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Jurnal Mechanical
Published by Universitas Lampung
ISSN : 20871880     EISSN : 24601888     DOI :
Jurnal Mechanical (eISSN 2460 1888 and pISSN 2087 1880), is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes scientific articles from the disciplines of mechanical engineering, which includes the field of study (peer) material, production and manufacturing, construction and energy conversion. Articles published in the journal Mechanical include results of original scientific research (original), and a scientific review article (review). Mechanical journal published by University of Lampung and managed by Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering for publishing two periods a year, in March and September .
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JURNAL MECHANICAL Vol 3, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Lampung

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levels and low lignin content of potential to be used as raw material for production of biogas. As well biodegradatif Cow manure contains bacteria that can initiate and sustain the production of biogas and water can accelerate the growth of microorganisms and methane-producing organisms are more optimum.This study aims to examine the ratio of water hyacinth, cow dung and water to biogas production better. Water hyacinth and leaves cut approximately 2 to 3 cm, cow dung and water and put into a plastic into Kriya reactor with a capacity of 120 liters and with airtight closed anaerobic process with two different ratio 10:9:48 (kg) and 11:14 : 42 (kg) with a time of 70 days. Parameters measured pressure, volume and temperature of biogas.The results of the study showed that the optimum ratio between the water hyacinth, cow dung and water is 11:14:42 (kg) with the highest volume of 12 492 liters and the highest pressure 109.3 kN/m2, as well as high-pressure hourly te 4100 N/m2. The difference is clearly visible, especially in the pressure measurement, the ratio of 11:14:42 (kg) is even better. The ideal fermentation time in both comparisons are even up to 60 days to 70 days biogas production but there is still very little or small. With time optimum biogas production is starting on day 7 to day 20.Keywords: Biogas, water hyacinth, cow manure
The Design and Making Prototype of pressing equipment for Banana with Capacities 90 kg/hour Tri Atmodjo
JURNAL MECHANICAL Vol 3, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Lampung

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Banana plants in Indonesia can grow well both high and lowland, from the temperate wet and dry climate. In addition to the consumption of fresh banana in Indonesia a few cultivars are also widely used as industrial raw material chips, “sale pisang” and banana flour. Many craftsmen who developed food banana in the form of sale due to ease in the manufacturing process, in addition to food enthusiasts sale high enough banana. Making banana sale in the domestic industrial scale is still mostly done by hand which is only capable of producing 20 kg / hour in the form of processed banana fruit in banana sale. So many craftsmen maker banana sale household scale industries can not buy banana in large numbers. In the manufacture of sale of banana is done manually are still many shortcomings, which measure the thickness of the sale of banana produced uneven. In general, pressing machine banana sale is a tool that changes the shape of banana from thick to thin size. By utilizing the roll rotation that drives the conveyor belt top and conveyor belt bottom of the moving direction. In this study is designed pressing sale banana toot driven electric motor with power 2 hp 1 phase with a speed of 1400 rpm. With a shaft diameter of 25 mm, the size of the pegs 10x22 mm whit a depth of 5 mm. Gear is used in this reduction type where a large number of gear as much as 115 teeth, gear motor driver as much as 9 teeth and roll gear driver as much as 15 teeth. Bearings used in the manufacture of this pressing banana sale tool is bearing 6305 ZZ C3 P6 type. Resulting of test manufacturing pressing banana sale tool conducted showed that the pressing machine capable flattens banana sale with an average size of 10.16 cm in length banana sale, with  3.3 cm and 0.36 cm thick with a capacity of 90 Kg/hour or in day (7 hour) machine capable of pressing flattens banana sale much as 630 Kg/day.Keywords: Banana plants,  pressing,  machine design
Studi Penggunaan Jenis Elektroda Las Yang Berbeda Terhadap Sifat Mekanik Pengelasan SMAW Baja AISI 1045 Tarkono .
JURNAL MECHANICAL Vol 3, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Lampung

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Dalam aplikasinya baja AISI 1045 digunakan dalam bidang mechanical engineering.  Penyambungan material tersebut  dilakukan dengan teknik  pengelasan sebab baja karbon sedang  mempunyai sifat mudah menjadi keras jika ditambah dengan adanya hidrogen difusi menyebabkan baja ini sangat peka terhadap retak las. Untuk mengurangi hidrogen difusi, harus digunakan elektroda hidrogen rendah.Tujuan dari penggunaan elektroda yang tidak sejenis adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh jenis elektroda las terhadap kekuatan tarik dan kekerasan hasil pengelasan SMAW baja karbon AISI 1045. Dimana elektroda las dibedakan menurut jenis dan standarnya, yang dalam hal ini yaitu standar ASTM dan JIS. Elektroda yang digunakan adalah elektroda las LB52, RD 716-G dan RD-80. Penyambungan dilakukan dengan teknik pengelasan SMAW  yang merupakan salah satu metode pengelasan umum dalam penyambungan konstruksi teknik.Dari pengujian yang telah dilakukan, Kekuatan tarik yang dihasilkan oleh elektroda LB-52 dan RD 716-G standar ASTM dengan elektroda standar JIS cenderung lebih tinggi. Sebaliknya pada elektroda RD-80 kekuatan tarik yang dihasilkan pada standar ASTM cenderung lebih tinggi dibandingkan standar JIS. Kekuatan tarik maksimum yang diperoleh sebesar 666,667 MPa. Nilai kekerasan yang dihasilkan oleh elektroda LB-52 standar JIS dengan standar ASTM cenderung lebih tinggi. Sebaliknya pada elektroda RD 716-G dan RD-80 standar ASTM menghasilkan nilai kekerasan cenderung lebih tinggi dibandingkan standar JIS. Nilai kekerasan maksimum yang didapat adalah sebesar 277,3 HV. Nilai perpanjangan (elongation) yang dihasilkan oleh elektroda LB-52 standar ASTM dengan standar JIS cenderung lebih tinggi. Sebaliknya pada elektroda RD 716-G dan RD-80 standar JIS menghasilkan perpanjangan cenderung lebih tinggi dibandingkan standar ASTM. Nilai perpanjangan maksimum yang terjadi dari hasil pengelasan sebesar 44,67%.Kata kunci : Baja AISI 1045, las SMAW, elektroda las LB52, RD 716-G dan RD-80
Prestasi Pahat Karbida Berlapis TiN-Al2O3-TiCN Pada Saat Pembubut Baja Perkakas AISI D2 Gusri Akhyar Ibrahim
JURNAL MECHANICAL Vol 3, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Lampung

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Kajian terhadap pahat karbida dilakukan untuk menginvestigasi umur pahat sifat ausnya  pada berbagai kondisi proses pemesinan. Pahat karbida yang dilapisi (KC 125) dan tidak dilapisi (K 313) digunakan untuk membubut baha perkakas AISI D2 yang berbentuk bulat dengan nilai kekerasan 25 HRC. Pengujian dilakukan dalam keadaan kering atau tanpa menggunakan pelumas pada  berbagai jenis keceptan potong dan pemakanan, sedangkan kedalaman potong konstan. Disain penelitian Metode Tagcuhi diimplementasikan untuk mengakomodir parameter pemesinan pada beberapa jenis kecepatan potong dan pemakanan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa progress haus untuk kedua jenis pahat karbida terdiri dari tiga tahap yaitu mekanisme haus awal, pertengahan (teratur) dan akhir pemesinan. Mekanisme aus perlahan dan seragam terjadi pada kadar pemakanan rendah, 0,05 mm/rev. secara umum, pahat karbida yang dilapisi menunjukkan prestasi yang lebih baik berbanding dengan pahat karbida yang tidak dilapisi. Umur pahat yang panjang dan keadaan permukaan yang baik diperoleh bila mengunakan pahat karbida yang dilapisi.Kata kunci : umur pahat, pahat karbida, pembubutan dan AISI D2.
Potensi Penghematan Energi Pada Industri Farmasi Harmen .
JURNAL MECHANICAL Vol 3, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Lampung

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This research is focus to identify and calculated energy saving potential in pharmaceutical industry. Energy audit procedure is done by measure electrical power for each electrical industrial devices. Monthly electricity consumption for two years is investigated to know electricity pattern for this industri. Elctricity pattern can be used to measure electricity efficiency of this industry. The result show that this industry is over estimate on power supply from the grid. It’s investigated that 3.835.178,-IDR/month is loss. By using 200 kW gas/diesel cogeneration engine will be save 65.8 kW power.Keywords: energy saving, audit energy, energy efficiency, cogeneration, pharmaceutical industry
Pengaruh Variasi Jenis Aktivator Asam dan Nilai Normalitas Pada Aktivasi Zeolit Pelet Perekat Terhadap Prestasi Mesin Motor Diesel 4-Langkah Herry Wardono
JURNAL MECHANICAL Vol 3, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Lampung

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The energy crisis and air pollution can be coped with using very abundant Natural Zeolites available in Indonesia, particularly in Lampung. Herry Wardono has applied the zeolite on petrol and diesel engines. In this applications, Lampung's natural zeolites can significantly save fuel consumption and reduce exhaust emissions of the engines. The best results occurred in the use of chemical-physical activated zeolite. All this time, chemical activator (acidic activator) used was H2SO4 0.2 N, and  other normalities of this acid have not been tested, as well as  other types of acidic activator. In this research, acidic activators used were H2SO4 and HCl which has a normality of 0.1 N, 0.2 N, 0.3 N and 0.5 N each. The amount of adhesive pelletized zeolite used was also variated, i.e 50, 100, and 150 grams. The results showed that the adhesive pelletized zeolite activated by HCl dominate the best results, with fuel consumption savings of 8.6472% and 10.3058% in the use of 100 and 150 grams of the zeolite. Meanwhile, the highest fuel consumption savings obtained in the use of adhesive pelletized zeolite activated by H2SO4 were  6.2992% and 7.8847%.Keywords: zeolit pelet perekat, oxygen- rich combustion, prestasi mesin diesel
JURNAL MECHANICAL Vol 3, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Lampung

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Bamboo is used as raw material wicker and crafts are emerging as a new solution for use as new materials that are more environmentally friendly and have better mechanical strength. Research by utilizing bamboo as reinforcement fibers and polyester resin matrix aims to determine the mechanical strength of the resulting composite merging the two. Bamboo fiber composites made with various volume fractions of 10%, 15% and 20% using polyester resin and catalyst MEKPO ratio 100:1. The composite is prepared by hand lay-up by using a glass as a mold. Bamboo fibers used as reinforcement composites, is expected to increase the tensile strength and creep strength of each variation. In addition to observing the microstructure using SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) to determine the failure mechanisms that occur on the fracture surface.From this study the authors concluded that bamboo fiber composites have the potential for further development because the tensile test results are directly proportional to the addition of fiber to the highest tensile strength was 86.01 MPa at 20% volume fraction, whereas the average creep testing best time of 529.63 seconds on 10% volume fraction, the failure mechanism of the plates shown in SEM is a form of fiber breaking, pull out and de bonding.Keywords : Creep, komposit polyester, bamboo
Pendeteksian Fitur Lubang Tembus pada Model 3D untuk Pembuatan Alur Pahat Pengeboran Ahmad Yahya
JURNAL MECHANICAL Vol 3, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Lampung

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Lubang tembus merupakan fitur yang amat banyak terdapat pada berbagai produk, maka proses pendeteksian fitur ini secara otomatis untuk pembuatan alur mata pahat (tool path) proses pengeborannya menjadi hal yang menarik untuk dibahas. Keseluruhan proses ini dibuat berbasis model 3D faset dengan tipe sterolythography (STL). Identifikasi lubang tembus dilakukan dengan mengidentifikasi volume solid dan volume kosong pada model, sekaligus mengidentifikasi koordinat pusat, diameter dan kedalaman lubang menggunakan data koordinat dan normal segitiga model faset, sehingga memungkinkan proses pembuatan alur pahat dilakukan sesuai dengan data yang telah didapatkan. Serangkaian algoritma disusun dan diimplementasikan pada beberapa model 3D yang memiliki fitur lubang tembus. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian, algoritma ini terbukti dapat mendeteksi fitur lubang tembus lengkap dengan data-data yang dibutuhkan untuk pembuatan alur pahatnya.Kata kunci: lubang tembus, model faset, alur pahat

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