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OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra
ISSN : 1907624X     EISSN : 2442624X     DOI :
Core Subject : Education,
The journal publishes research papers in the field of linguistics, literature, and language teaching, such as fundamentals of ELT, the sound of the word of the language, structure, meaning, language and gender, sociolinguistic, language philosophy, history of linguistic, origin/evolution, experimental linguistics, phonology, syntax, endangered minority language, language and nature, the communicative strategy of teaching, linguistic anthropology, the psychology of language, field methods in linguistic, interactive of language teaching.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 234 Documents
OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra Vol. 6 No. 1 (2012): OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra
Publisher : IAIN MADURA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/ojbs.v6i1.414


This paper discusses the assignments used to analyze the novel using sociological concepts as well as the general outcomes. Students report enjoying the book and they are less hesitant to dig into difficult issues such as alcoholism, violence, sexuality, racism, and other forms of inequality. The ability to examine events on both macro- and microlevels improves over the course of the semester and students often integrate examples from the novels into class discussion and other assignments. The use of cultural artifacts such as film, poetry, music, or novels in sociology courses is certainly not a new phenomenon. As with other instructors, one of my main goals of using these types of materials, including novels, is to encourage active learning by students, as they are often comfortable working with these materials and can relate them to their own lives. Students are able to use their creativity and enhance their critical thinking skills when using cultural artifacts as tools of understanding sociological concepts. Novels in particular, offer a unique means to cover a wider range of social issues than can often be addressed in an introduction to sociology course. Another challenge of the course itself is to explore the complexities of diversity in society. Due to the pace of the course, students often maintain some sort of emotional or intellectual distance from the issues we examine, often discussing social issues as being outside of or disconnected from their own reality. Novels help to humanize the topics we cover as students often feel a connection with one or more main characters, which then helps them to apply the characters’ experiences to their own lives.
TAGMEMICS (An Introduction to Tagmemics Concepts) Abd. Muqit
OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra Vol. 6 No. 1 (2012): OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra
Publisher : IAIN MADURA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/ojbs.v6i1.415


The tagmemics is a unit comprising a function and a class of items fulfilling that function. It is most suitable in describing languages and applied to the description of a very large number of hitherto unrecorded languages. Tagmemics differs from alternative systems of grammatical analysis in that it defines the basic units of language (tagmemes) as composite elements, one part being the “slot,” or “function,” and the other the “filler,” or “class.” One such tagmeme, at the syntactic level of analysis, might be the noun-as-subject (in which the noun is a class that “fills” the subject “slot” in a construction). This article also introduce how tagmemics show for a syntactical counterpart to the phonological and morphological terms, phoneme and morpheme--something at the sentence level which could function as a key identifying unit in the same way that these well- established terms functioned
OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra Vol. 6 No. 1 (2012): OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra
Publisher : IAIN MADURA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/ojbs.v6i1.416


Learning does not see time and place. Learning can be done by everyone, every time and everywhere. Generally, the effectiveness of learning depends on the ways or the techniques of learning. Every learner has different competence in learning. So, there may be some differences of learning strategy between one learner and others. This learner’s choice of learning strategies, of course, affect learning outcomes in term of level and rate of achievement. So, it is necessary for learners to know what specific steps they can take to improve their learning. Thus, the objective of learning can be achieved. As a teacher, we can motivate them by letting them can choose to make the most of the learning opportunities it presents. Therefore, motivating students to learn means not only stimulating them to take an interest in and see the value of what they are learning, but also providing them guidance about how to go about learning it.
OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra Vol. 6 No. 1 (2012): OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra
Publisher : IAIN MADURA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/ojbs.v6i1.417


Kohesi adalah keserasian hubungan antara unsur yang satu dengan unsur yang lainnya dalam wacana sehingga tercipta pengertian yang apik atau koheren. Profil wacana yang kohesif ditunjukkan oleh penanda formal yang menghubungkan apa yang telah dikatakan dengan apa yang segera akan dikatakan. Piranti kohesi dalam wacana ditandai dengan penggunaan piranti formal yang berupa bentuk linguistik yang berfungsi sebagai sarana penghubung. Unsur kohesi terdiri atas dua macam, yaitu unsur gramatikal dan leksikal. Istilah koherensi mengacu pada aspek tuturan, bagaimana proposisi yang terselubung disimpulkan untuk menginterpretasikan ilokusinya dalam membentuk sebuah wacana. Koherensi sebuah wacana tidak hanya terletak pada adanya sebuah piranti kohesi. Di samping piranti kohesi, masih banyak faktor lain yang memungkinkan terciptanya koherensi itu. Syarat lain untuk tercapainya koherensi adalah proposisi itu harus positif.
TINDAK TUTUR DALAM HADITS-HADITS ETIKA (Studi Analitik-Pragmatik) - Fathurrosyid
OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra Vol. 6 No. 1 (2012): OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra
Publisher : IAIN MADURA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/ojbs.v6i1.418


Pemahaman terhadap teks, termasuk hadits Rasulullah selalu bersifat terbuka dan tidak pernah usai. Ini semua disebabkan, selain media yang digunakan Rasulullah ketika hendak menyampaikan pesan-pesannya adalah piranti yang bersifat lokal-kultural yaitu Bahasa Arab, juga eksistensi pesannya tidak disampaikan dalam bentuk yang vacum cultural, sehingga pengetahuan tentang konteks historis munculnya suatu teks menjadi alat yang ampuh untuk melakukan reinterpretasi. Pemahaman yang berorientasi pada konteks historisitas munculnya suatu hadits tersebut dalam ilmu Filsafat Bahasa disebut teori pragmatik; yaitu kajian yang mendasari diri dari hubungan antara bahasa dan konteks yang mendasari penjelasan bahasa tersebut. Salah satu tujuannya yaitu menghindari pemahaman hadits secara rigid dan dogmatis, termasuk dalam konteks penelitian ini adalah penelitian hadits-hadits etika. Sebab hipotesa dan asumsi awal penulis, bahwa Rasulullah adalah sosok humanis sejati yang menghargai dan membela kepentingan semua orang.
OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra Vol. 6 No. 1 (2012): OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra
Publisher : IAIN MADURA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/ojbs.v6i1.419


This article tries to explore a particular technique in literature classroom. Literature is a content subject and compulsory subject, such as: poetry, prose, drama, etc. which give for the college students who take course in English language education. The paper focuses on using small group discussion technique included pre-discussion activities, whilst-discussion activities, and postdiscussion activities and how to implement them in teaching English poetry for the EFL/ESL students of English language education program. This technique is intended to help students in improving their poetry comprehension and motivating them to learn literary subject especially poetry.
OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra Vol. 6 No. 1 (2012): OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra
Publisher : IAIN MADURA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/ojbs.v6i1.420


Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab dengan segala problematikanya menuntut adanya variasi model dan pendekatan yang harus dilakukan oleh para pengajar. Kesenjangan kompetensi awal antara masing-masing peserta didik dalam satu rombongan belajar serta latar belakang pendidikan mereka yang beragam pula memberikan kontribusi permasalahan tersendiri bagi pengajar bahasa asing ini. Dengan mencoba mencari korelasi antara kompetensi dasar Bahasa Arab yang dimiliki peserta didik sebelumnya dengan kondisi riil satuan pendidikan yang bersangkutan, tulisan ini mencoba mencarikan titik temu antara model pembelajaran Bahasa Arab dengan Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah. Pembelajaran keterampilan-keterampilan dasar bahasa yang meliputi mendengar (istima’), berbicara (kalam), membaca (qira’ah) dan menulis (kitabah) dilakukan dengan memperhatikan tingkat penguasaan atau kompetensi awal peserta didik. Demikian pula pemilihan materi dan sarana pembelajaran serta minat dan kesenangan peserta didik menjadi pertimbangan utama bagi pendidik dalam menjalankan pembelajaran dengan pendekatan Manajaemen Berbasis Sekolah ini.
OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra Vol. 6 No. 1 (2012): OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra
Publisher : IAIN MADURA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/ojbs.v6i1.421


لقد طرحت محاولات مستمرة لأجل تيسير تعليم اللغة العربية من تطويرمناهجها وتجديد طرق تدريسها وتنويع أساليبها ومن ضمنها تيسير النحوالتعليمي. فاعتبر اللغويون القدماء والمحدثون أن النحو القديم وتعليمه كعاملأساسي في صعوبة تعليم اللغة العربية قبل مناهجه؛ فلذلك يتوقف تيسير تعليماللغة العربية على تجديد النحو وتعليمه. وهذه الورقة تعرض عن اقتراحاتجذابة في تجديد النحو التعليمي بعد بحثه العميق عن جدور مشكلة الصعوبةفي النحو واللغة العربية مستعينا بمقاربة نظرية فلسفة العلوم الحديثة.
OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra Vol. 6 No. 1 (2012): OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra
Publisher : IAIN MADURA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/ojbs.v6i1.422


This study focuses on investigating the influence of anxiety in learning English, learning strategies and English speaking ability of the students where English is their foreign language. Results of the study show that most of the respondents (82.01% = 110 respondents) belong to the second level of foreign language classroom anxiety or medium anxiety. Meanwhile, language learning strategies are applied in varied ways and there is no single strategy dominates the students’ choice. Speaking ability test shows the scores of the students range from 53 to 82 where only half number of the students achieves satisfying scores (70-82). Based on the statistical calculation using multiple regression, the value of correlation between anxiety level and speaking ability is -0.325. Therefore, the statistical hypothesis that stating anxiety of the learning of English gives significant influence to speaking ability is accepted (Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted). On the contrary, for the correlation between learning strategies and speaking ability the value is 0.104 with significant level is 0.116. The significant level is higher than 0.05 displays that there is no correlation between those two variables. Result of ANOVA is F = 8.213, sig. = 0.00 (less than 0.05). The multiple regression model of the result of this study is Ŷ = 90.057 - 0.159X1 - 0.031X2. This model indicates that the regression is significant. The result also shows that anxiety level and learning strategies give low influence to speaking ability (11.1%).
OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra Vol. 6 No. 2 (2012): OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra
Publisher : IAIN MADURA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/ojbs.v6i2.423


الحديث عن علم اللغة ذو شجون، إن معظم أقسام علم اللغة له علاقة قويةبالتربية وتعليم اللغة فى مجالات عديدة، منها: وضع الخطط ومناهج التعليموإعداد الوسائل التعليمية فى مثل على اللغة العام وعلم اللغة النفسى وعلماللغة الإجتماعى وعلم اللغة التقابلى وغيرها. علم اللغة له دور بارز فى تعليماللغة خصوصا منذ أواخر القرن التاسع عشر بعد ظهور علم اللغة الحديثالذى كان اهتمامه بعلم اللغة التطبيقى وتطويرها واضحا. إن علم اللغة ليسوحده هو العنصر الأساسى فى نجاح تعليم اللغة ولكنه صار من العناصر المهمةفيه. نرى مدى قوة الصلة بين علم اللغة وتدريس اللغة، فلعلم اللغة دور هام فىعملية تدريس اللغة المنشودة كاللغة العربية لأنه أشبه آلة مهمة تساعد المدرسفى عملية تدريس اللغة للوصول إلى الهدف المرجو به وهو نجاح تعليم اللغةالعربية.

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