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Media Ilmiah Teknologi Pangan (Scientific Journal of Food Technology)
Published by Universitas Udayana
ISSN : 24772739     EISSN : 24772739     DOI : -
Core Subject : Agriculture,
Media Ilmiah Teknologi Pangan (Scientific Journal of Food Technology) adalah jurnal ilmiah yang dikelola oleh Program Magister Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan, Progam Pascasarjana, Universitas Udayana, Denpasar-Bali. Jurnal ilmiah ini diterbitkan dua kali setahun, mempublikasikan hasil-hasil penelitian dan ulasan ilmiah dalam bidang ilmu dan teknologi pangan.
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Articles 8 Documents
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Pembuatan Produk Ready To Use Therapeutic Food (RUTF) Dengan Kombinasi Kacang Tanah Dan Kacang Hijau Ida Ayu Surya Agustini; I Ketut Suter; I. Dw. G. Mayun Permana
Media Ilmiah Teknologi Pangan (Scientific Journal of Food Technology) Vol 5 No 1 (2018): Scientific Journal of Food Technology
Publisher : Master Program of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University

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The aim of this research is to make a formula of RUTF using combination of green pea and peanut as the base ingridients. By using this combination, it is expected that this product will have precise energy and protein content with good taste for children. Randomized block design was used and sensoric properties were analysed to get best formulation in term of nutrition content and sensoric properties. The eksperiment, there were ratio of peanut and green pea in that 6 formulations are 80:20,70:30,60:40,40;60,30:70, and 20:80. Data from statistical analysis showed that there is no significant difference in nutrition content and sensoric properties between 6 formulations (p>0.05). Selection of best formulation among these 6 formulations was done using effectitivity method. Using that method, RUTF which contains green pea and peanut with 6:4 ratio is the best product.
Karakteristik Minyak Goreng Bekas yang Dihasilkan di Kota Denpasar Dewa Ayu Anom Yuarini; G.P. Ganda Putra; Luh Putu Wrasiati; A.A.P.A Suryawan Wiranatha
Media Ilmiah Teknologi Pangan (Scientific Journal of Food Technology) Vol 5 No 1 (2018): Scientific Journal of Food Technology
Publisher : Master Program of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University

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This study aims to determine the characteristics of waste cooking oil in Denpasar to be known the quality of waste cooking oil so that utilization is not for consumption again but processed into non-food products with the appropriate preliminary treatment. The population in this research is all waste cooking oil produced in Denpasar city. Determination of research sample was done by using purposive sampling method with some consideration such as (1)Choice of hotel and restaurant with average occupancy above 70%/year, (2) Street food vendors and street snack vendors with daily proccess using 10 L cooking oil a day. So that obtained 21 samples of waste cooking oil from the three sources of sampling. The observed variables are water content, peroxide number and free fatty acid. The results showed that waste cooking oil which has the highest water content from the street food vendor amount 0,40%, while the lowest from hotel/restaurant amount 0,09%. The highest peroxide rate were obtained on street snack vendors amount 13,27 MeqO2/1000 while the lowest were hotel/restaurant amount 12,76 MeqO2/1000. The highest free fatty acids were obtained by street food vendor amount 0,35%, while the lowest from hotel/restaurant amount 0,19%.
Aktivitas Antioksidan Dan Kandungan Flavonoid Minuman Ready To Serve dari Ekstrak Daun Cem-Cem (Spondias pinnata (Lf) kurz), Daun Pegagan (Centella asiatica (L) Urban) dan Daun Katuk (Sauropus androgunus (L)) IDPK Pratiwi; AA Sri Wiadnyani
Media Ilmiah Teknologi Pangan (Scientific Journal of Food Technology) Vol 5 No 1 (2018): Scientific Journal of Food Technology
Publisher : Master Program of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University

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This study aims to obtain the better combination of cem-cem leaf extract, katagan leaf and Pegagan leaf to produce a ready to serve beverage with higher antioxidant potency than its constituent component. The research design was a randomized complete design by treatment combination of ready to serve beverage extract is divided into 9 levels with the comparison between cem-cem leaves, katuk leaf and kola leaf is in the range of 4.3,2 (cem-cem leaves); 2.0; 1.5; 1.0; 0.5; 0.0 (leaf pegagan and katuk leaf). pH, TSS, total acid, ascorbic acid, total phenol, total flavonoid and antioxidants capacity were measured. The result showed the best characteristic flavonoid and antioxidants was the formula of beverage with a combination of 3.0% cem-cem leaf extract, 0.5% of pegagan leaf and 0.5% katuk leaves have pH 3.40, TSS 7.75, Vitamin C of 84.48 mg / 100g, total acid 0,0405%, antioxidant capacity value 219,61mgGAEAC / 100g, total phenol 14,12% and total flavonoid 166,41mgEK / 100g with IC value 50 238,69 ppm.
Penentuan Umur Simpan Cuka Kakao Menggunakan Metode Accelerated Shelf-Life Testing (ASLT) dengan Pendekatan Arrhenius G.P. Ganda Putra; Ni Made Wartini
Media Ilmiah Teknologi Pangan (Scientific Journal of Food Technology) Vol 5 No 1 (2018): Scientific Journal of Food Technology
Publisher : Master Program of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University

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Liquid pulp by-product of fermentation of cocoa beans can be processed into cocoa vinegar. Cocoa vinegar as a new food product needs to be determined its shelf life. The objectives of this study were: (1) to know the stability of cacao vinegar distillate products during storage, and (2) to determine the shelf life of cocoa vinegar distillate using Accelerated Shelf-Life Testing (ASLT) method based on Arrhenius approach for determination of expired period of product. In this study, the storage of cocoa vinegar distillate for 10 weeks at three different temperatures, namely: 28oC, 40oC, and 50oC, and each experiment was done twice repeated. Weekly observations were done on the characteristic parameter of cocoa vinegar distillate. The results obtained show that: (1) during storage there is a decrease in acetic acid concentration, but an increase in pH, TSS and clarity value (OD600) of cocoa vinegar distillate; (2) the determination of shelf life is based on pH characteristics with equation of Ln k = -2217.2 (1/T) + 5.1875, which shelf life at temperatures: 10oC, 20oC, 28oC, 40oC, and 50oC respectively: 35.28 weeks (8.23 months), 27.01 weeks (6.30 months), 22.09 weeks (5.15 months), 16.65 weeks (3.89 months), and 13.37 weeks (3.12 months). The data of shelf life may be used to specify the expiration period, which must be included in the packaging label.
Pengaruh Konsentrasi Gliserol Terhadap Karakteristik Edible Film Pati Ubi Jalar (Ipomoea batatas L.) Anjani Fatnasari; Komang Ayu Nocianitri; I Putu Suparthana
Media Ilmiah Teknologi Pangan (Scientific Journal of Food Technology) Vol 5 No 1 (2018): Scientific Journal of Food Technology
Publisher : Master Program of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University

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Edible films is a thin layer packaged which produced from biopolymers and food-grade additives which is biodegradable in consumtion and environment. Sweet potato starch is one of many hydrocolloid which can be made as the material of edible film. Glycerol added in the formulation of edible film as a plasticizer to increase the characteristic of edible film. The purpose of this research is to determine glycerol concentration which it had best physic and chemist characteristics of edible film. The method of this research was completely randomized design with four grade of glycerol concentration there are 10%, 15%, 20% and 25% (v/b starch) which repeated four times. There are many parameters which analyzed in this research there are moisture content, thickness, water vapor transmission rate (WVTR), elongation and tensile strength. Data was analyzed with ANOVA and continued with Duncan’s (?=5%). The result of the research are increasing the glycerol concentration were influence amount of water moisture, thickness, elongation and tensile strength, but it is not influence the amount of water vapour transmission rate edible film. Best characteristic of edible film shown in formulation 10% (v/b starch) glycerol with amount of water moisture 12,50%, thickness 0,06 mm, WVTR 1,79 g/m2, elongation 8,75% and tensile strength 0,75 MPa.
Chemical Composition Of Modified Cocoyam Flour With Spontaneous Fermentation And Autoclaving-Cooling Cycles To Improved Resistant Starch Content A.A. Istri Sri Wiadnyani; I Ketut Suter; I W. Rai Widarta
Media Ilmiah Teknologi Pangan (Scientific Journal of Food Technology) Vol 5 No 1 (2018): Scientific Journal of Food Technology
Publisher : Master Program of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University

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This research was intended to identify chemical composition of cocoyam flour modified with spontaneous fermentation and autoclaving-cooling cycle in order to increase resistant starch content as functional food source. Increase of usage of modified cocoyam flour as product raw material and food ingredient is expected to improve physical characteristic and chemical characteristic of product resulted as well as to improve its potential as functional food source useful for health. The research did modification of caladium powder consisting of two factors. The first factor spontaneous fermentation method (without spontaneous fermentation F0; and with spontaneous fermentation, F1). The second factor is autoclaving-cooling cycle method consisting of three levels without autoclaving-cooling cycle (T0), one autoclaving-cooling cycle (T1) and two autoclaving-cooling cycles (T2). All treatments were repeated three times so there were 18 experiment units. Parameter observed in this research include water content, yield, amylase content, starch content and resistant starch. The best result of the research was spontaneous fermentation with following characteristic: yield 20.33%, water content 9.3%, starch content 75.16%, amylose content 25.95% and resistant starch content 13.89% and then was two autoclaving-cooling cycles with following characteristic: yield 18.48%, water content 8.87%, starch content 73.54%, amylose content 26.20% and resistant starch content 13.81%.
Pengaruh Perbandingan Umbi Kimpul (Xanthosoma sagittifolium) Dengan Daun Kelor (Moringa oleifera) Terhadap Karakteristik Keripik Simulasi Putu Pande Pande Yashika; Putu Timur Ina; Nengah Kencana Putra
Media Ilmiah Teknologi Pangan (Scientific Journal of Food Technology) Vol 5 No 1 (2018): Scientific Journal of Food Technology
Publisher : Master Program of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University

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Moringa leaves are foods rich in nutrients such as protein, vitamin C, and ?-carotene. The purposes of this research were to know the effect of ratio of cocoyam tuber and moringa leaf on the characteristics of simulated chips, and to know the best level of the ratio. The experimental design used was randomized block design (RBD) with the ratio of cocoyam tubers and moringa leaf as treatment, namely 100% : 0%, 95% : 5%, 90% : 10%, 85% : 15%; 80% : 20%; 75% : 25%; 70% : 30%. and 3 repetitions thenso that obtained 21 experimental unit. The results showed that cocoyam tubers and moringa leaf ratio had significant effect on the water content, ash content, protein content, vitamin C content, antioxidant capacity, flavor preferences (hedonic test), aroma level (scoring test), and taste level (scoring test) of simulated chip. Ratio from 70% of cocoyam tubers : 30% of moringa leaf is the best characteristic with water content is 1,27%, ash content is 2,47%, protein content is 3,64%, vitamin C content is 32,33 mg/100g, antioxidant capacity 2,22 mg GAEAC/kg, color rather like, flavor moringa leaf strong and rather like, texture crispy and rather like, taste moringa leaf strong and rather like and overall acceptance rather like.
Yoghurt Susu Wijen Dengan Pewarna Alami Ekstrak Buah Naga Merah Nanik Suhartatik; Yannie Asrie Widanti; Sokhif Saiful Anwar
Media Ilmiah Teknologi Pangan (Scientific Journal of Food Technology) Vol 5 No 1 (2018): Scientific Journal of Food Technology
Publisher : Master Program of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University

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Some research on yogurt from sesame milk has been done. The process of fermentation is intended to reduce the aroma and flavor of sesame milk that is less favored by consumers and improve its functional properties. This study aimed to study the ability of red dragon fruit extract on yogurt of sesame milk. The research was conducted by using Factorial Completely Random Design with the first factor was the ratio of sesame seed to water (10, 12, and 14%) and second factor addition of red dragon fruit extract (2, 5, and 8%). Parameter analyzes include sugar levels, protein levels, pH, and total titrated acids. Data were analyzed by two way ANOVA to express the real difference between treatments. The results showed that the variation in the proportion of sesame seeds and red dragon extract did not significantly influence the sugar content, protein content, pH, and the acidity level of the sesame milk yoghurt. yoghurt from sesame milk-red dragon fruit extract gives sugar content ranging from 1.00-5.25 g/100 ml; dissolved protein 19,83-26,89 g/100 ml; pH 4,90-5,43; and titratable acid 1,25-1,76. The lowest pH for sesame milk yoghurt was yoghurt with 10% of sesame and 2% of dragon fruit.

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