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An - Nisa`
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An - Nisa` Vol 5, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : PSW

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This paper examines gender in hadits perspective stating two main topics, namely: what is gender and how the views of hadits about gender. At the same time it also try to give an explanation about the position and role of woman in life that can not be distinguished by men.In order to make the discussion of the gender in hadits perspective can be directed systematically, the above main subject matter is limited in the sub-problems: Is it true that the creation of woman from a crooked rib? It is apparently not enough if it is just understood textually, do men has singularity of worship than woman? Men and woman have singularities for each, can a woman be imam? It is allowed in a certain condition, how is women’s leadership? Woman are not prevented from being a leader if they have enough potensial to lead, how do woman make partnership with men? Men can partner well with woman.Based on information obtained from hadith, it understood that Allah glorify humanity, both men and woman without distinction except virtue of piety.
An - Nisa` Vol 4, No 1 (2011)
Publisher : PSW

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Gender inequality is difference in the roles and rights of women and men in society that puts women in a lawer status than men. Violence against women was any action that resulted in misery of suffering to women physically, sexual or psychologically including threats of certain acts, coercion or deprivation of liberty an arbitrary whether occurring in public or in private life, issues of violence against women can be overcome by building a perception of true riligion is to run the household lives in the principles of mutual need and protect and maintain the dignity af women in various aspects, both of the aspect of clothing, relationships, and behavior.
Bimbingan Dan Konseling Berbasis Gender: Rekonstruksi Pendidikan Seks Dalam Menanggulangi Seks Bebas di Kalangan Remaja Putri Syahril, Muhammad
An - Nisa` Vol 7, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : PSW

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Abstract: The phenomenon of free sex that is growing massively among youths especially the female ones as the most victimized community becomes a serious problem to face recently. In fact, sex education is less succesfull because there are still some misconceptions about it concept it self. The presence of gender-based guidance and conseling is a breakthrough in the reconstruction of sex education that is more responsive to the feminist aspects inherent in adolescent girls whit all the specifics. If gender-based guidance and counseling is actually applied proportionally, the phenomenon of free sex can be resolved effectively because of the ample referencesfor a mentor or counselor to see the sourceof the problem because of the openness aspect so that they can provide an alternative solution.
Konsep Tafsir Klasik Dalam Memahami Gender Yunus, Rahim
An - Nisa` Vol 6, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : PSW

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Abstraksi: Konsep tafsir klasik  belum mengakomodir hak-hak perempuan dalan kehidupan mereka. Kosekuensinya Perempuan diperlakukan sebagai makhluk yang lemah yeng harus dilindungi. oleh laki-laki. Tiga poin yang diajukan yaitu asal kejadian, kepemimpinan, dan profesionalisme yang di analisis dengan pandangan Ibnu Katsir, al-Zumakhsyari, Jalaluddin al-Suyuthi, al-Qurthuby, al-Baqai, Abu al-Surdadalah contoh nyata dari asumsi tersebut seiring pergeseran waktu perempuan mulai mendapatkan hak-hak mereka dalam penafsiran kontemporer dengun hadirnya Rasyid Ridha, Abdullah Yusuf Ali, Muhammad Abduh, M.Quraish Shihab, dan lain-lain.
An - Nisa` Vol 4, No 2 (2011)
Publisher : PSW

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Crime Is one form of behavioral aberrations that always hit the norms of life that exist in society. One of the paling prone and vulnerable to violent crime are woman. Therefore, investigation against crime never stops conducted by criminology. This indicates that the problem of crime against woman is a central issue throughout human life.The types of violent crimes are often experienced by woman is rape, mugging in public, assault, murder, sexual or other harassment. Therefore, seeing the complexity of violent crime that is often experienced by woman will require special attention to address among others the seriousness of law enforcement agencies especially the police in order to try everything to combat violent crimes against woman through preventive efforts in the form of guidance, awareness and education before turmoil of evil, while the repressive effort is the eradication of crime is going on indiscriminately.
An - Nisa` Vol 5, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : PSW

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Aurat is part of human body that must, according to islam, be covered. For woman, her aurat is all part of the body, except her face and palms. Jilbab (veil) is an apparel model recommended by the Qur’an to cover the aurat of muslim woman. In addition to the aurat that must be covered, Muslim woman are also not allowed to wear jewelry that can invite the attention and arouse lust of men.
An - Nisa` Vol 4, No 1 (2011)
Publisher : PSW

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Konsep tenaga pengajar modern dan pengembangan ide-ide seperti profesionalisme tenaga pengajar secara historis tergenderisasi, lebih sering mencerminkan paradigma teori politik kaum adam atau patrilinialisme. Pada saat yang sama juga, penelitian yang menunjukkan bahwa gender sebagai variabel yang relevan lebih fokus pada fungsi kelas dan interaksi guru-mahasiswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh gender pada tenaga pengajar terhadap siswa bahasa Inggris yang belajar bahasa asing (EFL) khususnya pada tingkat sekolah tinggi agama Islam yang mempunyai tantangan tersendiri tentang paradigma gender serta kontradiksi gender itu sendiri. Investigasi secara kontekstual menunjukkan bahwa pembangunan demokrasi dan pembelajaran tentang lingkungan demokrasi lebih sering disangkutpautkan pada feminisme, sementara lingkungan preskriptif tradisional Iebih sering dikaitkan dengan maskulinisme yang dianggap kurang membantu dalam mendapatkan hasil kelulusan dalam proses belajar mengajar.
Batas Minimal Usia Nikah Menurut Hadis Nabi SAW. Dan Hukum Keluarga Di Dunia Islam Said, Mujahid
An - Nisa` Vol 5, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : PSW

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Abstrak: Pernikahan disyariatkan di dalam Islam. Persyariatannya dilakukan bertujuan untuk melepaskan umat Islam dari pengaruh adat perkawinan yang berlaku pada zaman jahiliyah. Wanita pada saat itu tidak diletakkan pada posisi yang manusiawi, antara lain, misalnya tidak deberikan hak-haknya. pernikahan didalam Islam juga bertujuan untuk menuntun orang yang telah melakukan akad tersebut agar senantiasa menjaga dan memeliharanya. sebagai seorang suami, laki-laki harus menempatkan istrinya sebagai pasangan untuk membangun rumah tangga atas dasar amanah selain mawaddah dan rahmah.
Peran Ganda Perempuan : Reproduksi dan Produksi Marzuki, Sitti Nikmah
An - Nisa` Vol 4, No 2 (2011)
Publisher : PSW

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The existence of repression against women making women were not considered equal to men. By limitation out and work can mean that women were not given the same opportunity to develop skills as men. How women in the absence of freedom for a career ranged only in three places: mattresses, kitchens, and wells. This means that women are not given the opportunity to learn and develop their intellectual abilities through work practices. The things done is about to wash clothes, bathe at the same time raising children, cooking and serving her husband. So this is where the practice of discrimination against womens time is eliminated.Discrimination experienced then demanded women should perform his role in two aspects, in addition working at home to take care of the family also had to work outside the home to support the husbands income to be more prosperous. Working at house is not considered a profession because it does not make money. So women should have the dual role of reproductive and productive. Housework is not considered as work for economic reasons  and consequently the culprit is not rated to work. This needs to be clarified that the position of women in his work as housewives, whereas housewives workload is much longer than women who work outside the home.
Penerapan Quantum Teaching Dalam Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris Pada Kelas Co-Education Berbasis Adil Gender manto, hermato
An - Nisa` Vol 6, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : PSW

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Abstraksi: Quantum sebagai interaksi yang mengubah energi menjadi energi cahaya. Quantum Teaching interaksi yang bermakna yang mengkonversi cahaya menjadi energi karena semua energi adalah kehidupan dan keanekaragaman dalam proses Pengajaran dan mengandung interdeterminsme. Tujuan dari Quantum Teaching adalah untuk menciptakan lingkungan, pengajaran yang efektif menciptakan proses pembelajaran menyenangkan, kemampuan otak untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan apa yang dibutuhkan oleh otak untuk membantu meningkatkan keberhasilan hidup dan karir dan untuk membantu mempercepat ajaran. Kesalahan dalam memahami arti gender merupakan salah satu faktor yeng menyebabkan oposisi atau sulit untuk menerima analisis gender dalam memecahkan masalah ketidakadilan sosial.Dalam rangka untuk menyesuaikan dengan substansi pembahasan konteks Pengajaran bahasa inggris, Quantum Teaching menekankan perlunya planning/perencanaan kondisi pengajaran (cocok) dengan topik.

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