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Emansipasi Wanita Dalam Perspektif Hukum Islam Ani, Fitriyani
An - Nisa` Vol 6 No 2 (2013)
Publisher : PSW

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Abstrak: Emansipasi wanita adalah prospek pelepasan wanita dari kedudukan sosial ekonomi yang rendah, serta pengekangan hukum yang membatasi kemungkinan untuk berkembang dan maju. Islam sangat memuliakan wanita. Al-quran dan sunnah memberikan perhatian yang sangat besar serta kedudukan yang terhormat kepada wanita, baik sebagai anak, istri, ibu, saudara maupun peran lainnya. Begitu pentingnya hal tersebut, Allah mewahyukan sebuah surah dalam al-Quran kepada Nabi Muhammad yaitu Surat An-Nisa yang sebagian besar ayat dalam surat ini membicarakan persoalan yang berhubungan dengan kedudukan, peranan dan perlindungan hukum terhadap hak-hak wanita. sesungguhnya Islam menempatkan wanita di tempat yang sesuai pada tiga bidang: Pertama, bidang kemanusiaan, Islam mengakui hak wanita sebagai manusia dengan sempurna sama dengan pria. Kedua, Bidang sosial, terbuka lebar bagi wanita di segala jenjang pendidikan, diantara mereka menempati jabatan-jabatan penting dan terhormat dalam masyarakat sesuai dengan tingkatan usianya, semakin bertambah pula hak-hak wanita, usia kanak-kanak; kemudian sebagai seorang istri, sampai menjadi seorang ibu yang menginjak lanjut usia (lansia), yang lebih membutuhkan cinta, kasih dan penghormatan. Ketiga, Bidang Hukum, Islam mempergunakannya tatkala sudah mencapai usia dewasa dan tidak ada seorang pun yang berkuasa atasnya baik ayah, suami atau kepala keluarga.
CITRA PEREMPUAN DALAM TEKS - TEKS BERITA DI HARIAN FAJAR ( Suatu Tinjauan Analisis Wacana Kritis ) T, Hj. Fatimah
An - Nisa` Vol 5 No 1 (2012)
Publisher : PSW

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The results showed that in general the news about the woman in the Fajar newspaper, woman have been positioned balanced between positive and negative positions. On the positive position of woman is described as someone who can do many things like men. Woman can excel in sports such as (formula one racer, takrow players, volleyball players, badminton players, karate), education practitioners, real estate businessman, politicians, economic agents (entrepreneurs) and cultural performers. While in the position that woman are portrayed as negative as the weak, the second position only, not confident, take cover behind the beauty, fun dress up, let go, the teaser, materialistic, whores, and, like glamours life.
An - Nisa` Vol 5 No 1 (2012)
Publisher : PSW

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Story of Lukman al-Hakim presented by Allah swt. As a best figure because his kindliness. In the holy Qur’an is mentioned directly in surah Lukman (31) verse 12-19 in order to become guidance that will confirm the moslem’s belief and can take a good lesson, that known in islam as hikmah, ibrah and mauidah in that story. It is a signal an guide from Allah in order to be and aplecated by all parents in their family without differences between boy and daughter. Also as Lukman al-Hakim can be taken as a model in education of Islam.
An - Nisa` Vol 5 No 1 (2012)
Publisher : PSW

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This paper examines perspectives on woman in Islamic law by displaying two main issues, namely: How does  the ideology of woman in Islam? And how do Islamic law regarding woman?The ideology of woman is built on the notion that men and woman are in a parallel position. Therefore, the culture and tradition of patriarchal Arab nation has been changed by Islamic revolutionary. Islam always tries to overhaul a culture that marginalizes the position of woman by ordering yhe men to apply good, fair and wise deeds to woman. Therefore, through the Islamic teaching woman are given a proporsional role.Woman in the perspective of Islamic law covers a wide range of legal thought on aspect relating to adult woman in carrying out their activities reflected by detailed arguments. Hence, the woman jurisprudence is essentially the result of understanding or ijtihad of scholars rooted in Qur’an And hadith that governs the presence of woman, both in domestic and in public areas.
An - Nisa` Vol 5 No 1 (2012)
Publisher : PSW

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This paper examines gender in hadits perspective stating two main topics, namely: what is gender and how the views of hadits about gender. At the same time it also try to give an explanation about the position and role of woman in life that can not be distinguished by men.In order to make the discussion of the gender in hadits perspective can be directed systematically, the above main subject matter is limited in the sub-problems: Is it true that the creation of woman from a crooked rib? It is apparently not enough if it is just understood textually, do men has singularity of worship than woman? Men and woman have singularities for each, can a woman be imam? It is allowed in a certain condition, how is women’s leadership? Woman are not prevented from being a leader if they have enough potensial to lead, how do woman make partnership with men? Men can partner well with woman.Based on information obtained from hadith, it understood that Allah glorify humanity, both men and woman without distinction except virtue of piety.
An - Nisa` Vol 5 No 1 (2012)
Publisher : PSW

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Hadith as a second source of Islamic teachings derived from narrators who were honest, fair and intelligent and its sanad is continuous. The narrators were male and female. Many narrators of hadith, especially the females (for example; Aisyah binti Abu Bakar Ashiddiq, Amrah binti Abdurrahman, and Hafsah binti Sirin), had direct in volvement and important role in the transmission of hadith of the prophet (pbuh). All of them have been enshrined in the books of hadith that are famous among the scholars of hadith.
Kesetaraan Gender Dalam Al-Quran Fauziah, Syarifah
An - Nisa` Vol 5 No 2 (2012)
Publisher : PSW

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Abstract: This article discusses gender equality in the view of the Qur’an. The raised issues include what gender is and how gender in view of the Qur’an is. One of the central themes ass well as the fundamental principles of islam is an egalitarian principle of equality among human beings that both men and woman are the same among nations, tribes, and ancestry. Al-Qur’an gives us the assertion of equality between men and women and also erode completely the view that there is a difference between both of them. Any differences due to the quality value of devotion to god almighty.Gender is a concept that is used to identify the differences between men and women in terms of socio-cultural influences. Gender in this sense is a form of engineering societies, rather than something that is natural.Gender equality in the Qur’an include: men and woman a like as a servant, both became caliph on earth, equally bound primordial covenant, were both involved in thecosmic drama and in matters of professional career.
Poligami Dalam Perspektif Hadis junaid, hamzah
An - Nisa` Vol 5 No 2 (2012)
Publisher : PSW

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Abstract: This article examines, This article analyzes polygamy in hadits perspective. Hadith are all the words, deeds and taqrir of prophet Muhammad. Through this article, it is understood that islam is basically advocating polygamy  much less require, but islam simply passes on the permissibility of polygamy, and that was a small possibility that can only be traversed by anyone who really need and there quire mentis not mild.Based on information from the hadith, one of the requirements to be met by a polygamist who want to do it namely the ability to be fair  to his wives. Therefore, permission for polygamy is only given to those who suspect that the steps that he take can please all the wives whom he married at least a man can do justice to his wife.Another requirement that must be met by a husband is the husband should go to his wives in turn for the realization of happiness. By this way, the justice will be realized, and that is what was practiced by the prophet Muhammad and his friends.
Unsur Muannats Gramatika Bahasa Arab dan Implikasinya Pada Proses Komunikasi Verbal: Perspektif Psikolinguistik Rusydi, Muhammad
An - Nisa` Vol 6 No 1 (2013)
Publisher : PSW

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Abstraksi: Bahasa Arab adalah bahasa yang telah dipilih Tuhan untuk membawa nilai-nilai mulia dari al-Quran untuk memacu kualitas hidup manusia termasuk emansipasi perempuan. Unsur muannats dalam gramatika bahasa Arab adalah hal yang bisa berimplikasi positif ataupun negatif pada komunikasi verbal di antara manusia dalam perspektif psikolinguistik. Oleh karena itu, implikasi positif harus dimaksimalkan dan impilikasi negatif harus diminimalisir. Bahasa, termasuk bahasa Arab, sangat dinamis yang dikembangkan berdasarkan kesepakatan masyarakat yang tentunya sangat memungkinkan untuk disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan masyarakat tentunya.
Ekofeminisme: Suatu Tawaran Solusi Mengatasi Krisis Moral hasim, sarifa suhra
An - Nisa` Vol 5 No 2 (2012)
Publisher : PSW

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Abstract: This paper examines about ekofeminism that is a solution overcome moral crisis. The offered issues are what is the background of the emergence ekofeminism theory and how can it be used as a solution to overcome ekofeminism moral crisis.This is due to the assumption and the reality that modern human civilization both men and woman are seen to dominate , dominate, exploit. Atahe destruction of nature, pollution, rape of nature, crime, degradation of social solidarity, is a small example of that happening lately. On the basis of moral breakdown, the feminists who are increasingly aware that modern civilization has been so out of balance, too heavy on the quality of the masculine and less on quality of feminism such as love, concern, care and maintenance.Ekofeminism want respect for nature and respect for the institusion of family so that children are maintained and educated well in order to be a well character generation and care so as to create a balnce between feminime and masculine qualities in society.