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INFORMASI is an academic journal that centered in communication, is open and welcoming to contributions from the many disciplines and approaches that meet at the crossroads that is communication study. We are interested in scholarship that crosses disciplinary lines and speaks to readers from a range of theoretical and methodological perspectives. In other words, INFORMASI will be a forum for scholars when they address the wider audiences of our many sub-fields and specialties, rather than the location for the narrower conversations more appropriately conducted within more specialized journals. INFORMASI published twice a year (June and December) in Bahasa Indonesia or English.
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Articles 275 Documents
Social media and virtual sisterhood: The Instagram account @perempuanberkisah as a space for women’s solidarity Tri Kurnia Revul Andina; Estavita Chantik Pembayun; Prasakti Ramadhana Fahadi
Informasi Vol 53, No 2 (2023): Informasi
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/informasi.v53i2.63994


The practical and interactive nature of social media has played a pivotal role in fostering unity among women. Social media has evolved into platforms for women to express their worries, share their fears, discuss their problems, and be more emphatetic towards each other. In this virtual realm, a distinct form of solidarity has emerged, allowing women to amplify their voices beyond the confines of the non-virtual world. An exemplary illustration of this phenomenon is the Instagram account @perempuanberkisah, which actively advocates for women’s issues, particularly focusing on cases of violence. @perempuanberkisah curates diverse content, frequently featuring themes related to violence, including posts tagged #kisah18+ and #triggerwarning. Notably, the content goes beyond mere storytelling; it includes ongoing support for the individuals sharing their experiences, both from the @perempuanberkisah team and the broader community of women, as evidenced by the supportive comments flooding the posts. This study aims to delve into the virtual solidarity that has taken root among women within the @perempuanberkisah community, particularly within the context of contents labelled #kisah18+ and #triggerwarning. This research uses the virtual etnography method with descriptive-critical analysis. The result shows that virtual solidarity emerges from the empathy shown by @perempuanberkisah and women on Instagram through almost the entirety of their content. The sense of belonging and shared experience have generated solidarity among women despite the lack of interactions beyond the virtual space.
The contribution of mass media in the life of the nation and state Benni Setiawan
Informasi Vol 53, No 2 (2023): Informasi
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/informasi.v53i2.71879


Magazine Adil has done is proof that mass media has an important role in realizing a good life. One of the manifestations of a good life is independence. Magazine Adil is one of the media that participates in being a reporter towards the independence of the Republic of Indonesia with a variety of news wrapped in Islam rahmatan lil alamin. 
The government website as user’s information source: A model of user satisfaction, information, and system quality Niken Febrina Ernungtyas; Rino Febrianno Boer; Sabrina Sofi Qadrifa
Informasi Vol 53, No 2 (2023): Informasi
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/informasi.v53i2.60579


The Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia uses a website to disseminate news and publications to the public. An effective strategy for developing a successful website is to build a positive user experience that leads to a positive attitude from users towards the website. User experience in terms of optimizing website utilization has not been well explored, especially regarding satisfaction. Satisfaction is influenced by information quality and system quality factors. Information quality encompasses 5 variables (completeness, accuracy, format, currency, availability) and system quality consists of nine variables (reliability, flexibility, accessibility, responsiveness, integration, usability, functionality, design appeal, efficiency). This study assessed the effect of information quality and system quality on the satisfaction of using the Ministry of Religious Affairs’ website. The target population of this study were all users who had accessed the website at least once in the last three months. The data were collected from 420 respondents and analyzed using PLS-SEM. The findings indicated that the hypothesis of the variables completeness, accuracy, format, currency, availability, reliability, flexibility, accessibility, responsiveness, integration, usability, and functionality is not supported. However, the results of this research confirmed the positive and significant effect of design appeal and efficiency on satisfaction.
Victim blaming and character assassination: Media framing of controversial issues of Bangladesh Meherun Nahar; Tasnim Tabassum; Rafikatun Nisa
Informasi Vol 53, No 2 (2023): Informasi
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/informasi.v53i2.64307


News framing plays a significant role in creating and diverting perceptions on controversial issues in Bangladesh. The study examines three selected occurrences involving renowned personalities to discover the factors that contribute to the sensationalization of news information. The research posits theme-based criteria that influence news framing and investigates how controversy spreads via conventional and internet media. According to the study, online news portals participate in more news framing than conventional media. Victim blaming and character assassination are frequent framing strategies utilized in the online domain. The framing factors include misleading headlines, improper wording, and distortion of context. Thematic analysis of the study finds nine variables responsible for framing disagreement in the media, three of which constitute a basic pattern for framing disputes. The study emphasizes the possibility of news framing interfering with an individual's personal and professional life, as well as the importance of responsible journalism that promotes factual reporting while avoiding framing elements that can lead to victim blaming, character assassination, and sensationalism. Overall, the study adds to the current literature on news framing by offering insights into the thematic factors that can greatly influence framing debate. The study's findings might be useful for media practitioners and policymakers in Bangladesh and abroad since they give a better knowledge of the mechanics of framing disputes in the media. The report also recommends more research on news framing and its influence on public perceptions and attitudes toward contentious subjects.
Representation of multicultural value in animation film Upin-Ipin seasion 6 "Ghost Month" Sudono Sudono; RB Hendri Kuswatoro
Informasi Vol 53, No 2 (2023): Informasi
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/informasi.v53i2.68159


In the era of advances in information technology, early childhood education can use various media, including film, which is considered a very effective means of conveying messages or ideologies with audio-visual power. The animated film Upin-Ipin, as one of the contestants in the arena of animated film ideology, has an important role in instilling moral values in children. Through the moral message conveyed through the film, the personality formation of young children can be aligned with the moral message conveyed. This study, which applies a qualitative research approach with library methods, uses primary and secondary data as sources of information. Observation and documentation techniques were used to collect data, while data analysis adopted Roland Barthes' semiotic analysis model. The results of the study show that the animated film Upin and Ipin presents multicultural values as part of their Islamic identity, which is reflected in their friendly relationships with characters such as Jarjit (of Indian descent) and Mei-mei (of Chinese descent). Despite coming from different religious and ethnic backgrounds, Upin-Ipin and their friends can interact harmoniously, creating an inclusive playing environment.
Kartini in two lenses: The shifting image of Indonesian modern woman in R.A. Kartini (1982) and Kartini (2017) Aidatul Chusna; Shofi Mahmudah Budi Utami; Moh. Imam Subuhi
Informasi Vol 53, No 2 (2023): Informasi
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/informasi.v53i2.61378


This paper aims to examine the construction of Kartini figure in two Indonesian films titled R.A. Kartini (1982) and Kartini (2017) and how it represents the idealization of Indonesian woman in both eras. By utilizing textual analysis, the study finds different images of Kartini presented in the films. The 1982 film tends to emphasize on the critical nature of Kartini and her anti-colonial attitude. Moreover, Kartini is also presented as a figure of Javanese woman who is characterized by her feminine gestures and manner. Meanwhile, the 2017 film constructs Kartini figure differently. Instead of focusing on her femininity, the film constructs Kartini as an energetic, and rebellious young woman. The different characterizations of Kartini presented in the films indicate the shifting image of an idealized woman in both eras. As the first film produced in 1982, the ideal woman is represented as a feminine and motherly figure. Meanwhile in the second film, Kartini is imagined as the representation of the female millennial generation, characterized by their productivity, and creativity.
Establishment of Universiti Muhammadiyah Malaysia (UMAM) in the perspective of communication for development through education modernization Nurlaillah Sari Amallah; Andi Faisal Bakti; Novi Andayani Praptiningsih; Makroen Sanjaya; Tantan Hermansah
Informasi Vol 53, No 2 (2023): Informasi
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/informasi.v53i2.64705


Muhammadiyah is considered a radical conservative movement among the Malaysian Muslim community. The education system in Malaysia is generally exclusive. The majority of Malaysian society is resistant to the Muhammadiyah sect except in certain states. This research used the theory from Servaes and Malikhao, the modernization paradigm that influenced academia from 1945 to 1965 was supported by the transition of socio-political technology and culture from advanced societies to traditional societies. Development is explained as economic growth. The main idea in the modernization perspective shows that development is interpreted as first, planned, and overlapping. The results showed ideologically, the principle of progressive Muhammadiyah in establishing Universiti Muhammadiyah Malaysia (UMAM) cannot be separated from the role of the 47th Muktamar Muhammadiyah in Makassar. The congress was aimed at strengthening Muhammadiyah's Islamic vision, namely progressive Islam. Muhammadiyah launched an internationalization program, especially in the field of education, one of its implementations was by developing excellent educational centers abroad. Furthermore, Malaysia is considered the first step as a representative city center that excels in education and internationalization. Muhammadiyah is a movement that cares about Muslims so that they are not degraded by the progress of other nations, so public schools were founded and eventually became universities. This research concluded that the establishment of UMAM was a place to prove that Muhammadiyah is a progressive da'wah movement and builds society towards enlightenment. UMAM presents a superior lecture system with international standards through the use of technology. However, life is still based on Islamic values.
The role of social capital in the task force for preventing and handling sexual violence on campus Irwa Rochimah Zarkasi; Cut Meutia Karolina
Informasi Vol 54, No 1 (2024): Informasi
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/informasi.v54i1.77000


Higher education institutions are required to establish a Task Force for the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence (PPKS). The presence of the PPKS Task Force within the campus requires thorough preparation so that its existence can be accepted and beneficial. Therefore, this research aims to examine how social capital is utilized by PPKS Task Force to strengthen its presence. The concept of social capital in organizational management is used for analysis. Using a qualitative approach, data collection was conducted through interviews with the chairperson and members of PPKS Task Force in three campuses where the PPKS Task Force has been established for more than 6 months. The research findings indicate the existence of bonding social capital through the reinforcement of vision, mission, and shared perceptions among Task Force members, which serves as an initial step before engaging in other activities. Additionally, there is bridging social capital through trust and support from the campus’s internal stakeholders and related parties directly associated with the campus. Another crucial aspect is linking social capital through collaboration with external parties and various entities capable of providing support for PPKS Task Force activities and tasks.
Government public relations strategy in the digital age: Social Media Influencer (SMI) collaboration in building community participation in Madiun Regency Oka Lintang Salsabila; Sri Hastjarjo; Ignatius Agung Satyawan
Informasi Vol 54, No 1 (2024): Informasi
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/informasi.v54i1.70577


The Madiun District Government held the Bulan Timbang Serentak as a step to identify and prevent stunting early on. There is a problem of low participation in the program so a more effective promotion strategy is needed. However, there is a problem of low participation in participating in the program so a more effective promotion strategy is needed. In this case, the public relations department of the Madiun District Government collaborated with social media influencers/SMIs to help the Bulan Timbang Serentak campaign. The purpose of this study is to describe the Madiun Regency Government's Public Relations Strategy in campaigning for Bulan Timbang Serentak with Influencers to build public participation. The method used is descriptive qualitative with a case study research type. The research data was collected by interviewing authorized officials in the Madiun District Government, namely Madiun District Government Public Relations and one of the SMI account owners with the highest engagement who collaborated in campaigning for the Bulan Timbang Serentak. To explore the strategy, the researcher used the Four Steps of Public Relations Theory (Cutlip et al., 2006). In general, the results showed that the Madiun District Government Public Relations applied the Four Steps of Public Relations in conducting its strategy.
The heartfelt communication model of the 'Gerakan Indonesia Membantu' in enhancing awareness among Indonesian students in China Uspal Jandevi; Puji Lestari; Prayudi Prayudi
Informasi Vol 54, No 1 (2024): Informasi
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/informasi.v54i1.71028


This research aims to discover the latest philanthropic communication model employed by the Gerakan Indonesia Membantu (GIM) organization during their efforts to provide aid to Indonesian students in need in China. The spirit of providing tangible support to Indonesian students from lower-middle economic backgrounds, enabling them to continue their studies in China, inspired the formation of the GIM organization. In fulfilling its mission, GIM communicates with various parties so that Indonesian students in China can help one another, with the hope that all Indonesian students in the country can live decently and concentrate on completing their studies successfully This study evaluates and develops the efforts made by the GIM organization in providing assistance, awareness campaigns, and support to Indonesian students who need help to sustain their lives and complete their studies in China. The research adopts a qualitative approach with a phenomenological research type. Data were collected through interviews, focus group discussions, observations, and documentation. The collected data were then processed and conclusions were drawn. The results of this study show that GIM's awareness activities are not only focused on fundraising but also on building public trust in fund management and fostering a sense of belonging among donors towards Indonesian students in need in China. Further explanations are detailed in nine key points discussed in the findings and discussion chapter of this paper. This paper can serve as a reference for social organization activists with humanitarian visions and missions in conducting fundraising activities. It also provides new insights for scholars studying organizational communication, particularly in relation to philanthropic activities.