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Nabi muhammad sang pembebas perempuan Astuti, Sry
An - Nisa` Vol 3, No 2 (2010)
Publisher : PSW

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this article study discusess about prophet muhammad’s role in lifting the degrre of women, this study is important, because till now still many criticism from west feminism activist, and also, there are some moslem assumed from west that islam are less esteeming religion for women, because in historylife if prophet of Muhammad as carrier of this religion, there were many events that indicated that exactly he is very persistent fight for and lift degree of women.As long as his wife, prophet Muhammad had become a combatant and emancipator of woman clan. He opposed vinicity tradition mainstay which is that time a very critic and tragic condition. He had oppesed heir right tradition just for body and do infinite women marry. He settled heir right tradition just for boy property. In short,  Prophet Muhammad proclaimed the same human being in front of God Allah, woman or man, and Arab people and non arab; all of them are same.
Kesetaraan Gender Dalam Al-Quran Fauziah, Syarifah
An - Nisa` Vol 5, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : PSW

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Abstract: This article discusses gender equality in the view of the Qur’an. The raised issues include what gender is and how gender in view of the Qur’an is. One of the central themes ass well as the fundamental principles of islam is an egalitarian principle of equality among human beings that both men and woman are the same among nations, tribes, and ancestry. Al-Qur’an gives us the assertion of equality between men and women and also erode completely the view that there is a difference between both of them. Any differences due to the quality value of devotion to god almighty.Gender is a concept that is used to identify the differences between men and women in terms of socio-cultural influences. Gender in this sense is a form of engineering societies, rather than something that is natural.Gender equality in the Qur’an include: men and woman a like as a servant, both became caliph on earth, equally bound primordial covenant, were both involved in thecosmic drama and in matters of professional career.
An - Nisa` Vol 3, No 1 (2010)
Publisher : PSW

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Abstract: Emotional Intellegence is psychological element capable that couse the owner to reach successfulness in all area. Islam is religion which always place forward the emotional intelligence importantly, so that islam always up to date. Kadijah’s emotional intelligence had accompanied her to become especial first woman supporter to islam development. Khadija’s intelligence had coused her belonging a good attitude, action and behavior. Also, had become a power for rasulullah in the effort improve;repairing mankind by islam as a religion of tauhid. Rasulullah had mind power to get full support from khadija. By her intelligence, Khadijah had rendered all her energy, mind, and all properties for the evocation of islam.It can also be said that in the reality, the successfulness of Rasulullah to bring islam, that loaded with safety, there was a capable figure to give clarification of emotional intelligence from  a woman becoming the source of strength of Rasulullah in the early of the madding a night of it of islam, she was khadijah Al-Kubra R.A.So that, it is properly for Khadijah R.A that be performed as great woman or wonder woman. Also, it because she had get special greeting from the Allah SWT.
Manajemen Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Responsif Gender Dalam Spektrum Kurikulum 2013 Said, Muis
An - Nisa` Vol 7, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : PSW

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Abstract: Regardless of haste implementation of 2013 curriculum which then reaps many complaints in society, especially from educators due to their lack of readiness for implementation, the concept of 2013 curriculum has its own characteristics which later become the advent-ages, one of which is this curriculum is a very gender-responsive curriculum. This fact, of course, is a great opportunity to provide a gender-responsive atsmosphere in the foreign language teaching in Indonesia, especially English teaching. For the reason, the function of learning management consisting of planning  (planning), organizing (organizing), giving the command (commanding), for coordinating (coordinating) and control (controlling) must be adjusted to the effort of a gender-responsive English class through 2013 curriculum spectrum.
An - Nisa` Vol 7, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : PSW

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The philosophical dimensions af Islamic education that ,relates closely effort of capacity human development to recognize the God recommends teachers to accommodate gender relation between male and female students established on similarity and justice. Accelarating the effort, Sachiko Murata offers cosmologic argument as well as theological one that can be an alternative reflection to see the gender relation in islamic education philosophy. The relevation between the philosophical dimensions of islamic education and Sachiko Muratas gender arguments can be an alternative effort to provide an islamic education philosophy that is gender-responsive.
Pekerja anak perempuan disektor formal Abidin, Kurniati
An - Nisa` Vol 6, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : PSW

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Abstrak: Tulisan ini mengkaji tentang faktor -faktor yang mendorong anak untuk bekerja dan kondisi kerja mereka. Faktor pendorong utama mereka bekerja ialah tekanan ekonomi atau kemiskinan. Ketidakmampuan ekonomi orang tua mereka, memaksa mereka untuk berhenti sekolah dan memaksakan diri untuk bekerja demi menopang kebutuhan ekonomi keluarga. Penghasilan yang meraka terima menjadi kontribusi bagi keluarga yang sifatnya fungsional. Faktor lain yang turut mendukung keberadaan pekerja anak adalah faktor budaya lokal dan ekonomi pasar. Kondisi kerja buruh anak sangat memprihatinkan. Mereka diiksploitasi, baik dari sesi jam kerja maupun upah. Selain itu mereka juga seringkali mendapatkan pelecehan seksual, baik yang dilakukan oleh teman sekerja maupun oleh atasan.
An - Nisa` Vol 5, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : PSW

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Story of Lukman al-Hakim presented by Allah swt. As a best figure because his kindliness. In the holy Qur’an is mentioned directly in surah Lukman (31) verse 12-19 in order to become guidance that will confirm the moslem’s belief and can take a good lesson, that known in islam as hikmah, ibrah and mauidah in that story. It is a signal an guide from Allah in order to be and aplecated by all parents in their family without differences between boy and daughter. Also as Lukman al-Hakim can be taken as a model in education of Islam.
An - Nisa` Vol 4, No 1 (2011)
Publisher : PSW

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Career women are the ones who serve husband and children as well as work to support livelihood. Hence, it implies that career women provide multi-function in the family namely to educate and to work. Working women also play a role in child- rearing patterns and patterns decision making employe in the housewives. There are many types of child-rearing pattern of parents to their children namely permissive parenting, authoritarian parenting, democracy parenting and careless parenting. Parents need to learn to apply positive parenting on children in order to form the positive character of children in the future. Role working women in pattern of parents to their children arcd patterns decision making employe in the housewives can be conducted by using the approach of structural functionalism and symbolic interactionalism. In solving a problem parents should play an important role in guiding their children to take a decision.
Nikah Lintas Agama Dan Riddah di Indonesia Sarjan, Andi
An - Nisa` Vol 6, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : PSW

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Abstraksi: Islam adalah agama yang menghargai perempuan melalui Iembaga perkawinan. Perkawinan adalah ajaran Islam yang prinsip, yang bertujuan terwujudnya kelanjutan generasi manusia dalam memakmurkan bumi. Perkawinan dalam Islam adalah perintah agama dan karenanya ia adalah sesuatu yang sakral. Sehubungan dengan itu, Islam telah penetapkan sejumlah ketentuan dalam pelaksanaanya di ataranya larangan kawin bagi umat Islam dengan orang-orang musyrik dan orang-orang kafir. Indonesia sebagai negara yang berpenduduk mayoritas muslim telah membuat hukum perkawinan nasional. Hukum ini telah mengatur perkawinan lintas agama di mana laki-laki dan perempuan muslim dilarang keras kawin beda agama. Rumah tangga yang berlainan agama dapat terjadi karena riddah. Perkawinan beda agama, tidak sah menurut fikih Indonesia dan perundang-undangan (KHI).
An - Nisa` Vol 4, No 2 (2011)
Publisher : PSW

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Housing finance (mortgage) is one of the flagship products held by the Bank Syariah Mandiri, therefore this product is very much demand, especially the woman. Based the analysis of the author that the fundamental reason for woman with high demand in housing financingin particular is one of alternatif for the future of their families. So almost all of Bank Syariah Mandiri in Indonesia in general thet the housing or mortgage a higher demand for woman.Besides another product of interest is woman’s car buying either new or used. On the other hand that the financing for this car is not much time with housing finance.

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