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Lempuk: Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan
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"Lempuk: Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan" presents research articles covering the application of fisheries sciences (fisheries biology, fisheries resource management, fisheries cultivation) and fisheries product technology related to fisheries product handling, application of traditional and new technologies, cooling and freezing, packaging and storage, fisheries product safety, fisheries processing diversification and utilization of fisheries waste. as well as fisheries sciences.
Articles 25 Documents
Studi Literatur Manajemen Perikanan Pada Situasi Bencana Covid-19 Dwi Shinta Kurniawati; Gatot Yulianto; Abdillah Munawir

Publisher : Lempuk: Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35891/lempuk.v3i1.5070


The Coivd-19 pandemic disaster has had a negative impact on the fisheries industry. The aims of this paper was to analyze the root causes, impacts and strategies dor sustainability fisherises management after the Covid-19 pandemic. The research method was carried out using the literature study. Analysis of the disscusion was carried out descriprively. The root of problem of hampering the fisheries industry was generally identified as 3 things, social, travel and trade restriction. The derivatives of these three root problems will certainly have an impact on the logistics system, distribution, price fluctuations, supply and demand, marketing system and the vulnerability of the people’s lives. Based on tragedy of the Covid-19, fisheries industry always needs to implement risk management, especially disaster risk mitigation to reduce impacts
Analisis kegiatan penggemukan kepiting bakau (Scylla serrata) di Desa Tanjangawan pada Musim Barat dan Musim Timur Dimas Armansyah; Nur Maulida Safitri; farikhah farikhah

Publisher : Lempuk: Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35891/lempuk.v3i1.5136


Introduction: This study aims to determine the differences in fattening results for mud crabs during the west and east seasons.. Method: The research was conducted in Tanjangawan Village, Ujungpangkah District, Gresik Regency, using an exploratory descriptive research method. A total of three ponds with a total of four plots were studied in the west and east seasons, namely in June 2021, December 2021, and May-July 2022. Data collection was carried out in the form of primary data collection using observation, interviews, and active participation. Data were analyzed using Microsoft Excel 2013.The fattening ratio of mud crabs in the west season and the east season was analyzed by t-test (α=5%). Result: The results of this study obtained from data analysis of the Specific Growth Rate of Mud Crabs (Scylla serrata) in Tanjangawan Village, Ujungpangkah District, Gesik Regency, it was found that the growth rate from the west season was higher (1.2%) compared to the growth rate from the east season (0.41%). The survival value in the west season is 95% higher than the east season, with a value of 92.8%. Conclusion: The different conditions between in the west season and east season obtained in this study indicate mud crabs have larger carapace width and weight in the west season due to increased sunlight exposure.
Profiling Atribut Sensori Nori Komersil Menggunakan Metode Rate-All-That-Apply (RATA) Pinctada Putri Pamungkas; Siti Nur Aisyah; senja ikerismawati

Publisher : Lempuk: Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35891/lempuk.v3i1.5435


Nori merupakan olahan dari rumput alga merah jenis Porphyra yang dikeringkan dengan ditambahkan bumbu pada proses pembuatannya, spesies Porphyra dalam kelompok alga merah mengandung antioksidan yang dapat menghambat penyerapan sinar UV ke jaringan sel. Karakteristik fisik nori berbentuk kering dengan warna gelap. Nori memiliki tekstur kasar disisi satu dan lembut dibagian sisi lainnya, serta bertekstur kering dengan warna hitam cerah mengkilap. Penelitian ini bertujuan guna mengetahui karakteristik nori yang berasal dari berbagai negara. Nori komersil yang digunakan berasal dari Japan, Korea dan Singapura.Profiling atribut sensori yang didapat menggunakan metode rate all that apply (RATA), atribut sensori yang dipilih didapat berdasarkan survey langsung ke konsumen dan studi literatur, sehingga didapat 14 atribut antara lain rasa asin, manis, pahir, RL, tekstur renyah, keras, rapuh, halus, tebal, warna hijau, coklat, hitam, elastisitas dan aroma RL
Analisis Mutu Ikan Lele (clarias sp.) Asap Berdasarkan Parameter ALT (Angka Lempeng Total) Di Home Industri Dusun Genitri Desa Gunting Kecamatan Sukorejo Kabupaten Pasuruan Andre Hermawan; Illiyatus Illiyatus; Ernawati

Publisher : Lempuk: Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35891/lempuk.v3i1.5437


Ikan lele (Clarias sp.) merupakan komoditas perikanan air tawar yang rentan terhadap kerusakan. Untuk memperpanjang masa simpan, metode pengasapan sering digunakan. Penelitian ini menganalisis mutu ikan lele asap berdasarkan parameter Angka Lempeng Total (ALT) di home industri Dusun Genitri, Desa Gunting, Kecamatan Sukorejo, Kabupaten Pasuruan, serta mengevaluasi pengaruh suhu penyimpanan terhadap nilai ALT. Sampel ikan lele asap disimpan pada suhu ruang dan suhu kulkas selama tiga hari. Hasil analisis mikrobiologi menunjukkan nilai ALT pada penyimpanan suhu ruang selama 1, 2, dan 3 hari berturut-turut sebesar 150370 koloni/g, 338000 koloni/g, dan 301500 koloni/g, yang semuanya melebihi standar SNI 01-2720-2019 sebesar 5,0 x 10⁴ koloni/g. Pada suhu kulkas, nilai ALT adalah 470 koloni/g pada hari pertama dan 400 koloni/g pada hari ketiga, yang memenuhi standar, namun pada hari kedua mencapai 129670 koloni/g, melebihi standar SNI.Kesimpulannya, penyimpanan pada suhu kulkas lebih efektif dalam menjaga mutu ikan lele asap dibandingkan suhu ruang, namun penyimpanan lebih dari satu hari tetap memerlukan pemantauan ketat terhadap kondisi higiene dan sanitasi. Rekomendasi perbaikan proses produksi dan penyimpanan disarankan untuk meningkatkan mutu dan keamanan produk ikan lele asap di home industri Dusun Genitri
Penggunaan infusum daun ketapang (Terminalia catappa) sebagai bahan anestesi terhadap diferensiasi leukosit dan waktu induktif sedatif ikan nila (Oreochromis niloticus) Aisyah Luthfiannisa; Petrus Hary Tjahja Soedibya; Taufik Budhi Pramono

Publisher : Lempuk: Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35891/lempuk.v3i1.5453


Tilapia is one of the leading commodities in fisheries and requires proper handling in the distribution process so that fish do not experience stress and death. One of them is by using anesthesia. Anesthetic ingredients are divided into two, namely natural and artificial, one of the natural ingredients that has the potential as an anesthetic is ketapang leaves because it has flavanoid and alkaloid compounds that are considered capable of providing hypnotic sedative effects and anti-anxiety substances for fish. The study applied 4 treatments (5 ppm; 10 ppm; 15 ppm; and 20 ppm) of ketapang leaf infusum solution with the method used was descriptive qualitative to obtain research conclusions. The results obtained were the use of ketapang leaf infusion was able to increase lymphocyte levels from 42.13-58.15% to 52.35-60.21%. At a concentration of 20 ppm ketapang leaf infusion has the fastest inductive time of 23 minutes 41 seconds with a sedative time of 18 minutes 52 seconds. From these results it can be concluded that ketapang leaf infusion has potential as a natural anesthetic, but other studies are still needed regarding the percentage of content, effective dose and toxicity of ketapang leaf infusion solution on the hematological condition of tilapia.

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