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Kajian Pendidikan, Seni, Budaya, Sosial dan Lingkungan
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Kajian Pendidikan, Seni, Budaya, Sosial dan Lingkungan (KPSBSL) is an international peer reviewed and open access journal in education studies, art, cultural studies, social studies, economic, religion studies, political studies, language studies, environment studies and humanity studies. Its scope is international in that it welcomes articles from academics, researchers, graduate students and policy makers. All articles could be Indonesian or English. The scope of journal: assessment and testing in learning and education; applied education methodologies and issues; education and teaching issues; culture and power in education; curriculum development and implementation; effective methods for teaching; diversity, multiculturalism and education; gender, language and higher education; language skills, development, and issues; learning and identity; literacy, bilingualism and bilingual education; and teacher training, gender and equality in language education.
Articles 12 Documents
Implementasi ramah lingkungan di pusat kuliner pasar Kreneng Denpasar, Bali Susanto, Budi; Paramita, Ratri; Zulfan, Muhammad; Sutiarso, M. Agus
Kajian Pendidikan, Seni, Budaya, Sosial dan Lingkungan Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): March 2024
Publisher : Yayasan Mitra Persada Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58881/kpsbsl.v1i1.2


This research aims to find out how the environmentally friendly concept is implemented and what must be improved to raise the awareness of eco-friendly behavior of the food stall runners at the culinary center of Kreneng night market in Denpasar. Environmentally friendly behavior or eco-friendly behavior refers to behavior that is not harmful to the environment. In terms of products, this means everything from production to packaging and marketing must be environmentally safe. Business activities that are not environmentally friendly can cause global warming. Furthermore, global warming means increasing the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere, sea, and land. The impact of global warming results in sea level rise, climate change, damage to organisms, and effects on water availability. The impact of environmental damage will chain if there is no effort to anticipate it. One way to anticipate ecosystem damage that needs to be done is implementing environmentally friendly behavior. An environmentally friendly lifestyle needs to be implemented in order to minimize damage to the ecosystem. Environmentally friendly business activities are currently being promoted throughout the world. Ecosystem damage affects economic, social problems, and even socio-political stability in a country and even the world and will have a direct or indirect impact on human life. This research is descriptive qualitative research. Data sources were obtained from library studies and direct interviews with business actors in the restaurant sector. From this research, it was found that several large restaurants, especially those located in 5-star hotel environments, have carried out business activities that indicate they are environmentally friendly by carrying out green actions, green food, and green donations.
Moves and language expressions of conclusion section of thesis at postgraduate English education study program of Bengkulu University Andana, Fitra; Azwandi , Azwandi
Kajian Pendidikan, Seni, Budaya, Sosial dan Lingkungan Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): Apr-Sep 2024
Publisher : Yayasan Mitra Persada Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58881/kpsbsl.v1i2.4


The conclusion section is a compulsory chapter of a thesis and a dissertation. A good thesis or dissertation conclusion should tell the reader what work has been done and why the issue is being taken. The conclusion section of theses in the field of English language education is a form of a summary statement of the cases investigated. The summary is expressed with certain language expressions, indicating each of the 5-move of the section. The purpose of this research was to describe moves and language expressions of conclusion sections of theses written by the postgraduate English Language Study Program students of Bengkulu University. The study employed the descriptive quantitative method. The subjects of the research were 40 theses of postgraduate students of Bengkulu University which were selected purposively. The data of the conclusion moves were examined based on the five-move model proposed by Bunton (2005), and the language features were analysed based on Morley (2014). The results show that move 3 (Practical application/implications/recommendations embedded elsewhere) and move 4 (recommendations for future research embedded elsewhere) were used by 33 authors (88%) and 35 authors (77.5%) respectively. However, the move formats of the conclusion section were widely varied, nonconforming to Bunton’s model. The language expressions used in the majority of the conclusion sections have adhered to guidelines proposed by Morley (2014), but many authors tended to choose weaker language expressions to emphasize the points. This study concludes that five Move Models of the conclusion section proposed by Bunton (2014) have not been reflected markedly in most of the thesis conclusion sections written by the Postgraduate English Language Study Program students of Bengkulu University, although some moves have been written in suitable language expressions.
Konsep Tri Hita Karana dan sapta pesona pada desa wisata Penglipuran Budiarta, I Putu; Meirejeki, I Nyoman; Putra Yudistira, Cokorda Gede; Kanca, I Nyoman; Basi Arjana, I Wayan
Kajian Pendidikan, Seni, Budaya, Sosial dan Lingkungan Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): March 2024
Publisher : Yayasan Mitra Persada Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58881/kpsbsl.v1i1.5


The aim of this research is to review the tourist village of Penglipuran based on the theory of tourist destination. Penglipuran village is famous as one of the tourist destinations in Bali because of its society, which still preserves its traditional culture in its daily lives. The architecture of buildings and land processing still follows the concept of Tri Hita Karana, the philosophy of Balinese society regarding the balance of relations between God, humans, and their environment. Penglipuran Village succeeded in building tourism that benefited all of their communities without losing their culture and traditions. Penglipuran Village is one of the traditional villages in Bali that still maintains local wisdom until now. One of the local wisdom in Penglipuran village is the arrangement of a community spatial pattern that takes the Tri Mandala concept by dividing the roots into three zones. They are the main zone, middle, and Nista. Customs, values of mutual cooperation and kinship, as well as the local wisdom of the local community are based on the concept of Tri Hita Karana. The research method that we use is a qualitative method and a quantitative method to find bright spots from the papers that we made. The findings show that the tourist village of Penglipuran has already met the criteria as a tourist village destination and also meets the concept of Tri Hita Karana.
Language style in serat piwulang Hamengkubuwana 1 manuscript Listiyapinto, Ravi Zamzam; Endraswara, Suwardi
Kajian Pendidikan, Seni, Budaya, Sosial dan Lingkungan Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): March 2024
Publisher : Yayasan Mitra Persada Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58881/kpsbsl.v1i1.6


This research attempts to describe how language style is used in Serat Piwulang Hamengkubuwana 1. Modern philological research techniques and qualitative descriptive methodologies are both used in this work. The Serat Piwulang Hamengkubuwana 1 collection manuscript and text with the reference code MS 12337 from the British Library served as the basis for the research. The method of data collecting was philology. Semantic validity is employed, while interrater reliability is used for reliability. This research produces 3 things. The manuscript description describes the state of the manuscriptLessons from Hamengkubuwana 1 still good, part of the text is also clear to read. Only a few defective parts of the text were found. Translate text with text transliteration, namely changing Javanese script writing into Latin writing. Text translation is done by changing the Kawi and Javanese languages into Indonesian so that they are more general in nature. Explain the style of language used in the textLessons from Hamengkubuwana 1. The style of language used is taken from the repertoire of Indonesian and Javanese. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan penggunaan gaya bahasa dalam teks Serat Piwulang Hamengkubuwana 1. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dan metode penelitian filologi modern. Sumber data penelitian yang digunakan adalah naskah dan teks Serat Piwulang Hamengkubuwana 1 koleksi dari British Library Inggris dengan kode MS 12337. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan cara kerja filologi. Validitas yang digunakan adalah validitas semantik sedangkan reliabilitas yang digunakan adalah reliabilitas interrater. Penelitian ini menghasilkan 3 hal. Deskripsi naskah menjelaskan keadaan naskah Serat Piwulang Hamengkubuwana 1 masih baik, bagian teksnya juga terlihat jelas untuk dibaca. Hanya ditemukan sedikit bagian teks yang cacat. Alih tulis teks dengan transliterasi teks yaitu mengubah tulisan beraksara Jawa menjadi tulisan Latin. Terjemahan teks dilakukan dengan mengubah bahasa Kawi dan Jawa menjadi bahasa Indonesia agar lebih bersifat umum. Menjelaskan gaya bahasa yang digunakan dalam teks Serat Piwulang Hamengkubuwana 1. Gaya bahasa yang digunakan diambil dari khasanah Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Jawa.
Feedback and revisions in developing writing skills in second language learners: A systematic review Annisa, Annisa; Gusnawaty, Gusnawaty
Kajian Pendidikan, Seni, Budaya, Sosial dan Lingkungan Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): March 2024
Publisher : Yayasan Mitra Persada Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58881/kpsbsl.v1i1.7


Developing writing skills include many aspects. This paper presents an analysis of a systematic review of several studies from 2014 – 2022 with a total 7 studies. This systematic review is to show what teaching methods that learners use to enhance writing skills and how feedback and revision is beneficial and necessary to improve writing skills. There are various feedback and revision techniques to enhance writing skills, especially for second-language learners such as utilizing platforms like WhatsApp and Zoom until utilizing metacognitive strategies – in order for students can actively monitor and evaluate their writing progress.
Profile of generation Z characteristics: Implications for contemporary educational approaches Wajdi, Majid; Susanto, Budi; Sutiarso, M. Agus; Hadi, Wisman
Kajian Pendidikan, Seni, Budaya, Sosial dan Lingkungan Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): March 2024
Publisher : Yayasan Mitra Persada Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58881/kpsbsl.v1i1.8


Generation Z, comprised of individuals born between the late 1990s and early 2010s, has become a subject of interest in discussions on social, cultural, and educational trends. Technological advancements and changes in social dynamics have significantly influenced the characteristics of this generation. This research aims to provide an in-depth understanding of Generation Z characteristics and explore how these traits can shape contemporary educational approaches. Thus, the study seeks to offer new insights to educators, curriculum planners, and educational policymakers. The research method involves a document study. It involves a document review conducted to detail the historical, social, and technological contexts that have shaped the identity of Generation Z. Data analysis reveals that Generation Z tends to have a digital orientation, engage in multitasking, exhibit high levels of creativity, and embrace inclusive values. They also demonstrate a significant interest in social engagement and environmental concerns. The implications of these findings on education highlight the need for responsive and innovative approaches to optimize the learning process. By understanding the characteristics of Generation Z, educators can design more effective and relevant teaching strategies. Educational approaches that focus on technology, engaging learning experiences, and the promotion of inclusive values can enhance the effectiveness of learning. Additionally, educators need to be aware that continuous adaptation to technological developments and social changes is key to creating a dynamic educational environment that aligns with the needs of Generation Z. The pedagogical implications of this research can serve as a foundation for curriculum development, teacher training, and educational policies that better align with the unique characteristics of Generation Z.
Analysing metaphors of katy perry's song lyrics Rizqi, Nurhana Tri; Mantiri, Ruben Leopoldo
Kajian Pendidikan, Seni, Budaya, Sosial dan Lingkungan Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): Apr-Sep 2024
Publisher : Yayasan Mitra Persada Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58881/kpsbsl.v1i2.9


This study concentrated on examining metaphor in three Katy Perry songs: Fireworks, Hot n Cold, and Roar. The data in this study were analyzed using qualitative research. According to the findings, there were seven different sorts of metaphors utilized in the three Katy Perry songs. Active metaphor, subjective metaphor, mimetic metaphor, phenomenalistic metaphor, precision metaphor, symbolic metaphor, and approximately metaphor were the seven types of metaphor employed and defined. Overall, based on our analysis, Katy Perry did an excellent job of conveying the idea of the song; she compares a condition of affairs to making it more exciting, and her usage of the word is more varied and broader.
The correlation between students’ listening to English song habit and grammar mastery Putri, Anisa Hersa; Sujarwati, Iis
Kajian Pendidikan, Seni, Budaya, Sosial dan Lingkungan Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): Apr-Sep 2024
Publisher : Yayasan Mitra Persada Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58881/kpsbsl.v1i2.10


Grammar is one of the keys to learning a language and is not easy to do. Meanwhile, factors that influence English Learning do not only come from the teacher, but also from the students’ attitudes. One habit that can be a consideration in helping students master grammar is listening to English songs. The objective of this study was to determine if there is a relationship between students' habit of listening to English songs and their grammar mastery. This research was carried out at SMA Negeri 6 Kota Bengkulu, which was conducted on the twelfth-grade students of SMA Negeri 6 Kota Bengkulu involving 31 students in the academic year 2021/2022. The instruments of this research were a questionnaire on listening habits and a grammar test. Research findings showed that the students had high intensity on listening to English songs also became one of their habits. On the other side, the grammar mastery of the students on average was categorized as low. Only a few students were considered to be high level in grammar mastery. Furthermore, the Pearson Product Moment correlation test revealed no connection between listening to English songs habits and grammar mastery.
Developing career pathways and work flexibility to enhance employee spirit: A case study of the Lost and Found Department at PTJAS company Laksmini, Ni Putu Vernanda; Waelan, Waelan; Kusminantari, Anik; Nadra, Nyoman Mastiani; Pasaribu, Ika Mary
Kajian Pendidikan, Seni, Budaya, Sosial dan Lingkungan Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): Apr-Sep 2024
Publisher : Yayasan Mitra Persada Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58881/kpsbsl.v1i2.11


The aim of this study is to develop a comprehensive model for career path development and work flexibility to enhance employee morale in the Lost and Found Department of PTJAS company.  This research addresses the growing need for adaptable career structures and flexible work arrangements as pivotal factors in improving job satisfaction and employee engagement. Data were collected using a mixed-methods approach, comprising surveys and interviews with employees in the Lost and Found Department. The survey data provided quantitative insights into employee satisfaction levels, while the interviews offered qualitative perspectives on the impact of career paths and work flexibility on morale. The analysis revealed a strong correlation between clearly defined career paths, flexible work options, and heightened employee morale. Employees who perceived clear advancement opportunities and enjoyed flexible working conditions reported significantly higher job satisfaction and motivation levels. Additionally, the findings suggest that implementing these strategies can lead to reduced turnover rates and improved organizational commitment. In conclusion, the study underscores the importance of integrating career development and work flexibility into the organizational framework to foster a positive work environment. These insights are crucial for HR professionals and management of the company aiming to boost employee morale and productivity.
Peran service quality memediasi pengaruh customer value dan brand experience terhadap repurchase intention di kantor pusat PTNJM Bali Nurfakih, Shafa Ajeng Wulandari; Subagiana, IGM; Saputra, Upayana Wiguna Eka; Waelan, Waelan; Rangkuti, Agus Edy
Kajian Pendidikan, Seni, Budaya, Sosial dan Lingkungan Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): Apr-Sep 2024
Publisher : Yayasan Mitra Persada Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58881/kpsbsl.v1i2.12


Sensitivity to the effects of customer value and brand experience by customers in increasing repurchase intention by maximizing the effectiveness of service quality needs to be considered so that it is consistent in implementation. The thesis entitled "The Role of Service Quality Mediating Customer value and Brand experience on Repurchase Intention at Head Office of PTNJM Bali” is explanatory research with a quantitative approach. Researchers also want to know how much the independent variables contribute to the dependent variable which is also through the mediating variable. The data collection method used in this research was distributing questionnaires, observations and interviews with 100 respondents whose data was analysed using SPSS Version 29 and Smart PLS Version 3. Sampling used a nonprobability sampling method with purposive sampling technique. The results of the research can be concluded: (1) there is no positive and significant influence between Customer value on Repurchase Intention. (2) there is a positive and significant influence between Brand experience on Repurchase Intention. (3) there is a positive and significant influence between Service Quality on Repurchase Intention. (4) there is no positive and significant influence between Customer value on Repurchase Intention which is mediated by Service Quality. (5) there is no positive and significant influence between Brand experience on Repurchase Intention which is mediated by Service Quality.

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