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Jurnal Farmasi Klinik Indonesia
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Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy (IJCP) is a scientific publication on all aspect of clinical pharmacy. It published 4 times a year by Clinical Pharmacy Master Program Universitas Padjadjaran to provide a forum for clinicians, pharmacists, and other healthcare professionals to share best practice, encouraging networking and a more collaborative approach in patient care. Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy is intended to feature quality research articles in clinical pharmacy to become scientific guide in fields related to clinical pharmacy. It is a peer-reviewed journal and publishes original research articles, review articles, case reports, commentaries, and brief research communications on all aspects of Clinical Pharmacy. It is also a media for publicizing meetings and news relating to advances in Clinical Pharmacy in the regions.
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e-Prescription: An e-Health System for Preventing Adverse Drug Events in Community Healthcare Puspitasari, Irma M.; Soegijoko, Soegijardjo
Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy Vol 1, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy

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The paper describes development activities of an e-health system for community health center (Puskesmas) with integrated adverse drug events e-prescription module, consist of system design and development, human resource development, e-health system realization, laboratory and implementation test of e-health system. Some e-readiness evaluations were conducted, through a number of field visits and questionnaires. The results had been used in the e-health system design and development, installation of the internet access infrastructure, and implementation of the education and hands-on training for the medical and administrative staff of the healthcare units. After completing the e-health system design and development as well as system realization and laboratory tests stages, a series of field implementation and experiments have been successfully conducted at Puskesmas Babakansari in Bandung. A number of users feed back have been obtained and used for further improvements on both of the software and hardware modules. The e-health system with integrated e-prescription module has successfully developed and shown its expected functions in: patient registration, medical record, paperless prescription, producing the required reports and preventing possible adverse drug events.Key words: Adverse drug events, community health center, e-health, e-prescription  e-Prescription: Sistem e-Health untuk Pencegahan Adverese Drug Event di PuskesmasAbstrakArtikel ini mendeskripsikan pengembangan sistem e-health untuk puskesmas dengan modul e-prescription yang terintegrasi adverse drug event. Modul ini terdiri dari desain sistem dan pengembangan, pengembangan sumber daya manusia, realisasi sistem e-health, laboratorium dan tes implementasi sistem e-health. Beberapa evaluasi kesiapan penggunaan elektronik (e-readiness) dilakukan melalui kunjungan lapangan dan kuesioner. Hasil evaluasi digunakan dalam desain dan pengembangan sistem e-health, instalasi akses internet, implementasi pendidikan dan pelatihan bagi staf medis dan administrasi. Setelah sistem e-health selesai dan dikembangkan sesuai dengan realisasi dan tahapan tes laboratorium, sejumlah implementasi dan eksperimen telah sukses dilakukan di Puskesmas Babakansari di Bandung. Respon yang diperoleh digunakan untuk pengembangan modul lebih lanjut dari segi software dan hardware. Sistem e-health yang terintegrasi dengan modul telah sukses dikembangkan sesuai dengan fungsi yang diharapkan: registrasi pasien, medical record, resep tanpa kertas, pelaporan dan pencegahan kemungkinan adverse drug events.Kata kunci: Adverse drug events, pusat kesehatan masyarakat, e-health, e-prescription
Correlation between Low Grade Inflammation with Endothelial Progenitor Cells Surface Marker in Hypertension Widjaja, Johnson; Bakri, Syakib; Donosepoetro, Marsetio
Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy Vol 1, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy

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Patients with hypertension have been shown to express reduced number and functional capacity of endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs). Recent study reveals that EPCs contain an important capability to maintain endothelial integrity and vascular homeostasis. Therefore, enhancement of EPCs could be benefit for individuals with cardiovascular diseases. We investigated the correlation between low grade inflammation marker (hsCRP) with EPC surface marker (CD34 total) in hypertension. This was an observational study with cross sectional design conducted in 51 nonhypertenive and 60 hypertensive subjects. hsCRP (as marker of inflammation) was measured by immunochemiluminometric method. CD34 total (as marker of EPC) was measured by flow cytometry method. hsCRP concentration was higher in hypertensive subjects compare to nonhypertensive subjects (mean±SD, 2.709±2.50 vs 2.476±2.438 mg/L; P>0.05). CD34 total level was lower in hypertensive subjects compare to nonhypertensive subjects (mean±SD, 1.957±0.858 vs 3.244±3.463/μL; P<0.05). hsCRP had positive correlation with CD34 total in hypertensive subjects (P<0.05). The increasing concentration of hsCRP will stimulate the CD34 total level in hypertensive subjects as demonstrated by the positive correlation between hsCRP with CD34 total.Key words: hsCRP, CD34 total, endothelial progenitor cell, hypertensionKorelasi antara Inflamasi Tingkat Rendah dengan Endothelial Progenitor Cells Surface (EPCs) Marker pada HipertensiAbstrakPasien dengan hipertensi menunjukkan penurunan jumlah dan fungsi kapasitas Endothelial Progenitor Cells (EPCs). Penelitian terkini mengungkapkan bahwa EPCs memiliki kemampuan penting untuk memelihara integritas endotelial dan homeostasis pembuluh darah. Oleh karena itu, peningkatan kapasitas EPCs bermanfaat bagi individu dengan penyakit kardiovaskular. Penelitian ini menginvestigasi korelasi antara marker inflamasi tingkat rendah (hsCRP) dengan marker EPC surface (total CD34) pada hipertensi. Penelitian ini merupakan studi observasional dengan desain cross sectional pada 51 orang nonhipertensi dan 60 orang pasien hipertensi. hsCRP (marker inflamasi) diukur menggunakan metode immunochemiluminometric. Nilai total CD34 (marker EPC) diukur dengan menggunakan metode flow cytometry. Konsentrasi hsCRP lebih tinggi pada pasien hipertensi dibandingkan pada pasien nonhipertensi (mean±SD, 2,709±2,0 vs 2,476±2,438 mg/L; P>0,05). Nilai total CD34 lebih rendah pada pasien hipertensi dibandingkan dengan pasien nonhipertensi (mean±SD, 1,957±0,858 vs 3,244±3,463/μL; P<0,05). hsCRP memiliki korelasi positif dengan total CD34 pada pasien hipertensi (P<0,05). Peningkatan konsentrasi hsCRP akan menstimulasi level total CD34 pada pasien hipertensi seperti yang ditunjukkan dengan korelasi positif antara hsCRP dengan total CD34.Kata kunci: hsCRP, total CD34, endothelial progenitor cell, hipertensi
Formulation of the Model Fluconazole Eye Drop and Its Comparison with the Available Fluconazole Eye Drops Thakral, Sunil; Ahuja, Munish
Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy Vol 1, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy

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The aim of the study was to formulate the model formulation of fluconazole eye drop and then compare it with the available eye drops. The corneal permeation studies were conducted using freshly excised sheep cornea, mounted between donor and receptor. The receptor cell had an internal volume of 11 mL, containing ringer bicarbonate (pH 7.4, 34±1 0C). At appropriated intervals 2 ml. samples were withdrawn from the side arm and were analyzed spectrophotometrically by measuring absorbance at λmax of 260 nm. Each experiment was continued for about 2.0 hrs (triplicate). At the end of the experiment, each cornea (freed from sclera) was weighed, soaked in 1 mL. methanol, dried overnight at 90 °C and reweighed. From the difference in weights corneal hydration was calculated. Even though, the marketed formulation (Zocon) comprised of 0.3% w/v of fluconazole and our model formulation contained only 0.2% w/v of fluconazole, the amount of fluconazole permeated from model formulation and the marketed formulation was respectively 78.34±4.26 and 22.14±1.3. The permeation from model formulation was much greater than other preparations and shows less corneal hydration (80.29±0.47) than others available preparations.Key words: Fungal kerititis, fluconazole, in vitro permeation, corneal hydration, model formulationsFormulasi Tetes Mata Fluconazole dan Perbandingannya dengan Tetes Mata Fluconazole di PasaranAbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan formulasi tetes mata flukonazol dan membandingkannya dengan tetes mata yang beredar di pasaran. Studi permeasi kornea dilakukan dengan menggunakan kornea biri-biri yang telah dikeluarkan, disatukan antara donor dan reseptor. Sel reseptor memiliki volume internal 11 mL, mengandung ringer bicarbonate (pH 7,4, 34±1 0C). Sampel diambil pada interval 2 mL sampel dari bagian lengan bejana dan dianalisis menggunakan spektrofotometri dengan pengukuran absorbansi pada λmax 260 nm. Percobaan dilanjutkan selama dua jam (triplikat). Pada akhir percobaan, setiap kornea (dipisahkan dari sklera) ditimbang, direndam dalam metanol, dikeringkan pada suhu 90 C dan ditimbang ulang, perbedaan berat dari hidrasi korena dihitung. Formulasi yang dipasarkan (Zocon) terdiri atas 0,3% w/v flukonazol sedangkan model formulasi dari penelitian ini hanya mengandung 0,2% w/v flukonazol, jumlah flukonazol yang mengalami permeasi dari model formulasi dan formulasi dipasarkan masing-masing sebesar 78,34±4,26 and 22,14±1,3. Permeasi dari model formulasi lebih besar dibandingkan dengan sediaan dan menunjukkan nilai hidrasi korneal lebih kecil (80,29±0,47) dibandingkan dengan sediaan di pasaran.Kata kunci: Fungal kerititis, fluconazole, permeasi in vitro corneal hydration, model formulations
Analisis Kuantitatif 15-F2t-isoprostan dari Plasma Pasien Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) dengan Metode Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) menggunakan Teknik Ekstraksi Imunoafinitas Rusdi, Bertha; Gusdinar, Tutus; Fattah, Miswar
Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy Vol 1, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy

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15-F2t-isoprostan merupakan penanda stres oksidatif yang kadarnya dalam cairan biologis relatif rendah serta memiliki banyak isomer sehingga diperlukan ekstraksi sampel sebelum dilakukan pengukuran kadar. Metode ekstraksi yang digunakan diantaranya ekstraksi fase solid/Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) serta ekstraksi imunoafinitas. Perbaikan teknik ekstraksi SPE dan teknik ekstraksi imunoafinitas dilakukan untuk membandingkan hasil perolehan kembalinya. Pengukuran dilakukan dengan metode Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA). Penilaian efektivitas proses ekstraksi diamati melalui hasil perolehan kembali dari kedua teknik ekstraksi. Teknik ekstraksi dengan perolehan kembali tertinggi digunakan untuk mengukur kadar 15-F2t-isoprostan dari penderita Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). Teknik ekstraksi imunoafinitas menghasilkan perolehan kembali 15-F2t-isoprostan yang cukup baik. Pada penderita OSA kadar 15-F2t-isoprostan dalam plasma cenderung tinggi sehingga memiliki risiko untuk menderita penyakit yang berhubungan dengan aktivitas biologis 15-F2t-isoprostan seperti arteriosklerosis.Kata kunci: 15-F2t-isoprostan, Solid Phase Extraction (SPE), ekstraksi imunoafinitas, ObstructiveSleep Apnea (OSA) Quantitative Analysis of Free 15-F2t-Isoprostane from Plasma of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Patients Using Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay Method with Immunoaffinity Extraction TechniqueAbstract15-F2t-isoprostane is a biomarker in assessment of oxidative stress status that due to its relatively low concentration in biological fluid and also has many isomers, the 15-F2t-isoprostane sample need to be extracted prior to the quantifying processes. Extraction techniques commonly used to extract 15-F2t-isoprostane are solid phase extraction (SPE) and immunoaffinity extraction. Improvements to the SPE and immunoaffinity extraction techniques had been conducted, and the recovery results was then compared. The quantification of 15-F2t-isoprostane then was conducted using Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) method. Then followed by the examination of the plasma recovery results. Extraction technique which had the highest recovery then was used to quantify 15-F2t-isoprostane from plasma of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) patients. Immunoaffinity extraction technique has a good recovery result. OSA patients have the tendency to have high 15-F2t-isoprostane concentrations in the plasma, therefore have a potential risk to get diseases related to the biological activities of 15-F2t-isoprostane, such as arteriosclerosis.Key words: 15-F2t-isoprostane, Solid Phase Extraction (SPE), immunoaffinity extraction, ObstructiveSleep Apnea
Identifikasi Pola Penggunaan Antibiotik sebagai Upaya Pengendalian Resistensi Antibiotik Pradipta, Ivan S.; Febrina, Ellin; Ridwan, Muhammad H.; Ratnawati, Rani
Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy Vol 1, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy

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AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menetapkan jumlah dan pola penggunaan antibiotik pada pasien rawat inap di salah satu rumah sakit swasta di Bandung. Data penggunaan antibiotik diperoleh dari instalasi farmasi pada Februari–September 2011. Data diolah dengan metode ATC/DDD dan DU90%. Terdapat 390,98 DDD/100 hari rawat dan 381,34 DDD/100 hari rawat pada total penggunaan antibiotik tahun 2009 dan 2010. Sebanyak 39 jenis antibiotik dikonsumsi pada tahun 2009 dan terdapat 11 jenis antibiotik yang masuk segmen 90% penggunaan (seftriakson, amoksisilin, sefotaksim,  iprofloksasin, levofloksasin, metronidazol, sefiksim, doksisiklin, tiamfenikol, sefodoksim, sefaleksin). Tahun 2010 terdapat 44 jenis antibiotik yang dikonsumsi, 18 jenis antibiotik yang masuk segmen 90% penggunaan (seftriakson, siprofloksasin, amoksisilin, sefiksim, levofloksasin, sefadroksil, sefotaksim, metronidazol, tiamfenikol,doksisiklin, klindamisin, kloramfenikol, amikasin, sulbaktam, gentamisin, streptomisin, sefoperazon, kanamisin). Terdapat penurunan penggunaan antibiotik yang diikuti penurunan jumlah hari rawat pada tahun 2009–2010, tetapi jenis dan jumlah antibiotik yang masuk ke dalam segmen 90% penggunaan meningkat.Kata kunci: Penggunaan antibiotik, ATC/DDD, DU90%, resistensi antibiotikIdentification of Antibiotic Use Pattern as an Effort to ControlAntibiotic ResistanceAbstractThe objective of this study is to determine quantity and pattern of antibiotic use in hospitalized patients at one of Bandung’s private hospital that can give benefit in control of antibiotic resistance andprocurement planning of antibiotic. Data of antibiotic consumption were obtained from hospital pharmacy department on February–September 2011. Data were processed using the ATC/DDD and DU90% method. There were 390,98 DDD/100 bed days and 381,34 DDD/100 bed days total of an-tbiotic use in 2009 and 2010. Thirty nine antibiotic were consumed in 2009 within 11 kind of antibiotics in DU90% segment (ceftriaxone, amoxicillin, cefotaxime, ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin, metronidazole, cefixime, doxycycline, thiamphenicol, cefodoxime, cefalexin) and 44 antibiotic were consumed in 2010 within 18 kind of antibiotics in DU90% segment (ceftriaxone, ciprofloxacin, amoxicillin, cefixime, levofloxacin, cefadroxil, cefotaxime, metronidazole, thiamphenicol, doxycycline, clindamycin, chloramphenicol, amikacin, sulbactam, gentamycin, streptomycin, cefoperazone, canamycin). There were decline of antibioticuse that followed decline number of bed days/year in 2009–2010, but in both antibiotic kind and quantity of DU90% antibiotic group were increased.Key words: Antibiotic utilization, ATC/DDD, DU90%, antibiotic resistance
Correlation between Low Grade Inflammation with Endothelial Progenitor Cells Surface Marker in Hypertension Johnson Widjaja; Syakib Bakri; Marsetio Donosepoetro
Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy Vol 1, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

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Patients with hypertension have been shown to express reduced number and functional capacity of endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs). Recent study reveals that EPCs contain an important capability to maintain endothelial integrity and vascular homeostasis. Therefore, enhancement of EPCs could be benefit for individuals with cardiovascular diseases. We investigated the correlation between low grade inflammation marker (hsCRP) with EPC surface marker (CD34 total) in hypertension. This was an observational study with cross sectional design conducted in 51 nonhypertenive and 60 hypertensive subjects. hsCRP (as marker of inflammation) was measured by immunochemiluminometric method. CD34 total (as marker of EPC) was measured by flow cytometry method. hsCRP concentration was higher in hypertensive subjects compare to nonhypertensive subjects (mean±SD, 2.709±2.50 vs 2.476±2.438 mg/L; P>0.05). CD34 total level was lower in hypertensive subjects compare to nonhypertensive subjects (mean±SD, 1.957±0.858 vs 3.244±3.463/μL; P<0.05). hsCRP had positive correlation with CD34 total in hypertensive subjects (P<0.05). The increasing concentration of hsCRP will stimulate the CD34 total level in hypertensive subjects as demonstrated by the positive correlation between hsCRP with CD34 total.Key words: hsCRP, CD34 total, endothelial progenitor cell, hypertensionKorelasi antara Inflamasi Tingkat Rendah dengan Endothelial Progenitor Cells Surface (EPCs) Marker pada HipertensiAbstrakPasien dengan hipertensi menunjukkan penurunan jumlah dan fungsi kapasitas Endothelial Progenitor Cells (EPCs). Penelitian terkini mengungkapkan bahwa EPCs memiliki kemampuan penting untuk memelihara integritas endotelial dan homeostasis pembuluh darah. Oleh karena itu, peningkatan kapasitas EPCs bermanfaat bagi individu dengan penyakit kardiovaskular. Penelitian ini menginvestigasi korelasi antara marker inflamasi tingkat rendah (hsCRP) dengan marker EPC surface (total CD34) pada hipertensi. Penelitian ini merupakan studi observasional dengan desain cross sectional pada 51 orang nonhipertensi dan 60 orang pasien hipertensi. hsCRP (marker inflamasi) diukur menggunakan metode immunochemiluminometric. Nilai total CD34 (marker EPC) diukur dengan menggunakan metode flow cytometry. Konsentrasi hsCRP lebih tinggi pada pasien hipertensi dibandingkan pada pasien nonhipertensi (mean±SD, 2,709±2,0 vs 2,476±2,438 mg/L; P>0,05). Nilai total CD34 lebih rendah pada pasien hipertensi dibandingkan dengan pasien nonhipertensi (mean±SD, 1,957±0,858 vs 3,244±3,463/μL; P<0,05). hsCRP memiliki korelasi positif dengan total CD34 pada pasien hipertensi (P<0,05). Peningkatan konsentrasi hsCRP akan menstimulasi level total CD34 pada pasien hipertensi seperti yang ditunjukkan dengan korelasi positif antara hsCRP dengan total CD34.Kata kunci: hsCRP, total CD34, endothelial progenitor cell, hipertensi
Formulation of the Model Fluconazole Eye Drop and Its Comparison with the Available Fluconazole Eye Drops Sunil Thakral; Munish Ahuja
Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy Vol 1, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

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The aim of the study was to formulate the model formulation of fluconazole eye drop and then compare it with the available eye drops. The corneal permeation studies were conducted using freshly excised sheep cornea, mounted between donor and receptor. The receptor cell had an internal volume of 11 mL, containing ringer bicarbonate (pH 7.4, 34±1 0C). At appropriated intervals 2 ml. samples were withdrawn from the side arm and were analyzed spectrophotometrically by measuring absorbance at λmax of 260 nm. Each experiment was continued for about 2.0 hrs (triplicate). At the end of the experiment, each cornea (freed from sclera) was weighed, soaked in 1 mL. methanol, dried overnight at 90 °C and reweighed. From the difference in weights corneal hydration was calculated. Even though, the marketed formulation (Zocon) comprised of 0.3% w/v of fluconazole and our model formulation contained only 0.2% w/v of fluconazole, the amount of fluconazole permeated from model formulation and the marketed formulation was respectively 78.34±4.26 and 22.14±1.3. The permeation from model formulation was much greater than other preparations and shows less corneal hydration (80.29±0.47) than others available preparations.Key words: Fungal kerititis, fluconazole, in vitro permeation, corneal hydration, model formulationsFormulasi Tetes Mata Fluconazole dan Perbandingannya dengan Tetes Mata Fluconazole di PasaranAbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan formulasi tetes mata flukonazol dan membandingkannya dengan tetes mata yang beredar di pasaran. Studi permeasi kornea dilakukan dengan menggunakan kornea biri-biri yang telah dikeluarkan, disatukan antara donor dan reseptor. Sel reseptor memiliki volume internal 11 mL, mengandung ringer bicarbonate (pH 7,4, 34±1 0C). Sampel diambil pada interval 2 mL sampel dari bagian lengan bejana dan dianalisis menggunakan spektrofotometri dengan pengukuran absorbansi pada λmax 260 nm. Percobaan dilanjutkan selama dua jam (triplikat). Pada akhir percobaan, setiap kornea (dipisahkan dari sklera) ditimbang, direndam dalam metanol, dikeringkan pada suhu 90 C dan ditimbang ulang, perbedaan berat dari hidrasi korena dihitung. Formulasi yang dipasarkan (Zocon) terdiri atas 0,3% w/v flukonazol sedangkan model formulasi dari penelitian ini hanya mengandung 0,2% w/v flukonazol, jumlah flukonazol yang mengalami permeasi dari model formulasi dan formulasi dipasarkan masing-masing sebesar 78,34±4,26 and 22,14±1,3. Permeasi dari model formulasi lebih besar dibandingkan dengan sediaan dan menunjukkan nilai hidrasi korneal lebih kecil (80,29±0,47) dibandingkan dengan sediaan di pasaran.Kata kunci: Fungal kerititis, fluconazole, permeasi in vitro corneal hydration, model formulations
Analisis Kuantitatif 15-F2t-isoprostan dari Plasma Pasien Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) dengan Metode Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) menggunakan Teknik Ekstraksi Imunoafinitas Bertha Rusdi; Tutus Gusdinar; Miswar Fattah
Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy Vol 1, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

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15-F2t-isoprostan merupakan penanda stres oksidatif yang kadarnya dalam cairan biologis relatif rendah serta memiliki banyak isomer sehingga diperlukan ekstraksi sampel sebelum dilakukan pengukuran kadar. Metode ekstraksi yang digunakan diantaranya ekstraksi fase solid/Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) serta ekstraksi imunoafinitas. Perbaikan teknik ekstraksi SPE dan teknik ekstraksi imunoafinitas dilakukan untuk membandingkan hasil perolehan kembalinya. Pengukuran dilakukan dengan metode Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA). Penilaian efektivitas proses ekstraksi diamati melalui hasil perolehan kembali dari kedua teknik ekstraksi. Teknik ekstraksi dengan perolehan kembali tertinggi digunakan untuk mengukur kadar 15-F2t-isoprostan dari penderita Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). Teknik ekstraksi imunoafinitas menghasilkan perolehan kembali 15-F2t-isoprostan yang cukup baik. Pada penderita OSA kadar 15-F2t-isoprostan dalam plasma cenderung tinggi sehingga memiliki risiko untuk menderita penyakit yang berhubungan dengan aktivitas biologis 15-F2t-isoprostan seperti arteriosklerosis.Kata kunci: 15-F2t-isoprostan, Solid Phase Extraction (SPE), ekstraksi imunoafinitas, ObstructiveSleep Apnea (OSA) Quantitative Analysis of Free 15-F2t-Isoprostane from Plasma of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Patients Using Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay Method with Immunoaffinity Extraction TechniqueAbstract15-F2t-isoprostane is a biomarker in assessment of oxidative stress status that due to its relatively low concentration in biological fluid and also has many isomers, the 15-F2t-isoprostane sample need to be extracted prior to the quantifying processes. Extraction techniques commonly used to extract 15-F2t-isoprostane are solid phase extraction (SPE) and immunoaffinity extraction. Improvements to the SPE and immunoaffinity extraction techniques had been conducted, and the recovery results was then compared. The quantification of 15-F2t-isoprostane then was conducted using Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) method. Then followed by the examination of the plasma recovery results. Extraction technique which had the highest recovery then was used to quantify 15-F2t-isoprostane from plasma of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) patients. Immunoaffinity extraction technique has a good recovery result. OSA patients have the tendency to have high 15-F2t-isoprostane concentrations in the plasma, therefore have a potential risk to get diseases related to the biological activities of 15-F2t-isoprostane, such as arteriosclerosis.Key words: 15-F2t-isoprostane, Solid Phase Extraction (SPE), immunoaffinity extraction, ObstructiveSleep Apnea
Identifikasi Pola Penggunaan Antibiotik sebagai Upaya Pengendalian Resistensi Antibiotik Ivan S. Pradipta; Ellin Febrina; Muhammad H. Ridwan; Rani Ratnawati
Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy Vol 1, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

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AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menetapkan jumlah dan pola penggunaan antibiotik pada pasien rawat inap di salah satu rumah sakit swasta di Bandung. Data penggunaan antibiotik diperoleh dari instalasi farmasi pada Februari–September 2011. Data diolah dengan metode ATC/DDD dan DU90%. Terdapat 390,98 DDD/100 hari rawat dan 381,34 DDD/100 hari rawat pada total penggunaan antibiotik tahun 2009 dan 2010. Sebanyak 39 jenis antibiotik dikonsumsi pada tahun 2009 dan terdapat 11 jenis antibiotik yang masuk segmen 90% penggunaan (seftriakson, amoksisilin, sefotaksim,  iprofloksasin, levofloksasin, metronidazol, sefiksim, doksisiklin, tiamfenikol, sefodoksim, sefaleksin). Tahun 2010 terdapat 44 jenis antibiotik yang dikonsumsi, 18 jenis antibiotik yang masuk segmen 90% penggunaan (seftriakson, siprofloksasin, amoksisilin, sefiksim, levofloksasin, sefadroksil, sefotaksim, metronidazol, tiamfenikol,doksisiklin, klindamisin, kloramfenikol, amikasin, sulbaktam, gentamisin, streptomisin, sefoperazon, kanamisin). Terdapat penurunan penggunaan antibiotik yang diikuti penurunan jumlah hari rawat pada tahun 2009–2010, tetapi jenis dan jumlah antibiotik yang masuk ke dalam segmen 90% penggunaan meningkat.Kata kunci: Penggunaan antibiotik, ATC/DDD, DU90%, resistensi antibiotikIdentification of Antibiotic Use Pattern as an Effort to ControlAntibiotic ResistanceAbstractThe objective of this study is to determine quantity and pattern of antibiotic use in hospitalized patients at one of Bandung’s private hospital that can give benefit in control of antibiotic resistance andprocurement planning of antibiotic. Data of antibiotic consumption were obtained from hospital pharmacy department on February–September 2011. Data were processed using the ATC/DDD and DU90% method. There were 390,98 DDD/100 bed days and 381,34 DDD/100 bed days total of an-tbiotic use in 2009 and 2010. Thirty nine antibiotic were consumed in 2009 within 11 kind of antibiotics in DU90% segment (ceftriaxone, amoxicillin, cefotaxime, ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin, metronidazole, cefixime, doxycycline, thiamphenicol, cefodoxime, cefalexin) and 44 antibiotic were consumed in 2010 within 18 kind of antibiotics in DU90% segment (ceftriaxone, ciprofloxacin, amoxicillin, cefixime, levofloxacin, cefadroxil, cefotaxime, metronidazole, thiamphenicol, doxycycline, clindamycin, chloramphenicol, amikacin, sulbactam, gentamycin, streptomycin, cefoperazone, canamycin). There were decline of antibioticuse that followed decline number of bed days/year in 2009–2010, but in both antibiotic kind and quantity of DU90% antibiotic group were increased.Key words: Antibiotic utilization, ATC/DDD, DU90%, antibiotic resistance
e-Prescription: An e-Health System for Preventing Adverse Drug Events in Community Healthcare Irma M. Puspitasari; Soegijardjo Soegijoko
Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy Vol 1, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

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The paper describes development activities of an e-health system for community health center (Puskesmas) with integrated adverse drug events e-prescription module, consist of system design and development, human resource development, e-health system realization, laboratory and implementation test of e-health system. Some e-readiness evaluations were conducted, through a number of field visits and questionnaires. The results had been used in the e-health system design and development, installation of the internet access infrastructure, and implementation of the education and hands-on training for the medical and administrative staff of the healthcare units. After completing the e-health system design and development as well as system realization and laboratory tests stages, a series of field implementation and experiments have been successfully conducted at Puskesmas Babakansari in Bandung. A number of users feed back have been obtained and used for further improvements on both of the software and hardware modules. The e-health system with integrated e-prescription module has successfully developed and shown its expected functions in: patient registration, medical record, paperless prescription, producing the required reports and preventing possible adverse drug events.Key words: Adverse drug events, community health center, e-health, e-prescription  e-Prescription: Sistem e-Health untuk Pencegahan Adverese Drug Event di PuskesmasAbstrakArtikel ini mendeskripsikan pengembangan sistem e-health untuk puskesmas dengan modul e-prescription yang terintegrasi adverse drug event. Modul ini terdiri dari desain sistem dan pengembangan, pengembangan sumber daya manusia, realisasi sistem e-health, laboratorium dan tes implementasi sistem e-health. Beberapa evaluasi kesiapan penggunaan elektronik (e-readiness) dilakukan melalui kunjungan lapangan dan kuesioner. Hasil evaluasi digunakan dalam desain dan pengembangan sistem e-health, instalasi akses internet, implementasi pendidikan dan pelatihan bagi staf medis dan administrasi. Setelah sistem e-health selesai dan dikembangkan sesuai dengan realisasi dan tahapan tes laboratorium, sejumlah implementasi dan eksperimen telah sukses dilakukan di Puskesmas Babakansari di Bandung. Respon yang diperoleh digunakan untuk pengembangan modul lebih lanjut dari segi software dan hardware. Sistem e-health yang terintegrasi dengan modul telah sukses dikembangkan sesuai dengan fungsi yang diharapkan: registrasi pasien, medical record, resep tanpa kertas, pelaporan dan pencegahan kemungkinan adverse drug events.Kata kunci: Adverse drug events, pusat kesehatan masyarakat, e-health, e-prescription

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