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Agrotrop : Journal on Agriculture Science
Published by Universitas Udayana
ISSN : 2088155X     EISSN : 26544008     DOI : -
Core Subject : Agriculture,
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Articles 14 Documents
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Daftar Isi Vol 5, No 1 (2015) Jurnal Agrotrop
Agrotrop : Journal on Agriculture Science Vol 5 No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Udayana

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Pengaruh Konsentrasi Antitranspiran Chitosan Terhadap Pembuahan dan Produksi Salak Gula Pasir di Luar Musim I KETUT SUNARKA; I NYOMAN RAI; NI LUH KARTINI
Agrotrop : Journal on Agriculture Science Vol 5 No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Udayana

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The Effect of Antitranspirant Chitosan Consentrantions to Fruit-Set and Production ff Salacca zalacca var. Gula Pasir on Off-Season. Salak Gula Pasir (Salacca zalacca var. Gula Pasir) naturally flowering once every three months or four times a year. During the four times flowering, the best harvest or fruit production only once a year while the other three flowering are failed become a fruit-set. The failure was caused by rainfall and low rainy time. This research aimed to know the effect of several Antitranspirant Chitosan Consentrations to the success of flower to become a fruit (fruit-set) on Salacca zalacca var. Gula Pasir. This research used random sampling where the area was divided into four Antitranspirant Chitosan Consentrations. The factor of Antitranspirant Chitosan Consentrations consists of four levels (0%, 15%, 30%, and 45%). The research was conducted at the central production of Salacca zalacca var. Gula Pasir in Sibetan Village, Bebandem District, Karangasem Regency. The result of giving Antitranspirant Chitosan Consentrations at 45% was effective improved the success of flower to become a fruit-set of 64,48% on Gadu Season while on Sela II Season it effective improved 84,38% at the 30% consentrations.
Efektifitas Atraktan terhadap Lalat Buah Belimbing di Jawa Timur MOCH SODIQ; SUDARMADJI SUDARMADJI; SUTOYO SUTOYO
Agrotrop : Journal on Agriculture Science Vol 5 No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Udayana

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Effectiveness of Attractants to Star Fruit Flies in East Java. Fruit flies have become one of the important pests in plants carambola (Averrhoa carambola L.). In order to overcome the attack of fruit flies, always wrap the fruit growers and install attractant methyl eugenol atcarambola crop during the flowering plants to the star fruit is harvested, but the results are not optimal in controlling fruit flies, making it necessary to find other ways to control the star fruit flies were more effective. The research objective was to test the effectiveness of a combination of substances towing / attractants, feeding stimulants odor, color and volume to a fly attractant a star fruit. Research was conducted on land farmers in Blitar and Tuban. As for knowing the type of fruit flies that attack the star fruit, be identified in laboratory Plant Pests. Research using completely randomized design and each treatment was repeated 4 times. Parameters measured were the type, number, and trapped fruit fly sex attractant. Results of the study is a combination of the type of attractant M. bracteata, stimulating smell of guavajuice feed, as well as yellow and a volume of 1.5 ? most effective attractant to lure star fruit fly males and females. The fruit flies were trapped only one type that is Bactrocera carambolae.
Cover Vol 5, No 1 (2015) Jurnal Agrotrop
Agrotrop : Journal on Agriculture Science Vol 5 No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (699.713 KB)


Perbaikan Kualitas Buah Anggur Bali (Vitis Vinifera L. Var. Alphonso Lavallee) melalui Aplikasi GA3 sebelum Bunga Mekar I NYOMAN GEDE ASTAWA; NI NYOMAN ARI MAYADEWI; I MADE SUKEWIJAYA; NI LUH MADE PRADNYAWATHI; RINDANG DWIYANI
Agrotrop : Journal on Agriculture Science Vol 5 No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Udayana

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Improvement of The Quality of Balinese Table grape (Vitis Vinifera L. Var. Alphonso Lavallee) using GA3 Application Before Flowering. Research concerning of “Improvement of Balinese Tablegrape (Vitis Vinifera L. Var. Alphonso Lavallee) using GA3 before flowering” had been done during May to August 2015 at the vineyard located at Kalianget Village, in Buleleng Regency, Bali. Theobjective of the research was to find out method in improving the quality of Balinese table grape using GA3 application. The experiment was designed as Randomized Block Designed, with GA3concentration as a treatment, i.e. 0, 50, 100, 150, 200 ppm. The results showed that, application of GA3 before flowering increased bunch length, improved oBrix, induced seedless, however decreasedberry weight.
Agrotrop : Journal on Agriculture Science Vol 5 No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Udayana

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Variability of Coffee Cultivars in Lampung. Province of Lampung is production region of Robusta coffee in Indonesia. Farmer plant seedling of progeny resulted in high variability of coffee bean production. High yield clones then were used as grafting material to improve coffee production. The research aimed to study variability of coffee cultivars in Lampung and factors affecting its production. Respondent farmers and coffee fields to be surveyed were determined by purposive sampling method from 3 district of West Lampung, Tanggamus, and North Lampung. Three sub-districts were taken from each district to choose a farmers group. The results showed that there were 27 cultivars found in location including 25 cultivars were Robusta coffee and the rest were Arabica and Liberica. In each district, the compositions of dominant cultivars were different. Farmers were able to describe the cultivars based on characteristics of fruits and beans, leaves, shoots, and branches. Some cultivars come from other province of outside Lampung. Dominance indices and richness of cultivars together with elevation level of coffee field had significant negative effects on coffee productivity, while fertilize doses had positive effects.
Pemberian Pupuk N, P, dan K Berdasarkan Pengelolaan Hara Spesifik Lokasi untuk Meningkatkan Produktivitas Kedelai (Review) KARSIDI PERMADI; YATI HARYATI
Agrotrop : Journal on Agriculture Science Vol 5 No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Udayana

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Applicationof N, P, and K Fertilizer Based on Site-Specific Nutrient Management for An increase of Productivity of Soybean. Soybean productivity in Indonesia is still low, it is about 1.25 t ha-1.This is due to the same dose of fertilizer in all location.In this case, fertilization is on the recommendation i.e. 25-75 kg urea ha-1 + 50-100 kg SP-36 ha-1 + 50-100 kg KCl ha-1 for soybean in all locations.Though each location farmland have different levels of soil fertility. Soybean commodities can compete with other plants when minimum productivity of 2.18 t ha-1 of dry beans, it is able to provide a higher profit than corn. To that end, soybean fertilizer recommended by site-specific nutrient management (SSNM) by using the method of paddy soil test device, and dry soil test device that can determine soil nutrient classes to categories of low, medium and high.N fertilizer on soil classes, including low, medium, and high dose respectively at 174, 152, and 117 kg urea ha-1. For P fertilizer application on soil nutrient classes, including low, medium, and high doserespectively at 104,80, and 40 kg ha-1 SP-36. Likewise K fertilizer application on soil nutrient classes, including low, medium, and high each at doses of 210, 190, and 150 kg ha-1 KCl. In addition, supported by the use of new varieties of soybean large seed that high productivity and achieve the results expected in all locations soybean.Then the government provides support for input subsidies in the form of primary production facilities such as seed, fertilizer, and pesticides that farmers are interested in returning to planting soybeans and soybean prices ensure incentives for farmers. Things like this will spur farmers to increase productivity so that soybean self-sufficiency is achieved. In the end domestic soybean demand can be met so that the government no longer to import soybeans.
Identifikasi Karakter Morfologi dan Agronomi Tanaman Gonda (Sphenoclea zeylanica Gaertn) di Kabupaten Jembrana, Bali I WAYAN ADI PERMADI; I GUSTI ALIT GUNADI; I MADE SUKEWIJAYA
Agrotrop : Journal on Agriculture Science Vol 5 No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Udayana

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The Identification of Morphological and Agronomic Characters of Gonda (Sphenocleazeylanica Gaertn) in Jembrana - Bali. Gonda (a local name) is a vegetable plant that has high nutritional value, however, limited information about this plant and related matters incultivation provide constraints in its development. Research concerning inventaritation and identification is required to support the development. The aim of the research was to find out information about the cultivation and characters of gonda. This research was conducted in October 2014 - March 2015 in Jembrana - Bali. Inventaritation was done through observation including deployment, history and cultivation method. While identification was done by identify morphological characters (vegetative and generative organs) and agronomic characters (height of plant and number of leaves). The results showed thats the gonda spread across rice fields at an altitude of 6 - 90 m AMSL. Gonda has been intensively cultivated since 1950 by farmers through seedling and planting. Various morphological and agronomic characters were identified among gonda planted by farmer in Jembrana, Bali. Based on the type of the branch, morphologically, gonda was grouped in to monopodial and sympodial. While for agronomic characters, a wide range of size and the number of organs were found among gonda cultivars planted by farmers in Jembrana.
Pengendalian Getah Kuning Manggis Menggunakan Ekstrak Rumput Laut dan Pemupukan Kalium I KETUT SUADA; NI WAYAN SUNITI
Agrotrop : Journal on Agriculture Science Vol 5 No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Udayana

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The Control of Mangosteen Yellow Latex Using Seaweed Extract and Potassium Fertilizer. The yellow latex disease decreases fruit quality of mangosteen because of exogenic latex causes dirty fruit and the endogenic latex makes the bitter fruit taste, then it does not deserve to be consumed. The causal agent of the disease was Verticillium alboatrum, Fusarium oxysporum, and Pestalotia macrotricha. Control using synthetic chemical for the fungus is severely decreasing the quality of the environment, therefore the use of organic agent such as botanical fungicide and the use of potassium fertilizer is recommended. The purpose of this research is to find the dose of potassium fertilizer and sea weed extract to decrease yellow latex disease of mangosteen fruit. The research was done in-vivo in the field with indicator of the decrease of yellow latex incident. The research showed that potassium fertilizer of 1.5 kg/plant combine with 1% extract was the best treatment with the lowest yellow latex incident of 9.4%. The treatment effective decreasing the disease of 56.3% compared to control and 56.9% when it is compared to 0,2% Antracol fungicide.
Pengaruh Interaksi dan Nilai Interaksi pada Percobaan Faktorial (Review) I MADE NARKA TENAYA
Agrotrop : Journal on Agriculture Science Vol 5 No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Udayana

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The Effect of Interaction and Value of Interaction on Factorial Experiment. In a factorial experiment, the effect of combination treatment can be divided into three components: (1) a simple effect; (2) the influence of factors, and (3) the influence of interactions. Interaction Value (NI) contained in the combination treatment is different with the influence of interaction, and the interaction value (NI) is always found in combination treatment, which may have a positive, zero, and negative value, under the condition that the sum of interaction value (NI) at ech level of treatment equals to zero. The formula of value of interaction (NI): NI ij = Yij - Yi. - Y.j + Y..

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