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PENGENDALIAN BANJIR DI SUNGAI LUSI MENGGUNAKAN CHECK DAM KAYU DI SUNGAI ORDE 1 DAN 2 Amanatullah Savitri; Arief Wahyu Indriawan; Sri Eko Wahyuni; Suseno Darsono
Jurnal Karya Teknik Sipil Volume 4, Nomor 4, Tahun 2015
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Diponegoro

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Flooding is a situation where areas not normally inundated with water such as residential, industrial areas, and other public facilities to be flooded. The situation is highly detrimental to both moral and material such as transport delays which impact on the rate of the economy of a region. Flooding problems that occurred in the Regency of Grobogan is partly due to overflowing, one of the river is the Lusi river. Lusi river have a length of about 161,13 km starting from Bulu Regency Rembang downstream to the estuary through meet Serang River at Penawangan Regency Grobogan.. Lusi river conditions experience narrowing and shallowing flow leads to reduced capacity to cross the river flood discharge flow. Lusi river can no longer accommodate the flood discharge that occured especially in the rainy season so that commemorate the area around the Lusi river. In addition, the floods also caused the creek bank that opened for the access road so the water From studies and calculations have been done using the help of HEC-HMS, AutoCAD Civil 3D and ArcGIS software to show the impact of the flood discharge and long sectional to determine whether or not cross-river improvements. Lusi River flooding problems addressed in using wooden check dam in river order 1 and 2 in Lusi watershed.
Jurnal Karya Teknik Sipil Volume 2, Nomor 3, Tahun 2013
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Diponegoro

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The Problems Of Transportation that problem occur all this time was traffic jams. One of the traffic jams have been occur at Profesor Soedarto, SH Street which was caused by the movement of the vehicle turning direcyion and volume and traffic in the street. The movement of the vehicle turning direction was causing delays and queues on the roads. At this study, the analisis was done by using the referance based on the rules of indonesian Highway Capacity Manual and descriptive statistic analysis. The purpose of this study was to identify the level of service roads, identify the characteristics of delay and queue that occur due to variations in the duration of the vehicle turning direction at the and of the median, as well as provide an alternative solution. The method used to improve services an the area of roads is traffic management. The result of this study showed that the level of the service road can’t accomodate the number of vehicles passing on the roads. It can be seen from the degree of saturation (DS) which was more than one. Average delay stopped in the road to reach 10.19 seconds and result in long queues of 22 meters.. Best alternative solution of this study is the road widening.
Jurnal Karya Teknik Sipil Volume 6 ,Nomor 1, Tahun 2017
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Diponegoro

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Kolom merupakan elemen struktur yang berfungsi memikul beban aksial tekan pada suatu bangunan sipil. Beban aksial tekan ini menyebabkan adanya pemendekan pada struktur kolom dan menyebabkan kolom menerima gaya tarik pada sumbu yang tegak lurus dengan sumbu tekannya. Gaya tarik inilah yang menyebabkan kolom mengalami keruntuhan. Salah satu komponen penyusun kolom adalah beton. Beton merupakan bahan konstruksi yang memiliki kuat tekan yang tinggi namun kuat tarik yang rendah. Oleh sebab itu, penambahan komponen penyusun kolom dengan baja menjadi solusi untuk menahan keruntuhan akibat gaya tarik yang terjadi pada kolom karena baja memiliki kuat tarik yang tinggi. Penggunaan baja pada struktur kolom dapat berupa baja tulangan maupun baja profil. Keruntuhan pada kolom selain dipengaruhi oleh gaya tarik, juga dipengaruhi oleh faktor kelangsingan dan jenis perletakan kolom tersebut. Dalam penelitian ini akan diteliti pengaruh konfigurasi baja dalam bentuk tulangan dan profil serta faktor kelangsingan dan jenis perletakan terhadap kapasitas kuat tekan kolom. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan uji laboratorium pada tiga jenis kolom, yaitu kolom beton polos, kolom beton bertulang, dan kolom komposit dengan ukuran 12x15 cm untuk mengetahui pengaruh konfigurasi baja, serta akan digunakan dua tinggi kolom berbeda untuk setiap jenis kolomnya yaitu sebesar 20 cm dan 60 cm untuk mengetahui pengaruh faktor kelangsingan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada struktur dengan ketinggian rendah, faktor kelangsingan dan jenis perletakan memberikan pengaruh yang tidak signifikan pada kapasitas tekan struktur. Faktor yang lebih mempengaruhi ialah komponen penyusun struktur. Didapati pula bahwa kolom komposit merupakan struktur yang lebih stabil apabila dibandingkan dengan kolom beton bertulang tanpa sengkang.
Jurnal Karya Teknik Sipil Volume 3, Nomor 2, Tahun 2014
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Diponegoro

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Flood is one of the disaster which happened in Semarang City. Many negative impact arising from flood disaster, such as loss of victim or material. One of the handling solution is  developed flood shelter, make a group of disaster preparedness and early warning system.  Identification location of flood shelter are in Beringin Watershed Semarang which consists of 6 Village, namely Wates Village, Wonosari Village, Mangunharjo Village, Mangkang Wetan Village, Gondorio Village, and Beringin Village. Data obtained from the field surve with existing data of flood shelter that has been there. Sources of criteria and terms for flood shelter location are sphere project 2011, Health Minister’s decision and regulations of BPBD.Tool support early warning system used is AWLR (Automatic Water Lever Recorder) and ARR (Automatic Rain Recorder) is placed in the Wates Village. To complete the shortage of space, the Wonosari Village established in the form of building houses on stilts and emergency stairs because it has cliffs that lead to delays in evacuation and treatmen, while other villages for each flood shelters set up tents with size (14x6) meter. Participation and public awareness around the riverbanks to keep clean is needed, so flooding can be reduced.
PERENCANAAN LONG STORAGE TREMBULREJO, KABUPATEN BLORA Brian Ridhlo Adila; Ahmad Fauzi Rosandi; Suripin Suripin; Sumbogo Pranoto
Jurnal Karya Teknik Sipil Volume 7, Nomor 3, Tahun 2018
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Diponegoro

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ABSTRAK                                        Desa Trembulrejo merupakan salah satu desa di Kecamatan Ngawen, Kabupaten Blora. Desa Trembulrejo berjarak 15 km dari pusat Kabupaten Blora dan memiliki luas wilayah 398 ha dengan penggunaan lahan didominasi oleh tegalan dan sawah dengan luasan masing-masing 187 ha dan 151 ha. Begitu luasnya lahan pertanian membuat sebagaian besar masyarakat Desa Trembulrejo bekerja sebagai petani. Desa Trembulrejo terkenal sebagai salah satu desa penghasil padi. Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir para petani  setempat mengalami gagal panen. Masalah tersebut disebabkan kurangnya suplai air irigasi saat musim kemarau.Sebuah long storage akan dirancang di alur Sungai Trembulrejo untuk mengatasi masalah kurangnya suplai air irigasi yang terjadi. Long storage direncanakan menampung sebagian air di sungai Trembul saat musim penghujan kemudian air tampungan digunakan saat musim kemarau. Perencanaan Long Storage Trembulrejo meliputi konstruksi bangunan utama dan bangunan pelengkap. Perhitungan debit banjir rencana didesain menggunakan debit rencana 50 tahun sebesar 280,81 m3/detik. Konstruksi bangunan long storage direncanakan menggunakan material beton K275 serta perkuatan dinding menggunakan dinding beton K175 dan bronjong. Bangunan pelimpah memiliki 5 buah pintu air dari skot balk dengan material kayu jati. Dari hasil perencanaan didapatkan volume tampungan sebesar 14,000 m3, elevasi puncak mercu + 63,5 m, tinggi mercu 2,5 m, direncanakan dapat melayani kebutuhan air irigasi untuk lahan seluas 80 ha. Pembangunan Long Storage Trembulrejo diperkirakan menelan biaya Rp 2.754.249.000,00 dengan masa pengerjaan 40 minggu.
PERENCANAAN BENDUNGAN BENDO PONOROGO Rahmawanto Fajar; Ahmad Busiri; Sri Sangkawati; Hary Budieny
Jurnal Karya Teknik Sipil Volume 4, Nomor 4, Tahun 2015
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Diponegoro

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A number of regions in Ponorogo, East Java Province has a variety of water resource management issues, including floods during the rainy season and water short ages during the dry season. To overcome these problems then we planned Bendo dam. Methods of planning begins with determining the position of the location, hydrology and hydraulics which finally obtained information to determine the design of the dam. Bendo dam is planned to use dependable discharge with a probability of 80%. Water requirement value to fulfill the needs of irrigation water is 2.19 liters/sec/hectare and the water requirement is 823.7 liter/sec. We used HSS Nakayasu Flood discharge method with 1,000-year return period amounted to 676.37 m3 / sec. Bendo dam is also planned as a hydropower that produces 1.697,953 Kw hydroelectric power. Bendo dam is planned using Rockfill dam type with a core of impermeable clay with a slope of 1: 2,5 in the upstream and 1: 1,75 in the downstream. The peak height is 78,5 m, the width of the peak is 13 m, and the full length of the dam is 354,02 m with 50-years lifetime design.
PERENCANAAN BENDUNG PROGO JUMO,SUNGAI PROGO KABUPATEN TEMANGGUNG Bhre Brahmasta Indra; Lintang Jata Angghita; Sri Eko Wahyuni; Dwi Kurniani
Jurnal Karya Teknik Sipil Volume 2, Nomor 1, Tahun 2013
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Diponegoro

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Progo Jumo Weir is located on Progo River, Temanggung Regency. Progo Jumo Weir only serve the irrigation area in the left side of Progo River that formerly are rainfed rice field with 1.278 Ha wide. The maksimum intake discarge is 1,942 m3/sec. FJ Mock method is used to calculate the dependable discharge of Progo river at 20% dry. Designed flood discharge calculated from HSS Gama I method is 186,041 m3/sec for 100 years return period (Q100 = 186,041 m3/sec). Rounded weir head with  4,85 m in height and +713,07 m from mean sea level is used. The weir is 39 m in effective width and the length of upstream apron floor is 8 m. . This weir use USBR Type III stilling basin with 8 m in length. The flushing gate uses four gates each 1,5 m in width. The implementation of this project  is 42 weeks and the budget plan is  Rp.,00.
PENELITIAN KUAT LENTUR BALOK SUSUN DARI KAYU GLUGU DAN KAYU SENGON Davied Hamonangan P; Faldy Faisal Jatnika; Parang Sabdono; Sukanta Sukanta
Jurnal Karya Teknik Sipil Volume 6, Nomor 2, Tahun 2017
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Diponegoro

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Kayu adalah bahan bangunan yang sering digunakan pada bangunan. Kayu keruing adalah salah satu jenis kayu yang banyak digunakan, namun harganya relatif mahal. Kayu glugu dan kayu sengon dapat menjadi bahan bangunan alternatif untuk menggantikan penggunaaan kayu keruing karena populasinya yang tinggi. Pengembangan teknologi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah balok kayu tersusun, dimana beberapa kayu dengan dimensi penampang tersendiri digabungkan menjadi satu penampang baru dengan cara direkatkan. Pada penelitian ini pengujian yang dilakukan adalah pengujian lentur full scale one point load. Hasilnya adalah kuat balok susun dapat melebihi kayu keruing sehingga dapat menggantikan kayu keruing yang digunakan sebagai elemen lentur. Benda uji berupa balok susun yang terdiri dari kayu glugu dan sengon berbentuk I (BS 1), balok susun dari kayu glugu dan sengon berbentuk persegi panjang (BS 2), balok susun 2 dari kayu glugu (G), balok susun 4 dari kayu sengon (S) dan balok dari kayu keruing (K). Balok susun kayu memiliki  rasio luasan mendekati rasio luasan balok kayu keruing dengan ukuran 8 cm x 12 cm dan bentang bersih sepanjang 2 meter untuk kemudian dibandingkan kuat lenturnya. Pengeleman balok susun menggunakan lem bertipe Polivynyl Asetat (PVAc) yang relatif mudah didapat dengan merk FOX. Hasil pengujian pada benda uji balok susun kayu terbaik didapatkan dari benda uji balok susun 2 dari kayu glugu sebesar 24,674 KN  yaitu lebih besar 7,605% dari beban maksimal rata-rata kayu keruing yaitu 22,93 KN. Biaya pembuatan benda uji glugu hanya sebesar 72,6% dari biaya kayu keruing pasaran di kota Semarang.
Jurnal Karya Teknik Sipil Volume 3, Nomor 3, Tahun 2014
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Diponegoro

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The Intersection between railway crossings with roads have any problems, especially when the railway gate were closed while trains pass. The problem is the queue of vehicles and the time of vehicle back to normal before the crossings opened. Geometric of Kaligawe Road is 4/2D with all types of vehicles and Kaliwungu is 2/2UD dominated by light vehicles. Both are in the class of primary arterial road. The data was collected by surveying directly at the two railway – roadway crossing at peak hours in the morning, afternoon, and evening. The data were taken during the normal flow is the flow rate (flow) vehicle, traffic speed, road geometric, and a long stream of vehicles crossing back to normal when the railway gate is opened. Meanwhile, when the railway gate is closed is the speed of shockwave, railway gate closing time, and a queue of vehicles. The data was then analyzed using the shockwave method, the capacity of the road using Highway Capacity Manual guidelines (MKJI) 1997 and theoretically Greenshields models are then compared the results, in order to obtain the queue length and time of return to normal road traffic due to the effect of the closure of crossings when trains pass. The results of analysis on the existing condition at Kaligawe Semarang and Kaliwungu Kendal still able to accommodate vehicular traffic passing through the intersection, because based on Timetabling 2013 +72 recorded trains pass each day with a headway of trains in peak hour morning, afternoon, and evening the average is 22 minutes if the closure 3-4 minutes. For Kaligawe Road if closure (t) = 3 minutes long queue gained = 0.15 to 0.25 miles with vehicles back to normal after crossing when the door is opened (t2) = 3.913 to 5 minutes, and if t = 4 minutes queue length obtained = 0.2 to 1.66 km with t2 = 5.21 to 6.68 minutes. While on the Road Kaliwungu if t = 3 minutes obtained queue length = 0.078 to 0.366 km with t2 = 4.172 to 11.88 minutes and if t = 4 minutes obtained queue length = 0.105 to 0.5 km with t2 = 5.564 to 15.85 minutes. t2 obtained in Jalan Kaligawe and Kaliwungu still less than 22 and 25 minutes. Responding PT.KAI plan which will operate a double track to increase the frequency of trains ± 72 to ± 200 trains per day. Based on the assumption that the headway of trains is the same every hour it is 7.2 minutes, then the results of the analysis for the Kaligawe road still able to accommodate traffic in the event of the closure 3-4 minutes, but for the Kaliwungu are no longer able to accommodate traffic flow if the closing 3 and 4 minutes because t2 obtained is 11.88 and 15.85 minutes. Besides, the degree of saturation (DS) in Kaligawe road = 0.401 and Kaliwungu = 0,747, to get for good traffic performance, for Kaliwungu Road becomes necessary to change the geometric 4/2D. The results of these observations can be useful in making policy considerations relevant to the response effort DEPARTMENT PT.KAI operate the double track in 2014 in order to maximize the performance of the Road Traffic Road Kaliwungu Kendal and Kaligawe Semarang.
KAJIAN KINERJA SISTEM POLDER DENGAN BALANCE SCORECARD Mega Asiska Ninda Pratiwi; Nuraini Nuraini; Hari Nugroho; Dwi Kurniani
Jurnal Karya Teknik Sipil Volume 5, Nomor 1, Tahun 2016
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Diponegoro

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Semarang especially in coastal area or better known as “Semarang bawah” has experienced land subsidence by 7 cm / year. This makes the ground water level in that area is lower than sea level. The result was a tidal flood happened in Semarang. The government tried to solve this problem by making Polder system. However, the fact is in the rainy season in the coastal areas was still flooding in. In other words, the performance of polder system was not optimal. Some polders that were used to assess the performance of polder in this study have not been able to reduce the impact of flood optimally. Therefore, it needed studies performance of each polder to determine polder ability in overcoming the flood. This study observed 4 polders in Semarang, which are Semarang River Polder, Banger Polder, Tanah Mas Polder and Tawang Polder. This performance is measured by the five critical areas that became reference of Balance Scorecard in assessment, that are Agency Management, Customer Satisfaction, Internal Processes, Finance and Expenditure & Development. The method used is descriptive analysis, quantitative and weighting with AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process). Balance Scorecard method on a field tested performance different weights on each field performance. The result of different weighting, which is calculated using the AHP is obtained ranks as follows Tanah Mas Polder (370/500), Banger Polder (348/500), Tawang Polder (296/500) dan Semarang River Polder (287/500). The result calculation of polder effectiveness is the polder ability in reducing flood at Polder Banger by 56% and Semarang River Polder by 59%.

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