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Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 2, No 6 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Kunci  : Ketertarikan, Media pembelajaran, PreziKetertarikan siswa dapat dipengaruhi oleh faktor internal dan eksternal. Faktor internal meliputi perhatian dan motivasi, sedangkan faktor eksternal meliputi faktor bahan pelajaran, faktor metode pelajaran, faktor media pendidikan dan fasilitas pendidikan (alat peraga), faktor lingkungan, faktor tenaga pengajar dalam pembelajaran, dan faktor pengaruh ekonomi dalam belajar. Prezi termasuk dalam faktor media pendidikan dan fasilitas pendidikan (alat peraga).Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif prosentase, yakni mendeskripsikan bagaimana ketertarikan siswa dan apa alasan siswa tertarik pada media pembelajaran prezi yang digunakan guru dalam pembelajaran kosakata bahasa Jepang.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dari total 30 siswa, 21 siswa dengan prosentase 70% diantaranya sangat tertarik, 8 siswa dengan prosentase 27% tertarik, 1 siswa dengan prosentase 3% tidak tertarik dan 0 siswa dengan prosentase 0% sangat tidak tertarik pada media prezi yang digunakan dalampembelajran kosakata bahasa Jepang. Alasan siswa tertarik pada media pembelajaran prezi ialah: 1) prezi mempunyai template yang menarik dankemampuan zooming objek. 2) prezi mampu meningkatkan semangat belajarsiswa sehingga tidak bosan. 3) menggunakan prezi siswa lebih fokus pada materi. 4) prezi mampu menarik perhatian siswa. 5) prezi membantu siswa dalam memahami dan mengingat kosakata benda bahasa Jepang. 6) prezi membantu siswa lebih mudah mengerjakan soal latihan.Penulis menyarankan untuk penelitian selanjutnya bisa dilakukan analisis mengenai pengaruh media pembelajaran prezi terhadap pemahaman kosa kataBahasa Jepang maupun hasil belajar. Selain itu, juga bisa meneliti penggunaanmedia pembelajaran prezi untuk pengajaran tata Bahasa Jepang.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 2, No 6 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Ideology Construction, Presidential Election News 2014, KompasNewspaper. Human uses language to communicate each other. In society, language is used to get the massage and to understand the meaning. From the language, human creates the meaning. The researcher conducts a research about the ideology construction on the presidential election news 2014 of Kompas newspaper. The researcher uses three dimensions of discourse by Norman Fairclough. This research focuses on two research problems, 1.) how Kompas newspaper constructs its readers’ opinion toward the candidates of Indonesian president through the lexical choices and 2.) how the constructed meanings are interpreted by the readers.This research uses qualitative approach in analyzing the constructed meaning from the lexical choices, how Kompas newspaper constructs the public opinion to how the constructed meanings are interpreted by the readers. The data used is the news of Kompas newspaper and the interview from the subscribers.This research suggests that the readers' opinion is constructed through lexical choices attributing both positive and negative character. The researcher finds five (5) positive sides and six (6) negative sides of the first candidate. Thisresearch also finds seven (7) positive sides dan one (1) negative side of the second candidate. From that finding, the researcher finds that Kompas newspaper is not as neutral as it is said. The neutrality of Kompas newspaper itself can be seen by the lexical choice and also the history. The public opinion is constructed after reading Kompas newspaper. But, this research finds that the readers do not only read one media, but also the others. Because of that, the voting behavior is not affected by reading it.Through this research, it is suggested the next researcher interested in doing similar research to consider different objects like slogan of fast food restauran, movie, photo, or book. It is also suggested that the next researcher should explore other theories, such as the theory of Van Dijk, Wodak, etc.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 2, No 6 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Semiotic Analysis, Canon Camera, Advertisement. Advertisement is a medium to deliver message to people with the goal to influence the to use certain products. Semiotics is applied to develop a correlation within element used in an advertisement. In this study, the writer chose the Semiotic analysis of canon camera advertisement as the subject to be analyzed using semiotic study based on Peirce’s theory. Semiotic approach is employed in interpreting the sign, symbol, icon, and index in Canon camera advertisements. This study aims to identify: (1) What kinds of signs are used in the advertisements of Canon Camera based on semioticanalysis?; (2) What is the meaning of each sign in the Canon Camera advertisements?.This study uses qualitative approach by document analysis because the study focuses on identifying sign, interpreting connotation found in Canon Camera advertisements. The writer collected the data by looking at the visual signcontained within the Canon Camera advertisements.The writer found that there were 52 signs in total consisting of 28 icons, 11 indexes and 13 symbols. Most of the connotation meanings of the prited advertisements reflect a certain messages related to  the theme or product that is promoted. Each sign has a very important role to build up expected additional idea of the advertisement. It has function to make clear, support and streng then up a particular message.Finally, the writer suggests the next researchers conduct a study on semiotics by using another from of advertisement. The next researchers are also suggested that theyuse some other theories to gain better understanding about semiotics.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 2, No 6 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Semiotics, Logo, Sign, Connotation, Icon, Index, Symbol.Cafe is very popular in Malang and it usually has a logo to show the characteristics of the cafe and all identities or all aspects of the cafe. In this research, the researcher chooses three logos of cafes in Malang. Then, to get the meaning of the logos, the researcher analyzes them by using semiotic study. This research has three problems of the study to be answered: (1) What typology of signs are found on the logos of three cafes in Malang? (2) What are the connotations of the logos of three cafes in Malang?, and (3) What are the relationships between the sign connotation of the logos of cafes and the history, concept and goals of the cafes?Descriptive qualitative research with content or document analysis is applied in this research. The data analysis is conducted by applying Pierce’s theory (1931 in Chandler 2007) that is typology of sign. In order to interpret the meaning of the signs found, connotation theory offered by Chandler (2007) and Fiske (2012) are also used. Purposive sampling is used in this research to select the objects. In this research, the researcher selected Uno cafe, Mochi Maco cafe, and Omah Coffee Cafe.The result of this research discovers that the icon, index, and symbol are found in the logos. The iconic signs are mostly applied and the symbolic signs are used more than the indexical one. The meaning of signs combination found in the logos is interpreted through connotation theory. In accordance with the analysis, the three cafes represent their characteristics through their logos and the three logos of cafes show relationships between the signs connotation and the history, concept, and goals of the cafes. Moreover, the three logos represent characteristics and relation between the sign connotation of the logo and the history, concept, and goal of the café through their symbolic signs in their names.The researcher finally suggests the next researchers analyze other objects as the data source conducting a research related to semiotics study such as posters, novel covers, posters and different logos of cafes in areas other than Malang.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 2, No 6 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Kata Kunci : Kansha Hyougen,Ojigi, StrategiBahasa dan kebudayaan merupakan satu kesatuan yang tidak bisa dipisahkan, dalam bahasa kita dapat mengetahui kebudayaan karena bahasamencerminkan kebudayaan begitupun sebaliknya. Penelitian ini membahas“Kansha hyougen Dan Perilaku Ojigi Masyarakat Jepang Yang Terdapat Pada Drama Senryokugai Sousakan Episode 1-5”. Dalam penelitian ini dibahas apa sajajenis kansha hyougen yang terdapat dalam drama tersebut, serta hubungan kansha hyougen dengan perilaku ojigi dan strategi berterimakasih.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif, serta mengacupada teori Okamoto dan Nishihara pada teori Jenis-jenis kansha hyougen, teori Ojigi menurut Chigusa, dan teori strategi berterimakasih menurut Aijmen.Hasil dalam penelitian ini, penulis menemukan 44 jenis kansha hyougen,yaitu 3 jenis kansha hyougen baku serta dua jenis kansha hyougen tidak baku, danenam strategi berterimakasih. Namun kansha hyougen tidak selalu disertaigerakan ojigi.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 2, No 6 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: semiotics, sign, code, chapter cover, graphic novel, Maus. Language is important in daily life because people need to communicate withone another in their society. A sign is another way to communicate among each other. In order to do that, visual signs may be used which contain some pictures with a special meaning to express the messages through the signs in the illustrative pictures such as chapter cover in the graphic novel. Meanwhile, a sign will have no meaning without codes inside it. The writer conducted a study about the semiotic analysis on chapter cover in the graphic novel Maus: A Survivor’s Tale by Art Spiegelman based on Peirce’s triadic theory and Codes theory by Chandler. There are two problems solved, namely: (1) What symbol, icon, and index on chapter covers of the graphic novel Maus: A Survivor’s Tale by Art Spiegelman are, and (2) What kinds of codes are used in interpreting the meaning of signs of the chapter cover in the graphic novels Maus: A Survivor’s Tale by Art Spiegelman are. This study uses qualitative approach since the data are not in the forms of numbers or statistic calculation. The writer conducts the content or document analysis to analyze the signs and the codes used in chapter cover of the graphic novel Maus: A Survivor’s Tale by Art Spiegelman. There are six chapter covers in the graphic novel Maus and the writer chooses all of chapter covers, namely The Sheik, The Honeymoon, The Prisoner of War, The Noose Tightens, Mouse Holes and Mouse Trap.This study reveals that some signs represent the content of the graphic novel. In the chapter cover, symbols, icons, and indexes in the first chapter cover and symbols, icons, and indexes in the second chapter cover are found. From the third to the sixthchapter cover also, symbols, icon, and indexes based on Peirce’s the mode theory arefound. Meanwhile, there are codes proposed by Chandler.  The codes found are socialcodes such as verbal language, the bodily codes, commodity codes, textual codes, and interpretative codes.The writer suggests the Faculty of Cultural Studies, Universitas Brawijaya give more references related to semiotics studies. The writer also suggests the next researcher broaden the semiotics scope and analyze the other objects.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 2, No 6 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: componential analysis, kinship, Sasak language, traditional society,modern society, East Lombok.Kinship is relations shared by human through blood tie and marriage. Kinship terms are used to express the relations. In this study, the writer identified kinship terms used by traditional and modern society of Sasak in East Lombok. There are two problems of the study, they are: (1) What Sasak kinship terms are used by traditional society in Limbungan and modern society in Selong district; (2) What differences are found in Sasak kinship terms between Limbungan villagers and Sasak modern society of Selong district based on the lexical and the componential analysis of the terms.The study used qualitative approach, employing in total 40 participants. 10 participants were Limbungan villagers and 30 participants were Selong citizens. 30 participants from Selong were divided into 3 groups, namely students group, modern job group, and social and politic organizations group. The numbers of participants were not same considering the difference of total population in both societies. All participants were required to answer the questionnaires. To analyse the data, the writer employed componential analysis approach by Kreidler (1998) to trace the meaning of each kinship term.This study reveals that Sasak kinship terms like Amaq, Inaq, and Amaq Kaka are still used in traditional society though there are also some adapted kinship terms from Bahasa Indonesia like Kakak, Adiq, and Ipar. Meanwhile in modern society, other languages like Javanese and Bahasa Indonesia kinship terms are also used by the citizens. It can be seen from the kinship terms Mamak, Bapak, Pak De and Bu De which are used by modern society. Lexical differences can be found in the terms for addressing parents’ younger siblings, and nephew or niece. In terms of componential analysis [male] and [female] semantic features are identified more in modern society since they tend to determine the sex the person they refer to.For the next researchers, similar study can be conducted using descriptive qualitative approach. Through descriptive qualitative approach, the next researcher may know the percentage of people who still apply Sasak kinship terms and at the same time can describe the phenomenon holistically. Kinship studies in other vernaculars employing other theories are also welcomed.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 2, No 6 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Kata Kunci : Konjungsi, sinonim, imitokuchou.Sinonim adalah beberapa kata yang maknanya hampir sama. Sinonim ditemukan di berbagai kelas kata dalam bahasa Jepang, termasuk dalam konjungsi. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk membuktikan teori yang ada mengenai konjungsi sorekara dan soshite yang dinyatakan bersinonim. Meskipun konjungsi sorekara dan soshite bersinonim, namun keduanya tetap memiliki perbedaan unsur pembentuk makna. Oleh karena itu, peneliti meneliti kesinoniman konjungsi sorekara dan soshitemenggunakan analisis imitokuchou.Dalam penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan sumber data dari buku bahan ajar dengan tingkat yang berbeda, yaitu shokyuu, chuukyuu, dan jokyuu. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah: (1) Jenis penggunaan konjungsi sorekara dan soshite apa yang terdapat dalam buku bahan ajar shokyuu, chuukyuu dan jyoukyuu yang digunakan untuk sumber data? (2) Berapa perbandingan konjungsi sorekara yang penggunaannya sama dengan konjungsi soshite dan konjungsi sorekara yang penggunaannya berbeda dengan konjungsi soshite dalam buku bahan ajar shokyuu,chuukyuu dan jyoukyuu? (3) Apakah konjungsi sorekara dan soshite dapat saling bersubstitusi atau tidak?Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif. Menjabarkan konjungsi sorekara dan soshite dari segi penggunaan, menghitung persentase dari konjungsi sorekara yang terlihat serupa dan tidak serupa dengan konjungsi soshite. Serta menjabarkan substitusi konjungsi sorekara dan soshite.Berdasarkan hasil temuan, dalam buku bahan ajar yang digunakan untuk sumber data yang ditemukan sebanyak 54 data. Dalam buku shokyuu terdapat 20 data, sorekara sebanyak 17 data, soshite sebanyak 13 data. Dalam buku chuukyuu terdapat 17 data, sorekara 3 data, soshite sebanyak 14 data. Dan dalam buku joukyuu terdapat 7 data, sorekara 2 data, soshite sebanyak 5 data. Konjungsi sorekara yang terlihat serupa dengan konjungsi soshite sebanyak 14 data, sedangkan konjungsi sorekara yang tidak serupa dengan konjungsi soshite sebanyak 8 data.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 2, No 7 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Ernest Hemingway, short story, character, mimetic.A short story is a medium to reflect past personal experiences of an author. So as Ernest Hemingway who created every character is a reflection of his past personal experiences.The research of Hemingway’s short story Cat in the Rain used biographical approach and mimetic theory to identify imitation and reality from every behaviour that was shown by the  main characters. Through the text and author’s biography, the relation between the main characters in his short story Cat in the Rain with his personal life can be seen and identified.The result of this research shows Ernest Hemingway’s expertise in adding part of his personal experience into the character in his works. In Cat in the Rain, he reveals the man who has some mode of thought and the woman has some emotional state. The man is a masculine person, controlling towards the behaviour of his wife, and having an intelectual personality the same as Hemingway’s environment in the past. Whereas the wife is a person who is mercifull with the living things, needs attention and protection, a lonely person, lack of confidence with her appearance, bounded by her husband, and feels hopeless with her life the same as Hemingway’s feeling in the past.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 2, No 7 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Kata Kunci : Bahasa, Sintaksis, Kesalahan BerbahasaSintaksis merupakan tataran linguistik yang membahas frasa, klausa dan kalimat. Penelitian ini menganalisis kata kerja penunjuk arah yang diterapkan dalam tes soal. Penggunaan kata kerja penunjuk arah tersebut dirasa cukup rumit dan rancu. Peneliti merasa tertarik untuk melakukan penelitian kata kerjapenunjuk arah tersebut dan digunakan untuk menjawab rumusan serta tujuan masalah yaitu kesalahan penggunaan dan penyebab kesalahan yang sering dilakukan.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian bahwa mayoritas mahasiswa semester V angkatan 2012 dapat menggunakan kata kerja penunjuk arah dengan baik dengan persentase kesalahan sebesar 20%. Penyebab kesalahan tersebut karena interferensi bahasa pertama yang dikuasainya, kurang memahami tata bahasa tersebut dan pengajaran bahasa yang kurang tepat.Diharapkan ada penelitian lebih lanjut mengenai kata kerja penunjuk arah pada objek lain. Dengan dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut, diharapkan mahasiswa akan lebih memahami penggunaan, letak, dan perbedaan kata kerja penunjuk arah tersebut.

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