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At-Ta'dib adalah media ilmiah bidang kependidikan Islam, baik berupa studi kepustakaan, hasil penelitian maupun karya ilmiah terkait. Terbit dua kali dalam setahun, sebagai sarana pengembangan tradisi keilmuan insan tarbiyah dan pendidikan pada umumnya. Jurnal kependidikan Islam ini diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Tarbiyah Universitas Darussalam Gontor.
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The Development of educational materials in Arabic Writing Lesson at Babussalam Islamic Boarding School Umi Mahmudah; Yuangga Kurnia Yahya
At-Ta'dib Vol 14, No 2 (2019): Pendidikan Islam Perkembangan dan Tantangannya
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah, Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/at-tadib.v14i2.4058


Teaching material is an important aspect for teaching and learning activities, In babusasalam boarding school teaching material for writing skills is very needed. All students must be able to write Arabic language properly and correctly, but the fact there are many student can't to write it properly. This happened, because the teaching and learning activities  in Arabic Writing lesson did not have any teaching materials relevant to student needs. Therefore, the researcher wants  to developing teaching materials on Arabic Writting lesson with the aim teaching material be able to be reference for the teacher. In this study, researchers used Research and Development theory. For data collection, the method using are : observation, interviews, documentation, trials and test. The results from post-test and pre-test showed that the teaching material  is effective for teaching arabic writing lesson. The development of teaching materials is carried out in the following stages; 1) preliminary study, 2) planning and developing material, 3) validity of experts, 4) specification of material objectives and teaching steps 5) design of teaching materials 6) Validity Test.
Design of Learning Media of Arabic Subject for Agro-industrial Technology Study Program at the University of Darussalam Gontor Abdul Hafidz Zaid; Hibatul Wafi; Rustamaji Rustamaji
At-Ta'dib Vol 14, No 2 (2019): Pendidikan Islam Perkembangan dan Tantangannya
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah, Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/at-tadib.v14i2.3710


As one of the universities in Indonesia that focuses on teaching Arabic, University of Darussalam Gontor requires all its students to use the language well, especially Arabic in various scientific fields. But the problem faced is the unavailability of special textbooks for Agro-industrial Technology study programs. This research is intended to design Arabic language teaching materials based on maharatu al-qira’ah in the Agro-industrial Technology Study Program at the University of Darussalam Gontor using the Research & Development methodology. The results of this research are the Arabic textbook Maharatu al-qira’ah improves the ability of students in Arabic material, especially in reading skills.  
Implementation of Wasathiyatul Islam in the Curriculum of Modern Islamic boarding School Darussalam Gontor (Study of K.H. Imam Zarkasyi’s Thought.) Rahmat Yasin
At-Ta'dib Vol 14, No 2 (2019): Pendidikan Islam Perkembangan dan Tantangannya
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah, Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/at-tadib.v14i2.3656


AbstractK.H. Imam Zarkasyi was a successful figure with his modern boarding school educational system in accommodating various diversity in Indonesia. This study discusses the Implementation of Wasathiyatul Islam in the curriculum of Modern Islamic boarding School Darussalam Gontor with a focus on the study of K.H. Imam Zarkasyi’s Thought. The problem in this research is how the concept of Islamic thought Wasathiyah according to K.H Imam Zarkasyi, then how was The Wasathiyah Islam implemented in the curriculum of Modern Islamic Boarding school Darussalam Gontor and the reason why Wasathiyah Islam implemented in the curriculum at Modern Islamic Darussalam Gontor. While the purpose of this thesis is to analyze and describe the concept of Islamic thought of Wasathiyah according to K.H Imam Zarkasyi, and then reveals how Wasathiyah Islam implemented in curriculum at Modern Islamic Boarding school Darussalam Gontor and explain the reason why was the Wasathiyatul Islam implemented in curriculum at Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor. The kind of research instrument is biographical research, with rationalistic postpositivism approach, using descriptive analysis, by data collecting method with interview, observation, and documentation. The source of data obtained from the books author by K.H.Imam Zarkasyi, interview towards his sons, Director of KMI, and teachers in Modern Islamic boarding school Darussalam Gontor. Data analysis techniques performed after data collection, data reduction, and presentation of data then performed conclusion. The results of this study indicate that the concept of Islamic thought Wasathiyah (Wasathiyah al-Islam), in K.H. Imam Zarkasyi’s thought is a frame of mind based on philosophical values, with the consideration of al-khoiriyah wa al-afdholiyah, proportional, and balance, within the framework of shari'ah.
Application of the Comment Poster Method with Media Comics to Increase Student Values of Grade 7 E in Aqidah Akhlak Subjects in Ma'arif 1 Ponorogo Middle School Academic Year 2018-2019. Noor Syahid; Shofwan Al Muzani
At-Ta'dib Vol 14, No 2 (2019): Pendidikan Islam Perkembangan dan Tantangannya
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah, Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/at-tadib.v14i2.3121


Aqidah Akhlak lessons subject includes two things: first educating students to behave in accordance with Islamic values and morals, secondly educating students to study the material of Islamic teachings. Learning about Aqidah akhlah subject matter should have been taught since the child was born into this world to an educational level by applying various learning strategies. The Prophet has exemplified the learning methods that can be applied in educating the morals of the Companions as well as the Bil Hikmah method, Mauidzah hasanah method, Mujadalah method, the method of motivation, asking questions and throwing questions method, demonstrations method, stories method, imagery method, and rewards and punishments method. the inability of educators to choose methods or errors in the use of methods is often the trigger for not maximizing learning outcomes. In this study the researcher used the Poster comment method. This method aims to increase creativity and encourage students to reason with the problems faced. Based on the results of observations at Ma'arif 1 Ponorogo Middle Schoole the researchers found that the methods often used by teachers at the school were lecture and question and answer methods. This method affects the lack of attention of students to the teacher when explaining the lesson because of the monotonous method. It was found that of the 29 students who took the exam only 45% of students reached the KKM 75 standard. It was expected to improve learning values, and the learning activeness of 7th grade students of Ma'arif 1 Ponorogo Middle School so as to accelerate the achievement of learning goals
Design objective tests using the computer program in developing the Arabic language for non-native speakers Moh. Ismail
At-Ta'dib Vol 14, No 2 (2019): Pendidikan Islam Perkembangan dan Tantangannya
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah, Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/at-tadib.v14i2.4824


AbstractThe primary purpose of a language test is to provide a measure that we can interpret as an indicator of an individual's language ability. The most important consideration in designing and developing a language test is the use for which it is intended so that the most important quality of a language test is its usefulness. And the essential measurement qualities are reliability and construct validity. Reliability is often defined as the consistency of measurement.A reliable test score will be consistent across different characteristics of the testing situation. And the construct validity pertains to the meaningfulness and appropriateness of the interpretations that we make based on test scores. Computer scoring has the advantage of providing instant results and this feature can be exploited to create individualized assessments. Computers have been used for managing item banks, scoring multiple-choice responses, generating score reports, conducting statistical analysis, and storing test-takers records.These roles will continue to contribute to the efficiency of language testing. Computer-based assessments are generally conservative and tend to reflect what was already possible in paper-based (or face to face) assessment. The concern in computer-assisted testing appears to pose a question of whether or computer-assisted language testing is valid. Validity refers to the degree to which inference from and uses of test scores can be justified. Whenever language instruction is offered online, it makes sense for teachers to at least consider online assessment as well. The most efficient option for doing so is course management software that allows the teacher to construct language tests based on computer programs  Keywords : Language Assessment, Computer-assisted Language Testing (CALT), Arabic Language for Non,  E-Learning,
At-Ta'dib Vol 14, No 2 (2019): Pendidikan Islam Perkembangan dan Tantangannya
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah, Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/at-tadib.v14i2.3256


This study aims to determine: (1) differences in fiqihlearning outcomes between students who are given an assessment of the performance and assessment of the essay. (2) to find out the interaction between authentic assessment and teaching variation on the results of fiqh learning. (3) differences in fiqh learning outcomes for students given a teaching style variation of teaching between students given an assessment of performance and assessment essays. (4) differences in fiqh learning outcomes for students given variations teaching instructional media between students given an assessment of performance and assessment essays. This research was conducted at An Nida Al Islamy Islamic Boarding School in Bekasi. With a sample size of 40 students using cluster random sampling techniques. Fiqh learning outcomes data are obtained through learning outcomes tests. The results showed that (1) jurisprudence learning outcomes of students who were given higher performance ratings than those given essay assessment, (2) there was an interaction effect between authentic assessment and teaching variation on fiqh learning outcomes, (3) for students with variations in teaching with style teaching, jurisprudence learning outcomes of students who are given a performance assessment, higher than the results of jurisprudence learning students who are given essay assessment, and (4) for students who are given a variety of teaching learning media, student jurisprudence learning outcomes that are given performance ratings, lower than learning student jurisprudence given essay assessment.
The Effect of Communication Skills of Islamic Religious Education Teachers on Students' Level of Understanding in Learning Islamic Religious Education for Class X Students of SMA N 1 Susukan Cirebon District fify rufi'ah; Akhmad Affandi; Nawawi Nawawi
At-Ta'dib Vol 14, No 2 (2019): Pendidikan Islam Perkembangan dan Tantangannya
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah, Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/at-tadib.v14i2.3762


Based on the authors do in the State High School (SMA) 1 Susukan Susukan District Cirebon District. The reality on the ground, student learning activities in the class tend to be passive because the learning process is still monotonous so that it impacts on students who are not eager to learn. Because the way of teaching teachers or the level of understanding of students in learning, especially in the field of Islamic Religious Education (PAI). This study aims to determine the relationship between teacher communication skills with the level of student understanding in the learning of class X students of SMAN 1 Susukan, Susukan District, Cirebon Regency. One of the internal factors that influence the learning process is the teacher's communication skills communication skills, and the level of student understanding in learning. Research using quantitative descriptive methods with data collection techniques in this study using a questionnaire (questionnaire), observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques through two stages, namely descriptive analysis and product moment analysis. The subjects of the study were grade X students, teachers of PAI studies. The results of data processing showed that the communication skills of teachers of SMAN 1 Sususan Subdistrict Susukan Cirebon Regency in the PAI study field were categorized as good, the influence between the teacher's communication skills with the level of understanding of class X students of SMAN 1 Susukan Subdistrict Susukan Cirebon District was 33.4%. This is evidenced from the calculation of the coefficient of determination with a calculated value of 3.941.
The Urgency of Higher Education Institutions in Islamic Boarding Schools: To Maintenance and Development Islamic Values Radinal Mukhtar Harahap
At-Ta'dib Vol 14, No 2 (2019): Pendidikan Islam Perkembangan dan Tantangannya
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah, Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/at-tadib.v14i2.3449


Islamic boarding school has been known as a centre of Islamic values and national values. The efforts to maintenance and developt both of values are beginning from middle education and continue until higher education in islamic boarding school. However, most Islamic boarding schools are now stopped at the middle level.  On the basis of literature, this paper tries to answer how is  urgency of the existence of higher education for teaching Islamic values. The result of this research fouded existency of higher education in Islamic boarding schools is very needed to all aspects which are : theological aspects, psychological aspects, historical aspects and social aspects. The aim form existence of Islamic hinger institution  to increase capabality  student's understand and be able to analyze and solve their problems  in society
The effectiveness of learning Arabic numbers based on Adobe Flash Professional cs6 multimedia Ahmad Danis
At-Ta'dib Vol 14, No 2 (2019): Pendidikan Islam Perkembangan dan Tantangannya
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah, Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/at-tadib.v14i2.4832


AbstractThis study aims to explain: (1) the characteristics of Arabic number learning media based on Adobe Flash Professional cs6 multimedia for the students of class one intensive at Gontor Islamic Institution Campus Two (2) to find out the outcomes of Adobe Flash Professional cs6 multimedia-based learning media effectiveness after being tested to class one intensive students at Gontor Islamic Institution Campus Two.The type of this research is a Research and Development (R&D). In collecting data, researchers use the method of observation, interviews, tests, questioners and documentation. The hypothesis in this study shows that teaching of Arabic numbers using instructional media able to increase the ability of understanding in Arabic numerals material for class one intensive students at Gontor Islamic Institution Campus Two. And for analyzing the collected data, researchers used the t-test formula.Based on the results of the trial, the research concluded that the characteristics of learning media products developed at these sides, first, the Arabic numbers learning are divided into seven parts named by (1) Mufrad Numbers (2) Al-Asma' (3) Murakkab Numbers (4) Numbers al- Uqud (5) Ma'thuf Ala al-Uqud Numbers (6) Hundreds and Thousands Numbers (7) Arrangement numbers. In each part consists of the notion of numbers, examples of numbers, rules of numbers, and practice questions. Second, the first screen will show Arabic number and the title for the icon proceeding into the program, the second screen for each material, which consists of understanding of numbers, examples of numbers, rules of numbers and exercises for each lesson. Then for the effectiveness of learning Arabic numbers based on Adobe Flash Professional cs6 multimedia can be seen from the results of the pretest and posttest values, the results of the study have significant differences, meaning that the use of multimedia Adobe Flash Professional cs6 has the effectiveness in improving students' ability to learn Arabic numbers. Besides the student and teacher questionnaires show that Adobe Flash Professional cs6 multimedia can help in learning Arabic numbers and make it easier for teachers in teaching and learning activities.. Keywords : Learning media, Arabic numbers, Adobe Flash Professional CS6

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