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Jurnal Teknik Pengairan Jurusan Teknik Pengairan Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya Jl. MT. Haryono 167 Malang
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Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering
Published by Universitas Brawijaya
ISSN : 20861761     EISSN : 24776068     DOI : 10.21776
Core Subject : Engineering,
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan is a scientific journal published regularly twice per year by Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya. The paper submitted in this journal covers the fields of Water Resources Information System, Water Resources Conservation, Water Resources Utilization and Efficiency, Water Structure Engineering Planning and Water Resources Engineering Basic Knowledge. The submitted paper can be a summary of research reports or scientific literature review. The language used in this journal is either English or Indonesian.
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Articles 19 Documents
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Studi Pengembangan Sistem Drainase Perkotaan Berwawasan Lingkungan (Studi Kasus Sub Sistem Drainase Magersari Kota Mojokerto) Supriyani, Endah; Bisri, M.; Dermawan, Very
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering Vol 3, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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The purpose of this research is to understand the drainage system, to evaluate the capacity of drainage channel, and to acknowledge the applicable environment-based drainage method. Some data used area rainfall data, population rate, altimetry of channel in location area, land use, inundation and location map.The result of calculation and analysis, the ratio of average absorption area= 0.36, therefore, Magersari sub-drainage system is included within the category without environment-based. Channel capacity, Qs< Q2years, almost all of drainage channel cannot accommodate the discharge. By considering the land limit and the environment preservation principle, therefore, the inundation can be reduced by preparing the injection well method in 1 meter diameter and 3 meters depth, and the retarding basin with dimension 100 x 100 x 3 meter cubic with the filling-up period of 8.79 hours in the catchment area of Afvour Sinoman I.Key words: Drainage, inundation, injection well, retarding basin, environment-based
Kajian Identifikasi Daya Tampung Beban Pencemaran Kali Ngrowodengan Menggunakan Paket Program Qual2kw Fatmawati, Reni; Masrevaniah, Aniek; Solichin, M.
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering Vol 3, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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Ngrowo river is a tributary of Brantas river that located in Tulungagung Regency, East Java Province. Ngrowo river has function as a drainage channel not only from urban area but also from agricultural. The research objectives were determine of pollutionloadsfrom tributaries as apointsource, analyze of water pollution load and apply of Qual2Kwmodel to determine of the maximumpollution load on Ngrowo River.Primary data conducted with collected water sample at each segment that it representation of sources of water pollution. The water pollution sources on study area from domestic, agricultural and industrial. Water parameter was analysis such as DO(Dissolved Oxygen), BOD(Biochemichal OxygenDemand), and NO3(nitrate). Secondary data such as waterqualitymonitoring dataand discharge, and climatologicalobtained from theInstitutionaccording toauthorities.The analysisofpollution load capacityusingQUAL2Kwmodel that is method was recommended by on Regulation of the Minister of EnvironmentNo.01of 2010 onWaterPollution ControlProcedure). Based on results simulation that at all reach Ngrowo River the pollution load (BOD parameter) already exceed of class II and class III of water quality standard. The results showNgrowo River has capacity load of BOD and NO3 in wet season on class III water quality standard. Ngrowo River as North Part, the capacity of the BOD is equal to 6.634,59 kg / day and NO3 by 30.015,23 kg /day. Meanwhile at Ngrowo River South Part, the capacity of the BOD is equal to 3.007,25 kg / day and NO3 at 21.098,90 kg / day.Key words: pollution load, Qual2Kw Model, water quality
Optimasi Pola Operasi Waduk Pelaparado Di Kabupaten Bima, Propinsi NTB Hilmi, Moh.; Masrevaniah, Aniek; Soetopo, Widandi
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering Vol 3, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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In utilizing reservoir capacity, it should be notice that water quantity is highly limited, therefore water usage should be as efficient as possible. For this matter, it is necessary to optimize reservoir operation that related with reservoir water usage in order to fulfill all predetermined needs. One means to improve water utilization is by using optimization technique with Dynamic Program. Dynamic Program could imitate system behavior and therefore could be use to make decision from set of related decisions. This is in accord with reservoir optimization problem since reservoir operational pattern is highly dependent with time thus it should be resolve in gradual way.In this study, optimization process is divided into 3 stages, in each stage there would be some water volume allocated. Variables that connecting each stages is reservoir capacity alteration before or after a stage with grid 100 thousand m3, other than this optimization also done using alternative method by altering comparison percentage in cultivating area between rice plant (paddy) and dry season crops in 2nd cultivating season. During optimization its decision variables is the amount of reservoir water volume that being used to produce optimum profit in agricultural production. Optimization result is a back trace therefore we could gain optimal path in the form of reservoir capacity allocation that could raise maximum profit in agriculture production. Maximum profit that gained in alternative option for comparison of cultivating area between rice plant in 10% and dry season crop in 90% for second cultivating season with value of Rp. 57.755.117.590,-. Water volume that should be given toward each periods would based on water availability and needs, therefore maximum gain is cultivation season for 31.300 thousand m3, second cultivating season for 22.300 thousand m3, and third cultivating season for 15.900 thousand m3. Area resulted from optimization is paddy I=3.806 Ha, paddy II=380 Ha,dry-crop II=3.422 Ha, and dry-crop III=2.327 Ha. Improvement in profit of agriculture production after optimization compared with before optimization are Rp. 57.755.117.590,- - Rp.,- = Rp. 1.465.914.590,-.Keywords: reservoir, optimization, dynamic
Kajian Ekonomi Penanganan Sedimen Pada Waduk Seri Di Sungai Brantas (Sengguruh, Sutami Dan Wlingi) Djajasinga, Viari; Masrevaniah, Aniek; Juwono, Pitojo Tri
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering Vol 3, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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Sengguruh, Sutami and Wlingi, were series of three reservoirs in the upper Brantas River which have a high rate of sedimentation, thus research should be carried out to determine the proper method of sediment handling which could maintain the benefit function of reservoirs as well as feasible from economic perspective.Processing data and data analysis was performed to determine the condition of reservoir capacity, sedimentation rate, the amount of sediment handling and most feasible alternatives on sediment handling. The analyzes carried out in two phases, first phases to the existing condition and the second phases to four (4) alternatives of sediment handling at ten years project work. Alternative 1 is sediment handling with a volume of 1 million cum/year, while Alternative 2, Alternative 3, and Alternative 4 is sediment handling with volume equals to annual sedimentation rate with variation on different work method. The average sedimentation rate in those reservoirs on the last 20 years reaching a massive 1.7 million cum/ year. Hence, routine sediment handling with dredging and flushing work should to be done with minimal volume at 1.7 million cum/year. The result of economic analysis show that alternative 3 with B/C = 1.03, IRR = 17.35% and NPV = Rp. 6.37 Billion in the alternative with volume of sediment handled equals to sedimentation rate and feasible from economic perspective.Keywords: reservoir sedimentation, sediment handling, economic benefit.
Kajian Peningkatan Manfaat Pada Bendungan Tugu Kabupaten Trenggalek Wahyuningdyah, Mey; Juwono, Pitojo Tri; Rispiningtati, Rispiningtati
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering Vol 3, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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At the beginning Tugu dam was planned to supply water demand and irrigation water. In this study will be reviewed on a large electric power can be generated from the utilization of the reservoir outflow discharge and increase the value of benefits when Tugu dam is used as power plant and tourism places.Power generation at Tugu dam is planned in base load. Francis turbine is selected with optimum installed power is 400 kW, which capability of producing energy is 2,140,382.328 kWh / year. Tugu dam tourism region plans to use the land area of 9.86 hectares with cottage, water and tourist playground, swimming pool, restaurant and shop / shopping tour. Based on economic analysis conducted, can increase in the value of BCR, NPV and IRR. BCR value of 1.115 which was originally changed to 1.142; the original NPV of Rp. 36,705,066,329.00 turned into Rp.53.154.809.819,00; the original IRR 13.057% turn into 13.408%.Key words: power generation, tourism, economic analysis.
Kajian Peningkatan Kapasitas PLTA Lodoyo Widyaningsih, Wiwik; Rispiningtati, Rispiningtati; Juwono, Pitojo Tri
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering Vol 3, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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Lodoyo dam has the potential to development of energy resources especially hydro energy power plant (HEPP), where the excess outflow discharge through spillway still have potential for capacity improvement.With the availability of outflow discharge through spillway data, the additional potential energy can be calculated, by analyze of head effective and energy. Also can performed in economic feasibility with parameter B/C Ratio, IRR, and NPV where benefit value calculated from the selling price of electric generated. The optimum improvement based on four alternative discharge outflow design with two alternative alignment. From 1st alternative analysis where located on the left river, the largest value of B/C Ratio at 1.037 (at the rate 12%) on discharge outflow at 34.05 m3/sec (Q75%) with an installed capacity 3.20 MW, and an annual energy at 25.58 GWh. For 2nd alternative where located on the right side of river has largest B/C Ratio values at 1.076 on the same discharge outflow with an annual energy of 25,65 GWh so this alternative has the most optimal of potential energy.Key words: discharge, head, energy, economic feasibility.
Kajian Potensi Sungai Srinjing Untuk Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Mikrohidro (Pltmh) Brumbung Di Kabupaten Kediri Indarto, Agus; Juwono, Pitojo Tri; Rispiningtati, Rispiningtati
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering Vol 3, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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MHP Brumbung is located at upstream of Srinjing River. Potential discharge MHP Brumbung depends on the discharge of the gate 1 operation of Siman dam which is used to irrigate 4852 Ha Siman crop area.To obtain the optimal scale in the construction of the MHP to be optimized flow generation and generating units in order to obtain an economical MHP. Dependable discharge optimization results are used as a basic for discharge planning of Brumbung MHP is discharge with 75% probability that is equal to 3.394 m3/dt with the discharge for one unitinstalled capacity is equal to 1.697 m3/dt and installed capacity of 50 kW,with fluctuating effective head ranged from 4.944 m to 5.140 m, the annual energy production obtained 875,785.980 kWH for two generating units with a turbines Crossflow.Keywords: Micro hydropower, discharge optimization, installed capacity
Rasionalisasi Jaringan Penakar Hujan Di Das Kedungsoko Kabupaten Nganjuk Rodhita, Muhamad; Limantara, Lily Montarcih; Dermawan, Very
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering Vol 3, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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Kedungsoko River and its tributaries is located in Kediri and Nganjuk district. Kedungsoko river has approximate 416,54 km2 of watershed area number. Kedungsoko catchment area is affected by approximate 8 rain stations. There has not been studied theoretically about the optimum density and dispersal patterns of rainfall station networks that have been installed in the Kedungsoko watershed.Based on the results of assessment and analysis using Kagan-Rodda method, it was acquired 4 selected stations, while Kriging method obtained results of 8 selected stations that spreaded in Kedungsoko watershed. Relative error for design rainfall of Kagan-Rodda method is 1,906% and Kriging method is 2,802%. Relative error of hidrograf discharge unit for Kagan-Rodda is 38,53% and 19,83% for Kriging.Keywords: Rainfall station networks, Kagan-Rodda, Kriging
Kajian Kalibrasi Hidrograf Representatif Di Das Samiran Kabupaten Pamekasan Priombodo, Agus; Limantara, Lily Montarcih; Suhartanto, Ery
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering Vol 3, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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Samiran watershed is including Semajid River and its tributaries has an approximate to 69,76 km2of number area. This watershed is located in Pamekasan distric, East Java. Samiran catchment area is affected by approximate to 5 rain stations scattered in the watershed. Has not been studied theoretically about the optimum density and dispersal patterns of their rainfall station networks have been installed and comparative studied in hidrograf in the Samiran watershed. Based on the results of the assessment and analysis by using Kagan-Rodda method, it was acquired 3 selected stations, while the Kriging method obtained results 5 selected stations that spreads in the Samiran watershed. Relative error for the design rainfall of Kagan-Rodda method was 14,53 and 13,96 for Kriging method.Ordinat control to get runoff area of 1 mm from watershed is19,378 m3/sec/year by using the method of Collins. It was obtained the average time to peak was 2 hours for GAMA I, peak discharge is 300 m3/sec with a time of peak discharge 14 hour basis. the Limantara hydrograf the average time to peak was 2 hours, peak discharge is 170 m3/sec with a time of peak discharge 8 hour basis. the hydrograf of observatian have the average time to peak at 8 hours, peak discharge is 4,27 m3/sec with a time of peak discharge 11 hour basis.Keywords: Rainfall station networks, Kagan-Rodda, Kriging, Hidrograf
Studi Teknologi Konservasi Untuk Menurunkan Laju Erosi Pada Sub Das Sombe Lewara Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah Edison, Edison; Bisri, M.; Suhartanto, Eri
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan Vol 3, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pengairan, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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Sombe Lewara River area administratively at the Palu City, Sigi Regency and Donggala Regency of Central Sulawesi Province with river stream area (DAS) of 8.353,13 ha.Erosion rate about 4,329 tones/ha/year, the produced sediment of 35.520 tones/year, the class spread of land ability of class III about 46.523 ha (0.557%),class IV of 133.571 ha (1.599%), class V of 6237.1930 ha (74.669%)and class VII of 1935.843 ha (23.175%) and recommendation of land and soil conservation (RLKT) obtained that 57.60% of the Sub Das of Sombe Lewara is conservation area, buffer area of 28.75%, season plants culture /settlement area of 0.12%. Conservation simulation in vegetative obtained the average erosion decrease become 2.440 tones/ha/ years and the produced sediment become 20.770 tones/year. The sediment handling by digging at check dam.Keywords: rain, soil, slope, land usage, erosion, conservation

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