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Jurnal Ijtimaiyya
ISSN : 1979052X     EISSN : 26146215     DOI : 10.24042
Core Subject : Humanities, Art,
Ijtimaiyya journal is a journal which is managed by the Programme Pascasarajana (PPs) Universitas Islam negeri Raden Intan Lampung. First published in 2008 and regularly published two (2) times a year, in May and in November. Since 2014 this journal began in the online. The script that is loaded is the original manuscript, not yet published in any publication. Scripts can be articles, research results, scientific ideas as well as book reviews. Editors receive from the author of the Madrasah, universities, research institutions and other agencies concerned with the Islamic Community Development.
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Jurnal Ijtimaiyya Vol 5, No 1 (2012): Dinamika Hukum Islam: dari Trend Evolusi ke Revolusi
Publisher : Jurnal Ijtimaiyya

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Abstrak Hasan Hanafi is the prominent Egyptian writer known for his liberal reformist views, makes argument for dislocating the originary al-Qur’an — widely believed by Muslims to be the eternal word of God — from its human interpretations. Hanafi accomplishes this by ascribing different levels (mustawayât ) of being to al-Qur’an and then defining the first three as beyond human comprehension. At the first level, al-Qur’an exists as the eternal word of god in its total abstraction and non materiality; at the second level, it exists in relation to other forms of divine revelation (such as the Torah, the Bible, etc.); and finally, at the third level, al-Qur’an is that which was communicated to the creation at large outside of intelligible human history. According to Hanafi, al-Qur’an becomes comprehensible to the human intellect only when it descends from these levels into the worldly realm, that is, when it becomes materialized in a human language (Arabic) and revealed to a particular man (Muhammad SAW), in a particular location (Arabia), at a particular moment in human history. The result of this distantiation is to place a silence over the divine voice of  “true religion.”Kata Kunci : Hermeneutika, Tafsir, dan Tradisi
DINAMIKA HUKUM ISLAM: dari Tren Evolusi ke Revolusi Alamsyah, Alamsyah
Jurnal Ijtimaiyya Vol 5, No 1 (2012): Dinamika Hukum Islam: dari Trend Evolusi ke Revolusi
Publisher : Jurnal Ijtimaiyya

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AbstrakIslamic law has evolved and changed in aspects of theory (usul al-fiqh) and matter (fiqh) for several centuries. These changes are quite significant, but is slow or evolution in the long term. In the last century, Islamic law changes rapidly and fundamentally, known as the revolution of Islamic law. The new methodology and theory of Islamic law has been emerging and developing to respond and answer the needs of the Islamic law that carries the spirit of the modern world. Several theories of Islamic law are questioned and criticized and then introduced the new legal theory. The qathi legal concepts that contain a definite meaning and can not be changed, now criticized and considered as zhanni that speculative and may accept the changes. The theocentric fiqh, authoritarian and feudalistic, replaced with that anthropocentric fiqh, democratic, and humanist. Various reforms were essentially ends at the same goal, which is to realize the beneficiaries, justice, equality, legal equality, rights and obligations, and prosperity for all.Kata Kunci: Evolusi, Revolusi, Qath’i, Zhanni, dan Maslahat 
Jurnal Ijtimaiyya Vol 5, No 1 (2012): Dinamika Hukum Islam: dari Trend Evolusi ke Revolusi
Publisher : Jurnal Ijtimaiyya

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Abstrak Many Muslim intellectuals insist today that Islam is an integral part of the state. The state in a society committed to Islam, they stress, is by definition an Islamic state since political authorities are bound to Islamic law, which has a direct bearing on constitutional law. This has created confusion about the nature of the Islamic state, and has given rise to apprehension on the part of modernist scholars who feared that remarrying Islam and the state is bound to give birth to theocracy. In general, the relationship between religion and the state, in the past and the present, is not something new. Discurses about the relationship between religion and state in Islam are always stigma. Islam in the modern era has ironically experience regarding the relationship between religion and state. It is often symbolized by accusing and judging others as "kâfir" or "polytheists", as seen in the phenomenon of fundamentalism that leads to radicalism. This phenomenon is threatening the life of the state and the nation. To map the relationship between religion and state in Islam, there are three theories: first the concept of unity of religion and state; second, religion and the state relate symbiotic, which are reciprocally connected and need each other; and third, secular. The following article is trying to parse whether Islam was ordered to establish an Islamic state, or just take the substance of Islamic values.Kata Kunci : Agama, Negara, Islam
FIKIH PEMASARAN Menguak Pemikiran Hermawan Kartajaya tentang Syariah Marketing Abdillah, Junaidi
Jurnal Ijtimaiyya Vol 5, No 1 (2012): Dinamika Hukum Islam: dari Trend Evolusi ke Revolusi
Publisher : Jurnal Ijtimaiyya

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Abstrak "Marketing is an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders."  Marketing is a very important strategy for determining the success of an organization. Many business organizations and institutions fail or even collapsed due to any marketing strategy. The idea of Syariah marketing by Hermawan Kartajaya is an ijtihâd in economics Syariah. As the world economic capital have been damaged by massive corruption practices, his idea of marketing is interesting to study, and then offered to the marketing perpetrators. Interestingly, the idea is not only a symbol of label, but more than that. This article will further discuss that concepts and its relation to the dynamics of modern marketing, with the hermeneutic approach and content analysis. Kata Kunci: marketing, syari’ah, fiqh, mu’amalah, spiritual.
WAKAF UANG ANTARA FLEKSIBILITAS BERDERMA DAN SISTIM RIBAWI Telaah Ulang Keabsahan Fatwa MUI dan UU No. 41 ayat 28 – 31 tentang Wakaf Uang Hilmi, Hasbullah
Jurnal Ijtimaiyya Vol 5, No 1 (2012): Dinamika Hukum Islam: dari Trend Evolusi ke Revolusi
Publisher : Jurnal Ijtimaiyya

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Abstrak: Cash-waqf means the dedication of some money from ones possessions and establishing a waqf based on that amount and offering it to the benefit of people generally or allocating it to make use of them by some segments of the community particularly. Cash waqf models, is new to Indonesian Muslims. The existence of this model in Indonesia has been established through the MUI fatwa permitting cash jawaz waqf and Law number 41 Year 2004 on endowments, including cash waqf. Critical assessment of the existence of Rupiah as a pure fiat money controlled by the interest rate and exchange rate instability lately, an argument to re-examine the validity of cash waqf. This article proposes an alternative cash to buy assets communal and Invested wafq as the use flexibility of money in charity.Kata Kunci : Wakaf uang, Sistem ribawi, Fatwa MUI, UU No. 41 Tahun 2004
Jurnal Ijtimaiyya Vol 5, No 1 (2012): Dinamika Hukum Islam: dari Trend Evolusi ke Revolusi
Publisher : Jurnal Ijtimaiyya

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Abstrak In the Quran, the marriage relationship is described as one with "tranquility," "love" and "mercy." Elsewhere in the Quran, husband and wife are described as "garments" for each other (2: 187). Islamic marriage is thus structured through legally-enforceable rights and duties of both parties. In an atmosphere of love and respect, these rights and duties provide a framework for the balance of family life and the fulfillment of both partners. Although many Muslims may right now be in failing marriages and on a fast track to divorce and its terrible consequences, there are many ways to put their marriage back on the right track if the husband and wife are sincere in their desire to reconcile. The Prophet Muhammad SAW never mistreated his wives. He is reported to have said: How could they beat their women in daytime as slaves and then sleep with them in the night?" The Prophet Muhammad SAW, is the most excellent example as father and husband. He was very kind and tolerant towards his wives. We can see that the Messenger was the perfect head of family. Managing many women with ease, being a lover of their hearts, an instructor of their minds, an educator of their souls, he never neglected the affairs of the nation nor compromised his duties. The following is a discussion of the guidelines in protecting the integrity of the family against various problems and shock as well as how to cope, according to the prophetic tradition (hadîts) of Muhammad SAW with a thematic approach.Kata Kunci: Hadits, Konflik, dan Nusûz  

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