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Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering
Published by Universitas Brawijaya
ISSN : 20861761     EISSN : 24776068     DOI : 10.21776
Core Subject : Engineering,
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan is a scientific journal published regularly twice per year by Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya. The paper submitted in this journal covers the fields of Water Resources Information System, Water Resources Conservation, Water Resources Utilization and Efficiency, Water Structure Engineering Planning and Water Resources Engineering Basic Knowledge. The submitted paper can be a summary of research reports or scientific literature review. The language used in this journal is either English or Indonesian.
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Analisis Perubahan Tataguna Lahan Terhadap Usia Bendungan Tilong Di Das Tilong Kabupaten Kupang Propinsi Ntt Fallo, Yunus; Rispiningtati, Rispiningtati; Harisuseno, Donny
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering Vol 4, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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The forest degradation rate reached 2,83 million ha every year. From the total forest area of 120,5 million ha, about 59 million ha were critical areas. Besides, the critical Watersheds ini Indonesia increased. The watershed conservation efforts had brought motivation to develop the erosion estimation technologies that could assist in solving the erosion rate estimation problems spatially. The study was carried out at Tilong Watershed, Kupang Regency of NTT Province. The results showed that the value of erosion rate in Tilong Watershed area with existing (year 2010) land utilization condition was 25.428,155 ton/year where the Tilong Watershed total wide was 4.948,75 Ha. Whereas the sediment potential was 7.319,524 ton/year. The Erosion Danger Level was 74,62 %. One of the assumptions why the land erosion rate was very high was because of the misuse of the land in that area. To control the erosion rate, focussed to the recommendation of land utilization direction that referred to The Soil Conservation and Rehabilitation Program (ARLKT) and building of 8 check dam. Meanwhile, the land utilization should notice The RTRW and the cooperation between local inhabitant and the government was needed indeed in the soil conservation and land rehabilitation efforts.Key Words : Erosion, Sediment, Check Dam, GIS
Kajian Penataan Saluran Drainase Berdasarkan Rencana Tata Guna Lahan Kota Kepanjen Kabupaten Malang Cahyono, Dwi Adi; Masrevaniah, Aniek; Dwi Priyantoro, Dwi Priyantoro
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering Vol 4, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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Kepanjen is the capital city of Malang regency which grows rapidly alongwith requirements of city need solution use that require special handling for a drainage system that can control the flood by utilizing the existing space. Using the data of year 1998, 2002, 2006, 2010, it is obtained the discharge plant for the year of 1998 was up to 41.812 m 3 /second, in 2002 was up to 50.230m 3 /second, in 2006 was up to 59.178 m /second, in 2010 was to 72.363 m 3 /second, from program analysis by minitab 16 Quadratic Trend Model obtained for 2022 are 124 m 3 /second discharge plan. To finish up the issues raised was done by normalization channel along 38.639 m = 38,6 km, create a new channel along 18.713 m = 18,7 km, load reduction along 615 m = 0,6 km, high rice channel planning along 15.872 m = 15,9 km, so 100% can reduce flood volume on each channel for the year 2022.Keyword : Land Use, To Plan Trend Debit, Flood Prevention
Studi Penentuan Skala Prioritas Berdasarkan Kinerja Jaringan Irigasi Pada Jaringan Irigasi Batujai, Gde Bongoh, Dan Sidemen Di Kabupaten Lombok Tengah Supriyono, Supriyono; Rispiningtati, Rispiningtati; Montarcih, Lily; Sayekti, Rini Wahyu
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering Vol 4, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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West Nusa Tenggara Province is a national food barn, and it is not surprising because of most people in this province are working in agriculture sector. The Ministry of Public Work, through its Public Work Official at West Nusa Tenggara Province and also River Region Bureau of West Nusa Tenggara I, has allocated the budget to finance the irrigation network every year in order to improve agriculture production. This research is a case study of the performance of the irrigation network. The performance is measured to help the determination of the priority scale of the management of irrigation network. The study area is located at irrigation regions of Batujai, Gde Bongoh and Sidemen. These three regions are under the work region of Water Official of Central Lombok District. Batujai irrigation network has 3,315 ha wide with water sufficiency rate (Factor K) of 58.33 %. Gde Bongoh irrigation network has 2,644 ha wide with water sufficiency rate of 66.67 %. Sidemen irrigation network has 3,315 ha wide with water sufficiency rate of 95.83 %. The assessment methods are based on The Decree of The Minister of Public Work No.32/PRT/M/2007. Result of the assessment indicates that Batujai and Gde Bongoh irrigation network are in low performance category with the point 65,67% and 67,60% respectively.Therefore that need improvement on the area of increase the field of personnel management and organizational management of Farmer Water User Association (P3A). Whereas Sidemen irrigation network is in good performance category with the point of 73.68 %.Keywords: Priority Scale, Factor K, Water Sufficiency, Irrigation Performance
Studi Kerentanan Air Tanah Terhadap Kontaminan Di Cekungan Airtanah Negara Kabupaten Jembrana Provinsi Bali Frederich Gunawan, Wayan Andi; Sisinggih, Dian; Dermawan, Very
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering Vol 4, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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The government of Jembrana Regency will exploit the groundwater to develop area potency. Seven thematic maps of the DRASTIC and SINTACS method were developed in order to asses the vulnerability of groundwater to contaminate and these include the depth to water table, recharge, aquifer media, soil media, topography, impact of vadose zone and hydraulic conductivity. Determination of the DRASTIC Index (DI) and SINTACS Index (SI) was done by multiplaying each parameter weight by its value rating and summing the total. Based on DI and SI values, a groundwater vulnerability map was produced using a Geographical Information System (GIS). The Result of this research is groundwater vulnerability in Negara groundwater basin consisted of medium to very high groundwater vulnerability. SINTACS Method is more suitable with the parameter of research location. The result of this research shown that Medium vulnerability is in a part of north Negara ground water basin, while in south area is dominated by high vulnerability level. It is mean that the parameter is give significant impact to the value are included recharge, soil media and topography. Jembrana regency area especially in north area is needed special treatment due to high potency of groundwater vulnerability.Keyword : Groundwater vulnerability, DRASTIC, SINTACS .
Studi Penentuan Kinerja Pengelolaan Das Di Sub Das Konto Hulu Wibowo, Anggara Cahyo; Sayekti, Rini Wahyu; Rispiningtati, Rispiningtati
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering Vol 4, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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At the Sub Konto watershed upstream, Malang Regency, the success of watershed management was certainly related to the analysis of watershed sustainability performance indicators. Key performance indicators of sustainable management of watersheds in the region was covered environmental sustainability (land use and water management) as well as the sustainability of social, economic, and institutional. Therefore, an increase in cultivation area function requires integrated planning that some watershed management goals and objectives achieved, such as: 1) soil erosion control, 2) optimal water yield, and 3) productivity and carrying capacity of the land preserved. Thus land degradation can be controlled and wellbeing of the community can be assured. The purpose of this study was to determine the performance of sustainability in watershed management upstream Sub Konto watershed, and to know the results of the classification index parameters examined include land cover, land use suitability, erosion index, coefficient of river regime, the coefficient of variance, index of water use, sedimentation, runoff coefficient in Sub Konto watershed upstream. From this study it can be seen the results of the classification and calculation of the average in 2003 - 2012 include indices for land cover classification were 45.71% medium, the suitability of the land use classification of 85.21% good, erosion index of 85.98 classifications medium, the coefficient regime river classification either 8.88 good, coefficient variance of 0.18 medium, classification, water use index of 0.34 good classification, sedimentation of 2.23 medium classification ,runoff coefficient of 0.52 bad classification on the Sub Konto watershed upstream.Keywords: DAS, erosion, land use
Studi Optimasi Distribusi Air Irigasi Di Daerah Irigasi Lodoyo Ekorini, Lucky Dyah; Limantara, Lily Montarcih; Suhartanto, Ery
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering Vol 4, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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Lodoyo Irrigation Area covers two districts namely Blitar and Tulungagung. Irrigation Area Lodoyo itself has intakes in Dam Wlingi in Blitar. Wlingi dam located on the Brantas River in the Village District Jegu Sutojayan Blitar ± 30 km in the downstream dam Sutami. The expected benefits and purpose of the construction of this dam is Wlingi Raya for the supply of irrigation water and generate hydropower. Irrigated area has a wide DI Lodoyo raw rice 12,219 ha, comprising 12 204 irrigation and 15 ha for ponds. Types of crops grown in the area of DI Lodoyo for each growing season are: (1) rainy season, planting season I: Rice - Crops; (2) Dry Season I, II Planting season: Rice - Crops; (3) Dry Season II, Planting season III: Rice - Crop. While the availability of discharge in irrigated areas Lodoyo is based on the availability of existing discharge in the Brantas River, in this case is Wlingi Reservoir catchment. Based on the results of the optimization analysis conducted extensive rice plants obtained optimum results: in dry conditions 4,041 ha, 4,242 ha under normal conditions;, in wet conditions: 4,682 ha. While the results of the maximum benefit in dry conditions Rp. 58,780,404,629.00; under normal conditions Rp. 59,792,367,463.00;, in wet conditions Rp. 62,009,795,069.00. To obtain the results of the sensitivity analysis results are sensitive land: in dry conditions between 2844-15359 ha; under normal conditions between 3051-15999 ha while in wet conditions between 305117400 ha.Keywords : Irrigation, Optimization, Sensitivity
Studi Identifikasi Indeks Kekeringan Hidrologis Pada Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Berbasis Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) (Studi Kasus pada DAS Brantas Hulu : Sub-DAS Upper Brantas, Sub-DAS Amprong dan Sub-DAS Bangosari) Sholikhati, Ima; Harisuseno, Donny; Suhartanto, Ery
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering Vol 4, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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Drought is a natural hazard which is characterized by the scarcity of water. Drought disaster management with non-structural approach through drought monitoring with drought spatial information in monthly drought index map and temporal information for each region in sub-watershed. The location of research is Upstream Brantas River Basin which is divided into 3 (three) sub catchments supplemented with 12 (twelve) selected rainfall stations capable of sending real-time daily rainfall data. The analysis of this drought uses Thornthwaite and Mather’s (1957) method, which is an index to inform the drought rate of a region by using water balance parameter. Result of study indicates that the biggest drought index is found in years of 1991, 1994, 1997, 2002 and 2008 (during the happening of El-Nino) from July to October. This high drought index seems following the decrease of the discharge at Gadang AWLR in those years.Keywords: Drought Index, Thornthwaite, El-Nino, Water Balance, Climate Change
Analisa Kuantitas Dan Kualitas Airtanah Di Kabupaten Mojokerto Pranowo, Harri; Sholichin, Moh.; Montarcih, Lily
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering Vol 4, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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Groundwater is one of the many alternative sources of water that has a large quantity and good quality. In the research area at Mojokerto regency, groundwater utilizing for irrigation but the use is limited, so it doesn’t cause environmental damage. This study aims to determine the quantity and quality of groundwater within the aquifer test, well test, and groundwater chemical test. For the aquifer test, this study use Long Period Test method to determine the type of flow between the steady state flow or unsteady state flow with the characteristics of confined aquifer, for well test in this research use step test method or step drawdown test method to determine the ability of wells production and the water quality test to determine the groundwater chemical characteristics with wilcox diagram and trilinier piper method with Aquachem 2011.1 demo version software. The results on the Mojokerto deep well (SDMJ) with an average depth of 100m - 120m including confined aquifer type, the existing discharge between 1.00 ltr / sec to 14.00 liters / sec, discharge potential between 2.33 ltr / sec to 33.07 liters / sec, optimum discharge between 3.90 ltr / sec to 19.80 liters / sec, for transmissivity values between 132.489 m 2 /day to 2047.140 m 2 /day, for the value of sea water intrusion (R) between 0.0727 meq / liter - 0.26027 meq / liter, on wilcox diagram the quality of water is in the (C2-S1) groups – with classification "Good" for agriculture. From the research result, the average quantity and the quality of groundwater wells pump is very good for agriculture.Keyword : Groundwater quality and quantity, aquifers, wells discharge, groundwater chemical, Aquachem version 2011.1 (demo version).
Incorporation Groundwater Recharge with AVSWAT Model Streamflow by Using Water Table Fluctuation Rahayuningtyas, Christina; Wu, Ray Shyan; Anwar, Ruslin
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering Vol 4, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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This research investigated contribution of sustainable management water resources in the Upstream Lesti Watershed. The main objective of this research predicted recharge of groundwater using water table fluctuation (WTF). The groundwater recharge prediction will be added as a result from deep aquifer with the performance of AVSWAT (Arc View Soil Water Assesment Tool) model by comparing observed streamflows with simulated streamflows at outlet. The water table fluctuation method from 4 well was used in the Upstream Lesti Watershed to evaluate seasonal and annual variations in water level rise and to estimate the groundwater recharge prediction (deep aquifer). Based on standard values of specific yield and water level rise, the groundwater recharge prediction from the Upstream Lesti Watershed at the outlet of sub basin 39 was 736 mm in 2007; 820,9 mm in 2008; 786,7 mm in 2009; and 306,4 mm in 2010, respectively.Keyword : AVSWAT, Groundwater Recharge, Water Table Fluctuation, Streamflow
Studi Ketersediaan Airtanah Guna Menentukan Pola Pemberian Air Untuk Kebutuhan Irigasi Di Kecamatan Mojosari Kabupaten Mojokerto Hariyadi, Achmad; Bisri, Mohammad; Limantara, Lily Montarcih; Sayekti, Rini Wahyu
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering Vol 4, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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Groundwater is currently one of the alternative to meet the needs of irrigation water. In the Mojosari District there is no surface water irrigation system and there are 7 production wells with 261.33 hectares of agricultural land. How the performance of wells producing seen from the C, Fd and T with wells test and aquifer test. How the pattern schedule of groundwater with rotation method. The aim of this study to plan the pattern schedule of water delivery system with reference to the of the existing plant pattern in Mojosari District.Based on the availability of existing groundwater on the 7 production wells, the first DI Menanggal SDMJ 113 Q = 14 l / dt, A = 20ha (2 blocks), Q planting I 15.39 l / dt (91%), continuously, Q planting II 46.77 l / dt and III Q = 39.76 l / dt (31% and 35%), rotation. Second DI Belahan Tengah SDMJ 521.410 Q = 28 l / dt, A = 92.67 ha (4 blocks), Q planting I 71.31 l / dt, II Q = 212.09 l / dt and III Q = 184.23 l / dt (39%, 13% and 15%), rotationally. Third DI Mojosulur SDMJ 473, 461 Q = 32 l / sec), A = 57ha (4 blocks), Q planting I 43.86 l / dt (73%), rotationally, cropping Q II 130.45 l / dt and III Q = 113.32 l / dt (25% and 28%), rotationally. Fourth source DI Sumber Tanggul SDMJ 283 Q = 12 l / s, A = 50 ha (4 blocks), Q planting I 38.47 l / dt (69%), rotationally, cropping Q II 114.43 l / dt and III Q = 99.40 l / dt (23% and 27%), rotationally. Fifth DI Randubango SDMJ 551 Q = 30 l / s, A = 39 ha (3 blocks), Q planting I 30.01 l / sec (100%), continuously, Q planting II 89.26 l / dt and III Q = 77.53 l / dt (34% and 39%), rotationally. Based on the 7 wells discharge production, the availability of groundwater discharge is sufficient for the needs of irrigation in the district of Mojosari with rotation method.Keywords: existing discharge, wells test, aquifers test, water delivery systems, rotation.

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