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Departemen Biologi, Fakultas Sains dan Matematika, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang
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Articles 8 Documents
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Pengaruh Konsentrasi dan Frekuensi Pemberian Pupuk Organik Cair (POC) Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Bawang Merah (Allium ascalonicum L.). Moh. Khanif Nasuha; Sarjana Parman; Rini Budi Hastuti
Jurnal Akademika Biologi Vol. 4 No. 2 April 2015
Publisher : Departemen Biologi, Fakultas Sains dan Matematika Undip

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Shallots (Allium ascalonicum L) is a vegetable crop that has an important role in the economy  of  Indonesian  society.  This  can  be  seen  from  the  BPS  (Central  Bureau  of Statistics) on onion  consumption in the country in 2014 amounted to 935,000 tons. The high consumption of red onion  cultivation resulted not memperhatiakan environmental factors are often farmers excessive use of inorganic fertilizers, resulting in soil becomes solid. Giving treatment Liquid Organic Fertilizer (POC) is expected to increase growth and yield of onion because the content of the complete haranya both micro and macro, and is also able to improve soil quality. The purpose of this research know the effect of the concentration, frequency and interaction of liquid organic fertilizer on the growth and production  of  onion  (Allium  ascalonicum  L).  The  design  used  in  this  research  was Randomized Complete Block  Design (RCBD) factorial design with two factors, namelythe concentration  of  fertilizers  and  the  frequency  of  fertilizer  application.  This  study menggunakan6  treatment with a combination of concentration and frequency are K0F1 (0% 5 days), K0F2 (0% 10 days), K1F1 (25% 5 days), K1F2 (25% of 10 days), K2F1 (50% 5 days), K2F2 (50% of 10 days). Observations made during the 50 days after planting. Growth  parameters measured were plant height and number of leaves, the production parameters measured were wet weight, dry weight, and the number of tubers. Data analysis using ANOVA test and further tests using  test Duncan Multiple Test (DMRT) at 95% confidence level. The conclusion of this research is the  concentration of liquid organic fertilizer (POC) significantly affect the growth parameters and onion production and the frequency and interaction no significant effect on growth parameters and onion production. Keywords: onion, organic fertilizer, concentration, frequency.
Ekstraksi Protein dari Escherichia coli BL21 Rekombinan Gen Mycobacterium tuberculosis dengan Variasi Waktu Inkubasi Induksi Isoprophyl-β-D-Thiogalactosidase (IPTG) dan Metode Lisis Sel Nabila Swarna Puspa Hermana; Endang Kusdiyantini; Agung Suprihadi; Neny Nuraini
Jurnal Akademika Biologi Vol. 4 No. 2 April 2015
Publisher : Departemen Biologi, Fakultas Sains dan Matematika Undip

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Bacillus Calmete-Guerin vaccine is no more effective in preventing tuberculosis. The vaccine developed now is vaccine recombinant using Mycobacterium tuberculosis gen cloned in Escherchia coli to produce protein which is used as antigen compound in vaccine. The protein produced an intercellular protein which is needed cell lysis process so that the protein could be extracted. The aim of this research was to investigate the incubation time, and the optimum cell lysis method in protein recombinant extraction. Recombinant E. coli BL21 was incubated for 4, 8, 12, and 16 hours, and followed by, freeze thaw, sonication, and beads vortex lysis method. SDS PAGE quantification showed that the sample with 12 hour incubation with freeze thawing lysis method had the highest protein recombinant concentration by 4.327.870,4 pixel. Keywords: E. coli BL21 recombinant, protein extraction, enzymatic, freeze thaw, sonication, beads vortex
Pengaruh Pemberian Ensim Amilase terhadap Kadar Bioetanol dari Limbah Sagu Padat Muhammad Lukman Hakim; Endah Dwi Hastuti; Sarjana Parman
Jurnal Akademika Biologi Vol. 4 No. 2 April 2015
Publisher : Departemen Biologi, Fakultas Sains dan Matematika Undip

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Sago starch processing industry in the village Plajan leaving solid waste that pollute the environment. Solid sago waste still contains carbohydrates ± 84.7%, which can be used as a base  material  for  bioethanol  production.  Giving  amylase  enzyme  in  this  study  aims  to optimize the starch hydrolysis process into glucose so as to increase the levels of bioethanol. The purpose of this  study was to determine the effect of amylase enzyme with different volumes on levels of bioethanol. The research methods include hydrolysis, fermentation and distillation.  The  study design  used  was  completely randomized  design  (CRD)  with  four treatments. Such treatment is A = 0 ml of α-amylase and glucoamylase 0 ml (control), B = 2 ml α-amylase and 2 ml of glucoamylase, C = 4 ml of α-amylase and glucoamylase 4 ml, D =6  ml  of α-amylase  and  6  ml  glucoamylase  three  replications.  Parameters  observed  that glucose levels,  levels of ethanol, and the volume  of bioethanol. Analysis  of the data by Analysist  Variance (ANOVA),  followed by Duncan's Multiple Test Test (DMRT). These results indicate that  administration of amylase enzyme is able to increase levels of ethanol until a certain volume. The most effective enzyme volume to produce the highest levels of bioethanol is the range of volume 2  ml α-amylase and 2 ml glucoamylase to 4 ml of α- amylase and 4 ml glucoamylase of ethanol  grading 63.33% to 69.00% with a distillation process the distillation temperature between 70-90oC.Keywords: Amylase, bioethanol, sago solid waste.
Produksi Enzim Protease Dari A.niger PAM18A dengan Variasi pH dan Waktu Inkubasi Putri Ramadhani; MG. Isworo Rukmi; Sri pujiyanto
Jurnal Akademika Biologi Vol. 4 No. 2 April 2015
Publisher : Departemen Biologi, Fakultas Sains dan Matematika Undip

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Advances in the field of fermentation technology, genetic engineering, and technology applications of enzymes lead to the use of enzymes in the industry is increasing. Enzymes used in the industry can be derived from microorganisms such as bacteria, molds, and yeasts. Protease is one of the important enzyme that has been used widely in various fields of industrial application and 65% of the sales of enzymes in the world. Alkaline protease is one of hydrolytic enzymes that can hydrolysis proteins which working at the pH range of 7-12. The aim of this study was  to investigate the influence of pH and incubation time on the protease production of A. niger PAM 18A. The experimental were done using Factor Block Random Design with 2 i.e pH of7, 8, 9, and incubation time of 5, 6, 7 days. The results showed that highest protease fromA. niger PAM18A were found in the treatment of pH 8 and of 5 days incubating with the protease activity and specific activity were 0,930 U/mL and 3,632U/mg respectively.Keywords: Production Enzyme, Protease, A. niger PAM18A, pH, incubation time.
Produksi Enzim Inulinase Khamir Pichia manshurica DUCC Y-015 Dari Tepung Umbi Dahlia (Dahlia variabilis Willd.) Dengan Variasi Konsentrasi Magnesium Sulfat (MgSO4.7H2O) Dan Waktu Inkubasi Riza Laksita Devi Mutiaratri; W Wijanarka; Sri pujiyanto
Jurnal Akademika Biologi Vol. 4 No. 2 April 2015
Publisher : Departemen Biologi, Fakultas Sains dan Matematika Undip

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Dahlia tubers (Dahlia variabilis Willd.) contain inulin which can be hydrolyzed by the inulinase enzyme (E.C. into fructose monomer units. Application of  inulinase enzyme is used in the production of HFS (High   Fructose  Syrup)  dan  FOS  (Fructo-oligosaccharides).  Inulinase  can  be  produced  by  several microorganisms  including  inulinolytic  yeast  Pichia  manshurica  DUCC  Y-015.  One  of  the  factors  that influence the production of enzyme inulinase is macro minerals and incubation time on production medium. This study aims to determine the concentration of magnesium sulphate (MgSO4.7H2O) and the most optimal incubation time in producing the inulinase  enzyme. The research was carried out experimentally using a Randomized Block Design factorial. The first factor is the concentration MgSO4.7H2O those are 0,5 g/L; 1 g/L; and 1,5 g/L. The second factor is the variation of the incubation time, those are 12 hours; 18 hours; and24 hours, repetition was performed three times. Data were analyzed using ANOVA with 5% significant level(α = 0,05) and Duncan Test for further analysis. The results showed that the variation of the concentration ofMgSO4.7H2O has not been able to increase the production of inulinase enzyme, while the incubation time of18 hours produced the inulinase enzyme activity of 0,9605 IU/mL. Keywords:  Inulinase,  Dahlia  variabilis  Willd.,  Pichia  manshurica  DUCC  Y-015,  MgSO4, Incubation Time
Indeks Kuning Telur (IKT), Haugh Unit (HU) dan Bobot Telur pada Berbagai Itik Lokal di Jawa Tengah Dwi Purwati; Muhammad Anwar Djaelani; Enny Yusuf Wachidah Yuniwarti
Jurnal Akademika Biologi Vol. 4 No. 2 April 2015
Publisher : Departemen Biologi, Fakultas Sains dan Matematika Undip

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Ducks is one of poultry producer eggs that potential in Indonesia. Research about ducks eggs quality which includes egg yolk index (IKT), haugh unit (HU) and eggs weight local ducks in central java very important to know the genetic ability to ducks from each region and as an attempt to provide and improve the quality of  foodstuffs. The purpose of the research was analyze eggs quality from local breeds in Central Java that is Tegal ducks, Magelang ducks and Pengging ducks, viewed from the value IKT, HU and weight eggs. Ducks used in this research are raised in the hall breeding and raising ducks satker non ruminant Banyubiru, Ambarawa. The research was done by measuring egg quality from each ducks that was six month. Data  were  analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) with the differentiating factor is the type of ducks. If the data were analyzed significantly different, then do a further test using the Least Significant Differences Test (LSDt) at 95% confidence level. The results showed that ducks eggs Magelang has the heaviest weight  copared with Tegal ducks and Pengging ducks. Eggs quality data include IKT and HU showed no  significantly different from each ducks. The research conclusion the eggs Magelang ducks is the best eggs.   Keywords: Local Ducks Cental Java, Eggs Quality, IKT, HU, Egg Weight
Kualitas Daun Binahong (Anredera cordifolia) pada Suhu Pengeringan Berbeda Hesti Fajar Utami; Rini Budi Hastuti; Endah Dwi Hastuti
Jurnal Akademika Biologi Vol. 4 No. 2 April 2015
Publisher : Departemen Biologi, Fakultas Sains dan Matematika Undip

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Binahong leaf is one of the plants that can be used as a traditional medicine. An important step in the use of leaf binahong as drugs is by drying. This study aims to determine the effect of different drying temperature treatment on quality of leaf binahong. The research is divided into two stages: 1. to investigate binahong leaf quality of weight loss changes, the color and texture  of the leaves binahong after different drying; 2. to investigate flavonoid quality changes after different drying. The study design used was completely randomized design (CRD) with one factor, namely the factor of temperature drying 270C,300C  temperature,  the  temperature  of  400C  and  500C  temperature  for  1  day.  The parameters of this study consisted of weight loss percentage, percentage of water content, leaf  color,  leaf  texture  and  flavonoid  content  analysis.  Analysis  of  the  data  used  isAnalysis  of  Variance  (ANOVA)  followed  by  Duncan's  real  different  test  at  95%significance level. The results showed that the drying temperature tends to increase the rate of weight loss, eliminating moisture, affect change in color and texture of the leaves and reduce the content of flavonoids. Drying temperature 500C showed the best results in reducing weight loss  and moisture content, but is not able to maintain the color and texture of the leaves and leaf flavonoid content binahong, while the temperature of 270C, a temperature of 300C and 400C temperature is able to maintain the color and texture of the leaves but slightly lowers weight  loss  and levels water. The highest binahong leaf flavonoid  produced  at  a  temperature  of  270C  is  equal  to  10,729%  followed  by  a temperature of 300C at 1,305%, 0,753%  temperature of 400C and 500C temperature of0,651, so  it  is  recommended  to  use  as  a traditional  medicine,  the  leaves  should be consumed directly binahong. Keywords: Anredera cordifolia, drying temperature, flavonoid
Produksi Enzim Protease Aspergillus Flavus Pam-25 Dengan Variasi Ph Dan Waktu Inkubasi Indra Prawira; MG. Isworo Rukmi; w wijanarka
Jurnal Akademika Biologi Vol. 4 No. 2 April 2015
Publisher : Departemen Biologi, Fakultas Sains dan Matematika Undip

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Enzyme is a biokatalisator which can increase the speed of the reaction without join react. Protease enzyme is one of the enzymes that have a high economic value because its application is extensive in the field of industry. Protease is an enzyme that catalyzes the proteolytic peptide bonds in proteins termination. This research aims to determine the effect of pH and incubation time on the production of protease enzyme from A. flavus PaM-25.. This research aims to know the influence of the variation of the pH of the incubation time and against the production of the enzyme protease of A. flavus PaM-25. The research  was conducted at the laboratories of Microbiology Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, University of Diponegoro. Variables observed were protease activity, protein content and specific activity. Research using randomized complete block design (RAK) with two factors. The first factor is variation of pH, P1 (pH 7), P2 (pH 8), and P3 (pH 9), while the second factor is the incubation time T5 (5th day), T6 (6th day) and T7 (7th day) with repeated 3 times. Research data analyzed by Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and continued by Least Significant Difference test and Duncan Significant Difference Test at test level 5%. The results showed that the Aspergillus flavus PaM-25 has the capability of producing alkaline protease enzymes with pH range 7.0-9.0. The highest activity of proteases of   A. flavus PaM-25 retrieved on 7th day incubation time of treatment with protease activity value 1.94 U/mL, while pH treatment has no effect. The highest levels of protein found in the treatment of pH 7 and 5th days of incubation time of 1.05 mg/mL. The value of the highest purity of enzymes found in the combination of treatment pH 9 and 7th day incubation time  of 12.91 U/mg protein

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