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Imajinasi: Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan, Seni, dan Teknologi
ISSN : 30322219     EISSN : 30321794     DOI : 10.62383
Core Subject : Art,
Journal of Science, Arts, and Technology is an open, peer-reviewed journal. The fields of study in this journal include the Science, Art and Technology sub-group. Imagination : Journal of Science, Art and Technology
Articles 41 Documents
Pembelajaran Seni Tari Dalam Penerapan Kurikulum Merdeka di SMAN 1 Pangkalan Kuras Della Agustia; Yahyar Erawati
Imajinasi : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan, Seni, dan Teknologi Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): Juni : Imajinasi : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan, Seni, dan Teknologi
Publisher : Asosiasi Seni Desain dan Komunikasi Visual Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62383/imajinasi.v1i2.148


The aim of this research is to find out about cultural arts (dance) learning in the independent learning curriculum in class x 3 of SMAN 1 Pangkalan Kuras for the 2023/2024 academic year. This research uses qualitative descriptive research methods. The subjects in this research were class x3 students and arts and culture teachers at SMAN 1 Base Kuras. The results of this research are that in the independent learning curriculum, teachers are no longer fixated on books, but teachers can be more creative in teaching and students are expected to be able to make new discoveries. Learning in the Independent Curriculum uses teaching modules as a guide for learning in class. In learning, teachers also make what achievements they want in that semester. In class X 3, teachers use Phase E. Based on the results of this research, it was observed that teachers were starting to be able to adapt learning activities using the independent curriculum, even though there were still difficulties in compiling teaching modules, teachers were still able to use teaching module templates that had been provided by the government for students. It was observed that students had also adapted the learning curriculum accordingly. with what is taught.
Budaya Tradisional Tarian Lahbako Jember Sebagai Upaya Pelestarian Sekaligus Pengenalan Kepada Generasi Muda Destri Aulia Wulandari; Nazala Zaikumar Elfa Rizqi; Netti Mahdalena Siregar
Imajinasi : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan, Seni, dan Teknologi Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): Juni : Imajinasi : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan, Seni, dan Teknologi
Publisher : Asosiasi Seni Desain dan Komunikasi Visual Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62383/imajinasi.v1i2.149


This research will discuss the community's efforts in maintaining the heritage of the ancestors given, namely the Lahbako dance. Lahbako dance is a typical Jember dance, where this dance exists to show a series of tobacco processing from planting to packaging tobacco. This arian can be said to be a tradition that is carried out every time tobacco planting and has become one of the icons of the city of Jember. It is well known that technological development has been increasingly rapid, and young people are starting to be reluctant to learn or just find out what has become the history of their own nation. The existence of the Lahbako dance which used to be a tradition during the harvest season, is now also used as a tourist attraction, so it can be said that there is a shift in cultural functions. Therefore, efforts are needed to introduce all groups, especially young people so that they can continue to preserve or innovate the culture. In this study we use Robert K. Merton's theory of Structural Functionalism, which emphasizes the need to understand the many functions associated with society, in order to maintain the social structure in society. The functions in question are dysfunction, latent function, and manifest function. In this research using qualitative research methods, with an ethnographic approach.
Membaca Bentuk Dan Pola Geometri Dalam Motif Batik Kawung Anastasia Desmeria Br Ginting; Dessy Kartika Sari; Khairunnisa Nasution; Immanuel Hasiholan Siregar; Imel Fitaloca Tambunan
Imajinasi : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan, Seni, dan Teknologi Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): Juni : Imajinasi : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan, Seni, dan Teknologi
Publisher : Asosiasi Seni Desain dan Komunikasi Visual Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62383/imajinasi.v1i2.150


As one of Indonesia's cultural heritage recognized by UNESCO, the Kawung motif holds a wealth of deep aesthetic, philosophical, and symbolic values. Studies on the geometric forms and patterns in the Kawung motif not only offer a better understanding of cultural heritage, but also open up opportunities to explore the relationship between art, mathematics, and philosophy. This research aims to explore the geometric forms and patterns in the Kawung motif in depth, by integrating perspectives from art, mathematics, and philosophy. By analyzing the geometric structure and mathematical principles underlying this motif, as well as relating them to the symbolic and philosophical meanings contained within, it is expected to gain a more holistic understanding of Indonesia's cultural heritage and the intellectual wealth it possesses.
Pengembangan Alat Peraga Biologi Berbasis Instgarm Terintegrasi Nilai- Nilai Keislaman Pada Materi Sistem Peredaraan Darah Manusia Kelas XI Allia Nur Aliffah; Achmad Ali Fikri; Setiati Hidayah
Imajinasi : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan, Seni, dan Teknologi Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): Juni : Imajinasi : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan, Seni, dan Teknologi
Publisher : Asosiasi Seni Desain dan Komunikasi Visual Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62383/imajinasi.v1i2.153


This research uses Research and Development (RnD) research, with a 4D development model. This research aims to find out how the product is developed and the level of feasibility through media, material and Islamic validation as well as the practicality of teachers and students. Data collection techniques for product development are through observation, interviews, questionnaires and documentation. Next, the data obtained was analyzed using quantitative descriptive analysis. This research produces a product in the form of an Instagram-based biology teaching aid integrated with Islamic values ​​in the human circulatory system material. This product meets the valid and practical criteria by obtaining a validity assessment of 88.84% in the "very valid" category, validation results by material expert lecturers, obtaining a validity assessment of 88.2% in the "very valid" category and validation results by expert lecturers Islamic, a validity assessment of 88.83% was obtained in the "very valid" category. Meanwhile, practicality was determined by the biology teacher and class XI MA students. Based on the practicality results by biology teachers, a practicality assessment of 88.05% was obtained in the "very practical" category and practicality results by class XI high school students, a practicality assessment of 84.4% was obtained in the "very practical" category. Thus, Instagram-based biology teaching aids integrated with Islamic values ​​are suitable for use as interactive learning media to test effectiveness at the next stage.
Analisis Kawih Gaya Ida Rosida Pada Lagu Reumis Beureum Dina Eurih Tuti Triyani
Imajinasi : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan, Seni, dan Teknologi Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): Juni : Imajinasi : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan, Seni, dan Teknologi
Publisher : Asosiasi Seni Desain dan Komunikasi Visual Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62383/imajinasi.v1i2.154


New Kawih Wanda is a kawih created by Mang Koko based on Mang Koko's understanding and ability to create a kawih with a new style at that time. In creating it because he wanted to present new works of Sundanese Karawitan, Mang Koko tried to process traditional and non-traditional musical material so that his work had breath. Baru (new color) from previously existing Sundanese karawitan. In this category, Mang Koko makes it happen through vocal and hand skills. A kawih interpreter who is quite famous in the Priangan area is Ida Rosida. One kawih interpreter who is quite popular among the people of West Java is Ida Rosida. She was born on 26 August 1954 and is the daughter of the founder of Sundanese kawih art in West Java, namely Hj Koko Koswara or known as Mang Koko. The aims of this research are: (1) to find out the Sundanese kawih singing technique in the song reumis beureum dina eurih style of Ida Rosida (2) to find out the form, meaning and structure of the presentation of the song reumis beureum dina eurih style of Ida Rosida. The method used in this research is qualitative with a descriptive analysis approach. The techniques used in this research are observation, interviews and documentation techniques. The main instrument in this research is the research itself using tools in the form of field notes and recording tools in the form of cellphones.
Pengembangan Tari Sumbun di Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Timur Provinsi Jambi Mahfud Tohari; Darmawati Darmawati
Imajinasi : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan, Seni, dan Teknologi Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): Juni : Imajinasi : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan, Seni, dan Teknologi
Publisher : Asosiasi Seni Desain dan Komunikasi Visual Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62383/imajinasi.v1i2.156


This study aims to reveal, describe, and analyze the development of Sumbun Dance in East Tanjung Jabung Regency, Jambi Province. This type of research is qualitative research using a descriptive method. The research instrument is the researcher himself assisted by supporting instruments in the form of stationery and cameras. Data were collected through literature studies, observations, interviews and documentation. The steps of analyzing data are data collection, data reduction, data modeling, and drawing conclusions. The results of this study show that the development of Sumbun Dance can be seen in terms of quality and quantity. In terms of the quality of the development of Sumbun dance, it is seen from the movement, floor patterns, dancers, music, makeup and clothing, time and place of performance. Meanwhile, in terms of quantity, it can be seen from the addition of actors, increasing performances, expanding the performance area. The development in terms of movement of the Sumbun dance which before it was developed there were 8 types of movements and in the creation of Sumbun dance there were 11 types of movements. The musical instruments used in the Sumbun dance that were previously developed were kulintang, gong, drum, and accordion and in the Sumbun dance that had been developed kulintang, gong, drum, accordion, violin, gambus, drums, keyboard, bass, and guitar. The floor pattern is carried out by variating what was initially 8 types of floor patterns now to 10 types of floor patterns and in the form of variations. The costumes that used to be danced using Malay traditional clothes from Tanjung Jabung Timur were equipped with batik-patterned cloth songkets as well as golden iron head accessories and necklaces and men's accessories only used headbands. Now the costumes used in the creation mung dance have been packaged and created in a new form like costumes for performance events. Meanwhile, in terms of quantity, the number of Sumbun dancers who have been dancing for a long time amounted to 6.
Struktur Gerak Tari Sayak di Desa Air Batu Kecamatan Ranah Pemberap Kabupaten Merangin Provinsi Jambi Putri S Mulyadi; Herlinda Mansyur
Imajinasi : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan, Seni, dan Teknologi Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): Juni : Imajinasi : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan, Seni, dan Teknologi
Publisher : Asosiasi Seni Desain dan Komunikasi Visual Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62383/imajinasi.v1i2.157


The purpose of this study is to explain and describe the movement structure of Sayak Dance in Air Batu Village, Ranah Pemberap District, Merangin Regency, Jambi Province. This type of research is qualitative research with descriptive methods. Research instruments are researchers themselves and assisted by supporting instruments such as stationery and cameras. Data was collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. The steps of analyzing data are data collection, data reduction, data presentation and conclusions. The results showed that the relationship of basic elements, Sayak Dance has basic elements related to the attitude of the movement of body parts, starting from the head, body, hands, feet. The attitudes and movements contained in the Sayak Dance consist of: 1) attitudes and movements seen in a) the attitude of the head is upright, upright motion on the head does not exist. 2) Posture and gestures are seen in: a) upright, upright and leaning forward posture b) Motion on the body is absent 3) Posture and hand gestures are seen in: a) attitude on the hand lift sambah b) motion on the hand open straight sambah, open right sambah, pat me up, pat the right side of the leaf, pat the bottom slap, pat the back 4) attitude and motion on the feet seen in: a) attitude of the right foot, squat, middle stance, right lift, lift left, and bend. The grammatical hierarchical relationship system contained in Sayak Dance consists of 15 motifs, 8 phrases, 4 sentences and 1 cluster. Sayak dance includes syntagmatic relationships, relationships that are like links that cannot be separated or exchanged between the sati and others.
Penerapan Motif Ukiran Minangkabau Sebagai Jam Hias Febri Darul Islam; Asra IIal Khairi
Imajinasi : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan, Seni, dan Teknologi Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): Juni : Imajinasi : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan, Seni, dan Teknologi
Publisher : Asosiasi Seni Desain dan Komunikasi Visual Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62383/imajinasi.v1i2.162


The aim of making this work is to visualize the meaning contained in Minangkabau motifs in carvings using surian wood as a three-dimensional work with the theme being the lessons we take from everyday life. The method used in making this work goes through several stages, namely: (1). Preparation Stages, (2). Elaboration Stages, (3). Synthesis Stages, (4). Concept Realization Stages, (5). Finishing stages The results of the works that have been visualized in two-dimensional media have been developed resulting in the titles kaluak Paki, "bungo panca matoari", "Carano Kanso", "pucuak rabuang", "kambang manih", "Bungo Teratai", "siriah gadang."
Pengaruh Metode Tutor Sebaya Pada Pembelajarn Tari Begambo di SMA Negeri 2 Babat Toman Zaina Fitriyani; Efita Elvandari; Hasan Hasan
Imajinasi : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan, Seni, dan Teknologi Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): Juni : Imajinasi : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan, Seni, dan Teknologi
Publisher : Asosiasi Seni Desain dan Komunikasi Visual Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62383/imajinasi.v1i2.166


This research aims to find out whether the peer tutoring learning method influences the learning outcomes of begambo dance. This method is used in experimental research methods (one group pretest and posttest design). The subjects of this research were students in class X E 5 of SMA Negeri 2 Babat Toman. The samples were taken based on the criteria used by the researcher, so the samples were taken using a purposive sampling technique and obtained class X E 5 experimental classes. The data analysis used is the t-test, data collection using observation techniques, the work test is the implementation of the pretest and posttest and the supporting data collection is documentation. Based on data analysis, the research results show that the students' scores on the posttest are greater than the students' scores on the pretest. H_(0) is accepted if t_(count)≤t_tabel while t_(count) is 3.19 and t_tabel 1.98. So it can be said that there is an influence of the use of the peer tutoring method on Begambo dance learning at SMA Negeri 2 Babat Toman with the hypothesis testing criteria Hadi Accepted and H0 is rejected. This shows that there is an influence of the peer tutoring method on the value of learning outcomes of begambo dance in class X E 5 SMA Negeri 2 Babat Toman.
Penerapan Metode Kooperatif Tipe Learning Together Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Seni Budaya di SMAN 8 Denpasar Gusti Ayu Made Puspawati; Gusti Ayu Agung Trisna Prameswari; Mirah Rahmawati
Imajinasi : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan, Seni, dan Teknologi Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): Juni : Imajinasi : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan, Seni, dan Teknologi
Publisher : Asosiasi Seni Desain dan Komunikasi Visual Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62383/imajinasi.v1i2.167


After conducting initial observations at SMK Negeri 8 Denpasar, it was discovered that the students' learning outcomes in cultural arts subjects were relatively low. Therefore, the researcher decided to conduct further study using the PTK (Classroom Action Research) approach method. The aim of implementing the PTK method was to enhance students' understanding of the cultural arts subject through a cooperative learning model known as "learning together," with the goal of improving student learning outcomes. The PTK method involved 2 cycles, with each cycle consisting of 4 stages. The research subjects were the 35 students of class XII Mipa-4 at SMA Negeri 8 Denpasar. Data was collected using performance assessment and observation methods. The collected data was analyzed using a qualitative descriptive method, which aimed to examine the entire cultural arts learning process. Additionally, a qualitative method was applied to analyze the results of the assessment of student performance by comparing the average value of the completeness of learning outcomes. Following the analysis, it was observed that in cycle I, the highest and lowest scores for students of SMA Negeri 8 Denpasar class XII Mipa-4 were 85 and 60, respectively, with a class average score of 71. However, in cycle II, the highest and lowest scores increased to 95 and 80, and the class average score rose to 88. Furthermore, in cycle II, all students achieved scores above the minimum completeness level. This indicated a significant improvement in student scores from cycle I to cycle II.