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Indonesian Journal of Geospatial
ISSN : 20895054     EISSN : -     DOI : -
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Articles 130 Documents
Variability of Sea Surface Temperature and Sea Surface Salinity in the Ambon Bay and its Relation to ENSO/IOD and Monsoon Corvianawatie, Corry; Rachmat Putri, Mutiara; Yudawati Cahyarini, Sri; Merpy Tatipatta, Willem
Indonesian Journal of Geospatial Vol 3, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Geospatial

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Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and Sea Surface Salinity (SSS) are the most important oceanographic parameter. In this research we study local oceanographic condition in the Ambon Bay (3o40’S and 128o10’E); the variability of SST and SSS due to climatic events El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO), Indonesian Ocean Dipole (IOD), and Monsoon. SST data used from Extended Reconstructed Sea Surface Temperature version 3b (ERSST v3b) and SSS data from Simple Ocean Data Assimilation (SODA 2.2.4). Oceanic Nino Index 3.4 (ONI 3.4) and Dipole Mode Index (DMI) datasets are used to identify the effect of ENSO/IOD on the SST and SSS in the Ambon Bay. We used monthly datasets in 2000-2008 periods. Monsoonal variation dominants in monthly mean time scale. The maximum SST is occurred during the Northwest Monsoon (i.e. in December) and the minimum SST is occurred during the Southeast Monsoon (i.e. in August). While the maximum SSS is occurred in July and minimum SSS is occurred in April. Statistical analysis results there is high correlation between SST and wind speed r=-0.842 (n=108, p<0.05), SSS and wind speed r=0.493 (p<0.05).  However, there is very small correlation between SST/SSS anomaly and ONI/DMI. Correlation coefficient of SST anomaly with DMI is r=-0.365 (n=108, p<0.05), and with ONI 3.4 is r=-0.071 (n=108, p>0.05). The correlation coefficient of SSS anomaly with DMI is r=0.112 (n=108, p>0.05), and with ONI 3.4 is r=0.191 (n=108, p<0.05). Based on these reviews summarized that in the seasonal variation of SST and SSS in the Ambon Bay is dominated by the monsoonal effect rather than the ENSO and IOD events.
Mapping And Evaluating The Impact Of Land Subsidence In Semarang (Indonesia) Gumilar, Irwan; Z. Abidin, Hasanuddin; P. Sidiq, Teguh; Andreas, H.; Maiyudi, R.; Gamal, M.; Fukuda, Y.
Indonesian Journal of Geospatial Vol 2, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Geospatial

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Abstract. Semarang is the capital of Central Java province, located in the northern coast of Java island, Indonesia. Land subsidence in Semarang has been widely reported and its impacts can be seen already in daily life. Based on the estimation from Levelling, Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR), Microgravity and Global Positioning System (GPS) survey methods, land subsidence with rates of up to about 19 cm/year were observed during the period of 1999 up to 2011. Results derived from GPS since 2008 up to 2011 show that land subsidence in Semarang has spatial and temporal variations, with spatial average rates of about 6 to 7 cm/year.Based on the site visit surveys, the impacts of land subsidence can be seen in several forms such as cracks in buildings, damage of infrastructure (road and bridges), tilting and damaged houses, and wider expansion of coastal flooding (tidal flooding). Tidal flooding and tilting and damaged houses frequently occurs in the area where the subsidence rate is high (northern part of Semarang). Cracks in buildings and damage of infrastructure (road and bridges) occur in the boundary of large subsidence area and the less. Keywords : GPS , land subsidence, damages, coastal flooding, Semarang 
Ketelitian Model Kinematik untuk Memprediksi Karakteristik Longsor (Studi Kasus : Zona Longsor di Ciloto-Puncak, Jawa Barat) Sadarviana, Vera; Z. Abidin, Hasanuddin; Kahar, Joenil; Santoso, Djoko; K, Wedyanto
Indonesian Journal of Geospatial Vol 1, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Geospatial

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Abstract. The geodetic approach based on extraterrestrial survey measurements can be used to study phenomenon, especially to monitoring of material movement characteristic. Landslide is one of prominent catastrophe that continuously affecting in Indonesia, especially in rainy season. In mountainous terrain and areas of steep slope of Indonesia, landslides are frequent, especially where land cover has been removed. Landslides destroy not only environment and property, but usually also cause deaths. Landslide mitigation is therefore very crucial and should be done properly. The velocity and acceleration of several monitored point covering the landslide zone area can be estimated using the geodetic approach. Knowing the relation among these three variables in spatial and temporal domain will be useful for identifying the characteristics of landslide. This information can then be used for better strategy of landslide hazard mitigation. Accuracy of the use of kinematic models for prediction of avalanche characteristics need to be validated so that mitigation will be done correctly. Validation is done by doing a comparison between model predictions and the size of the data and statistical tests for the feasibility of prediction of each point of the GPS monitor. Validation is known that the predicted results at some GPS monitor point is not suitable for use. With the vector of the movement of materials, we know the direction and scalar, velocity and acceleration of material displacement. The movement of landslide materials at Ciloto Zone dominated north-west to south-easterly direction and speed to slow very slow (creep). Keywords: accuracy, characteristics, kinematic model, landslide.
Implementation of Marine Fishery Information System Model for The Increasing of Fisherman Prosperity (Case of Study: Pameungpeuk District, Garut City) Putri Rudiawan, Amanda; Windupranata, Wiwin; Wisayantono, Dwi
Indonesian Journal of Geospatial Vol 1, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Geospatial

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Abstract. This research bring together the development and implementation of marine fishery information system model and study of up and down stream component that are indicated have significant impact for the increasing of fisherman prosperity in Cilauteureun fishery port (PPP Cilauteureun), Pameungpeuk. The model results a daily potential fishing zone (ZPPI) map that was distributes to the fisherman. Most of the fisherman in Cilauteureun are labor fisherman who have salary that is lower than the minimum regional salary/UMR (44% of UMR). Developed ZPPI maps contain information about the location of potential fishing zone, fishing route and distance, time and capital needed, and additional information about current, wind, and wave height. Operational cost efficiency resulted from the utilization of the ZPPI maps are 54% respectively for the small capacity vehicle/MT (less than 10 GT) and 41% respectively for bigger vehicle/KM (10-15 GT capacity). The efficiency also cause the MT labor fisherman salary increaing up to 219% (achieve 98% of UMR). The integration of upstream components (ZPPI maps, vehicles and equipments facility, and human resource quality) and downstream components (catchment result sales, traetment, and distribution system) also has important role for the prosperity progress of Cilauteureun local fisherman.Keywords: fishery information system, fisherman prosperity, fisherman salary increasing, fishing zone map, operational cost efficiency, PPP Cilauteureun.
Mapping of Coastal Vulnerability Index on Coastal erosions in The Perspective of Economy (Study Area: Kecamatan Muara Gembong, Kabupaten Bekasi) Pradhana, Aldila; Windupranata, Wiwin; Wisayantono, Wisayantono
Indonesian Journal of Geospatial Vol 3, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Geospatial

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Abstract. Muara Gembong is a district that located in north coast of West Java and affected by the phenomena of coastal erosion. This phenomenon causes decreased land in Muara Gembong. To find out how vulnerable the villages in these districts by coastal erosion, it is necessary to map coastal vulnerability index. Value of coastal vulnerability index was obtained by classifying of coastal vulnerability index variable based on the value of the class and then it multiplied by the value of the weight of each variable. These variables defined into two, physical variables and non-physical variables (economy). The results of calculation are presented in tables and maps of coastal vulnerability index. Based on the research result, all coastal villages in Muara Gembong are in vulnerable conditions when calculated by non physical variables. If based on physical variables and combination variable of physical and nonphysical, three of five coastal villages are in vulnerable condition. Result of this research described the big potential of lose in economy sector. Keywords: Position, coordinates, Geodetic Reference System, Datum coordinates. 
Methodology of Euler Rotation Parameter Estimation Using GPS Observation Data Kuncoro, Henri
Indonesian Journal of Geospatial Vol 2, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Geospatial

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Abstract. Block model assumes that the plate / block is a rigid body and homogeneous so that its movement behavior can be quantified. The movement of this block can be represented by Euler rotation parameters consisting of Euler pole (latitude and longitude of Euler pole) and the rotation rate. Euler pole represent the location of the point is traversed by rotation axis whereas the rotation rate represent the magnitude and direction of the velocity of the block relative to the axis of rotation. This study explain the most effective methodology in the Euler rotation parameter estimation. One example of the application of this methodology is in Henri study’s (2013), namely the Sunda block rotation parameter estimation. The methodology is explained about Euler rotation parameter estimation from the velocities data, strain analysis for defining the block deformation zone, statistical tests, and velocities transformation between the difference reference frame if the velocities data in difference frame are also included. This methodology is good enough to estimate the Euler rotation parameter for all existing blocks.Keywords : Euler pole, block rotastion, methodology
Reconstructing Disrupted Water Level Records in A Tide Dominated Region Using Data Mining Technique Hidayat, Hidayat; Setiawan, Fajar; Handoko, Unggul
Indonesian Journal of Geospatial Vol 3, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Geospatial

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Abstract. A continuous time-series of certain hydrographical data, such as water levels, is required for various purposes such as time series analysis to study system behaviour and to perform predictions. However, due to some technical failure or natural obstacles, disruptions of measurements may occur. Data gap filling technique is then required to obtain a reliable reconstructed continuous time-series. Linear regression is an example of the simplest technique in data gap filling for parameters that can be linearized. Most of hydrographical data, however, are highly non-linear. Therefore a more advanced techniques are required to complete the missing data. This paper discusses the application of data mining technique in obtaining a continuous water level data using the M5 model tree. The main idea of the M5 model tree machine-learning technique is that the algorithm splits the parameter space into subspaces and then builds a linear regression model for each subspaces. Therefore, the resulting model can be regarded as a modular model. This technique was applied to reconstruct a disrupted water level record of the Mahakam Delta, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. A datasets obtained during a measurement campaign in 2008-2009 were split into the training and validation sets. The model was trained using the three-hourly water level data from the Delta Apex and Tenggarong measurement stations. Water level records show the semi-diurnal character of tides in the region, and that the tides are still dominant in the upstream area at the Tenggarong station located about 40 km from the Delta Apex. Four previous time-step data from the Tenggarong station were included as input to the model to cover the time lag of tide propagation between the two stations. Nash–Sutcliffe coefficient of Efficiency were used to evaluate the model. Nine model rules (using smoothed linear models) were obtained from the training of the M5 model tree, which are executed sequentially until suitable conditions are matched. Validation shows that M5 model tree can satisfactorily be applied as an alternative tool for water level data gap filling in the tide dominated region. Keyword: data mining, hydrographical data, water levels, time-series
Deformation Study Of Darma Dam Using GPS Survey Method Gumilar, Irwan; Z. Abidin, Hasanuddin; Andreas, H.; P. Sidiq, Teguh; Gamal, M.; Irsyam, M.; Sadisun, I.A.
Indonesian Journal of Geospatial Vol 2, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Geospatial

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Abstract. Darma Dam is located in the Village, District Kadugede, Kuningan regency, West Java, is a combination of the type heap dam (rockfill) and homogeneous soil deposits. Darma dam holds the potential disaster similar to the disaster Situ Gintung, Tangerang, which claimed hundreds of people. In fact, its potential is much more dangerous, if not anticipated. Darma dam is located in the hills, so that there is automatic in the area underneath paddies, plantations, and residential population that stretches from Kab. Kuningan, Kab. Cirebon, to Brebes, Central Java. Seeing the potential dangers posed by Darma then it should dam was monitored his activities as one of the main ways to mitigate catastrophic collapse of the dam. One of the main methods used to monitor the activity of the dam is deformation using methods that are used to monitor the deformation of the dam is with a survey method GPS (Global Positioning System). GPS surveys have been carried out for dam deformation monitoring Darma on December 9 to 10 May 2009 and 8 to 9 September 2009. GPS survey conducted in 19 point geodetic GPS receivers using two-frequency type. GPS survey detects horizontal and vertical deformation of the monitoring points around the dam Darma, in the order of a few mm in a period of about 5 months. Horizontal movements tend Dam Darma reservoir leads to the outside (away from the water), while for vertical shift seems not so clear (some point to decline (subsidence) and several point increase (uplift)). This study is expected to provide better information on the characteristics of dam deformation Darma. By understanding these characteristics, it can be analyzed potential catastrophic dam collapse Darma in this area and mitigation mechanisms can also be planned. Keywords : GPS, dams, deformationAbstract. Darma Dam is located in the Village, District Kadugede, Kuningan regency, West Java, is a combination of the type heap dam (rockfill) and homogeneous soil deposits. Darma dam holds the potential disaster similar to the disaster Situ Gintung, Tangerang, which claimed hundreds of people. In fact, its potential is much more dangerous, if not anticipated. Darma dam is located in the hills, so that there is automatic in the area underneath paddies, plantations, and residential population that stretches from Kab. Kuningan, Kab. Cirebon, to Brebes, Central Java. Seeing the potential dangers posed by Darma then it should dam was monitored his activities as one of the main ways to mitigate catastrophic collapse of the dam. One of the main methods used to monitor the activity of the dam is deformation using methods that are used to monitor the deformation of the dam is with a survey method GPS (Global Positioning System). GPS surveys have been carried out for dam deformation monitoring Darma on December 9 to 10 May 2009 and 8 to 9 September 2009. GPS survey conducted in 19 point geodetic GPS receivers using two-frequency type. GPS survey detects horizontal and vertical deformation of the monitoring points around the dam Darma, in the order of a few mm in a period of about 5 months. Horizontal movements tend Dam Darma reservoir leads to the outside (away from the water), while for vertical shift seems not so clear (some point to decline (subsidence) and several point increase (uplift)). This study is expected to provide better information on the characteristics of dam deformation Darma. By understanding these characteristics, it can be analyzed potential catastrophic dam collapse Darma in this area and mitigation mechanisms can also be planned. Keywords : GPS, dams, deformation 
Studi Pemantauan Penurunan Muka Tanah di Cekungan Bandung dengan Metode Survei GPS dan InSAR Gumilar, Irwan; Z. Abidin, Hasanuddin; Hutasoit, L.M.; Hakim, D.M.; A. Sarsito, Dina; Andreas, H.; P. Sidiq, Teguh
Indonesian Journal of Geospatial Vol 1, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Geospatial

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Abstract. Land subsidence is a phenomena that has been commonly occurs in big cities around the world. Especially in Indonesia, Bandung as the one of big cities in Indonesia, has been identified for land subsidence. This land subsidence is suspected to ground water explotation by the factories which are located around Bandung basin. Land subsidence has caused many problems, such as damage to houses, buildings, and infrastructures (roads, bridges, etc.), and as the most serious problem is that land subsidence can increase the size of areas susceptible for flooding. In 2010 was noted that for almost the whole year, in the south Bandung experienced a terrible flood. Seeing the causes which is caused by land subsidence, it is a necessary to do charachteristic mapping of land subsidence. As one of the method that will be use for monitorizing the land subsidence is using GPS (Global Positioning System) survey and InSAR (Interferometry Synthetic Aperture Radar). In this paper, will be explained about land subsidence that occur in Bandung from GPS data. Keywords : GPS, groundwater, InSAR, land subsidence.
Tectonic Strain in Sumatera Based on Continuous Sumatran GPS Array (SuGAR) Observation 2007-2008 Rino, Rino; Meilano, Irwan; Hilman Natawidjaja, Danny
Indonesian Journal of Geospatial Vol 1, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Geospatial

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Abstract. Sumatra is located near the place where the collision between Indo-Australian Plate and Eurasian Plate heppened. When Indo-Australian Plate moves below Eurasian Plate, the friction that occur between both plates causes the strain is being accumulated. The strain that exceeds the elastic limit will be released as an earthquake. GPS observation in Sumatra was conducted to analyse the velocity of vector displacement and the heterogenous of tectonic strain on the surface as one of the tectonic indication to earthquake mitigation in the future. The result from data processing shows vector displacement in Sumatra has northeast direction that indicate inter-seismic and southwest direction that indicate post-seismic. The strain distribution is extension that indicate post-seismic equally scatteres dominantly in zone where happened Aceh earthquake on 2004, Nias earthquake on 2005, Bengkulu on Sptember 12th 2007, and earthquake on Mentawai Island on September 13th 2007. While strain as compression shows Sumatera still has inter-seismic effect.Keywords: compression, earthquake, extension, GPS.

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