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Jurnal Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Pertanian Vol 13, No 2 (2010): Juli 2010
Publisher : Jurnal Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Pertanian

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Tolerance of Transgenic Tobacco Expressing P5CS Gene Against Drought Stress. Drought is majorosmotic stress that dramatically limit plant growth and productivity. Proline accumulation has been correlatedwith tolerance to drought stress in plants. Therefore, overproduction of proline in plants may lead to increasedtolerance against these abiotic stresses. The objectives of this experiment were to determine the effects of droughtstress at the period of 15 – 90 days after planting (DAP) on growth of T1 plants derived from transgenic GStobacco, to evaluate their tolerance against drought stress, and to determine their leaf proline content. One groupof the tobacco plants were grown in plastic pots and subjected to stress condition during the period of 15 – 90DAP. The other group was grown optimally in plastic pot up to harvest period. All tobacco plants were harvestedat 91 DAP. Leaf proline content was determined at 63 DAP (after six periods of stress). The results indicatedreduced plant height, shoot diameter, leaf number, leaf dry weight and leaf area of all tobacco plants. Stresssensitivity index calculated using leaf dry weight character grouped T1 plants derived from P5CS transgenicGS tobacco into tolerance, medium tolerance and sensitive against drought stress while that of non-transgenicGS tobacco were only medium tolerance and sensitive against drought stress. Higher leaf proline content underdrought stress was observed in all T1 plants derived from P5CS transgenic tobacco than that of non-transgenicGS tobacco. These data demonstrated that proline accumulation as an osmoprotectant and that over-expressionP5CS gene results in the increased tolerance to osmotic stress in T1 plants derived from P5CS transgenic tobacco.Key words: Proline biosynthesis, proline accumulation, sensitivity index, biomass yield Stres kekeringan merupakan masalah utama stres osmotik yang dapat menjadi faktor pembataspertumbuhan dan produktivitas tanaman. Akumulasi prolina berkorelasi dengan tingkat toleransi tanamanterhadap stres kekeringan. Oleh karena itu over-produksi prolina diduga dapat meningkatkan toleransi tanamanterhadap stres kekeringan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh stres kekeringanmelalui pengurangan air terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman TI zuriat dari tembakau GS transgenik P5CSgenerasi TO, (2) menganalisis akumulasi prolina daun tanaman TI zurlat dari tembakau GS transgenik P5CSgenerasi TO kondisi stres dan non-stres, serta (3) menganalisis hubungan antara akumulasi prolina daun padakondisi stres kekeringan dengan pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman. Percobaan dua faktor (tembakau transgenikstres kekeringan) disusun dengan rancangan acak kelompok. Sebagian tanaman yang diuji disiram setiap hari hingga mencapai kondisi kapasitas lapang dari awal tanam sampai dengan 90 HST dan digunakan sebagaiperlakuan non-stres. Sedangkan kelompok tanaman yang lain dipelihara dalam kondisi kapasitas lapanghingga 14 HST dan diberi perlakuan stres kekeringan dari umur 15 HST hingga panen (90 HST). Kandunganprolina diukur pada umur 63 HST (setelah 6x periode stres). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan semua tanamantembakau yang diuji mempunyai tinggi tanaman, diameter batang, jumlah, berat kering dan luas daun yanglebih rendah akibat perlakuan stres kekeringan yang diberikan dibandingkan dengan kondisi non-stres.Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan indeks sensitivitas terhadap stres kekeringan menggunakan peubah bobotdaun kering per tanaman maka tanaman TI zurlat dari tembakau GS transgenik P5CS generasi TO yang diujibersegregasi untuk kategori toleran, medium toleran dan peka, sedangkan tembakau GS non-transgenikdikategorikan sebagai medium toleran dan peka terhadap stres kekeringan. Tanaman TI zurlat dari tembakau GStransgenik P5CS generasi TO menunjukkan kandungan prolina yang lebih tinggi dalam kondisi stres kekeringandibandingkan dengan tembakau GS non-transgenik. Peningkatan akumulasi prolina yang cukup tinggi akibatover-ekspresi dari gen P5CS diduga berkorelasi dengan peningkatan toleransi tanaman terhadap stres kekeringan.Kata kunci : Biosintesis prolina, akumulasi prolina, indeks sensitivitas terhadap stres, produksi biomasa
Multi-dimensional Inversion Modeling of Surface Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (SNMR) Data for Groundwater Exploration Warsa, W.; Grandis, Hendra; Parnadi, Wahyudi W.; Santoso, Djoko
Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences Vol 46, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : ITB Journal Publisher, LPPM ITB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1413.731 KB) | DOI: 10.5614/j.eng.technol.sci.2014.46.2.1


Groundwater is an important economic source of water supply for drinking water and irrigation water for agriculture. Surface nuclear magnetic resonance (SNMR) sounding is a relatively new geophysical method that can be used to determine the presence of culturally and economically important substances, such as subsurface water or hydrocarbon distribution. SNMR sounding allows the determination of water content and pore size distribution directly from the surface. The SNMR method is performed by stimulating an alternating current pulse through an antenna at the surface in order to confirm the existence of water in the subsurface. This paper reports the development of a 3-D forward modeling code for SNMR amplitudes and decay times, after which an improved 2-D and 3-D inversion algorithm is investigated, consisting of schemes for regularizing model parameterization. After briefly reviewing inversion schemes generally used in geophysics, the special properties of SNMR or magnetic resonance sounding (MRS) inversion are evaluated. We present an extension of MRS to magnetic resonance tomography (MRT), i.e. an extension for 2-D and 3-D investigation, and the appropriate inversions.
Designing a Genetic Algorithm for Efficient Calculation in Time-Lapse Gravity Inversion Wahyudi, Eko Januari; Santoso, Djoko; Kadir, Wawan Gunawan Abdul; Alawiyah, Susanti
Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences Vol 46, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : ITB Journal Publisher, LPPM ITB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (595.019 KB) | DOI: 10.5614/j.eng.technol.sci.2014.46.1.4


As an advanced application of soft computation in the oil and gas industry, genetic algorithms (GA) can contribute to geophysical inversion problems in order to achieve better results and efficiency in the computational process. Time-lapse gravity responses to pore-fluid density changes can be modeled to provide the density distribution in the subsurface. This paper discusses the progress of work in inverse modeling of time-lapse gravity data using value encoding with alphabet formulation. The alphabet formulation was designed to provide the solution for positive and negative density change with respect to a reference value (0 gr/cc). The inversion was computed using a genetic algorithm as the optimization method. Working with genetic algorithms, time-intensive computational processes are a challenge, so the algorithm was designed in steps through the evaluation of a GA operator performance test. The performances of several combinations of GA operators (selection, crossover, mutation, and replacement) were tested with a synthetic model of a single-layer reservoir. Sharp boundaries of density changes in the reservoir layer were derived from interpretation of the averaged calculation of several model samples. Analysis showed that the combination of stochastic universal sample–multipoint crossover–quenched simulated annealing per generation–no duplicity achieved the most promising results.
Dinamika Pendidikan Vol 8, No 1 (2013): Juni 2013
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Negeri Semarang

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The background of this research was the study result of Accounting subject was unsatisfactory, thus it was needed an appropriate learning strategy. The objective of the research was to improve Accounting’s study result and learning activities through Pre-learning Recitation method. The subjects of the research were XI grade students of IPS 2. It was a class action research with two cycles. Each cycle consisted of four stages; planning, implementation, observation and reflection. The data were collected by tests and analyzed by comparative descriptive and reflection. The result of the study showed that the pre-learning Recitation could improve students’ activities and achievement in both; score and completeness. Based on the first condition of pre-cycle with the KKM (minimum score) 75, it was 51.73% of 29 students for the completeness and the mean was 74.70.  After implementing the method, it was 78.57% of 28 students who completed and the mean was 83.23 in the 1st cycle. Then, it was 92.86% for the completeness and the mean was 89.23 in the 2nd cycle. 
ELINVO Vol 1, No 1 (2015): Oktober
Publisher : ELINVO

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Penelitian bertujuan untuk  meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran, hasil belajar serta tanggapan mahasiswa terhadap implementasi  pembelajaran kooperatif model STAD.  Model penelitian tindakan kelas dengan tiga siklus, dilaksanakan  tiga bulan terhadap mahasiswa S1 reguler Jurusan Teknik Elektronika yang mengambil mata kuliah rangkaian listrik. Pegumpulan data dengan dokumentasi, observasi, dan tes, angket. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pembelajaran kooperatif STAD dapat meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran. Proses pembelajaran terkesan lebih menarik karena mahasiswa bukan lagi sebagai obyek tetapi lebih sebagai subyek dalam pembelajaran. Kondisi pembelajaran diwarnai dengan aktivitas diskusi kelompok, mahasiswa berperan aktif dan saling ketergantungan satu sama lain dalam penguasaan konsep, sehingga terjadi interaksi belajar multi arah, peran dosen justru sebagai fasilitator. Hasil belajar mahasiswa mengalami peningkatan pada setiap siklusnya. Tanggapan mahasiswa terhadap implementasi pembelajaran kooperatif STAD 10,81 % menyatakan sangat setuju dan 89,19 % menyatakan setuju.
Ketelitian Model Kinematik untuk Memprediksi Karakteristik Longsor (Studi Kasus : Zona Longsor di Ciloto-Puncak, Jawa Barat) Sadarviana, Vera; Z. Abidin, Hasanuddin; Kahar, Joenil; Santoso, Djoko; K, Wedyanto
Indonesian Journal of Geospatial Vol 1, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Geospatial

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Abstract. The geodetic approach based on extraterrestrial survey measurements can be used to study phenomenon, especially to monitoring of material movement characteristic. Landslide is one of prominent catastrophe that continuously affecting in Indonesia, especially in rainy season. In mountainous terrain and areas of steep slope of Indonesia, landslides are frequent, especially where land cover has been removed. Landslides destroy not only environment and property, but usually also cause deaths. Landslide mitigation is therefore very crucial and should be done properly. The velocity and acceleration of several monitored point covering the landslide zone area can be estimated using the geodetic approach. Knowing the relation among these three variables in spatial and temporal domain will be useful for identifying the characteristics of landslide. This information can then be used for better strategy of landslide hazard mitigation. Accuracy of the use of kinematic models for prediction of avalanche characteristics need to be validated so that mitigation will be done correctly. Validation is done by doing a comparison between model predictions and the size of the data and statistical tests for the feasibility of prediction of each point of the GPS monitor. Validation is known that the predicted results at some GPS monitor point is not suitable for use. With the vector of the movement of materials, we know the direction and scalar, velocity and acceleration of material displacement. The movement of landslide materials at Ciloto Zone dominated north-west to south-easterly direction and speed to slow very slow (creep). Keywords: accuracy, characteristics, kinematic model, landslide.
Comparative Study on Fat and Cholesterol Contents of Shredded Beef and Bufallo Meat Munadi, Munadi; Santoso, Djoko; Ningsih, D; Haryoko, I
ANIMAL PRODUCTION Vol 5, No 2 (2003): May
Publisher : Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Faculty of Animal Science, Purwokerto-Indonesia

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan kandungan lemak dan kolesterol abon daging sapi dan kerbau antar umur ternak. Sampel daging diambil pada bagian paha belakang (rump) dari sapi jantan, kerbau jantan dan kerbau betina yang dipotong di RPH Pemalang. Ternak dibedakan atas umur muda dan tua dengan 4 (empat) kali ulangan. Peubah yang diamati adalah kandungan lemak dan kolesterol. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis ragam dengan pola tersarang (Nested Classification), sebagai grup adalah jenis ternak (sapi jantan, kerbau jantan dan kerbau betina). Sub grup adalah antar umur dalam jenis ternak (muda dan tua). Anlisis ragam menunjukkan kandungan lemak antar jenis ternak menunjukkan perbedaan nyata (P<0,05) sedangkan antar umur ternak menunjukkan perbedaan sangat nyata (P<0,01). Pada kandungan kolesterol, menunjukkan antar jenis ternak tidak berbeda nyata. Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa kandungan lemak dan kolesterol abon daging sapi dan kerbau tidak menunjukkan perbedaan sehingga daging kerbau dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif penyediaan abon daging. (Animal Production 5(2): 69-72 (2003) Kata Kunci : Lemak, Kolesterol, Sapi, Kerbau
Studi Pemodelan Respon Polarisasi Terinduksi dalam Kawasan Waktu (TDIP) terhadap Kandungan Mineral Logam, Sebuah Hasil Awal Y, Yatini; Santoso, Djoko; Laesanpura, Agus; Sulistijo, Budi
INDONESIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS Vol 4, No 02 (2014): IJAP Volume 04 Issue 02 Year 2014
Publisher : Department of Physics, Sebelas Maret University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.13057/ijap.v4i02.4984


Modelling studies of Time Domain Induced Polarization (TDIP) performed to obtain the relationship between parameters responses to metallic mineral content. This study includes mathematical, forward, physical and inversion modelling. Mathematical modelling is done by solving the Laplace equation to obtain the IP responses. Forward modelling is done by developing a numerical workflow to generate theoretical curves. Physical modelling obtained the data from various parameters of target measurement. TDIP responses that compared with the theoretical curves are the results of mathematical modelling. The best response of IP can be obtained by inversion modelling. TDIP responses measurement by varying target’s metallic mineral content is done for understanding the relationship between them. The amplitude of IP responses in forward modelling is determined by target’s radius and depth ratio, and ratio of background resistivity and target’s resistivity. The higher target’s radius and depth ratio, the higher the amplitude. There is a good correlation between TDIP responses to the presence of the target and the possibility of metallic mineral content in target.
Majalah Farmaseutik Vol 13, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Gadjah Mada

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Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang keanekaragaman jenis tumbuhan obat di darah aliran sungai Opak. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui komposisi jenis-jenis tumbuhan obat, distribusi dan potensi pengembangan sebgai bahan baku herbal.Area kajian dibagi menjadi 6 lokasi berdasarkan ketinggian tempat, yaitu wilayah Kecamatan Cangkringan (CNK), Ngemplak (NPL), Prambanan (PRB), Kalasan (KLS), Imogiri (IMO), dan Pundong (PDO).  Setiap lokasi diletakkan plot kuadrat berukuran 2x1 m sebanyak 30 plot. Di dalam plot kuadrat dihitung jenis tumbuhan dan cacah individu setiap jenis tumbuhan.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat sebanyak 79 jenis tumbuhan yang dikelompokkan dalam 27 suku. Berdasarkan kontribusi jenis di dalam lingkungan dan studi literatur Eupatorium riparium,  Andrographis paniculata, dan Scoparia dulcis merupakan jenis-jenis tumbuhan yang potensial untuk dikembangkan sebagai bahan baku obat herbal. 
Jurnal Geologi dan Sumberdaya Mineral Vol 20, No 2 (2010): Jurnal Sumber Daya Geologi
Publisher : Pusat Survei Geologi

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Slip surface is delaminates between sliding material and undisturbed slope material. In limit equilibrium method, slip surface is used as reference for safety factor calculation. Landslides phenomenon can be observed using of GPS satellite technology to mitigation and material displacement monitoring. For that purpose, this research is carried out to estimate characteristic, type and slip surface position at Ciloto landslide zone by GPS survey.First, estimation of slip surface is carried out by slope surface profile which referred to same direction of horizontal displacement of monitored points. The same direction of horizontal displacement at several monitored points indicate that the monitored points can be located at the same slip surface. Second, maximum-minimum function of geometric method and polynomial approach, including graphical method by velocity trend line plotting for each monitored point, were done to find out point position at slip surface. Ideal planar slip surface is determined by infinite slope analysis and circular slip surface is determined by circle arc analysis. Estimation of slip surface by geodetic method approach couldn't give result because geodetic data describe slope surface. By intersection of velocity trend line of monitored point, it can gave estimation of slip surface location. Geodetic approach could gave estimation of scarp position as well as crack which is indicate beginning of slip surface. Locations of scarp in vertical profile have suitability with result of geology research at same study area.Ciloto landslide zone is classified in very slow velocity landslide (5 x 10-5 - 5 x 10-7 mm/second). The characteristic of horizontal displacement has various direction for each monitored point. Vertical displacements of monitored point have subsidence and uplift or bulging. That characteristic formed hummocky terrain and the other side of zone have gradual slope. From the research, the landslide type at Ciloto zone is multiple compound (rotational and translational) debris slides.Keywords : geodetic method, GPS survey, landslide characteristic, landslide type, slip surface, multiple landslide, scarp
Co-Authors . SYAFARUDDIN, . Abdurahman Abdurrahman Achmad Yusup, Ciptadi Aditia Wardana, Aditia Aditiawardana Aditiawardana, Aditiawardana Adriyanto, Andhy Tri Agung Dwi Indrawan Agus Laesanpura AHMAD RIDUAN Ahmad Yousuf Kurniawan Anang Budikarso, Anang Andre Noevi Rahmanto Anjardiani, Luki Annisa Rahmawati Anton Subarno Aprih Santoso Ardityo R Ardhany, Ardityo R Ariyati, Ariyati Arsyad, Salsabilla Artaria Tjempakasari, Artaria Auromiqo, Candra Barri, Fatkhi Barus, Sari Dea Nita Karina Bastin Fitriatus Hasanah Bayu Setiawan Bekti Wulandari Bonita Destiana Budi Sulistijo Budi Sulistijo Budianto, Beny Chandra Irwanadi Mohani, Chandra Irwanadi Chandra Irwanadi, Chandra chieko Hamada, chieko D Ningsih, D Darharta Dahrin Darma, Muhammad Surya DEDI SOLEH EFFENDI, DEDI SOLEH Dewantara Eris, Deden Eka Radiah Eko Januari Wahyudi Eko Januari Wahyudi Endrizal Ertanti, Dian Noviana Fajeri, Hairin Ferrianta, Yudi Gama Pradana, Mahardika Gemilang, Gemilang HAJRIAL ASWIDINNOOR Hamdani Hamdani HAPPY WIDIASTUTI Hapsaridian, Sandy Harahap, Pahlawansjah Hasanuddin Z. Abidin Hasanuddin Z. Abidin Hasanuddin Z. Abidin, Hasanuddin Hatmiyani, Hatmiyani Hendra Grandis Hendra Grandis Hendra Grandis Hudiyono, Sumi I Gusti Bagus Wiksuana I Haryoko, I I Ketut Suada Ichiyu Shou, Ichiyu Ijswari, Devi Permata Indarto Indarto Indhira Hari Kurnia Ismail, Mohd Erfy Jatmika, Ujang Rangga Jihan Jihan, Jihan Joenil Kahar Joenil Kahar, Joenil Jumiyanto Widodo Kamiliah Wilda Khoregia, Irene Kresnawaty, Irma Kunimi Maeda, Kunimi Kurniawan, Prayuda KUSUMAWAI, CITRA ANDRIANI Kuswardani, DC. La Ode Muhamad Munadi Laesanpura, Agus Lesnani, Fuja Lestari, Mentari Dwi M Thaha, M Maharani, Ellsa Christy Maharani, Ica Katisa Mahfus, Mahfus Mahmudah Mahmudah Mahmudah, Hani'ah Mariani Mariani Masyhudah Rosni Maziati, Atina Miftahul Jannah Milchan, Muhammad Mira Yulianti, Mira Mitsumine Fukui, Mitsumine Moh. Yogiantoro, Moh. Muhammad Abdul Aziz Muhammad Fauzi Muzdalifah Muzdalifah Nadziroh, Faridatun Nor’ain, Alifah Nunuk Mardiana, Nunuk Nurhalisa, Nurhalisa Nuryake Fajaryati Pardi Pardi, Pardi PERMATASARI, Galuh Wening Pipit Utami pranawa pranawa, pranawa Prasyetiyo, Nur Pratama, Feri Vega Pratama, Rizki Laurinayudis Priyono Priyono Puteri, Aulia Savira Putra, Abdul Aziz Sidiq Tri Putri, Ulfa Rismania Rahma Anindita, Sheila Ratri, Aestatica Rifiana Rifiana Rivaldo, Rivaldo Rudiansyah Rudiansyah, Rudiansyah S Siswanto Sa'adah, Nihayatus Saddewisasi, Wyati Sadik Ikhsan Sakdah, Paulina Saputra, Rusdi Satoshi Horikoshi, Satoshi SE, Indarto Septyawan, Sandra Siti Zubaidah Situmorang, Fitriany soewanto soewanto, soewanto Sri Mulyatni, Agustin Subagus Wahyuono Sudarsono Sugeng Riyanto Susanti Alawiyah Susanti Alawiyah Syarifah Syarifah, Syarifah Tetty Chaidamsari, Tetty Tri P Asmarawati, Tri P Trisintyandika, Idkha Vera Sadarviana Vera Sadarviana, Vera Wahyudi W. Parnadi Wahyudi W. Parnadi Wahyudi W. Parnadi Wardani, Nor Winda Warsa warsa Warsa Warsa Wawan Gunawan A. Kadir Wawan Gunawan Abdul Kadir Wawan Gunawan Abdul Kadir Wedyanto Kuntjoro Widiastuti, Endang Retna Triwati Widodo Widodo Widyastuti, SM Widyatra, Rahardhita Winalda, Rania Windari, Era Nurisa Y, Yatini Yamani, Muhammad Zakki Yanti, Nur Maulida Yanti, Nuri Dewi Yasuhiko Tomino, Yasuhiko Yatini Yatini Yuli Budiati Yusuf Azis Yusup, Ciptadi Ahmad Zuchri Abdussamad