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Febri Adi Prasetya
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Ekspresi: Publikasi Kegiatan Pengabdian Indonesia
ISSN : 30322855     EISSN : 30321816     DOI : 10.62383
The field of study in this journal includes the sub-group of Indonesian Service Activity Publications. Expression: Publication Indonesian Community Service activities accept articles in English and Indonesian
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 26 Documents
Manajemen Event Rokest Party 2024 Sebagai Media Komunikasi Pengenalan Seni Grafiti Alfareji Febrian Hanom; Bintang Awal Ramadhan; Muhamad Firzan Akbar; Qurotul Putri Riyadi; Carolina Fernanda Diaz Aprianto; Linka Azzahra; Nabilah Akhsaniyah; Gilang Wasis Danuarta; Sadiyah El Adawiyah
Ekspresi : Publikasi Kegiatan Pengabdian Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 3 (2024): Juli: Ekspresi : Publikasi Kegiatan Pengabdian Indonesia
Publisher : Asosiasi Seni Desain dan Komunikasi Visual Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62383/ekspresi.v1i3.230


Graffiti art is a form of art that possesses unique qualities and distinct market value compared to other art forms. However, it is still often seen as vandalism that damages public property in the eyes of society. There is a need for communication channels to introduce graffiti to the Indonesian public in order to change this perception. Through the Rokest Party 2024 event held on July 6th at Cafe Kaldi.Id Juanda Depok, the Rokest community, together with Communication Science students from the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences at Muhammadiyah University of Jakarta, organized this event with the intention of introducing graffiti and promoting the market value of graffiti artworks within the Rokest community. The event implementation method followed Glodblatt's event planning model, which includes research, design, planning, coordination, and evaluation. Therefore, this event can be considered successful as a communication medium for introducing graffiti, despite needing further improvements and evaluation.
Dampak Penggunaan Gadget dan Cara Penaggulanganya pada Peserta Didik Kelas V di SDN Ende 5 Chatarina Novianti; Felix Welu; Yuliana Sepe Wangge; R.A Yunita Umar; Maria Irmagardis Pao; Margaretha Alaqok Tango Demu
Ekspresi : Publikasi Kegiatan Pengabdian Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 3 (2024): Juli: Ekspresi : Publikasi Kegiatan Pengabdian Indonesia
Publisher : Asosiasi Seni Desain dan Komunikasi Visual Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62383/ekspresi.v1i3.231


Gadgets are small electronic devices that have various specialized functions. In addition, a gadget can also be interpreted as a sophisticated device that contains various applications. These applications themselves are then used as a source of information, social networking, hobbies, creativity, and much more. Gadgets are used by parents, teenagers and early childhood who feel happy and even addicted to using them. So that for early childhood who is not given a companion or guidance can cause a negative impact on early childhood development. There are objectives, namely to find out what impact the use of gadgets has, to find out the signs of gadget addiction in children, to find out how to reduce the adverse effects of gadgets, to find out how to overcome gadget addiction, to find out the characteristics and effects of gadget addiction. This activity was conducted at SDN Ende 5 using a qualitative approach method. The results showed that gadgets are indeed very useful for life, but can cause negative things, including to elementary school children who make excessive social and emotional development. The adverse effects on children are closed personalities, sleep disorders, tantrums, violent behavior, fading creativity and the threat of cyberbullying. The solution is to limit the use of gadgets, supervise children when playing gadgets and give children the right time to play gadgets.
Pengaplikasian Data Analisis pada Data Penundaan Penerbangan dan Kinerja Maskapai di Suatu Bandara Jimmi Agato Manalu; Ika Korika Swasti
Ekspresi : Publikasi Kegiatan Pengabdian Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 3 (2024): Juli: Ekspresi : Publikasi Kegiatan Pengabdian Indonesia
Publisher : Asosiasi Seni Desain dan Komunikasi Visual Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62383/ekspresi.v1i3.232


The aviation industry is growing very significantly due to increased mobility, economic expansion and current technological advances. However, as mobility increases and the number of airline passengers increases, airlines experience problems in overcoming flight schedule delays or in other words delays. Data analysis plays an important role in processing large amounts of data to find hidden insights in data. The aim of writing this service journal is to identify days with the highest average minutes of delay, months that experience the highest average delays, and at what times flight delays often occur. . This service object uses secondary data obtained from the Kaggle site. It is hoped that this journal can be used as material for consideration in decision making and improving the operational performance of each airline involved.
Penguatan Legalitas Usaha Melalui Pembuatan Nomor Induk Berusaha di Sentra Wisata Kuliner Penjaringansari Aisyah Hanif; Ika Korika Swasti
Ekspresi : Publikasi Kegiatan Pengabdian Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 3 (2024): Juli: Ekspresi : Publikasi Kegiatan Pengabdian Indonesia
Publisher : Asosiasi Seni Desain dan Komunikasi Visual Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62383/ekspresi.v1i3.234


Business legality is the main thing that business people need to do when starting a business. With business legality, the business being run can be said to be feasible to operate where legality is a license to run a business given by the authorities. Penjaringansari Culinary Tourism Center is one of the gathering places for business actors engaged in the culinary field who are experiencing problems related to the lack of awareness of the importance of legality in a business. This activity was carried out at the Penjaringansari Culinary Tourism Center which aims to provide education related to making a Business Identification Number and providing assistance in making a Business Identification Number. The method of implementing this activity is divided into three stages, including: the observation and interview stage, the stage of providing education, and the implementation stage. The target of this activity is business actors who do not yet have a Business Identification Number at the Penjaringansari Culinary Tourism Center, namely 13 business actors. The result of this activity is that the desire and awareness in developing the business being run is increasing because it already has a business license that is protected by applicable law.
Pelatihan Canva untuk Siswa SMP sebagai Media Pembuatan Materi Presentasi Nidia Enjelita Saragih; Fitriana Harahap; Robiatul Adawiyah; Fildza Hafazana; Husin Sariangsah
Ekspresi : Publikasi Kegiatan Pengabdian Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 3 (2024): Juli: Ekspresi : Publikasi Kegiatan Pengabdian Indonesia
Publisher : Asosiasi Seni Desain dan Komunikasi Visual Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62383/ekspresi.v1i3.238


This training aims to improve Mardhiyah Middle School students' skills in using Canva as a tool to create interesting and informative presentation material. Canva was chosen because of its easy-to-use interface and various graphic design features that can be accessed online. The Service Team carries out training methods including an introduction to basic Canva features, such as using templates, manipulating text, setting layouts, and integrating graphic elements. In addition, this training will focus on developing students' creativity in designing presentations that are aesthetic and easy to understand, taking into account the principles of effective design. The training material also covers color management strategies, information hierarchy, and techniques for arranging content that suits the target audience. It is hoped that after attending this training, students will be more confident in creating quality presentations, using modern technology to express their ideas and information in a visual and professional way. It is hoped that this can also prepare them to face the demands of competence in the current digital era.
Pelatihan Pemanfaatan Stik Es Krim Sebagai Alternatif Dekorasi Dinding Rumah Suprianingsih Suprianingsih; Desipriani Desipriani; Yahya Tanjung; Saslika Febrianti
Ekspresi : Publikasi Kegiatan Pengabdian Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 3 (2024): Juli: Ekspresi : Publikasi Kegiatan Pengabdian Indonesia
Publisher : Asosiasi Seni Desain dan Komunikasi Visual Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62383/ekspresi.v1i3.279


This research focuses on the utilization of ice cream sticks as an alternative material for wall decoration. The objective of this study is to enhance the creativity of participants, provide an economical solution for home decoration, increase awareness of the use of recycled materials, and explore new economic opportunities. The training program developed in this research aims to teach participants how to create aesthetically pleasing and unique wall decorations using ice cream sticks, a commonly available and inexpensive material. The training includes theoretical and practical sessions to ensure participants gain both knowledge and hands-on experience. The results show that participants not only developed new skills but also gained insights into potential business opportunities in the craft industry. Additionally, this study contributes to environmental sustainability by promoting the use of recycled materials. The findings suggest that with proper guidance and training, ice cream sticks can be effectively transformed into valuable decorative items, thereby offering both economic and environmental benefits.

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