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EDUKASIA Vol 9, No 2 (2012): Jurnal Edukasia
Publisher : EDUKASIA

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Teacher as educators is someone who contributed greatly to thecommunity and nation. The high and low culture, progress or decline of acommunity and the cultural level of the country largely depends on the educationand teaching provided by teachers. If the teachers have higher education, so thestudents will receive the better quality of education, and the community degreewill be high too. Therefore, teachers should be confi dent and proud, that theycan carry out the task. One thing that is not less important is that they shouldtry to run all the tasks as well as possible, so that people will eventually realizethat actually how heavy and noble work of being a teacher. Keywords : quality of teaching, Islamic teaching
EDUKASIA Vol 9, No 2 (2012): Jurnal Edukasia
Publisher : EDUKASIA

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There are many limitations in the fi gure of a teacher, the limitations in the mastery of knowledge, limitations in management/class management,and limitations in understanding the character of each learner. Teachers mustreconstruct the learning design has been applied, especially in style or methodof teaching. Selection of an appropriate method will be able to overcome theselimitations and give effect on the learning process that will take place. One of learning method to create effective learning, creating an atmosphereof fun and not boring (joyfull and quantum learning), providing real-worldexperience (real world learning) and using a variety of learning resources is themethod of Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) or Learning in Context.Contextual Teaching and Learning methods are very suitable to be appliedin the teaching of Islamic Education because it is focused on understanding,development of knowledge, skills and contextual understanding of the studentsabout the subjects relationship to what students encountered in daily life. Key words: Contextual Teaching and Learning, learning method,IslamicReligious Education
EDUKASIA Vol 9, No 2 (2012): Jurnal Edukasia
Publisher : EDUKASIA

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Abstract; Many studies to Islam science is including concept and idea of theIslam fi gures, in this research traces about ideas of the education fi gures ofits(the special Islam education fi gures of Islam, and in this study selected isidea of Islam fi gure Ibnu ‘ Athaillah especially in education spiritual, studyin its(the book al-Hikam, he is a moslem scholar, a sufi is notable known as amuhaddits, muballigh, at the same time expert “fi qh Maliki”. His more ideahaves the character of carrying out and applicative with point weighs againstat education of behavior leading to education of spiritual is stemming from“tasawuf”. Why that way because man has three dimensions that is believingin god dimension, that is how man or slave has good behavior to God, bothdimensions humanism, that is how slave earns having behavior good to otherfellow being, and third of dimension naturally that is dimension how humancan good correlate with the universe. Without third of the dimension man orslave would be empty useless and in life his its, in consequence education ofbehavior and spiritual necessary for slave to have good behavior to God, manand the universe. Keyword: Education, Spiritually, and Ibnu ‘ Athaillah
EDUKASIA Vol 9, No 2 (2012): Jurnal Edukasia
Publisher : EDUKASIA

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Oral tradition (TL) roles and potentially is used to strengthen resilienceof the nation’s culture as part of the culture. The living of TL is the living of culture,while the TL tough if kept alive in the community, present in community activities,and perform its functions in the context of life, inherited in the same generation oracross generations. TL is part of the culture inherited from generation to generation(as) orally as a form of common property and collective ideas. Its existence as culturaltreasures and the inherited forms of radiant is thinking by the ancestors. Varietyof distinct oral tradition of oral interaction, aesthetic works of verbal, oral and lifeguidance. TL has four functions that are a refl ection of collective delusion, a tool oflegitimacy cultural institutions, educational tools, and a controller norm. This textemphasizes the function of TL as an educational tool that TL is not destroyed. Educationas planting media and introduction of products ancestral form of oral tradition thatis not extinct. TL extinction is because of its disappearance in the present era, is notproductive or TL speakers are gone, and the absence of the media turn on TL (nguriuri).TL Education / learning is the way of restarting TL existing. Teaching modelcanbe an understanding of the history of images, media maps, games, simulations,abilityto ask, task (writing / work), the study documents (SD) guide, textbooks, etc.TLin the development of learning materials is obtained by developing a variety ofTL.According Sukatman (2009) is in the form of verbal riddles, folk beliefs, proverbs,symbolicbehavior and horoscope, fairy tales, and so on. They Includes learning theevaluationfunction in the formative function, diagnosis formative, summative, anddiagnosticsummative. Formative function is obtaining the results learners’ abilityon topics that are presented to educators. If the learners are capable then be increased at the stated diagnosis formative evaluation (DF). DF is an assessment of the problemof identifying the topic of learning by learners. The subsequent summative evaluationresults on the ability of learners in understanding the TL material has been given bythe lecturers and the results of excavations by the student on the form TL. The endof this form of summative evaluation is a diagnosis that knows the capabilities andweaknesses of learners in understanding concepts and understanding of TL that hegot from his environment. For students who have not been optimal understanding ofteaching materials about the TL, they can carry out the pattern of remediation. Keywords: Oral Tradition, Learning, and Local Wisdom.
EDUKASIA Vol 9, No 2 (2012): Jurnal Edukasia
Publisher : EDUKASIA

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In this studyr, a comprehensive review of recent research examiningpersonal epistemology in students from diverse cultural backgrounds will bepresented. However, most of the foundational research in the fi eld of personalepistemology has been conducted in North America using samples that are primarilymono-cultural. Cultural background may be an important variable to considerwhen studying personal epistemology. It is reasonable to think that world viewsand cultural beliefs may have implications for personal epistemology, and if so, itis important to understand how these belief systems may impact the educationalexperience. This literature review will help summarize the current state of researchin regards to personal epistemology and culture. Keywords; personal epistemological belief and culture.
EDUKASIA Vol 9, No 2 (2012): Jurnal Edukasia
Publisher : EDUKASIA

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This is a qualitative research about student behavior at Tarbiyah ofSTAIN Kudus. Focus of the research about (1) indiviual behavior, includingmotivation, perception, personality, attitude, and value, (2) group behavior,namely their interaction in campus. The result are (1) most of studentshave good perceptions for their individual interactions. So, they interact oneanothers friendly; (2) most of students have good perceptions for their groupinteractions. Behavior of both of individual and group interactions is not verygood, but also good enough among the students. Keywords : Individual Behavior, Group Behavior, Student
EDUKASIA Vol 9, No 2 (2012): Jurnal Edukasia
Publisher : EDUKASIA

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Pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di STAIN Kudus yang dimulai padasemester pertama atau kedua diselenggarakan melalui dua kesempatan dalamsatu periode. Pertama, mahasiswa mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai matakuliah umum berdasarkan silabus. Kedua, mahasiswa belajar bahasa Inggris dikelas praktikum (sekarang disebut sebagai pelatihan bahasa Inggris). Pada saatini, pembelajaran dalam praktikum bahasa Inggris berdasar pada workbook.Buku-buku ini disusun oleh Language Team Unit of STAIN (UBINSA STAINKudus) yang bertujuan untuk mengembangkan kemampuan lisan mahasiswayang mencakup berbicara, berdiskusi, dan penjelasan lisan. Para mahasiswa diharapkan dapat menguasai semua materi sedangkan parapengajar diberikan kebebasan yang bertanggung jawab dalam menyiapkankurikulum mereka sendiri yang di sesuaikan dengan konsep-konsep kurikulumUBINSA. Dalam hal ini, setiap pengajar UBINSA memiliki tantangan untukmempersiapkan mahasiswanya berkolaborasi dengan materi-materi yang tidakjauh berbeda dengan topic-topik bahasa Inggris dalam mata kuliah umummereka dengan menciptakan suasana belajar yang menarik bagi mereka. Dalamhal ini, penulis menggabungkan materi-materi pembelajaran dengan memberikesempatan pada mahasiswa untuk memilih peran dan membuat naskahpermainan serta memainkan peran sebagai wujud kinerja kelompok di kelaspenulis dalam mempraktikkan bahasa Inggris secara lisan maupun tertulis.Hal ini mengembangkan kelas praktikum menjadi kelas komunikatif dengan tujuan utamanya menerapkan komunikasi yang sepenuhnya. Kata Kunci: Kelas Komunikatif, Kelas Praktikum
EKSISTENSI MANUSIA DALAM AL-QUR’AN [Telaah Tematis Fungsi Penciptaan Manusia dalam Perspektif Pendidikan Islam] Nirwana, Dzikri
EDUKASIA Vol 9, No 2 (2012): Jurnal Edukasia
Publisher : EDUKASIA

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Islamic education aims to harmonize and optimalize human duofunctions,as hambaand khalifahof God that becomes the main purpose ofhumancreation. From this concept, human is urgent to be discussed based onQur’anperspective due to his duo-functions, so that he has dynamic living andcreativityand amaliyah in truth values. The human existence as khalîfah,isextremelyrelated to God (‘abd).He has laws and wills in the Holy Book that Hehasbeen revealed through His prophet. On the contrary, his wills appear in theformof an effort of peradaban and prosperity. These aspects are able to be seenfromtwo sides; human and nature (earth) relationship, human as ‘amîrah;howeverin the existence of human as khalîfah,it is ‘ibâdah to God. Thus,hambaand khalifah concepts are being a harmony between responsibilityand duty, because kekhalifahan is the realization of human sacrifi ce to God,his Creator. Key words: human, khalîfah, ‘amîrah
PERBANDINGAN MODEL PENDEKATAN STUDI ISLAM DI TIMUR TENGAH DAN BARAT (Formulasi Model Diskursus Pendidikan Islam di Indonesia) Mawardi, Imam
EDUKASIA Vol 9, No 2 (2012): Jurnal Edukasia
Publisher : EDUKASIA

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This article discusses the comparative study of Islam in the MiddleEast and the West. Study of Islam in the Middle East strongly emphasizesthe normative and ideological approaches to Islam where Islam is not usedsolely as an object of scientifi c study that is freely subordinated to the principlesapplicable in the world of science, but the truth is laid down as doctrine believedwithout a doubt. While the approach to the study of Islam in the West, Islamlays down as a pure object of scientifi c study, without any commitment to Islam,then Islam is treated the same as other objects scientifi c studies. It can be freelyand openly criticized. Efforts to synthesize the two approaches in Indonesia canprovide insights Islamic studies by forcing while not losing value methodologyspirit of the substance that is taught as religious doctrines believed as well asscientifi c studies .Keywords: Comparison, Model approach, Islamic Studies, Middle East, West
EDUKASIA Vol 9, No 2 (2012): Jurnal Edukasia
Publisher : EDUKASIA

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The paradigm has an important role in looking at an object reality.Critical paradigm look at reality as part of the system created. The orientationof this critical paradigm is a change towards the better. Through education,critical paradigm internalization learners will be able to understand in generalthe importance of looking at reality and make changes.This paper explained about the importance of education in order berbaradigmacritical awareness of the social realities that surround various aspects of life.Through critical education, is expected to wake up a fair social system, startingfrom human awareness through education. Keywords: education, critical paradigm, and awareness

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