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PLANTROPICA: Journal of Agricultural Science aims to provide a forum for international researchers on applied agricultural science to publish the original articles. The scope of PLANTROPICA: Journal of Agricultural Science are crop science, agronomy, horticulture, plant breeding, agricultural environmental resources, agricultural climatology and plant physiology.
Articles 11 Documents
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Increasing Production of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Var. Nadia at Medium Land Through Application of Compost Goat Manure and Potassium Nunun Barunawati; Nur Fahmi Zakariyah
PLANTROPICA: Journal of Agricultural Science Vol 1, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Brawijaya University

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Potato production in the highlands is decreasing, therefore it is necessary to increase the yield. This research aims to obtain the interaction between doses of KCl and compost on the growth and yield of potato variety Nadia. The Nadia variety is one of the potato which is tolerate to high temperature and medium land. The research conducted on February until May 2016 in Klino, Bojonegoro, 750 m asl. The research method was using randomized block design that consist with two factors; organic and inorganic fertilization. There are two levels of compost fertilization: 10 ton ha-1 (K1), 20 ton ha-1 (K2) and KCl fertilizer consist of four levels; 100 kg KCl ha-1 (P0), 150 kg KCl ha-1 (P1), 200 kg KCl ha-1 (P2), 250 kg KCl ha-1 (P4). There were eight combinations with four replication. The results showed that there were interaction between the dose of KCl and compost on the parameters: number of leaves, number of stems, height of plant, leaf area, total content of chlorophyll, total number of tubers per plant, weight of tuber per plant, weight tuber per plot, and total harvest. The results showed combination of doses compost 20 ton ha-1 and dosage of KCl 150 kg ha-1 had the optimum result of total yield potato.
Jurnal Ilmiah Jurusan Budidaya Pertanian Vol 1, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Brawijaya University

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Six local rice genotypes was tested in two different application of fertilizer (organic and an-organic fertilizer). The objective of this research is to study heritability and genotypic phenotypic correlation between quantitative traits of local rice in organic and an-organic fertilizer environment. This research was conducted from November 2008 until May 2009 (rainy season) in irrigation rice field Sumbersari, Malang City. Field design in each environment of fertilizer used randomized block design with three replication and seven trials. The results showed that high heritability in organic and an-organic environment were obtained for all characters which observed except for number of empty grain per panicle had medium heritability. In organic and an-organic environment all characters evaluated had narrow genetic variability. 50% days of flowering in organic and an-organic had genotypic and phenotypic correlation significantly positive with days to harvest, plant high, panicle length, number of filled grain per panicle, number of empty grain per panicle, number of filled grain per clump and yield.Key words : Heritability, Genotypic Phenotypic Correlation, local rice, organic and an­organic fertilizer
Test of Various PGR and Concentrations to Shoot Cuttings on Chrysant Plant (Dendranthema grandiflora T.) Mudji Santoso; Sitawati Sitawati; Lia Aprilia
PLANTROPICA: Journal of Agricultural Science Vol 1, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Brawijaya University

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Chrysanthemum (Dendranthema grandiflora T.) seedling production in Indonesia is still limited, even still far from the requirement. Chrysanthemum is using shoot cuttings as propagation, it needs hormone to accelerate root growth and improve root quality that will ultimately improve the quality plants and fulfill the demand of this flowers. In this study, young coconut water and cow urine are alternative substitutions of synthetic plant growth regulator. The research was conducted in screenhouse which is using plastic UV as roof, at Sidomulyo, Malang with the altitude 700 meter above sea level. The study was conducted April until June 2009. The research was using Randomized Block Design with three repetitions. Treatment tested in this study were consist of: Without PGR (P0); Rootone F 1.2 g l-1 (P1); Rootone F 2.4 g l-1 (P2); Rootone F 3.6 g l-1 (P3); young coconut water 375 ml l-1 (P4); young coconut water 250 ml l-1 (P5); young coconut water 125 ml l-1 (P6); cow urine 150 ml l-1 (P7); cow urine 100 ml l-1 (P8); cow urine 50 ml l1 (P9). The result showed that every treatment had percentage 100% of shoot cutting which was having root formation, except treatment of Rootone F 1.2 g l-1 (P1) and without plant growth regulator (P0) which only got 86.67%. The number of root in treatment young coconut water 125 ml l-1 (P6) 23.17 was not significant different compared with young coconut water 375 ml l-1 (P4). The root length had a high value 2.76 cm by using Rootone F 3.6 g l-1 (P3). Treatment young coconut water 250 ml l-1 (P5) had the high value than the other treatments on variable length of stem, leaf area, number of leaves, flower initiation, and number of flowers.
PLANTING MODEL OF MAIZE (Zea mays L.) AND PLANTING TIME OF MUSTARD (Brassica juncea L.) IN INTERCROPING SYSTEMS ON GROWTH AND SEED YIELD OF MAIZE Aini, Nurul; Guritno, Bambang; Cahyaningtyas, Rifa; Sugharto, Arifin Noor
PLANTROPICA: Journal of Agricultural Science Vol 1, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Brawijaya University

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The aim of the experiment was to investigate and evaluate planting model of maize and planting time of mustard in intercropping sistem on leaves area, total dry matter and seed yield of maize. The experiment design was at split plot, with 2 planting model (single and doble row) of maize and planting time of mustard (10 days prior to maize planting, along with maize planting, and 10 days after maize planting). The results showed that planting model of maize is not effected by time planting of mustard in intercropping systems. Double row planting of maize showed the leaves area, total dry matter and seed yield of maize were not significantly different from model of single row. Likewise mustard planting time showed no significant differnce among the three planting time on of the leaves area, total dry matter and seed yield of maize. The study indicate that the insertion of mustard plant on maize crops can improve land use. Land equivalent ratio in maize intercropping with mustard at 1.81.Key word : Planting model, planting time, intercropping, maize, mustard
Response Initial Vegetative Growth of Local Durian (Durio zibethinus Murr.) with The Addition of Organic Fertilizers Sumeru Ashari; Didik Hariyono; Yunita Triliestyana
PLANTROPICA: Journal of Agricultural Science Vol 1, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Brawijaya University

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This research aims to observe the three cultivars of durian growth responds using organic fertilizer and to know the suitable type of organic fertilizer in the initial phase of vegetative growth on durian. The research was conducted in the Watulor, Waturejo village, district Ngantang, Malang with altitude 669 meters above sea level with rainfall 1588 mm/year. This research was conducted in February until June 2010. Research were using randomized block design with treatment three types of organic fertilizer 10 kg plant-1 on three local durian cultivars. Treatments were consist of: P1K1 (Durian Jingga using goat manure fertilizer), P1K2 (Durian Arab using goat manure fertilizer), P1K3 (Durian Sepanjang Musim using goat manure), P2K1 (Durian Jingga using chicken manure), P2K2 (Durian Arab using chicken manure), P2K3 (Durian Sepanjang Musim using chicken manure), P3K1 (Durian Jingga using green manure), P3K2 (Durian Arab using green manure), and P3K3 (Durian Sepanjang Musim using green manure).There were 9 treatments and each treatment had 3 repetition. The results of this research showed that in the variable number of leaves, usage of chicken manure and green manure on the Durian Arab had the highest response compared to Durian Jingga and Durian Sepanjang Musim. While in the variable leaf area, Durian Jingga and Durian Arab using chicken and green manure fertilizer was having higher leaf area than Durian Sepanjang Musim. Thesoil analysis of using organic fertilizeron durian showed that the N content in soil was increased, P and K nutrient in the soil was decreased, while the average N content in leaf was decreased, P and K nutrient in the leaves was increased.
The Yield Potential Of F6 Generation Of Yellow Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Andy Soegianto; Bima Fikry
PLANTROPICA: Journal of Agricultural Science Vol 1, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Brawijaya University

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The yield potential test is an important step in breeding activity in creating new varieties through evaluation the desired genes on some lines (Basuki, 1995). The value of heritability could indicate that every character observed was genetically influenced which inherited from the parental lines and its interaction with environmental factors. On this basis, this research was conducted at the Sawaulan, Tawang Agro Village, District Karangploso, Malang, East Java. The used materials in this research were three lines of yellow pod common beans of F6generation (CS x GK 50-0-24; CS x GI 63-0-24; and CS x GI 63-33-31), three parental varieties and Lebat-3 variety as check varieties. The completely randomized block design was used by observed 10 samples of plants per plot. This research showed that the three lines of common bean tested had uniformity in all characters evaluated by using quantitative and qualitative analysis. The value of GCV (Genotypic Coefficient of Variance) in every characters evaluated of the tested lines were low criteria and these values were lower than in the check varieties. The low variation indicated the small variation, i.e that the lines were already uniform. The heritability value of some characters observed in the lines were lower, while some other characters still had high heritability value. The heritability in the three lines tested were influenced by environment and genes as well. The character that had high heritability could inherit uniformly the character in concern on the next generation. The high heritability shows that the plant breeding program especially the selection program has been succesful. 
Application Four Type of Ameliorant to Increase Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) Early Growth on Saline Land Nurul Aini; Akbar Nugraha
PLANTROPICA: Journal of Agricultural Science Vol 1, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Brawijaya University

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Saline land is one of the marginal land that have a potential to be planted. Saline soil condition has a high concentration of NaCl that need to be fixed because it less conductive to the plant growth. Application of ameliorant is one of solution to improve saline soil. The purpose of this research were to get the most effective land ameliorant for growth and yield of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) varieties Metavy and Monza in saline land. This research was conducted from May to October 2016. It located at Sidomukti village, Brondong district, Lamongan that has saline lands with EC value ± 4.8 dS m-1. This research using randomized block design with 10 treatments and 3 times replication. This research showed that ameliorant treatment can increase cucumber growth and yield of varieties Mevaty and Monza compared without ameliorant treatment. Cow manure that used for ameliorant was better to increase growth of varieties Metavy and Monza compared to gypsum, rice straw and C. juncea.
Growth and Yield of Watercress (Nasturtium officinale R.Br) at The Level and Different Type of Nitrogen Fertilizer Widaryanto, Eko; Firda N. I. K., Yulita
PLANTROPICA: Journal of Agricultural Science Vol 1, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Brawijaya University

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Watercress (Nasturtium officinale R.Br) is family of Brassicaceae. Watercress has become favourite of many people in Indonesia especially in Malang and used as medicinal plant. Growth and yield of watercress was affected by nutrient content of Nitrogen. Nitrogen isessensial nutrient needed by plant to growth and to form vegetive organ as leaf, branch and root. This research aims to get best level at different type of fertilizer for growth and yield of watercress by using urban farming methode. The reseach was conducted in CV. Kurnia Kitri Ayu Farm Malang from July until December 2016. The reseach used Complete Randomized Design (CRD) involving four level of dose (1, 2, 3 and 4 g/pot) and two type of different fertilizer (Urea and ZA) with four types of doses and three replicatiosn. The result showed there was an influence between the level and different type of fertilizer. Urea fertilizer on doses 4 g per pot has higher result than others treatment of variant doses of Urea fertilizer and alsoZA fertilizer on doses 4 g per pot has higher result than others treatment of doses ZA fertilizer.The yield data showed if using Urea on doses 4 g per pot increased 50% higher than ZA fertilizer on doses 4 g per pot. The result clearly indicated that 4 g per pot of Urea fertilizer was the best level of doses of different type of fertilizer.
Effect of Composition Growing Media and Nutrient Solution for Growth and Yield Pakcoy (Brassica rapa L. Chinensis) in Hydroponic Substrate Koesriharti, Koesriharti; Istiqomah, Annisa
PLANTROPICA: Journal of Agricultural Science Vol 1, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Brawijaya University

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Pakcoy (Brassica rapa L. Chinensis) is a vegetable plant that can cultivated in hydroponics system. On hydroponic substrate cultivation, compotition of growing media and nutrient solution are the factors that affect growing plant and yield determinant. However, the prices of nutrient solution relatively expensive become obstacle for people. Therefore, alternative nutrient solution is required. The purpose of the research is to know the suitable compotition of growing media and nutrient solution on growth and yield pakcoy in hydroponic substrate. This research conducted in Tegalweru village Dau Malang from February until July 2016. The research was using factorial randomized block design with 3 replications. First factor were composition of growing media consist of 3 levels: (M1) sand and rice husk 1:1, (M2) sand and cocopeat 1:1, and (M3) sand, rice husk and cocopeat 1:1:1. Second factor were nutrient solution consisting of 5 levels: (P0) AB Mix 100%, (P1) T. diversifolia liquid manure 25% + cow liquid manure 75%, (P2) T. diversifolia liquid manure 50% + cow liquid manure 50%, (P3) cow liquid manure 50% + AB Mix 50%, and (P4) T. diversifolia liquid manure 25% + cow liquid manure 25% + AB Mix 50%. The result of this research showed that using composition of growing media M1 had higher result to lenght of plant and stem diameter than growing media M2. Using composition of the growing media M1 showed higher result to number of leaf, than growing media M3. Nutrient solution P3 and P4 significantly affect to lenght of plant higher than nutrient solution P0. 
INVENTION OF EPHIFIT ORCHIDS IN WAISAI, WAIGEO DISTRICT IN RAJA AMPAT REGION Kendarini, Niken; Mambrasar, Yasper Michael; Respatijarti, Respatijarti
Jurnal Ilmiah Jurusan Budidaya Pertanian Vol 1, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Brawijaya University

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Waigeo island is known as the biggest island in Raja Ampat Regency, West Papua. Therefore, types of flora and fauna at this island are similar with the flora and fauna in Papua island although there are some endemics of Waigeo island. Papua is known of the diversity of orchid especially epiphyte, but diversity related to character, habitat, spread area and living pattern of the orchid in natural location is still unknown. This research aimed at obtaining information of germ plasma of epiphyte orchid comprising of types and amount as well as the host tree from orchid at forest area throughout the stream Swainbon river. This research is performed at Swainbon river included in Waisai village, district of South Waigeo, Raja Ampat regency started on Oktober 2008 – Desember 2008. The research using line transect method. Result of this research obtained 18 genera and 37 species in 1852 individuals. Species with the most population in the location is Cadetia taylori. The tree as the host tree traider comprise 27 types and the most of type utilized as the host tree is Intsia sp.Keywords : Epiphyte Orchid, Waisai, South Waigeo distric, Raja Ampat Regency

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