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Focus: EDUKASI is a scientific journal dedicated to the study and research of Religion and Religious Education. It is committed to enriching and expanding the body of scientific knowledge relevant for policy-making and the advancement of theoretical and conceptual frameworks. The journal aims to provide valuable literature, data, and information to governmental bodies, education practitioners, and academics to support decision-making and further studies. Scope: EDUKASI is a scientific journal focused on research and development in the field of religious education. The journal accepts articles that make significant contributions to understanding and solving issues in religious education, whether in formal or non-formal institutions. The topics covered include: Management of Religious Education Institutions Roles and Practices of Religious Educators Management and Funding of Religious Education Evaluation, Quality Assurance, and Accreditation of Religious Education The Role of Students in Religious Education Study of educational aspects relating to various diciplines such as psychology, sociology, management, philosophy, theology, anthropology, and political science to enrich the discourse on religious education.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 588 Documents
EDUKASI: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Agama dan Keagamaan EDUKASI | VOLUME 13, NOMOR 3, DESEMBER 2015
Publisher : Badan Litbang dan Diklat Kementerian Agama RI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32729/edukasi.v13i3.251


EDUKASI: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Agama dan Keagamaan EDUKASI | VOLUME 13, NOMOR 3, DESEMBER 2015
Publisher : Badan Litbang dan Diklat Kementerian Agama RI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32729/edukasi.v13i3.252


AbstractThis research aims at obtaining information on an illustration of library at STAIN Pare-Pare either management or utilization of its material and the illustration on relevancy of the material available for the human being needs. This research method adopts a qualitative approach. The research outcome shows: 1) library collection at STAIN relating to compulsory and recommended book whose titles are not covered yet, 2) suitability of the books provided for the student’s needs has been suitable with the needs of lecture material, 3) library services against user has been good enough, d) reading room has not been equipped by air conditioning, 4) limited visit time. AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi tentang gambaran perpustakaan STAIN Pare-Pare baik dari segi pengelolaan, maupun pemanfaatan bahan pustakanya, dan gambaran tentang kaitan antara koleksi bahan pustaka yang tersedia dengan kebutuhan mahasiswa. Metode penelitian ini menggunaakan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: 1) koleksi perpustakaan STAIN terkait dengan buku wajib dan buku anjuran belum merata judulnya, 2) kesesuaian buku-buku yang tersedia bagi kebutuhan mahasiswa sudah sesuai dengan kebutuhan materi perkuliahn, 3) pelayanan perpustakaan terhadap pengguna sudah cukup baik, d) ruang baca belum dilengkapi dengan alat pendingin, 4) waktu kunjungan masih terbatas.
PROFIL MADRASAH TSANAWIYAH UNGGUL : MTs Negeri Winong, Kabupaten Pati, Jawa Tengah Sumarni Sumarni
EDUKASI: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Agama dan Keagamaan EDUKASI | VOLUME 13, NOMOR 3, DESEMBER 2015
Publisher : Badan Litbang dan Diklat Kementerian Agama RI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32729/edukasi.v13i3.253


AbstractThis research aims at finding out how input, superiority and particularity of learning process, and output of MTs Negeri Winong Pati has influenced. The research on State Islamic Junior High School is Superior in adopting a qualitative descriptive method at MTs Negeri Winong Pati, Central Java. The research outcome shows that MTs Negeri Winong Pati has several superiorities and particularities. Of the input side, this school has qualified student input, adequate facility and infrastructure, professional teacher and supported by innovative management. The superiority and particularity owned by this school among others are history, physical particularity, financial independency, innovation on general and religious curriculum, learning innovation namely bilingual boarding school, olympic class, comparative overseas study and supported by innvovative learning method with IT. This school has a good achievement in terms of its institution, principal, teacher and student. The achievement is not only in academic  field but also non-academic and religious fields. AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana input, keunggulan dan kekhasan proses pembelajaran, dan output MTs Negeri Winong Pati. Penelitian Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri Unggul menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif di MTs Negeri Winong Pati Jawa Tengah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa MTs Negeri Winong Pati memiliki berbagai keunggulan dan kekhasan. Dari sisi input, madrasah ini memiliki input siswa yang berkualitas, sarana prasarana yang memadai, tenaga pengajar yang profesional, dan didukung manajemen inovatif. Keunggulan dan kekhasan yang dimiliki madrasah ini antara lain kesejarahan, kekhasan  fisik,  kemandirian pembiayaan, inovasi kurikulum umum dan agama, inovasi pembelajaran yaitu kelas bilingual boarding school, kelas olimpiade, studi banding keluar negeri, dan didukung metode pembelajaran inovatif dengan teknologi IT. Prestasi madrasah juga unggul baik prestasi lembaganya, kepala madrasah, guru, dan siswa. Prestasi tidak hanya di bidang akademik tetapi juga bidang non akademik dan keagamaan.
EDUKASI: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Agama dan Keagamaan EDUKASI | VOLUME 13, NOMOR 3, DESEMBER 2015
Publisher : Badan Litbang dan Diklat Kementerian Agama RI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32729/edukasi.v13i3.254


AbstractAs an educational institution, MIN Malang I has obtained an achievement that makes proud either at local or national level. This research digs up on how MIN Malang 1is known with a concept on total management quality which is urged on three aspects namely focusing on customer, continual process improvement and involvement of all organization members. This research discovers that MIN Malang 1 always cooperates with outside parties in a good manner as a user to find out a trend or change of their needs so that it can serve well. In the context of internal quality improvement, MIN Malang 1 applies a chain system either among leaders, teachers, employees or student. Meanwhile, to maintain a life quality of the Islamic elementary school, (environment and learning process) is built a system to control each other over among leaders, teachers, students and themselves. This system is able to build togetherness and sense of belonging among academic communities of MIN Malang 1 which respect each other and no one is abandoned.AbstrakSebagai lembaga pendidikan, MIN Malang I telah memiliki prestasi yang membanggakan baik di tingkat lokal maupun nasional. Penelitian ini menggali bagaimana MIN Malang 1dibaca dengan konsep total quality manajemen yang di tekankan pada tiga aspek yaitu fokus pada pelanggan, perbaikan proses terus menerus dan ketrlibatan total seluruh anggota organisasi. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa MIN Malang 1 selalu menjalin kerja sama dengan pihak luar sebagai pengguna untuk mengetahui tren atau perubahan kebutuhan mereka sehingga bisa melayani dengan baik. Dalam konteks peningkatan kualitas internal, MIN Malang 1 menerapkan sistem berantai baik antar pimpinan, guru, karyawan maupun siswa. Sedangkan untuk menjaga kualitas kehidupan madrasah (lingkungan dan pembelajaran), dibangun suatu sistem saling kontrol mulai dari antar pemimpin, antar guru, antar siswa dan saling silang diantara mereka. Sistem saling kontrol ini mampu membangun kebersamaan dan rasa memiliki diantara sivitas akademika MIN Malang 1 yang berujung pada saling menghargai dan tidak ada yang merasa diabaikan 
EDUKASI: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Agama dan Keagamaan EDUKASI | VOLUME 7, NOMOR 4, DESEMBER 2009
Publisher : Badan Litbang dan Diklat Kementerian Agama RI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32729/edukasi.v7i4.255


Islamic boarding school is an educational institution which is unique and also dynamics. Unique, since Islamic boarding school is still able to survive among a rapidly changing environment. Islamic boarding school’s response towards such changes is made through adaptation, accommodation and adoption in a smart and wise manner. Islamic boarding school does not lose its-own identity as a tfaqquh fiddin institution. This paper attempts to make a critical review on various studies and papers on Islamic boarding school in relation to social mobility. Review is also conducted on the level of concept which underlies the discourse and theoretical frame above which it is built various explanations and conclusions on Islamic boarding school phenomenon, especilally those related to its mobility in social political arena
EDUKASI: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Agama dan Keagamaan EDUKASI | VOLUME 7, NOMOR 4, DESEMBER 2009
Publisher : Badan Litbang dan Diklat Kementerian Agama RI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32729/edukasi.v7i4.256


AbstractThis paper is a critical reflection on radicalism phenomenon which emerges at the heart of Islamic education, especially at Madrasah and Islamic boarding school, which is enhanced more by its development at schools and campus. This educational institution is chosen since it it at this place the character development is begun as a cadre forming facility. The aspiration of radical Islamic group is to change a state, replace its basis as well as its law. The emerge of this radicalism has shifted Islam in Indonesia, i.e. from the one dominated by moderate-ism to radicalism. Islamic education as a people liberation facility is faced against a challenge on how to develop a moderate religious consciousness so in turn among the people will grow an inclusive understanding
PESANTREN TANFIDZIYAH: Analisis Pengembangan Kurikulum di PP. Al-Muayyad Windan Sukoharjo Anas Aijudin
EDUKASI: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Agama dan Keagamaan EDUKASI | VOLUME 7, NOMOR 4, DESEMBER 2009
Publisher : Badan Litbang dan Diklat Kementerian Agama RI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32729/edukasi.v7i4.257


AbstractThis study is based on the fact that almost all traditional Islamic boarding schools prepare their students to become expert of religious instructions. Only a few preparing their students, in addition to master the ‘yellow book’ tradition, on how to apply it among the communities also. The curriculum of Al-Muayyad Windan Islamic boarding school, Sukoharjo is formulated to mature students in both categories above. The funding of study informs that Al-Muayyad Windan Islamic boarding school has a Tanfidziah model with an integrated curriculum, i.e. the mastering on religious texts derived from ‘yellow books’ which enables the students to master religious science (mutafaq addin), capable at the implementation level, so the students having the capacity to be “tune in” in the people empowerment.
EDUKASI: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Agama dan Keagamaan EDUKASI | VOLUME 7, NOMOR 4, DESEMBER 2009
Publisher : Badan Litbang dan Diklat Kementerian Agama RI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32729/edukasi.v7i4.258


AbstractThe Ta’lim al-Muta’allim book is one of the yellow books taught in Islamic Boarding Schools. Among the IBS, there are still many teachers/ustadz who deem that this book as a good conduct book containing the formulation of standard and final ethics. Meanwhile, a yellow book should be understood contextually, by taking notes the historical, social and politics backgrounds. A yellow book along with all of its contents is not an absolute truth, but also reflecting the culture, requirements and public opinion in its place and era. This paper attempts to see how is the concept ta’dhimu syuyukh in the book positioned correctly, and should the contents of that book be undertsood in this modern era.
EDUKASI: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Agama dan Keagamaan EDUKASI | VOLUME 7, NOMOR 4, DESEMBER 2009
Publisher : Badan Litbang dan Diklat Kementerian Agama RI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32729/edukasi.v7i4.259


AbstractSome questions on educational system emerge, for example, education is not critical, not creative, excess burden of curriculum, boring, not recognizing participation, bank style, etc. this condition invites an initiative to organize the education according to their expectation which is different from the education organized conventionally. Relogious education as one of the pillars for the achievement of national educational objective can be positioned in the context of alternative education. One of those alternative religious educational organization is implemented by SD Al-Azhar Hajjah Rachmah Nasution Foundation, Medan.
EDUKASI: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Agama dan Keagamaan EDUKASI | VOLUME 7, NOMOR 4, DESEMBER 2009
Publisher : Badan Litbang dan Diklat Kementerian Agama RI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32729/edukasi.v7i4.260


AbstractSince the enactment of Permendiknas (Regulation of Minister of National Education) No. 22 regarding the contents standard (SI), in its implementation it still faces various problems and obstructions, esspecially in PAI learning. Among the indicators is, the teachers of Islamic religious education (GPAI) find a difficulty in understanding both the SI document and its implementation. In general, teachers also face difficulty in developing the syllabus, especially in formulating the indicators. The study on SI implementation at SMP (Junior High School) is to answer the question on how is GPAI capability in planning the learning implementing the learning, doing the assessment on PAI learning as well as the obstructing factor in PAI learning. Among the finding of such study shows that GPAI capability in planning and implementing the learning is ini fair category. This is affected by the limitation of GPAI understanding on SI document, in syllabus development as well as RPP composing. The assessment procedure on PAI learning in general refers to the Permendiknas no. 22 of 2006, but generally GPAI faces difficulty ini doing the assessment on good behaviour since there is no assessment format yet. 

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