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Jurnal Ijtimaiyya
ISSN : 1979052X     EISSN : 26146215     DOI : 10.24042
Core Subject : Humanities, Art,
Ijtimaiyya journal is a journal which is managed by the Programme Pascasarajana (PPs) Universitas Islam negeri Raden Intan Lampung. First published in 2008 and regularly published two (2) times a year, in May and in November. Since 2014 this journal began in the online. The script that is loaded is the original manuscript, not yet published in any publication. Scripts can be articles, research results, scientific ideas as well as book reviews. Editors receive from the author of the Madrasah, universities, research institutions and other agencies concerned with the Islamic Community Development.
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Articles 219 Documents
Jurnal Ijtimaiyya Vol 5, No 1 (2012): Dinamika Hukum Islam: dari Trend Evolusi ke Revolusi
Publisher : Jurnal Ijtimaiyya

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Abstrak Hasan Hanafi is the prominent Egyptian writer known for his liberal reformist views, makes argument for dislocating the originary al-Qur’an — widely believed by Muslims to be the eternal word of God — from its human interpretations. Hanafi accomplishes this by ascribing different levels (mustawayât ) of being to al-Qur’an and then defining the first three as beyond human comprehension. At the first level, al-Qur’an exists as the eternal word of god in its total abstraction and non materiality; at the second level, it exists in relation to other forms of divine revelation (such as the Torah, the Bible, etc.); and finally, at the third level, al-Qur’an is that which was communicated to the creation at large outside of intelligible human history. According to Hanafi, al-Qur’an becomes comprehensible to the human intellect only when it descends from these levels into the worldly realm, that is, when it becomes materialized in a human language (Arabic) and revealed to a particular man (Muhammad SAW), in a particular location (Arabia), at a particular moment in human history. The result of this distantiation is to place a silence over the divine voice of  “true religion.”Kata Kunci : Hermeneutika, Tafsir, dan Tradisi
Jurnal Ijtimaiyya Vol 6, No 1 (2013): Dakwah dan Pemberdayaan Umat
Publisher : Jurnal Ijtimaiyya

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AbstrakIn global view, a dai as a religious preacher shows himself as a life parameter. Through his role, he is expected to color life of a group of society which is within the dynamic development. Therefore a demand for a da’I should not only limit to the message he carries, but also on credible character attaches to himself, in order to influence his audiences are made. This kind of day within his role and function will be able to plan his dakwah, decide the methods, observe thedakwah objects, decide the dakwah strategies, and get appropriate evaluation. This article will further describe this.Kata kunci : Teknik Komunikasi dan Perubahan Sosial
Jurnal Ijtimaiyya Vol 6, No 2 (2013): (Agustus 2013)
Publisher : Jurnal Ijtimaiyya

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AbstrakThe concept of fitrah as original goodness, it does not merely connote a passive receptivity to good and right action, but an active inclination and a natural innate predisposition to know Allâh, to submit to Him and to do right. This is man’s natural tendency in the absence of contrary factors. Although all children are born in a state of fitrah, the influence of the environment is decisive; parents may influence the religion of the child by making him a Christian, Jew or Magian. If there are no adverse influences, then the child will continuously manifest his fitrah as his true nature. Since many infants are born with gross physical deformities, the maiming referred to in this hadîth is not meant in the physical sense; it means that all children are born spiritually pure, in a state of fitrah. The reference to animals born intact in the central hadîth should be viewed as an analogy to illustrate the parallel spiritual wholeness of children at birth. It is precisely because of man’s free-will and intellect that he is able to overcome the negative influences of the environment and attain to the highest level of psycho-spiritual development, an-nafs al-mutma’innah, ‘the self made tranquil’.
REVITALISASI AMIL ZAKAT DI INDONESIA Telaah atas Model-model Kreatif Distribusi Zakat Abdillah, Junaidi
Jurnal Ijtimaiyya Vol 7, No 1 (2014): (Februari 2014) Jurnal Ijtimaiyya : Eksekusi dalam Pembagian Harta Bersama di P
Publisher : Jurnal Ijtimaiyya

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Abstrak Baznas (the National Alms Agency) will design as the coordinator and supervisor of zakat collection and distribution activities in Indonesia, the world’s largest Muslim country. This role, he said, would help the government integrate the zakat management system in Indonesia which had been organized independently by countless registered and unregistered zakat collection organizations scattered around the country, and ensure that the zakat funds would also be used to empower the poor. According to the new alms law, the public is still allowed to establish zakat collection agencies under Baznas supervision as long as they meet all administrative requirements, including the possession of a recommendation from Baznas and technical ability to run their alms collection and distribution programs.
Jurnal Ijtimaiyya Vol 7, No 1 (2014): (Februari 2014) Jurnal Ijtimaiyya : Eksekusi dalam Pembagian Harta Bersama di P
Publisher : Jurnal Ijtimaiyya

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Abstrak Traditionally, the first day of each month is the day (beginning at sunset) of the first sighting of the hilal (crescent moon) shortly after sunset. Beside that, the astronomical new moon times and dates are already computed exactly for thousands of years backward and forward. Some nations have used the lunar phase cycle as the basis for their calendars. In a majority of Nadlatul Ulama (NU), oppose the use of calculations, on the grounds that the latter would not conform with Muhammads recommendation to observe the new moon of Ramadan and Shawwal in order to determine the beginning of these months. This Indonesia’s largest Muslim organization, prefers to utilize the method called imkanur rukyat, which requires a clear, visible sighting of the moon. In the other side, Muhammadiyah organization sets the first Ramdhan based on mathematical and astronomical calculations known as hisab wujudul hilal. This article focuses to discuss further about how Muhammadiyah sets the first day of Hijrah calendar.
DINAMIKA HUKUM ISLAM: dari Tren Evolusi ke Revolusi Alamsyah, Alamsyah
Jurnal Ijtimaiyya Vol 5, No 1 (2012): Dinamika Hukum Islam: dari Trend Evolusi ke Revolusi
Publisher : Jurnal Ijtimaiyya

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AbstrakIslamic law has evolved and changed in aspects of theory (usul al-fiqh) and matter (fiqh) for several centuries. These changes are quite significant, but is slow or evolution in the long term. In the last century, Islamic law changes rapidly and fundamentally, known as the revolution of Islamic law. The new methodology and theory of Islamic law has been emerging and developing to respond and answer the needs of the Islamic law that carries the spirit of the modern world. Several theories of Islamic law are questioned and criticized and then introduced the new legal theory. The qathi legal concepts that contain a definite meaning and can not be changed, now criticized and considered as zhanni that speculative and may accept the changes. The theocentric fiqh, authoritarian and feudalistic, replaced with that anthropocentric fiqh, democratic, and humanist. Various reforms were essentially ends at the same goal, which is to realize the beneficiaries, justice, equality, legal equality, rights and obligations, and prosperity for all.Kata Kunci: Evolusi, Revolusi, Qath’i, Zhanni, dan Maslahat 
Jurnal Ijtimaiyya Vol 5, No 1 (2012): Dinamika Hukum Islam: dari Trend Evolusi ke Revolusi
Publisher : Jurnal Ijtimaiyya

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Abstrak Many Muslim intellectuals insist today that Islam is an integral part of the state. The state in a society committed to Islam, they stress, is by definition an Islamic state since political authorities are bound to Islamic law, which has a direct bearing on constitutional law. This has created confusion about the nature of the Islamic state, and has given rise to apprehension on the part of modernist scholars who feared that remarrying Islam and the state is bound to give birth to theocracy. In general, the relationship between religion and the state, in the past and the present, is not something new. Discurses about the relationship between religion and state in Islam are always stigma. Islam in the modern era has ironically experience regarding the relationship between religion and state. It is often symbolized by accusing and judging others as "kâfir" or "polytheists", as seen in the phenomenon of fundamentalism that leads to radicalism. This phenomenon is threatening the life of the state and the nation. To map the relationship between religion and state in Islam, there are three theories: first the concept of unity of religion and state; second, religion and the state relate symbiotic, which are reciprocally connected and need each other; and third, secular. The following article is trying to parse whether Islam was ordered to establish an Islamic state, or just take the substance of Islamic values.Kata Kunci : Agama, Negara, Islam
TRADISI KEILMUAN ISLAM DI PERGURUAN TINGGI UMUM Suatu Tinjauan di Bidang Hukum Islam dan Pranata Sosial Gazali, Rafi’ah
Jurnal Ijtimaiyya Vol 6, No 1 (2013): Dakwah dan Pemberdayaan Umat
Publisher : Jurnal Ijtimaiyya

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AbstractIslamic studies at public universities is essentially has similarities with the Islamic material in Islamic universities, but more general, which developed into several faculties and programs. However, the aim is to make the students have a broad knowledge of Islam, a profound awareness of the attitudes and behaviors, as Muslims and citizens of Republic of Indonesia. Islam as a doctrine that contains legal and social institutions can be researched from the religious approach and religious studies. However, religious studies will provide the scope of the study, broader objectives, contextual, dynamic, and solutions to the development of peoples lives. The excellent research in the field of Islamic law are to be done and developed by academics (lecturers) and researchers by using variety methodological approaches, especially qualitative. For that, there needs to be a synergistic networking among public universities and religious universities in improving the quality of Tridarma, in education and teaching of Islamic education, as well as research and community service.Kata Kunci: Tradisi Keilmuan, Islam, dan Perguruan Tinggi Umum 
Jurnal Ijtimaiyya Vol 6, No 2 (2013): (Agustus 2013)
Publisher : Jurnal Ijtimaiyya

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AbstrakThe Quran suggests the existence of several factors that influence the development of the soul: heredity, environment, and innate potential. Environment is not the only factor affecting the development of the soul, as well as heredity. However, whole these factors also influence individual growth and mental development. Several methods offered the Quran in educating the soul by strengthening faith and taqwa; assigning various religious obligation, giving encouragement to be patient and remembering Allah (zikr) and repent to Him. This article tries to describe further about this issue.
Jurnal Ijtimaiyya Vol 7, No 1 (2014): (Februari 2014) Jurnal Ijtimaiyya : Eksekusi dalam Pembagian Harta Bersama di P
Publisher : Jurnal Ijtimaiyya

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AbstakMaqâshid Syari’ah refers to an act of achieving and protecting the benefits and good (masalih) for the sake of human beings. In fulfilling the maqâshid al Syari’ah, man inadvertently fulfills not only his social and ethical needs but also his commercial needs as well. There lies the wisdom of Muslims having to “fulfill all obligations” as in doing so mankind is fulfilling one another’s needs and obligations, hence a win-win for all. The current practice of Islamic banks needs to incorporate maqâshid al-Syari’ah into their management strategy to ensure its sustainability to serve mankind in the future, in confirmation to the requirement of Syari’ah. Though profitability is essential and must be achieved, but it is not the main objective. In Islam, the ultimate objectives of any activities including business activities are ultimately with the aim of achieving objectives of Syari’ah or maqâshid al-Syari’ah.

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