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Lempuk: Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan
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"Lempuk: Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan" presents research articles covering the application of fisheries sciences (fisheries biology, fisheries resource management, fisheries cultivation) and fisheries product technology related to fisheries product handling, application of traditional and new technologies, cooling and freezing, packaging and storage, fisheries product safety, fisheries processing diversification and utilization of fisheries waste. as well as fisheries sciences.
Articles 25 Documents
Pemanfaatan Limbah Cangkang Rajungan (Portunus Pelagicus Linn) Sebagai Bahan Tambahan Pada Pakan Ternak Burung Puyuh Fatimatuz Zahro; Roisatul Ainiyah

Publisher : Lempuk: Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan

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Keberadaan limbah rajungan dianggap sebagai permasalahan yang berpotensi mencemari lingkungan, salah satu limbah padat yang dihasilkan adalah cangkang dengan jumlah cukup banyak. Salah satu pemanfaatan limbah cangkang rajungan adalah dengan dijadikan sebagai tepung. Pemanfaatan limbah cangkang rajungan dilakukan sebagai upaya untuk mengurangi pencemaran lingkungan dengan cara mengolah limbah rajungan sebagai bahan tambahan pada ransum burung puyuh.Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif untuk mengetahui kandungan kalsium yang ada dalam pakan. Data yang didapat dari hasil penelitian disajikan dalam bentuk tabel kemudian dianalisis secara deskriptif untuk menarik sebuah kesimpulan hasil penelitian.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kadar kalsium setiap formula pakan ternak burung puyuh yang berbahan cangkang rajungan menunjukkan nilai yang berbeda, perlakuan R2 (dengan tambahan tepung cangkang rajungan 25%) merupakan perlakuan dengan kadar kalsium tertinggi yaitu 0,45%, kadar kalsium untuk 2 perlakuan lain yaitu R0 (tanpa tambahan tepung cangkang rajungan) dan R1 (dengan tambahan tepung cangkang rajungaan 15%) masing-masing memiliki kadar kalsium 0,20% dan 0,28%. Pada penambahan tepung cangkang rajungan 25% diduga akan memenuhi nutrisi pada pakan burung puyuh, akan tetapi jika dibandingkan dengan nilai kadar kalsium pada SNI 01-3931-2006 yakni antara 2,50-3,50% maka semua perlakuan tidak ada yang memenuhi syarat. Penggunaan tepung limbah cangkang rajungan sampai level 25% belum memberikan perbaikan kadar kalsium pada pakan burung puyuh.Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini Pemberian tepung cangkang rajungan dengan level 25% tidak berpengaruh terhadap formula pakan ternak burung puyuh. Penggunaan tepung limbah cangkang rajungan sampai level 25% belum memberikan perbaikan kadar kalsium pada pakan burung puyuh. Adapun saran yang diberikan penulis adalah untuk penelitian selanjutnya bisa ditingkatkan level penggunaan tepung cangkang rajungan untuk perbaikan kadar kalsium pada pakan burung puyuh.
Pengaruh Jenis Medium Terhadap Kecepatan Penetrasi Panas dan Daya Terima Produk Kalengan Ikan Tuna Skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) Mahfid Adnan; Ernawati; Khoirin Maghfiroh

Publisher : Lempuk: Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan

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Tuna fish has high content of protein. The purpose of food processing is to make a well preserve product, improving the taste and increasing economic value. Sterilization of canned tuna is an example of food processing to achieve the above purpose. A well preserve product must be free from the possibility of proliferation of microorganisms. The objective of this study was to investigate and evaluate the impact of medium used in canned tuna product on heat penetration speed during sterilization and to know the preference level by consumer.Determination of F0 value in this research refers to the protocol of Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) by using general method to analyse data, protein analysis followed Kjeldahl method and organoleptic examination used Friedman test. Analysis of effectiveness index was conducted to determine the best treatment. The experimental design used randomized single design with three kinds of treatments which were repeated 3 times for each observation. Results indicated that the fastest heat penetration was obtained by in brine product with 46 minutes sterilizatiion time, followed by in oil product with 62 minutes, then in brine + oil product with 65 minutes. Analysis of variance showed that treatment of medium usage provides a very significant impact on heat penetration (F count larger than F table 5 % and 1 %). Heat treatment also provides a significant impact on protein content (F count larger than F table 5 % and 1 %). Organoleptic examination showed that treatment gave significant effect on flavour and odor (F count larger than F table), but not significant on color (F count is smaller than F table). In conclusion, the fastest heat penetration was obtained by in brine product with 46 minutes sterilization time, followed by in oil product 62 minutes, then in brine + oil product with 65 minutes. Consumer preference and the best treatment in this research was obtained by in brine + oil product, followed by in oil product, then in brine product.
Profil Asam Lemak Abon Ikan Lemuru (Sardinella lemuru) Dan Kajiannya Pada Makanan Pendamping Asi (MPASI) Ayu Sri Utami; Illiyatus Sholiha

Publisher : Lempuk: Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan

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Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji profil asam lemak abon ikan lemuru (sardinella lemuru) dan kajiannya pada makanan pendamping asi (MPASI). Asam lemak terutama asam lemak esensial di butuhkan tubuh agar tubuh dapat menjalankan fungsinya dengan baik. Asam lemak juga sangat dibutuhkan untuk perkembangan kognitif,visual, dan psikomotor terutama pada masa pertumbuhan. Ikan lemuru dibuat menjadi abon agar mudah ditambahkan pada MPASI. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif, sumber data pada penelitian ini adalah hasil Gas Chromatography- Mass Spectometry (GC-MS) dari abon ikan lemuru. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa abon ikan lemuru mengandung asam lemak esensial yaitu Pentadecane dengan luas area 0,93%, Heptadecane dengan luas area 0,50% dan Octadecanoid luas area 39,41%. Abon ikan lemuru dapat ditambahan dalam MPASI karena karena mengandung asam lemak terutama asam lemak esensial.
Analisis Angka Lempeng Total Ikan Terasak (Escualosa thoracata) Asin Kering Industri Rumah Tangga di Kecamatan Lekok Kabupaten Pasuruan Miftahul Huda; Senja Ikerismawati

Publisher : Lempuk: Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan

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Ikan terasak banyak diolah oleh warga pesisir sebagai ikan asin. Pengolahan ikan terasak dengan cara pengasinan ini dapat menambah penurunan kadar air dan menghambat pertumbuhan mikroba. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Angka Lempeng Total (ALT) ikan terasak (Escualosa thoracata) asin kering industri rumah tangga di kecamatan Lekok kabupaten Pasuruan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Balai Besar Laboratorium Kesehatan Surabya, desa Wates, desa Jatirejo dan desa Tambak Lekok. Objek yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini adalah ikan tersasak asin kering industri rumah tangga di Kecamatan Lekok. Hasil penelitian yaitu Angka lempeng total Ikan terasak (Escualosa thoracata) asin kering industri rumah tangga di kecamatan Lekok kabupaten Pasuruan yaitu 4 sampel memenuhi standard SNI 8273:2016 tentang ikan asin kering yaitu home industri I desa Tambak Lekok (0,27×105=27000), home industri II Tambak Lekok (0,78×105=78000), home industri II Wates(0,15×105=15000), dan home industri II Jatirejo (0,06×105=6000). Dua sampel yang tidak memenuhi standard SNI 8273:2016 tentang ikan asin kering yaitu home industri I Wates (1,2×105=120000) dan home industri I Jatirejo(3,6×105=360000).
Analisis Persepsi Konsumen Terhadap Digital Marketing Produk Abon Ikan Lele Berbasis Social Media di Kabupaten PasuruanDigital Marketing is a marketing activity or promotion of a product and brand that is carried out using digital media or the internet, Musta’in; Ernawati

Publisher : Lempuk: Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan

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Digital Marketing is a marketing activity or promotion of a product and brand that is carried out using digital media or the internet, either by using websites, e-commerce, social media, email, adwords and blogs. This study aims to identify consumer behavior and measure consumer perceptions of digital marketing or online promotion of catfish floss products based on social media in the Pasuruan Regency area. This research method uses descriptive qualitative method, Important Performance Analysis and Customer Satisfaction Index. The measurement of consumer perception uses a Likert scale with 4 scales starting from strongly disagree (scale 1), disagree (scale 2), agree (scale 3) to strongly agree (scale 4). The number of respondents who were used as samples was 100 people. Consumer behavior in digital marketing of shredded catfish fishery products with the result that consumers buy shredded catfish fishery products through digital marketing for practical reasons (33%), sources of purchasing information from social media (42%), consumers pay attention to quality levels (45%), consumers buy an average of <1kg of fishery products (57%) and consumers make repurchases (79%). Consumer perceptions of the overall attributes of digital marketing of fishery products are satisfied (65%), with the main priority of improving performance lies in the price and quality attributes of fishery products from digital marketing
Perbedaan Kadar Air Pada Ikan Kembung (Rastrelliger brachysoma) Asap Berdasarkan Ukuran Ikan Yang Berbeda Mohammad Bahrudin; Illiyatus Sholiha

Publisher : Lempuk: Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan

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Fish is a source of high protein and is a commodity that is prone to spoilage. One method to inhibit the decay process is by smoking. Smoking aims to reduce the water content of smoked fish so that the smoked fish can have a longer shelf life. One of the commonly smoked fish is mackerel (Rastrelliger brachysoma). This method of smoking mackerel in this study is using traditional smoking method with coconut shells as fuel. The purpose of this study was to determine the difference in water content in smoked mackerel based on different fish size according to SNI 2725:2013 regarding smoked fish. This type of research is quantitative experimental with the independent variable being the size of mackerel (A = size of mackerel 10 cm – 12 cm and B = size of mackerel 16 cm – 18 cm), the independent variable is water content, while the controlled variable is the type of fish and length of smoking time. Each treatment was repeated 5 times. The result of this study is that there are differences in water content of smoked mackerel based on different fish sizes, where Fcalculated (82,73) > from Ftable 5% (5,31) and small (A = size of mackerel 10 cm – 12 cm) and medium size (B = size of mackerel 16 cm – 18 cm) smoked mackerel meet the SNI 2725:2013 quality standard on smoked fish for the water content parameter, which is below the maximum value of 60% water content.
Karakteristik Kimia Dan Sensori Produk Ikan Terasak (Escualosa Thoracata) Asin Pada Industri Rumah Tangga Di Kecamatan Lekok Kabupaten Pasuruan Siska Putri Utari; Senja Ikerismawati

Publisher : Lempuk: Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan

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Tasted fish are small fish that live in the ocean. Tasted fish is managed as a food that is often favored by the community, namely salted tasted fish. Salted fish is a type of food that is very popular with the community. In addition to having a good taste, this food also has a high protein and calcium content so that it can meet the nutritional needs of the community. This study aims to determine the chemical characteristics of salted tasted fish products (Escualosa thoracata) in Lekok District, Pasuruan Regency, and to determine the results of sensory characteristics of salted tasted fish products (Escualosa thoracata) in Lekok District, Pasuruan Regency. The method of data collection in this study was by observing the observed parameters, namely water content, ash content, salt content, and sensory. This research was conducted at the Food Engineering Laboratory, Yudharta University Pasuruan, Food Chemistry & Microbiology Laboratory, Yudharta Pasuruan University and Nutrition Laboratory, Health Nutrition Department, Faculty of Public Health, Airlangga University, Surabaya. This research was conducted from April to June 2022. The results of this study are that the chemical characteristics have met the standard of SNI 8273: 2016 except for chemical characteristics (salt content) several home industries have not met the standard of SNI 8273: 2016 Sensory characteristics have met the standard of SNI 8273: 2016 except for sensory characteristics (Textures) that do not meet the standard of SNI 8273: 2016
Pengaruh Substitusi Kolagen Tulang Ikan Lele (Clarias Sp) Pada Sabun Padat Transparan Terhadap Hasil Uji Organoleptik Tiara Dewi Amalia; Roisatula Ainiyah

Publisher : Lempuk: Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan

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Catfish (Clarias sp) is one type of fish that lives in fresh water and is widely cultivated because it has economic value. Several processing industries derived from catfish produce waste in the form of bones, heads, entrails, scales, and skin. Fishery waste can be used as a product, one of which is collagen. Collagen can be derived from the bones of freshwater fish such as catfish (clarias sp). Collagen is a fibrous protein that gives strength and flexibility to tissues and bones and plays an important role in other tissues including skin and tendons. Currently, care products containing collagen are in great demand by the public. Soap is a cleanser with water media. Soap is made in two ways, namely the saponification process and the oil neutralization process. This study aims to determine the effect of bone collagen substitution of catfish (Clarias sp.) on moisture content, pH, and foam stability and the effect of substitution of bone collagen of catfish (Clarias sp.) on transparent solid soap on organoleptic test results. The method in this study used RAL with variations of 0g catfish bone collagen substitution; 2g; 4g; 6g; 8g substituted in 100g transparent solid soap. The results of the catfish bone collagen soap were tested by analysis of water content, pH, foam stability, and organoleptic tests (color, aroma, foam, rough impression, and itching reaction). The research data were analyzed using Analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Tukey's test and nonparametric statistics, namely Kruskal Wallis, while the organoleptic test data were analyzed using the Friedman test with a significance level of 5%. The best treatment uses the De Garmo method. The results showed that the addition of catfish bone collagen had a significant effect on water content, pH, and stability of transparent solid soap foam, and the effect of the treatment of catfish bone collagen substitution on transparent solid soap, there was a significant difference in the organoleptic results of color, aroma, foam and a rough impression but there was no significantly different to the organoleptic results of itching reactions. The best treatment for adding catfish bone collagen to transparent solid soap was obtained in treatment P2 (4 grams of Catfish Bone Collagen) with organoleptic test parameters including color 7.20 (like), aroma 6.80 (like), foam 8.12 (very good). like), bad impression 7.00 (like), itching reaction 7.00 (like).
Pengaruh Formulasi Tepung Rumput Laut (Echeuma Cottonii) Dan Tepung Maizena Terhadap Sifat Kimia Sosis Ikan Tongkol (Euthynnus Affinis) Windi Amalia Hardiana; Matheus Nugroho

Publisher : Lempuk: Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan

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Generally, sausages are made from beef, chicken meat, and pork. But now fish sausages have been developed, which are sausages made from fish meat. Research has been conducted that aims to determine the effect of seaweed flour formulations on the chemical properties of cob fish sausages (Euthynnus affinis) and find out the best treatment formulations. The method used in this study is quantitatively experimental and uses a Complete randomized design (RAL) with 2 treatment factors The treatment applied is the formulation of Cob Fish 200 g: Seaweed Flour 10 g: Cornstarch 45 g. Cob Fish 200 g: Seaweed Flour 25 g: Cornstarch 35 g. Cob Fish 200 g: Seaweed Flour 35 g: Cornstarch 20 g. Cob Fish 200 g: Seaweed Flour 40 g: Cornstarch 15 g. Cob Fish 200 g: Seaweed Flour 50 g: Cornstarch 5 g. The results of the cob fish sausage product were tested by water content analysis, and protein content All data were analyzed using the Homogeneity Test and then continued with the Normality and ANOVA tests. The results of the study showed that the formulation of seaweed flour and cornstarch was a significant effect on the chemical properties of cob fish sausages. The proportion of seaweed flour and cornstarch received by the panelists were (Cob Fish 200 g: Seaweed Flour 50 g: Cornstarch 5 g).
Pengaruh Penambahan Tepung Mocaf dan Tepung Maggot Black Soldier Fly (BSF) Pada Pakan Pelet Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ikan Lele (Clarias sp.) mariatul kiptiyah; pictada putri pamungkas; ernawati ernawati

Publisher : Lempuk: Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan

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Catfish (Clarias sp) is one of the freshwater fishery commodities that has superior value compared to other freshwater fish species, which have relatively fast growth, strong survival, and adaptability to their habitat. Feed is an important factor in fish farming. Mocaf flour is processed cassava flour that has been fermented and produced cassava flour. Black Soldier Fly (BSF) maggot larvae are omnivores (eating everything) such as fruit waste, vegetable waste, food scraps, bones, and meat, to animals that have become carrion. This study aims to determine the effect of mocaf flour and BSF maggot flour on pellet feed on the growth of catfish (Clarias Sp.) and to determine the best formulation between mocaf flour and BSF maggot flour on the growth of catfish (Clarias Sp.). The method used in this study was Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 3 treatments and repeated 3 times. The results of the feed will be tested with variance using ANOVA at a 95% confidence interval and further tested using the Tuckey test and the de Garmo effectiveness index. Results Mocaf flour gives a good effect when mixed with maggot flour. A good percentage of feed in a mixture of mocaf flour and maggot flour is found in P1 treatment, namely by mixing 25% mocaf flour + 75% maggot flour produces an efficient feed composition and is used to grow in length and weight of catfish.

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