance, view attendance reports, and manage intern data. The system is implemented using PHP Native and MySQL as the database. With this system, it is expected to increase efficiency and integrity in monitoring interns at XYZ Company.