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Journal of English and Education
ISSN : 1978371X     EISSN : 28300947     DOI :
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Articles 133 Documents
A Portrayal of Victorian Men And Women As Seen In O'neill's “The Grand Match” Nandy Intan Kurnia
Journal of English and Education (JEE) Vol. 5 No. 2 (2011): VOLUME 5 NO 2 DECEMBER 2011
Publisher : English Education Department, Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/jee.v5i2.5607


ABSTRACT  This paper analyzes the portrayal of Victorian women and men in the poem of Moira O'Neill, entitled “The Grand Match”. The poem gives the description of men and women relationship related to the discussion of love and marriage. As one of Victorian female poets, O'Neill tries to satirize the relationship of women and men by portraying the love story of a stereotypical male fortune seeker, who marries a rich woman and denies his own feeling toward a young-charming woman. This study is an attempt to show that O'Neill's female characters are not typically women commonly found in a literary text during the era in which it was written. In many ways they position themselves as a complete break from the traditional stereotyping of women, and they even can be seen as the representation of “New Woman”. In addition, through this study, the readers would be able to broaden their perspectives that although the Victorian Age was known as the era of prose, there are a lot of poems worth reading.
The Syntax Features of the African American English In Georgia Doyle Johnson's Frederick Douglas And Loraine Hansberry's A Raisin in the Sun Nizamuddin Sadiq
Journal of English and Education (JEE) Vol. 2 No. 2 (2008): VOLUME 2 NO 2 DECEMBER 2008
Publisher : English Education Department, Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/jee.v2i2.6456


Syntax reflects features of a language. One of the American African English features in syntax can be seen in Georgia Doyle Johnson's Frederick Douglas and Loraine Hansberry's A Raisin in the Sun. As it is considered non-standard dialect, the American African English syntax is assumed to have its own characteristic different from the standard American English. This paper is descriptive linguistics rather than a stylistic study as it does not focus on literary style. The data taken was classified into linguistic elements and was" tested to the theories of informal English in general; African American English in particular and Standard American English rules of pronunciation. The research findings were summarized and discussed to conclude the research. The result of the research demonstrates that African American English, a variant of informal English, is different from the rules of Standard American English. In terms of syntax, the African American English style if it is seen from viewpoint of grammar function contradicts with features-6f Standard English: clarity^ brevity and fluency. The rules of clarity are broken by the presence of ellipses, clippings, copulas and tenses; brevity by the presence of unnecessary repetition and additions; and fluency by the presence of combinations of assimilation and clipping. African American English speakers employ polite expressions. The research revealed that polite expressions when greeting people, using please when asking for permission and using titles to show respect is done, particularly with elders. Furthermore, when the speaker is angry, she/he uses a complete name for emphasis.
Journal of English and Education (JEE) Vol. 4 No. 2 (2010): VOLUME 4 NO 2 DECEMBER 2010
Publisher : English Education Department, Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/jee.v4i2.6503


To study of syntax, the concept of structure is fundamental. However structure itself is a very general concept and most of the language learners are assumed that their understanding about sentence is obvious. For many people, a sentence is considered group of words. This idea is not appropriate when a deep study of fundamental idea of a sentence is done.Linguistically speaking, sentences are not formed by words alone but by structural units known as constituents. The constituent has a certain specifiable function in the structure of the thing as a whole. However, the. fundamental idea of a sentence grammatically is that a sentence consists of phrase. Therefore, sentence (S) consists of noun phrase (NP) and verb phrase (VP). The idea of phrase here is to accommodate even a single constituent A at a sentence has. The basic principle of sentence, therefore, is S=NP+VP. It is obvious that NP and VP directly form a sentence. Furthermore, in terms of relation that the phrase may have in a sentence, there are four kinds of phrase relation in a sentence. They are modification, complementation, predication, and coordination.
Indonesian two-week fieldwork in Australia: Great or no impact? Anita Sartika Dewi
Journal of English and Education (JEE) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2008): VOLUME 2 NO 1 JUNE 2008
Publisher : English Education Department, Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/jee.v2i1.6446


This paper is a sociolinguistic study on the impact of a two-week fieldwork experienced by English Diploma Program students of Universitas Islam Indonesia(UII)Yogyakarta in Australia. The aspects to be scrutinized are the effect of the program on the students' self development and their understanding of Australia and how their return to Indonesia influences their fellow students at the Islamic university.  Impact of the two-week field work is seen from two theoretical backgrounds language perception (Lowe, 2000) and orientation (Gardner, 1985). Data collection was carried out through email questionnaires. Several themes occurred were expectation on the fieldwork, expectation on life in Australia, family expectation, reality faced in Australia, most meaningful experiences, and returning to Indonesia.Results of the study show that the fieldwork has brought an "instrumentally oriented" impact on the students' self development and understanding of Australia. Even though the students gained more than previously expected, more could have been achieved as there was no strong influence on other UII students, yet.   
Understanding Students' Learning Experiences Through Journal Writing Ista Maharsi
Journal of English and Education (JEE) Vol. 4 No. 1 (2010): VOLUME 4 NO 1 JUNE 2010
Publisher : English Education Department, Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/jee.v4i1.6494


This paper will make attempts to understand students learning experiences through journal writing. How students feel about the subject including materials, lecturers, learning activities, how they experience the learning processes, and identify their difficulties are several issues that will be discussed. Various significant issues found in students' journals will also be used to analyze and evaluate classroom activities.This study is conducted in a particular context of class room first semester undergraduate students of Accounting Department at the Faculty of Economics Universitas Islam Indonesia. The students are obliged to take Output Character Building Program (CCD) which is aimed to prepare new students to readily involve in academic environment and tasks. Data were collected from eight students' journals from two different classes and teacher's journal. They were required to write daily-basis reflective journal at the end of every meeting which is then analyzed to reveal significant issues addressed by students.The result of the class observation shows that regular journal writing function as a tool of effective communication between students-teachers, a media for students to express their feeling towards learning, promote better teacher-student rapport, and good feedback from students for the betterment of teaching and learning process. At further stages, the findings could be used to evaluate and develop better program.
Cooperative Learning Group for English Teachers: One Way of Supporting Under-qualified Teachers Puji Rahayu
Journal of English and Education (JEE) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2007): VOLUME 1 NO 2 DECEMBER 2007
Publisher : English Education Department, Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/jee.v1i2.6437


The fact that English teachers in Indonesia especially in remote area are under qualified is not debatable/They are not only incapable of teaching well but quite a lot of them also still need help in their English proficiency. Asking them to take an English class for them is almost impossible. There must be ways of developing their professionalism while they are performing as teachers.Building a cooperative learning group for English teacher will make them improved in both the knowledge and skills in teaching because of the very slogan of cooperative learning, which is "sink and swim together". Each group will be responsible for the improvement of all members because their success is determined by the success of' the group and the group also determines the success of the individual. This movement will be much more effective if it is used as one of the criteria of kenaikan pangkat.
The Question of Grammatical Equivalence in Translation Siti Sudartini
Journal of English and Education (JEE) Vol. 3 No. 1 (2009): VOLUME 3 NO 1 JUNE 2009
Publisher : English Education Department, Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/jee.v3i1.6485


This study is concerned with three aspects of grammatical equivalence occurring in translation, namely, person, tense and voice. In particular, this study tries to answer some questions related to the notion of grammatical equivalence in English-Bahasa Indonesia translation related to the categories of person (pronoun), tenses, and voice. This study is a descriptive qualitative one which tries to describe and delineate the phenomenon of translation naturally without the intervention of an experiment or an artificially contrived treatment. This kind of study requires a holistic perspective of there search area in order to gather as much information as possible and to avoid any manipulation or interference in the study context. The results of the study have shown the followings. Firstly, most of the English pronouns with person reference are translated by the personal pronouns in Bahasa Indonesia, some are not translated by the personal pronouns in Bahasa Indonesia since their meaning are considered known from their context, and some other are not translated by personal pronouns but rather by repeating then our reference. Secondly, the category of tense in Englis his presented morphologically by changing the verb forms whereas in Bahasa Indonesia it is presented lexically by adding words indicating the time relation of the event presented by the verb. Thirdly, both English and Bahasa Indonesia have the category of voice but they do not always use this category with the same frequency. The active forms in English are not always translated into active forms in Bahasa Indonesia, and vice versa.
Certification for Teachers and Lecturers and Its Implications For Staff Development Suwarsih Madya
Journal of English and Education (JEE) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2007): VOLUME 1 NO 1 JUNE 2007
Publisher : English Education Department, Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/jee.v1i1.6428


The improvement of quality and relevancy,of education with the societal needs has been one of the big educational issues in Indonesia. It has been one of the considerations for the decision to adopt Education Act No. 20/2003 on National Education System. With its quality being improved, education will fulfill well its function, which is "to develop the capability, character, and civilization of the nation for enhancing its intellectual capability" (Education Act No.20/2003, Article 3).The enhancement of the intellectual life of the nation is in fact one of the four aims of our independence in 1945, as stated in the fourth paragraphs of the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution.The quality and relevancy of our national education will certainly contribute to the achievement of the god of our national education stated in Article 4 of the 2003 Education Act, which is "developing learners potentials so that they become persons-imbued with human values who are faithful and pious to one and only God; who possess morals and noble character; who are healthy, knowledgeable,-competent, creative; independent; and as citizens are democratic and responsible.".Since formal education is the main stream and it process-mostly takes place in classrooms in which teachers and lecturers play their various roles, the quality of teachers and lecturers is the one of the determining  factor in solving the problem of quality and relevancy. Related to this was the promulgation of "Teachers as Professionals" on 2 December 2005 by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. in the same year. Law No."14/2005 on Teachers and Lecturers was declared valid.Certification is related to the needs for ensuring that teachers and lecturers as professionals possess the qualities which can contribute to the success in achieving quality education which is relevant for society needs which change with the developments resulting from the advancements of science and technology. This paper will explore aspects of certification and its implications for-teacher education, especially EFL teacher education, both pre-service and in-service. 
Teaching English Components To Young Learners Siwi Karmadi Kurniasih
Journal of English and Education (JEE) Vol. 2 No. 2 (2008): VOLUME 2 NO 2 DECEMBER 2008
Publisher : English Education Department, Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/jee.v2i2.6461


Teaching English for children requires thoughtful considerations of what and how to teach. It needs full considerations such as what components of the language should be taught, what method should be applied, and what teaching technique should be employed.Teaching English components i.e. grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation, a teacher must take the nature of children learning into account. Teaching vocabulary, teacher should plan and organize the material to learn carefully. Concrete objects should come before the abstract ones. Teaching vocabulary is not only about teaching words as separate units but formulaic chunks. In addition, teaching strategies play an important role in children's learning success.Learning grammar is closely related to learning vocabulary. When children learn vocabulary through learning formulaic chunks, the teacher can discuss the grammar too. One important thing that teacher should bear in her mind is that the opportunity to use the language in a meaning-focused situation is as important as learning the grammatical patterns.The other language component to learn is pronunciation. As the other components, teaching pronunciation to young learners also need thoughtful consideration. Normally native speakers say an expression in blended sounds. They will not say each word clearly as separate unit. Hence, teachers should drill students to say expressions and guide students to feel and experience saying them in normal and natural way.
Journal of English and Education (JEE) Vol. 4 No. 2 (2010): VOLUME 4 NO 2 DECEMBER 2010
Publisher : English Education Department, Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/jee.v4i2.6508


Nowadays English is spoken everywhere. English has become the world's Lingua Franca. Many jobs demand English as their first priority to select applicants. Schools push their students to learn English since it becomes the most favorite qualification for getting job. Many English courses are built in order to facilitate people's needs to understand English. Nevertheless, along with the world's request on English, many people in non-spoken English country still feel unfamiliar to it. It creates some anxiety and terror to them.In China, there is a unique language-learning method to deal with English fear. It is called Crazy English. Li Yang, a man who initiated this method, believed that many Chinese were facing a very difficult time on learning English. He then coined an extra-ordinary way to make people proficient in English by especially emphasizing the speaking and pronunciation skills. Based on his method, he taught his students to read English words loudly and quickly, and also told them to imitate the sound of English words. He had already proved himself that by conducting this methods he was able to get the second-highest score on his National English Exams after failing it thirteen times; For Li Yang, the only main obstacle on learning English was the Chinese's traditional culture that made people afraid to talk. He suggested people to overcome English by shouting and speaking it loudly, so that all the embarrassment could fade away.Comparing with Chinese, Javanese people have also the same problem related to the afraid-to-talk culture. Based on writer's experience in class, many students feel shy and unconfident to speak English. It makes a very tough problem when learning English is not followed by the courage to speak.This paper is aimed to investigate the Li Yang Crazy English method and evaluate its potential aspect to be applied in many English classes in Indonesia, particularly in Java region. The analysis of this paper is taken from literature research and it is also supported by performing in-class observation. As the result of the research, this paper will give a clear understanding about Li Yang Crazy English and also its potential aspect to be applied in Indonesia by giving three main considerations, such as: 1)The general evaluation of positive and negative aspects from Li Yang English method, 2) The similar cultural background (East culture) of Chinese and Javanese, 3) The readiness of Indonesian teacher to apply this method.

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