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Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian
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Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian merupakan media untuk publikasi tulisan asli berkaitan dengan teknologi pangan dan keteknikan pertanian secara luas, yang diterbitkan atas kerjasama antara Program Studi Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan dan Program Studi Keteknikan Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian USU.
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KAJIAN PENENTUAN NILAI KOEFISIEN TANAMAN DAN LAJU PERKOLASI SERTA PRODUKSI TANAMAN PADI VARIETAS CIHERANG PADA BEBERAPA UKURAN LUAS TANAH (Study of Determination Plant Coefficient Value and Deep Percolation Rate, and Production Ciherang Rice Variety On Se Sofran Restu Enanda; Sumono Sumono; Achwil Putra Munir
Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian Vol 7, No 3 (2019): Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian
Publisher : Universitas Sumatera Utara

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ABSTRACT Planting density for a given area of ​​land will affect the productivity of rice plants. This study was aimed to determine the value of crop coefficient and rate of percolation and the production of Ciherang rice variety. Research was using non factorial completely randomized design, consisting of 4 treatments and 5 replicates, i.e  A1= 314 cm2, A2= 490,6 cm2, A3= 706,5 cm2, and A4= 1256 cm2. Thes parameters observed were soil organic matter, number of tillers plant, crop evapotranspiration, crop coefficients, percolation, plant dry weight, and weight of rice grain. The results showed that  the highest value of soil organic matter was at A1=13,41% and the lowest was at  A4=1,74%, the highest porosity was at  A1=59,23% and the lowest was at A2=56,22%, the highest number of pups of plants was at  A1=21,6 and the lowest was at  A4=10,6, the highest crop evapotranspiration was at A1=2,24 mm/ day, 2,64 mm/ day, 2,47 mm/ day, 2,78 mm/ day, 2,24 mm/ day, 2,11 mm/ day, 1,75 mm/ day, 1,42 mm/hari and the lowest was at  A4=1,87 mm/ day, 1,89 mm/ day, 1,84 mm/ day, 1,98 mm/ day, 1,69 mm/ day, 1,59 mm/ day, 1,43 mm/ day, 1,23 mm/day and the highest crop coefficients was at  A1=1,12; 1,39; 1,54; 1,46; 1,28; 1,24; 0,99; 0,9, and the lowest was at  A4=0,93; 1,00; 1,15; 1,04; 0,96; 0,93; 0,82; 0,82, the highest percolation was at A1=36,6 mm/day and the lowest was at  A4=14,6 mm/day, the highest dry weight of plants was at  A1=151,38 g and the lowest was at  A4=137,58 g, the highest weight of rice grains was at A4=11,14 g and the lowest was at  A1=8,09 g.   Keywords: Crop coefficient, Percolation, Crop Production, Land Area, Ciherang ABSTRAK Kerapatan tanam untuk suatu luasan tanah tertentu akan mempengaruhi produktivitas tanaman padi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan nilai koefisien tanaman dan laju perkolasi serta produksi padi varietas Ciherang. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap non faktorial, terdiri dari 4 perlakuan dan 5 ulangan, yaitu A1= 314 cm2, A2= 490,6 cm2, A3= 706,5 cm2, dan A4= 1256 cm2. Parameter yang diamati meliputi bahan organik tanah, porositas, jumlah anakan tanaman, evapotranspirasi tanaman, koefisien tanaman, perkolasi, berat kering tanaman, berat bulir padi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai bahan organik tanah tertinggi pada A1=13,41% dan terendah pada A4=1,74%, porositas tertinggi pada A1=59,23% dan terendah pada A4=56,22%, jumlah anakan tanaman tertinggi pada A1=21,6 dan terendah pada A4=10,6, evapotranspirasi tanaman tertinggi pada A1=2,24 mm/hari, 2,64 mm/hari, 2,47 mm/hari, 2,78 mm/hari, 2,24 mm/hari, 2,11 mm/hari, 1,75 mm/hari, 1,42 mm/hari dan terendah pada A4= 1,87 mm/hari, 1,89 mm/hari, 1,84 mm/hari, 1,98 mm/hari, 1,69 mm/hari, 1,59 mm/hari, 1,43 mm/hari, 1,23 mm/hari, koefisien tanaman tertinggi pada A1=1,12; 1,39; 1,54; 1,46; 1,28; 1,24; 0,99; 0,94 dan terendah pada A4= 0,93; 1,00; 1,15; 1,04; 0,96; 0,93; 0,82; 0,82, perkolasi tertinggi pada A1= 36,6 mm/hari dan terendah pada A4=14,6 mm/hari, berat kering tanaman tertinggi pada A1=151,38 g dan terendah pada A4=137,58 g, dan berat bulir padi tertinggi pada A4=11,14 g dan terendah pada A1=8,09 g.   Kata Kunci: Koefisien Tanaman, Perkolasi, Produksi Tanaman, Luas Tanah, Ciherang
Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian Vol 7, No 3 (2019): Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian
Publisher : Universitas Sumatera Utara

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ABSTRACT Physical and chemical soil characteritics are important factors for the growth of rubber plant. This research was aimed to study physical and chemical soil characteritics of the rubber plant with vegetations of  harupat spikes, grass, taro and no vegetation in Pagar Merbau PTP Nusantara II. The observed parameters were soil texture, porosity, water content of field capasity, soil permeability, total Nitrogen, available Phospate, and land Potassium exchange. The results showed that the soil type was ultisol, with sandy loam texture and pH of 4,62-4,97 (acid). The vegetation soil had porosity of 51,75-52,73 % at a depth of 5 cm and 51,35-53,30 % at a depth of 25 cm. The water content of field capacity was ranged from 40,9-44,3 % at a depth of 5 cm and 32,9-35,3 % at a depth of 25 cm. Permeability was ranged from 3,57-5,89 cm/h. Total N was 0,06-0,09 %. P available was ranged from 9,77-15,37 ppm. K exchange of land was ranged from 0,66-0,85 me/100g. The soil with no vegetation had porosity of 51,34  % at a depth of 5 cm and 50,95  % at a depth of 25 cm. The water content of field capacity was 35,1 % at a depth of 5 cm and 29 % at a depth of 25 cm. Permeability was 2,62 cm/h. Total N was 0,06 %. P available was 14,99 ppm. K exchange of land was 0,83 me/100g. Keywords: Soil physical and chemical, vegetation, rubber plantation, inceptisol ABSTRAK Sifat fisika dan kimia tanah merupakan faktor penting bagi pertumbuhan karet. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji sifat fisika dan kimia tanah inceptisol pada lahan karet dengan vegetasi paku harupat, rumput, keladi dan tanpa vegetasi di Kebun PTP. Nusantara III Sarang Giting. Parameter yang diamati meliputi tekstur tanah, porositas, kadar air kapasitas lapang, permeabilitas tanah, N-total, P tersedia dan K tukar tanah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan jenis tanah di daerah penelitian adalah inceptisol bertekstur lempung berliat, lempung berpasir, dan pasir berlempung dengan pH 4,62-4,97 (masam). Tanah dengan vegetasi mempunyai porositas berkisar 51,75-52,73 % pada kedalaman 5 cm dan 51,35-53,30 % pada kedalaman 25 cm, kadar air kapasitas lapang 40,9-44,3 % pada kedalaman 5 cm dan 32,9-35,3 % pada kedalaman 25 cm, permebilitas berkisar 3,57-5,89 cm/jam, N-total 0,06-0,09 %, P tersedia 9,77-15,37 ppm, K tukar tanah 0,66-0,85 me/100g. Tanah tanpa vegetasi mempunyai porositas berkisar 51,34 % pada kedalaman 5 cm dan 50,95 % pada kedalaman 25 cm, kadar air kapasitas lapang 35,1 % pada kedalaman 5 cm dan 29 % pada kedalaman 25 cm, permebialitas berkisar 2,62 cm/jam, N-total 0,06 %, P tersedia 14,99 ppm, K tukar tanah 0,83 me/100g. Kata Kunci: Fisika dan kimia tanah, vegetasi, kebun karet, inceptisol
RANCANG BANGUN ALAT PENYULING MINYAK ATSIRI TIPE UAP DAN AIR (Design Construction of Essential Oil Steam and Water Distillation Type) Vanya Aulidya; Saipul Bahri Daulay; Taufik Rizaldi
Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian Vol 7, No 3 (2019): Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian
Publisher : Universitas Sumatera Utara

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ABSTRACT Distillation is one of the ways to take up essential oil that contained in the plant, the example is ginger. Ginger has the high oil content with specific flavor. The postharvest processing’s purpose is to make the agricultural product have a higher economic value compared to the product without processed. The purpose of this research was to design, build, test and analyze the economic value of essential oil steam and water distillation type. The parameters observed were colour of ginger oil, effective capacity, performance and economic analysis. Based on this research, it were summarized that the colour of ginger oil wasyellow - orange, effective capacity of the equipment was 0,43 ml/hour, performance of the equipment was 68,8 % and yield was 0,1%. Economic analysis basic costs for the first to the fifth year was Rp 3.244,61/ml. Break Even Point (BEP) for the first to the fifth year was 255,82 ml/year. Net Present Value (NPV) 6,75 % wasRp 16.282.254,25 and Internal Rate of Return (IRR) this equipment was 57,65 %. Keywords:Ginger, Distillation, Machine ABSTRAK   Penyulingan merupakan salah satu cara untuk mengambil minyak atsiri yang terdapat pada tumbuhan, salah satu contohnya adalah jahe. Jahe memiliki kadar minyak yang cukup tinggi dengan aroma dan rasa pedas yang khas. Proses pengolahan pascapanen bertujuan agar hasil pertanian memiliki nilai ekonomis yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan sebelum dilakukan pengolahan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang, membuat, menguji serta menganalisis nilai ekonomis alat penyuling minyak atsiri. Parameter yang diamati yaitu warna minyak jahe, kapasitas efektif alat, kinerja alat, rendemen dan analisis ekonomi. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh warna minyak jahe yaitu kuning - oranye, kapasitas efektif alat sebesar 0,43 ml/jam, kinerja alat sebesar 68,8 % dan rendemen sebesar 0,1 %. Analisis ekonomi dari tahun pertama sampai tahun kelima yaitu Rp 3.244,61 /ml. Nilai titik impas dari tahun pertama sampai tahun kelima yaitu 255,82 ml/tahun. Nilai net present value6,75 % adalah Rp 16.282.254,25 dan nilai internal rate of return alat ini adalah sebesar 57,65 %.   Kata Kunci: Jahe, Penyulingan, Mesin  
UJI BEBERAPA KOMODITAS PADA ALAT PENGEPRES MINYAK SEMI MEKANIS (Test of Several Commodities in Semi Mechanical Oil Press) Winda Savitri Ritonga; Saipul Bahri Daulay; Achwil Putra Munir
Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian Vol 7, No 3 (2019): Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian
Publisher : Universitas Sumatera Utara

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ABSTRACT Oil is a food substance that is essential for maintaining the health of human body. Vegetable oils found in fruits, nuts, grains, root crops and vegetables. Extracting the oil using a screw press is usually done on grain oil content of more than 20%. This study used several of commodities as raw materials i.e  peanut kernels, candlenut and sesame seeds. This study was aimed to test the effective capacity of the appliance, moisture content and yield of oil produced from the semi mechanical oil press. The results showed that differences in commodities affected the effective capacity of appliance and the yield of the oil produced. The best treatment of this research was in peanut seeds that had effective  capacity of 3.76 Kg / hour, water content of 1,89 and oil yield of  25.78%.   Key words: Pressing, Semi Mechanical Oil Press, Grain Oils ABSTRAK   Minyak merupakan zat makanan yang penting untuk menjaga kesehatan tubuh manusia. Minyak nabati terdapat dalam buah-buahan, kacang-kacangan, biji-bijian,  akar tanaman dan sayur-sayuran. Pengambilan minyak dengan menggunakan screw press biasanya dilakukan pada biji-bijian yang berkadar minyak lebih dari 20%. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan berbagai jenis komoditas sebagai bahan bakunya antara lain biji kacang tanah, biji kemiri dan biji wijen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji kapasitas efektif alat, kadar air dan rendemen minyak yang dihasilkan dari alat pengepres minyak semi mekanis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan komoditas berpengaruh terhadap kapasitas efektif alat dan rendemen minyak yang dihasilkan. Perlakuan terbaik dari penelitian ini adalah perlakuan pada komoditas biji kacang tanah yang menghasilkan kapasitas efektif alat 3,76 Kg/jam, kadar air minyak 1,89% dan rendemen minyak 25,78%.   Kata kunci: Pengepresan, Alat Pengepres Minyak Semi Mekanis, Minyak Dari  Biji-Bijian
Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian Vol 7, No 3 (2019): Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian
Publisher : Universitas Sumatera Utara

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ABSTRACT   Physical and chemical soil characteritics are important factors for the growth of oil palm. This research was aimed to study physical and chemical soil characteritics of the oil palm with vegetations of Pueraria javanica, grass, and no vegetation in Pagar Merbau PTP Nusantara II. The observed parameters were soil texture, porosity, water content of field capasity, soil permeability, total Nitrogen, available Phospate, and land Potassium exchange. The results showed that the soil type was ultisol, with sandy loam texture and pH of 5,17-5,31 (acid). The vegetation soil had porosity of 39-40 % at a depth of 5 cm and 37-38 % at a depth of 25 cm. The water content of field capacity was ranged from 21,9-26,4 % at a depth of 5 cm and 21,1-25,5 % at a depth of 25 cm. Permeability was ranged from 3,01-6,83 cm/h. Total N was 0,05-0,10 %. P available was ranged from 7,45-10,48 ppm. K exchange of land was ranged from 0,10-0,75 me/100g. The soil with no vegetation had porosity of 39 % at a depth of 5 cm and 38 % at a depth of 25 cm. The water content of field capacity was 21,9 % at a depth of 5 cm and 21,4 % at a depth of 25 cm. Permeability was 3,01 cm/h. Total N was 0,05 %. P available was 7,47 ppm. K exchange of land was 0,75 me/100g. Keywords: Soil Physical And Chemical, Vegetation, Oil Palm Plantation, Ultisol ABSTRAK   Sifat fisika dan kimia tanah merupakan faktor penting bagi pertumbuhan kelapa sawit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji sifat fisika dan kimia tanah ultisol pada lahan kelapa sawit dengan vegetasi kacang-kacangan (Pueraria javanica), rumput dan tanpa vegetasi di Kebun PTP. Nusantara II Pagar Merbau. Parameter yang diamati meliputi tekstur tanah, porositas, kadar air kapasitas lapang, permeabialitas tanah, N-total, P tersedia dan K tukar tanah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan jenis tanah di daerah penelitian adalah ultisol bertekstur lempung berpasir dan pH 5,17-5,31 (masam). Tanah dengan vegetasi mempunyai porositas berkisar 39-40 % pada kedalaman 5 cm dan 37-38 % pada kedalaman 25 cm, kadar air kapasitas lapang 21,9-26,4 % pada kedalaman 5 cm dan 21,1-25,5 pada kedalaman 25 cm, permebilitas berkisar 3,01-6,83 cm/jam, N-total 0,05-0,10 %, P tersedia 7,45-10,48 ppm, K tukar tanah 0,10-0,75 me/100g. Tanah tanpa vegetasi mempunyai porositas berkisar 39 % pada kedalaman 5 cm dan 38 % pada kedalaman 25 cm, kadar air kapasitas lapang 21,9 % pada kedalaman 5 cm dan 21,4 % pada kedalaman 25 cm, permebialitas berkisar 3,01 cm/jam, N-total 0,05 %, P tersedia 7,47 ppm, K tukar tanah 0,75 me/100g. Kata Kunci: Fisika dan kimia tanah, vegetasi, kebun kelapa sawit, ultisol
PENGARUH PERBANDINGAN STRAWBERRY DAN ANGGUR MERAH SERTA LAMA PENYIMPANAN TERHADAP MUTU INFUSED WATER (The Effect Ratio of Strawberry and Red Grape and Storage on Quality of Infused Water) Ori Sativa Br.Sinaga; Rona J. Nainggolan; Terip Karo-Karo
Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian Vol 7, No 3 (2019): Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian
Publisher : Universitas Sumatera Utara

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ABSTRACInfused water was the drink made by soaking fruit in the cooled water for about a night in the refrigerator. This study was aimed to study of vitamin C content, sugar content, total microbes, pH value, total acid, total dissolved solids, and organoleptic of the infused water. This study used a Completly Randomized Design (CRD), with two factors. The first factor was the ratio of strawberries with red grapes (80:20, 60:40, 40:60, 20:80) and the second factor was the length of storage (0 days, 2 days, 4 days, 6 days, 8 days). The results showed that the combination of strawberry treatment with red wine with a ratio of 80:20 for 0 days had the best quality. The characteristics of this infused water were; vitamin C levels 7.3316 mg / 100 g; total sugar content of 9,658%; pH 4,3688; total acid 0.9140%; total dissolved solids 4,625oBrix; microbial total of 4,0250 CFU / g; hedonic color 4.14; hedonic aroma 4.36; numeric color 4.00; numerical aroma of 3.99. The length of storage and ratio of strawberries with red wine had a very significant effect on pH values, total dissolved solids, total sugar, microbial total, total acid, vitamin C levels, hedonic organoleptic values ​​of color and aroma, and organoleptic values ​​of color and aroma scores.  Keywords: Infused Water, Strawberry, Red Grape.   ABSTRAK Infused water adalah minuman yang dibuat dengan cara perendaman buah dalam pendingin air selama semalam di lemari es. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui  kadar vitamin C, kadar gula total, total mikroba, pH, total asam, total padatan terlarut, dan uji organoleptik infused water. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL), dengan dua faktor. Faktor yang pertama perbandingan strawberry dengan anggur merah (80:20, 60:40, 40:60, 20:80) dan faktor yang kedua lama penyimpanan (0 hari, 2 hari, 4 hari, 6 hari, 8 hari). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kombinasi perlakuan strawberry dengan anggur merah dengan perbandingan 80:20 selama 0 hari memiliki mutu terbaik. Karakteristik dari infused water ini yaitu; kadar vitamin C 7,3316 mg/100 g; kadar gula total 9,658%; pH 4,3688; total asam 0,9140%; total padatan terlarut 4,625oBrix; total mikroba 4,0250 CFU/g; hedonik warna 4,14; hedonik aroma 4,36; numerik warna 4,00; numerik aroma 3,99. Lama penyimpanan dan perbandingan strawberry dengan anggur merah memberi pengaruh sangat nyata terhadap nilai pH, total padatan terlarut, total gula, total mikroba, total asam, kadar vitamin C, nilai organoleptik hedonik warna dan aroma, serta nilai organoleptik skor warna dan aroma.   Kata kunci : Infused Water, Strawberry, Anggur Merah.
PENGARUH KALSIUM HIDROKSIDA DAN LAMA PENGERINGAN TERHADAP KARAKTERISTIK MUTU SUKADE LAPISAN ENDODERMIS KULIT BUAH NAGA (Hylocereus polyrhizus) (The Effect of Calcium Hydroxide and Drying Time on the Quality Characteristics of Sukade of endodermic layer o Ria Angelina Tobing; Linda Masniary Lubis; Terip Karo-Karo
Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian Vol 7, No 3 (2019): Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian
Publisher : Universitas Sumatera Utara

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ABSTRACT The aim of this research was to determine the effect of calcium hydroxide and drying time on the quality characteristics of the endodermic layer of dragon fruit skin (Hylocereus polyrhizus). This research was using factorial Completely Randomized Design with two factors, i. e: calcium hydroxide (K) : (0; 0,5%; 1%; 1,5%; 2%) and drying time combination (P) (8 hours; 10 hours; 12 hours). The results showed that calcium hydroxide had highly significant effect on moisture content, ash content, vitamin C content, total dissolved solids, color hedonic values, texture hedonic values, color score values, texture score values ​​and gave a significantly effect on crude fiber content. The interaction of calcium hydroxide and duration of drying gave highly significant different effects on the value of vitamin C levels, texture score values. 1.5% calcium hydroxide and 12 hours drying time produce the best and most acceptable quality of dragon fruit skin. The results of observations of dragon fruit bark with the best quality showed that the dragon fruit peel had 36.3711% total sugar content which showed the total sugar content in sukade products according to the standard. Keywords : Calcium Hydroxide, Dragon Fruit Skin, Drying Time, Sukade ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kalsium hidroksida dan lama pengeringan terhadap karakteristik mutu sukade lapisan endodermis kulit buah naga (Hylocereus polyrhizus). Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan 2 faktor yaitu kalsium hidroksida (K) : (0; 0,5%; 1%; 1,5%; 2%) dan lama pengeringan (P) : (8 jam; 10 jam; 12 jam). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kalsium hidroksida memberikan pengaruh berbeda sangat nyata terhadap terhadap kadar kadar air, kadar abu, kadar vitamin C, dan nilai skor tekstur dan memberikan pengaruh berbeda nyata terhadap kadar total padatan terlarut, nilai hedonik rasa, dan nilai hedonik tekstur. Lama pengeringan memberikan pengaruh pengaruh berbeda sangat nyata terhadap kadar air, kadar abu, kadar vitamin C, total padatan terlarut, nilai hedonik warna, nilai hedonik tekstur, nilai skor warna, nilai skor tekstur dan memberikan pengaruh berbeda nyata terhadap kadar serat kasar. Interaksi kalsium hidroksida dan lama pengeringan memberikan pengaruh berbeda sangat nyata terhadap nilai kadar vitamin C, nilai skor tekstur. Kalsium hidroksida 1,5% dan  lama pengeringan 12 jam menghasilkan kualitas sukade kulit buah naga terbaik dan dapat diterima. Hasil pengamatan sukade kulit buah naga dengan mutu terbaik menunjukkan sukade kulit buah naga memiliki kadar total gula 36,3711% yang menunjukkan kadar total gula pada produk sukade sesuai standar. Kata Kunci : Lama Pengeringan, Kalsium Hidroksida, Kulit Buah Naga, Sukade   i
PENGARUH PERBANDINGAN SARI JAHE MERAH DAN SARI KECOMBRANG DENGAN JUMLAH SERBUK GULA AREN TERHADAP MUTU MINUMAN INSTAN PENYEGAR [The Effect of Ratio of Red Ginger Juice with Kecombrang Juice and of The Amount Palm Sugar Powder on the Quality of Instant F Walia Niswi; Rona J. Nainggolan; Ridwansyah Ridwansyah
Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian Vol 7, No 3 (2019): Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian
Publisher : Universitas Sumatera Utara

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ABSTRACT This research was conducted to determine the effect of ratio of red ginger juice with kecombrang juice and  of the amount palm sugar powder on the quality of instant fresh drink. This research was conducted using completely randomized design (CRD) with two factors i. e: ratio of red ginger juice with kecombrang juice (L) : (95% : 5 ; 90% : 10% ; 85% : 15% ; 80% : 20%) and amount of palm sugar powder (A) : (12%, 14%, 16%, 18%). The results showed that ratio of red ginger juice with kecombrang juice had highly significant effect on water content and hedonic value flavor. Amount of palm sugar powder had highly significant effect on water content, total soluble solid, solubility, the hedonic value of flavor, and taste. The interaction between the two factors had significant effect on water content. Ratio of red ginger juice with kecombrang juice of 80% : 20% and amount of palm sugar powder of 18% produced the best quality of instant fresh drink. Keywords : Instant Fresh Drink, Kecombrang Juice, Palm Sugar Powder, Red Ginger Juice ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perbandingan sari jahe merah dengan sari kecombrang dan jumlah serbuk gula aren terhadap mutu minuman instan penyegar. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan dua faktor i. e: perbandingan sari jahe merah dengan sari kecombrang (L): (95%: 5; 90%: 10%; 85%: 15%; 80%: 20%) dan jumlah bubuk gula aren (A): (12 %, 14%, 16%, 18%). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perbandingan sari jahe merah dengan sari kecombrang memiliki pengaruh sangat nyata terhadap kadar air dan nilai hedonik. Jumlah serbuk gula aren memiliki pengaruh yang sangat signifikan terhadap kadar air, total padatan terlarut, daya larut, nilai hedonik aroma, dan rasa. Interaksi antara kedua faktor tersebut memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kadar air. Perbandingan sari jahe merah dengan sari kecombrang 80%: 20% dan jumlah bubuk gula aren 18% menghasilkan minuman instan penyegar kualitas terbaik.   Kata kunci : Minuman Instan Penyegar, Sari Jahe Merah, Sari Kecombrang, Serbuk Gula Aren
PENGARUH PERBANDINGAN MINYAK JAGUNG DENGAN MINYAK KELAPA SAWIT DAN PENAMBAHAN PUREE CABAI MERAH TERHADAP MUTU MAYONES (The Effect Ratio of Corn Oil and Palm Oil and The Amount of Chili Puree on Mayonnaise Quality) Whitney Jovanka Utami; Ismed Suhaidi; Era Yusraini
Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian Vol 7, No 3 (2019): Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian
Publisher : Universitas Sumatera Utara

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ABSTRACT The purpose of this research was to establish the right formulation of mayonnaise made from ratio of corn oil and palm oil and chili puree. This study was designed by using factorial complete randomized design with two factors; the ratio of corn oil : palm oil (70%:30%, 60%:40%, 50%:50%, 40%:60%, 30%:70%) and adding puree red chili (5%, 10%, 15%). The results showed that ratio of corn oil : palm oil had highly significant effect on the stability of the emulsion and the organoleptic hedonic value of mayonnaise texture, and it had significant effect on mayonnaise viscosity. The addition of chili puree had highly significant effect on emulsion stability, viscosity, moisture content, pH, organoleptic value of color, taste, and texture of mayonnaise. Furthermore, the interaction between ratio of corn oil : palm oil and addition of chili puree had significant effect on organoleptic value of mayonnaise texture, but it had no significant effect to other parameters. The best formula of mayonnaise was made from 30% corn oil : 70% palm oil and 5% of chili puree. The antioxidant activity (IC50) of the best mayonnaise was 170,895 µg/ml. Key words: Chili Puree, Corn Oil, Mayonnaise, Palm Oil ABSTRAK Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menetapkan formulasi yang tepat antara perbandingan minyak jagung dengan minyak sawit dan puree cabai merah. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan dua faktor yaitu perbandingan minyak jagung : minyak sawit (70%:30%, 60%:40%, 50%:50%, 40%:60%, 30%:70%) dan penambahan puree cabai merah (5%, 10%, 15%). Hasil menunjukkan bahwa perbandingan antara minyak jagung : minyak kelapa sawit berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap kestabilan emulsi dan nilai hedonik tekstur mayones dan berpengaruh nyata terhadap viskositas mayones. Penambahan puree cabai merah berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap kestabilan emulsi, viskositas, kadar air, pH, nilai organoleptik warna, rasa dan tekstur mayones. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa interaksi perbandingan minyak jagung : minyak sawit dan penambahan puree cabai merah berpengaruh nyata terhadap nilai organoleptik tekstur namun tidak berpengaruh nyata pada parameter lainnya. Formula terbaik adalah mayones yang dibuat dari 30% minyak jagung : 70% minyak sawit dan 5% puree cabai merah. Mayones terbaik memiliki aktivitas antioksidan (IC50) 170,895 µg/ml. Kata kunci : Mayones, Minyak Jagung, Minyak Sawit, Puree Cabai Merah
PENGARUH PENAMBAHAN EKSTRAK KULIT KAYU MANIS (Cinnamomum burmanii Blume) SEBAGAI BAHAN PENGAWET ALAMI UNTUK MENINGKATKAN UMUR SIMPAN MINUMAN KOPI (The Effect of Addition of Cinnamon Bark Extract (Cinnamomum burmanii Blume) as a Natural Preservative to I Joshua J.R. Harianja; Sentosa Ginting; Ismed Suhaidi
Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian Vol 7, No 3 (2019): Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian
Publisher : Universitas Sumatera Utara

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ABSTRACT   This research was aimed to know the effect of cinnamon bark extract to increase coffee shelf life. This research was conducted by using a completely randomized design (RAL) with two factors, namely the concentration of cinnamon bark (M): 0% (control), 0.5%, 1%, and 1.5% and storage time (L): 0 day , 5 days, 10 days and 15 days. The results showed that the effect of concentration of cinnamon bark extract had a highly significant effect on total acid, pH, total microbial, total mold and yeast, hedonic value of color, aroma, taste, score value of color, aroma, and taste and had no significant effect on total soluble solid (TSS). Storage time had a highly significant effect on total acid, pH, total microbial, total mold and yeast, taste, and score value of taste and had no significant effect on total soluble solid (TSS), hedonic value of aroma, color, score value of aroma, and color. The interaction of concentration of cinnamon bark extract and storage time had significant effect on total microbes and score value of taste. Concentration of 0.5% cinnamon bark extract can increase the storage time up to 10 days. Keywords: Cinnamon Extract, , Coffee Drinks , Preservatives, Storage Time ABSTRAK   Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan ekstrak kulit kayu manis untuk meningkatkan umur simpan minuman kopi. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan dua faktor, yaitu konsentrasi ekstrak kulit kayu manis (M) : 0% (kontrol), 0,5%, 1%, dan 1,5% dan lama penyimpanan (L) : 0 hari , 5 hari, 10 hari, dan 15 hari. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh konsentrasi ekstrak kulit kayu manis memberikan pengaruh berbeda sangat nyata terhadap total asam, pH, total mikroba, total kapang dan khamir, warna, aroma, rasa, skor warna, skor aroma, dan skor rasa. serta memberikan pengaruh berbeda tidak nyata terhadap total soluble solid (TSS). Lama penyimpanan memberikan pengaruh berbeda sangat nyata terhadap total asam, pH, total mikroba, total kapang dan khamir, rasa,dan skor rasa serta memberikan pengaruh berbeda tidak nyata terhadap total soluble solid (TSS), aroma, warna, skor aroma, dan skor warna. Interaksi konsentrasi ekstrak kulit kayu manis dan lama penyimpanan memberikan pengaruh berbeda nyata terhadap nilai total mikroba dan skor rasa. Konsentrasi ekstrak kulit kayu manis 0,5 % dapat memperpanjang masa simpan kopi hingga 10 hari. Kata kunci : Bahan Pengawet,   Ekstrak Kayu Manis, Lama Penyimpanan, Minuman Kopi

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