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Jurnal Ilmiah Fakutas Filsafat Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya. Jurnal ilmiah ini diharapkan menghasilkan kontribusi yang positif dari Fakultas Filsafat bagi pemikiran-pemikiran filosofis di Indonesia yang secara jujur dan setia melihat, memahami, dan menilai realitas sosial di tanah air dengan kritis dan cerdas.
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Articles 67 Documents
Pembentukan Karakter Generasi Muda Berwawasan Nilai-Nilai Pancasila Melalui Video Game Bertema RPG Arya Kresna
Arete Vol 2, No 2 (2013)

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This paper discusses the possibility to in still the values of the nation-state’s philosophy (Pancasila) on the young generation by using video games. Video games can facilitate the internalization of the values such as divinity, humanity, unity, democracy and justice more creatively and effectively as nowadays, young people are more interested in the video games that are played on computer, laptop and smart phones. The internalization of these values can be done explicitly and implicitly in every aspect of video game, through the plots of the game, the actor, dialogue and the content of the story of the game. The values of Pancasila will be analyzed hermeneutically to be improved in the electronic games. Then, we will discuss the narration and characters that will be analyzed philosophically to find capabilities of character of the values of Pancasila building. RPG video games can be used to build the characters of divinity, humanity, unity, democracy and just if these values can be expressed comprehensively in all aspects of video game RPG narration and characters
Bonum Commune dalam Filsafat Barat Widyawan, Aloysius
Arete Vol 7, No 1 (2018)

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Apa itu baik? Apa itu kebaikan bersama? Inilah pertanyaan dasar yang ingin dijawab dalam seluruh isi buku Bonum Commune dalam Filsafat Barat. Buku ini pada dasarnya adalah kumpulan dari tulisan beberapa pengarang yang bersama-sama merefleksikan apa itu kebaikan bersama. Frame yang mereka gunakan adalah filsafat Barat dengan alur yang berurutan sesuai dengan pembabagan yang umumdigunakan dalam filsafat Barat, yaitu mulai dari masa Yunani Kuno hingga massa kontemporer
Tuhan Menurut Ludwig Feuerbach Xaverius Chandra Hasiholan
Arete Vol 6, No 1 (2017)

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Ludwig Feuerbach proposes that God in religion is the product of human consciousness. Here the author wants to know how Feurbach came to that. First of all, it is to be demonstrated why Feuerbach discussed the subject of religion. Furthermore, it is shown how Feuerbach came to that God is the result of human consciousness facing its natural limitations in the face of its desire for happiness. With that it is found by Feuerbach that God’s supernatural qualities are nothing but a projection of the natural qualities of man himself. Nevertheless, the religious person is unaware of the self-projection he wore to God by the role of imagination, feeling, and theology. This provokes inquiry about why it happens. At the end of it is given little response to Feuerbach’s claim of God.
Arete Vol 2, No 1 (2013)

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Two items appear at the horizon when looking atthe highly productive population of this country: hope and challenge. On the one hand, a high percentage of young people inspires hope of productivity, creativity and innovation. On the other hand, we see the challenges of reducing unemployment and developing the quality of our human resource. Fulfilling the needfor quality basic education and health services of the people is required to be able to face this challenge. There are three basic problems with respect to systems and policies of national education in Indonesia: (1) there is a tug-of-war between centralization and decentralization as regards systems and policies; (2) there is a need to provide quality education to everyone and for everyone; and (3) Clarity of goals: for whom is this education? And on whose side is national education on? Any choice of national policy for the educational system must orient educational practice at the national level while at the same time appreciating the value of local wisdom and taking into consideration the variety of backgrounds that the people may have. There needs to be good will among public education policy makers at the national and regional levels to the point of even inviting representatives from teachers at the local level to participate in the making of the curriculum, asking them to be involved in the management of the educational process, soliciting their help in the implementation of the plan at all levels, asking them to assist in the periodical assessments and following them up on it. These teachers should, in fact, be and actually are at the frontline of the effort to provide a national policy for the system of education and should be actively involved in its implementation. Any educational system should aim at the eradication of poverty from society and, at the same time, out of justice, to provide education to everyone andfor everyone. These principles really need to be followed considering the variety of the situations of people who are living in Indonesia.
Peran Filsafat Dalam Transformasi Masyarakat Menurut John Dewey CB. Mulyatno
Arete Vol 7, No 1 (2018)

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Most people and academics think that philosophy is too difficult, abstract and complicated. Philosophy is a discipline that only elites can learn. This implies two things. First, philosophy has not been understood in the wider community. Second, many people do not yet understand well the meaning and role of philosophy for actual life today. In other words, the relevance of philosophy is questionable. John Dewey is a philosopher who explores the meaning and role of philosophy in developing a social life. From a pragmatic and instrumental perspective, he underlines the meaning and role of philosophy in social life. With a qualitative approach, this literature study of John Dewey’s thought finds three important things. First, as an intellectual movement, philosophy is the process of transforming the life of society. It is an integral part with the experience of human life in finding the meaning of life. Secondly, to inforce the role of philosophical reflection in serving the human development, it is necessary to reconstruction of philosophy. Third, continuous philosophizing is a process of education. It is to improve the quality of human thinking and of human moral conduct in society.
Banalitas Intelektual Dalam Dunia Pendidikan Perguruan Tinggi Suatu Kajian Filsafat Ilmu Anastasia Jessica Adinda S.
Arete Vol 2, No 2 (2013)

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This paper discusses the educational problem in Indonesian higher education, which is called by Heru Nugraha as intellectual banality. Intellectual banality is a situation which is marked by unconscious superficiality of thinking and degradation of intellectual and academic quality. This paper aims to find out the causes of intellectual banality from the lens of the philosophy of science. We took this perspective since the educational practices carry out the assumption of how to view the science. Intellectual banality firstly happens due to the view which tends to put more emphasis on the quantity to measure the intellectual quality. This is viewed as the romanticism of inductive methods. The second cause is the neglection of the objective of science to reach the prosperity of all human beings, not only for some communities. Therefore, the changing views on how to measure the quality of education qualitatively need conducting to improve the higher education
Pergumulan Individu dan Kebatiniahan Menurut Soren Kierkegaard Ferdinandus Eltyson Prayudi
Arete Vol 7, No 1 (2018)

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Buku Pergumulan Individu dan Kebatiniahan yang ditulis oleh Eugenita Garot hendak menjawab pertanyaan penting tentang “apakah ada relasi antara individu dan kebatiniahan” dalam pemikiran Kierkegaard. Untuk memahami pemikiran Kierkegaard, penulis buku membagi pembahasan dalam 5 bab. Tujuannya untuk membantu pembaca memahami duduk permasalahan dan gagasan-gagasan pemikiran Kierkegaard terutama konsep individu, kebatiniahan, dan relasi antara keduanya. Selain itu, pembahasan gagasan inti dibuka dengan pembahasan garis besar gagasan inti dan ditutup dengan rangkuman atau kesimpulan apa yang menjadi bahasan di dalam bab itu. Dengan cara ini, nampaknya penulis ingin memudahkan pembaca dalam memahami setiap bab secara lebih terperinci sehingga maksud penulis buku dapat dimaknai dengan tepat oleh pembaca.
Alienasi Pekerja Pada Masyarakat Kapitalis Menurut Karl Marx Datu Hendrawan
Arete Vol 6, No 1 (2017)

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Marx and Marxism are often identified with evil movements that threaten the safety of mankind. Yet when examined, the point depart from Marx’s thinking also comes from humanitarian problems. Karl Marx formulated the basis of his humanity through a quite unique way. Karl Marx does not justify what is humanity (universal), but he reveals the phenomenon of degeneration of humanity through the concept of work alienation. Karl Marx’s struggle with the idea of alienation while in France. The concept of alienation was formulated by Marx in his encounter with Engels’s idea of the suffering of workers in Europe. The concept of alienation is the basis for the theory of class struggle to be formulated later. The awareness of human oppression which is demonstrated through its alienation produces a theory that has the purpose of praxis. Awareness of oppressive circumstances is expected to drive changes to the political and economic system. Work to make workers experience alienation. In a working condition, a worker is actually alienated from his production. When alienated from the production of a worker also do a job that is foreign and not in accordance with the purpose of life. Furthermore, the working conditions to make humans alienated from humanity, because work is no longer an autonomous self-disclosure but only aims to meet the needs of life (animal). The state of the alien world of work makes the workers alienated from the social world. Other workers are foreigners who are placed as opposed to the outsourced workers. Work also makes people alienated from themselves, because the body does not do something that suits the mind.
Arete Vol 2, No 1 (2013)

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The idea of education based on pluralism leads the students to have good character, a positive attitude and to respect what may be different from what they personally hold. In itself, there is indeed a difference. In the face of such a difference, our attitude should be that of understanding, acceptance and to do what is fair on the basis of proportionate justice. On the other hand, discrimination is to do an injustice towards an individual or a group in society just because that individual or group is different in se. There is also a difference that comes from a specific personal attitude or conviction. This difference is related to differing outlooks and ways of life that are embraced and lived by someone. When it comes to difference in conviction and the choice of religion, a person should learn how to live together in mutual tolerance, developing a sense of respect before such differences. In the face of such differences, a man may debate and present opposing arguments. Openness and room for discussion and dialogue should precisely be fostered when there are differences like this. Differences in mental frameworks and thought should be analysed in an atmosphere of freedom to hold an opinion, dialogue and communicate in a healthy way. An education based on pluralism teaches the student to develop a character that is wise, promotes the skill to manage differences and designs a strategy that would resolve these differences in a mature way.
Dunia Manusia-Teknologi Dalam Revolusi Industri Keempat Thomas Satriya
Arete Vol 7, No 1 (2018)

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The Industrial Revolution 4.0 produced a new picture of reality. This happens because humans are helped by technology to perceive all things in more detail, more complex and richer in meaning. This new broader picture forces people to meet new experiences and therefore requires different ways to reflect on the reality of their lives. This paper argues that through its integration with tech¬nology that leads people to recognize and exploit nature in such a way, humans in the industrial revolution 4.0 were brought to an era of natural waste and deprivation. This condition will in turn bring changes to the human way of life that potentially oppress and eliminate some aspects of human life.