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Identifikasi Variabilitas Genetik Wani Bali (Mangifera caesia Jack.) dengan Analisis Penanda RAPD Rai, I Nyoman; Wijana, G; Semarajaya, C G A
Jurnal Hortikultura Vol 18, No 2 (2008): Juni 2008
Publisher : Indonesian Center for Horticultural Research and Development

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ABSTRAK. Wani Bali (Mangifera caesia Jack.) merupakan salah satu tanaman buah-buahan tropika tergolong kerabat mangga. Citarasa Wani Bali disukai konsumen karena daging buahnya memiliki aroma khas, rasanya manis, enak, dan daging buahnya tebal. Terdapat banyak kultivar Wani Bali dengan sifat spesifik buahnya masing-masing, tetapi secara genetik belum diketahui variabilitasnya. Penelitian ini betujuan mengidentifikasi variabilitas genetik Wani Bali dengan analisis penanda random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). Penelitian dilakukan mulai bulan Februari sampai Desember 2006, berlokasi di seluruh sentra produksi Wani Bali di Bali. Pelaksanaan terdiri atas 3 tahap, yaitu (1) survei kultivar dilanjutkan dengan identifikasi karakter daun, bunga, dan buah, (2) pengumpulan sampel untuk analisis RAPD (biji dari kultivar yang telah diidentifikasi ditanam dalam polibag di rumah plastik, setelah bibit berumur 6 bulan, 5-6 lembar daunnya dipanen untuk sampel), dan (3) analisis penanda RAPD, dilakukan di Laboratorium Biomolekuler dan Immunologi, Unit Penelitian Bioteknologi Perkebunan, Bogor. Berdasarkan karakter buahnya (bentuk, rasa, ukuran, dan warna kulit) teridentifikasi 22 kultivar Wani Bali, tetapi kultivar-kultivar tersebut tidak dapat dibedakan satu dengan yang lainnya berdasarkan habitus pohon, sifat percabangan, serta karakter daun dan bunga. Variabilitas genetik Wani Bali dianalisis dengan RAPD dengan keanekaragaman mencapai 43% terdiri atas 3 kelompok. Satu-satunya kultivar yang secara genetik sangat berbeda dengan yang lainnya adalah Wani Bali Ngumpen (kultivar tanpa biji) ditemukan di Desa Bebetin, Kabupaten Buleleng. Kultivar-kultivar yang berasal dari kabupaten yang sama dan atau pada 2 kabupaten yang berdekatan mengelompok pada kelompok yang sama, kecuali Wani Bali Ngumpen asal Desa Bebetin, Buleleng.ABSTRACT. Rai, I.N., G. Wijana, and C. G. A. Semarajaya. 2008. Identification of Genetic Variability of Wani Bali (Mangifera caesia Jack.) Using RAPD Analysis Marker. Wani Bali is one of tropical fruit which belongs to genus mangifera. Consumer prefers the fruit due to the specific flavor, sweet and delicious taste, and the thickness of edible pulp. There are many cultivars of Wani Bali with specific character. However, genetic variability has not been specified. The research was aimed to identify the genetic variability by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) marker. The research was conducted from February to December 2006, located at centrals of Wani Bali in Bali. It consisted of 3 steps (1) surveying of cultivars and identification of their leaf, flower, and fruit characters, (2) collecting sample for RAPD analysis (seed of identified cultivars grown in polybag at plastichouse and after 6 months seedling, 5-6 leaves were collected as sample), and (3) analyzing RAPD, which was conducted at Biomolecular and Immunology Laboratory, Research Unit of Plantation Biotechnology, Bogor. The results revealed that according to the fruit character (shape, taste, size, and skin color of fruit) had been identified 22 cultivars, but among cultivars could not be specified by plant shape, branch type, leaf and flower characters. There are 3 groups at 43% variability according to genetic variability of Wani Bali which was analyzed by RAPD. The sole cultivar genetically significantly different among the cultivars is Wani Bali Ngumpen (seedles cultivar) from Bebetin, Buleleng District. The cultivars that were planted at the same regency and/or at 2 neighbouring regencies genetically were clustered in 1 group, excluding Wani Bali Ngumpen from Bebetin, Buleleng District.
AGRITROP Vol. 26, No. 2 Juni 2007
Publisher : AGRITROP

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Grafted mangosteen tree have a shorter juvenile period than that of the seedling trees because it starts to flower earlier. However, productivity of the grafted trees is low because number of flowers and fruits drop is high. The research was conducted to study the difference of flowers and fruit drop between seedling and grafted trees related to N, P, and K plant nutrition levels and position of growing flower and fruit. The result showed that percentage of flowers and fruits drop of grafted mangosteen (14,65% and 85,38%) were higher than those of seedling plants (6,93% and 16,58%). Yield of grafted tree (2,17 kg/plant) was significanly lower than that of seedling (7,07 kg/plant) exhibited by low number of harvesting fruit. N, P, and K nutrition leaf levels had no effect on flower and fruit number drop, not only on grafted trees, but also on seedling trees. Flowers and fruits which grow at the basal of tree and/or branch drop were hihger than those of midle and upper part of trees and branchs.
Changes of Gibberellin and Total Sugar Content in Flower Developmental Stages of Mangosteen I NYOMAN RAI; ROEDHY POERWANTO; LATIFAH KOSIM DARUSMAN; BAMBANG SAPTA PURWOKO
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences Vol. 13 No. 3 (2006): September 2006
Publisher : Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (117.38 KB) | DOI: 10.4308/hjb.13.3.101


The objectives of this experiment were to study the changes of gibberellic acid and total sugar content in flower developmental stages of mangosteen. The result showed that flower development of mangosteen consisted of four stages: induction, differentiation, maturition of flower organs, and anthesis. Floral induction was microscopically characterized by the swelling of the basal structure of the new shoot. It was found that induction stage of mangosteen flowering was characterized by sharp decrease of gibberellic acid (GA3, GA5, GA7) and increase of total sugar content of leaf. On the other hand, it was found that leaf of the non-flowering shoot apices had high gibbrellic acid and low total sugar. Key words: mangosteen, flowering, induction, gibberellic acid
GIS Based Analysis of Agroclimate Land Suitability for Banana Plants in Bali Province, Indonesia I Wayan Nuarsa; I Nyoman Dibia; Ketut Wikantika; Deni Suwardhi; I Nyoman Rai
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences Vol. 25 No. 1 (2018): January 2018
Publisher : Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (387.186 KB) | DOI: 10.4308/hjb.25.1.11


The need for bananas in Bali far exceeds the production. To obtain optimal production according to their genetic potential, the development of banana cultivation should be preceded by a land suitability evaluation study. This study aims to evaluate the land suitability based on agroecological parameters such as rainfall, altitude, dry month, slope, and considering current land use. The results showed that 257.467 ha or 46.16% of the area of Bali Province has the potential to be planted with bananas. Buleleng Regency has the widest area for the development of banana plants, followed by Karangasem, Tabanan, Jembrana and Bangli. Denpasar town has the smallest suitable area. Based on the observed agroclimate parameters, slope is the most severe limiting factor in banana cultivation, while rainfall, altitude, and dry months are not significant limiting factors. Recommended land use for the development of banana plants is garden, grass, rain-fed rice field, scrub, bare land, and moor.
Biodiversity of Bali Banana (Musaceae) and its Usefulness I Nyoman Rai; Fenny M. Dwivany; Agus Sutanto; Karlia Meitha; I Made Sukewijaya; I Nyoman Gede Ustriyana
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences Vol. 25 No. 2 (2018): April 2018
Publisher : Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (323.098 KB) | DOI: 10.4308/hjb.25.2.47


Banana (Musa spp.) is one the most important agriculture commodities in Indonesia. Archeological and molecular evidences suggest that speciation of this herb occurred in Indonesia, leading to the high diversity in the archipelago. In Bali Island, banana is not only sought for food but as well as for their symbolic role in religious and cultural ceremonies. However, the high demand for bananas in Bali is not yet supported by the adequate production of local farms. This presented study aimed to investigate the diversity of banana cultivars or sub-species in Bali and its usefulness to determine preferable cultivars to cultivate. We recorded and characterized 43 banana cultivars in 10 villages that represent the 8 regencies and 1 city of Bali province. Out of the 43 cultivars, 7 were highly used and at least one cultivar was discovered in each of the studied village.  The presence of these cultivars in the study areas were confirmed by site visit and characterization of the fruits. Among the highly ranked cultivars or species, only biu kayu is unique to Bali as it was not found in the closest provinces of East Java and Madura. Hence, the results suggested that to improve the cultivation and production of these 7 highly used cultivars could be an appropriate solution to meet Bali demand of bananas. Furthermore, cultivating biu kayu would also help conservation effort since this cultivar is also currently listed as a rare genetic resource.
Genetic Relationship between Tongka Langit Bananas (Musa troglodytarum L.) from Galunggung and Maluku, Indonesia, Based on ITS2 Fenny Martha Dwivany; Giasintha Stefani; Agus Sutanto; Husna Nugrahapraja; Ketut Wikantika; Adriana Hiariej; Topik Hidayat; I Nyoman Rai; Nisrina Sukriandi
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences Vol. 27 No. 3 (2020): July 2020
Publisher : Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.4308/hjb.27.3.258


Tongka Langit or Fe’i banana (Musa troglodytarum L.) has the T genome and a very high content of beta-carotene. It only grew and spread around the regions of Maluku islands and Papua. However, recently our team found this banana on the foot of mount Galunggung, West Java, so this raised the question about its origin. The objective of this study was to understand the genetic relationship between Tongka Langit from Galunggung and Maluku islands and compared it with other bananas with different genomes. Genetic diversity analysis was done using ITS2 DNA marker and dendrogram analysis showed three groups. From the comparison of the ITS2 sequences, there were no difference (100% identity) between the ITS2 sequence of Tongka Langit originating from Galunggung and Maluku. In conclusion, based on the ITS2 marker, the Tongka Langit were more distantly related to cultivars with A and B genomes, and there was no difference in the ITS2 sequence of Tongka Langit originating from Galunggung and Maluku. To the best of our knowledge, there is no previous report of genetic relationship between Tongka Langit from Galunggung and other regions.
Pengaturan Pembungaan Tanaman Manggis (Garcinia mangostana L.) di Luar Musim dengan Strangulasi, serta Aplikasi Paklobutrazol dan Etepon I Nyoman Rai; Roedy Poerwanto; Latifah K. Darusman; Bambang S. Purwoko
Indonesian Journal of Agronomy Vol. 32 No. 2 (2004): Buletin Agronomi
Publisher : Indonesia Society of Agronomy (PERAGI) and Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, IPB University, Bogor, Indonesia

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The objective of the research was to study the application of strangulation, packlobutrazol and ethephon to stimulate flowering of mangosteen trees. The experiment was conducted from June 2002 to September2 003, located at Farmer's Mangosteen Orchards, Leuwiliang, Bogor. A randomized block design with two factors was used in thisexperiment. The first factor was treatments to stimulate flowering consisted of three levels i.e strangulation (8), (S) application of paclobubtrazol (P) and control (K). The second factor was treatments for dormancy breaking consisted of two levels i.e without ethephon (Eo) and with ethephon (EiJ. Each treatment was replicated four times. The resultshowed that strangulation and application of paclobutrazol were effective in stimulating flowering of mangosteen trees. Those treatments decreased gibberellic acid content and increased total sugar and C: N ratio. Interaction effect was found between treatments to stimulate flowering and ethephon on number of flowers, number of fruits and weight of fruits per tree. The highest fruits weight (2.,50 kg/tree) was obtained on the combination of paclobutrazol with ethephon while the lowest was in control without ethephon( 6.05 kg/tree).Key words: Mangosteen, Strangulation, Paclobutrazol, Ethephon, Flowering;
Pengendalian Getah Kuning Buah Manggis dengan Irigasi Tetes dan Pemupukan Kalsium I Nyoman Rai; I.W. Wiraatmaja; C.G.A. Semarajaya; I.G.K. Dana Arsana
Jurnal Hortikultura Indonesia Vol. 4 No. 1 (2013): Jurnal Hortikultura Indonesia
Publisher : Indonesian Society for Horticulture / Department of Agronomy and Horticulture

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (212.187 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jhi.4.1.9-15


ABSTRACTMangosteen is the largest exported fresh fruit from Indonesia, but only 20% of the total production can be exported due to low quality. Yellow latex or gamboge disorder is the main cause of low quality mangosteen fruit. This  study aimed  to  control  the  yellow  latex  of  the  mangosteen  fruit  by  using  drip irrigation  and  calcium fertilization. The study was conducted at farmer’s mangosteen garden in Munduk Bestala village, Seririt Subdistrict, Buleleng Regency, from February to November 2009. The research was arranged as split plot design which  consisted  of  two  factors  in  a  randomized  block  design. The  main  treatments  were  two  levels  of  drip irrigation:  drip  irrigation and control,  while  the  sub  plot  treatments  were  three  levels  dosage  of calcium  or gypsum:  0,  3,   and  6  kg  gypsum  tree-1.  The  experiment was replicated  nine  times.  The  result  of  experiment indicated that interaction between drip irrigation and gypsum dosage has no significant different on yellow latex of mangosteen fruit. In contrast, drip irrigation decreased significantly yellow latex both  at outer fruit skin and aril.  The aril without yellow latex on drip irrigation treatment was 83.70%, whereas in control only 36.30%. Gypsum also  increases  the  percentage  of  fruit  aril  without  yellow  latex.  The highest  percentage  of  fruit  aril without yellow latex was obtained on 6 kg gypsum tree-1(70.00%), whereas the lowest  was on 0  kg  gypsum tree- 1( 54.44%).Key words: fruit quality,  Garcinia  mangostana ,  gypsum,  relative water content, sugar contentABSTRAKManggis merupakan buah yang terbesar diekspor oleh Indonesia, namun hanya 20% dari total produksi dapat diekspor dikarenakan  kualitas  yang rendah. Getah  kuning  atau  gambode  disorder  merupakan penyebab utama rendahnya  kualitas  buah  manggis.  Penelitian  ini  bertujuan  untuk mengendalikan  getah  kuning  pada tanaman  manggis  menggunakan  irigasi tetes  dan  pemupukan  kalsium.  Penelitian  ini  dilaksanakan  di kebun manggis milik petani di desa Munduk Bestala, kecamatan Seririt, kabupaten Buleleng dari bulan Februari sampai November 2009. Penelitian disusun dalam rancangan petak terbagi dengan dua faktor dalam rancangan kelompok teracak. Perlakuan petak utama adalah dua tingkat irigasi tetes: irigasi tetes dan kontrol, sedangkan perlakuan anak petak  adalah  tiga  dosis pemupukan  kalsium  atau  gipsum:  0,   3,  dan  6  kg  gipsum  pohon- 1. Percobaan  diulang sebanyak sembilan kali. Hasil mengindikasikan tidak ada pengaruh nyata interaksi antara irigasi tetes dan dosis gipsum  terhadap getah kuning. Sebaliknya, irigasi tetes secara nyata mengurangi getah kuning  baik pada bagian luar kulit dan bagian daging buah. Daging buah tanpa getah kuning pada irigasi tetes adalah sebanyak 83.7%, sedangkan pada perlakuan kontrol hanya 36.30%. Gipsum juga meningkatkan persentasi daging buah tanpa getah kuning.  Persentase  tertinggi  daging  buah  tanpa  getah  kuning diperoleh  pada  perlakuan  6  kg  gipsum   pohon-1(70.00%), sedangkan persentase terendah diperoleh pada perlakuan 0 kg gipsum  pohon-1(54.44%).Kata kunci: Garcinia mangostana, gipsum, kandungan air relatif, kandungan gula, kualitas buah
Identifikasi dan Telaah Pemanfaatan Sumber Daya Genetik Buah-buahan Lokal untuk Meningkatkan Integrasi Pertanian dan Pariwisata di Bali I Nyoman Rai; Gede Wijana; I Putu Sudana; I Wayan Wiraatmaja; C. G. A. Semarajaya; Ni Komang Alit Astiari
Jurnal Hortikultura Indonesia Vol. 7 No. 1 (2016): Jurnal Hortikultura Indonesia
Publisher : Indonesian Society for Horticulture / Department of Agronomy and Horticulture

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (219.483 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jhi.7.1.31-39


ABSTRACTThe rapid growth of tourism in Bali raises new issues i.e. the decline of the agricultural sector. A model of development of integration of agriculture and tourism is required to avoid further imbalance in the development of tourism and agriculture. The objective of this study was to identify and study utilization of genetic resources of local fruits in order to improve agricultural and tourism integration. The research was conducted from March to December 2015 throughout regencies in Bali, using survey method to identify the species and sub-species of local fruits, its utilization, harvest time, and superior fruits of each regency. Definition of local fruit in this study is all species and sub-species of fruit plant found in Bali, either cultivated or wild. The results showed that there were 41 species with 149 sub-species of local fruits identified. Availability of local fruits was generally still seasonal. The harvest season was dominant from December to March. Fruits were used for local consumption, exports, inter island trade, and material for rituals and culture and for tourism market. Utilization of local fruit for tourism was still limited, i.e for fresh fruit consumption (snake fruit, wani, banana, mango, orange, papaya, water melon, melon and mangosteen), for juice (passion fruit, manggo, melon, water melon, guava, strawberry, wani); raw material for wine (snake fruit, grape), raw material for massage/Spa (lemon, pineapple, avocado, papaya, strawberry, star fruit), and for agrotourism object (strawberry, snake fruit, orange and mangosteen). We suggested that effort was required to increase the utilization of local fruits for tourism activities so that it increased the welfare of the farming community in Bali.Keyword: genetic resources, local fruit, integration, agriculture, tourismABSTRAKPesatnya perkembangan pariwisata di Bali memunculkan masalah baru yaitu semakin terdesaknya sektor pertanian. Untuk menghindari semakin tidak seimbangnya antara sektorpariwisata dan pertanian dikembangkanlah model pembangunan pertanian terintegrasi dengan pariwisata. Penelitian ini bertujuan melakukan identifikasi dan telaah pemanfaatan sumber daya genetik buah-buahan lokal untuk meningkatkan integrasi pertanian dan pariwisata. Penelitian dilakukan dari Maret sampai Desember 2015 di seluruh kabupaten di Bali, menggunakan metode survei untuk mengidentifikasi spesies dan sub-spesies sumber daya genetik buah-buahan lokal, pemanfaatannya, musim panen, dan buah unggulan kabupaten. Batasan buah lokal dalam penelitian ini adalah semua spesies dan sub-spesies buah-buahan yang ada di Bali, baik dibudidayakan atau liar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan teridentifikasi sebanyak 41 spesies dan 149 sub-spesies buahbuahan lokal. Lokasi tumbuhnya sebagian besar tersebar hampir di seluruh kabupaten/kota di Bali seperti jeruk Bali, salak, pisang, wani, mangga, manggis, durian, jambu biji, dan nangka, tetapi adayang hanya dibudidayakan atau tumbuh pada lokasi spesifik tertentu seperti stroberi, kawista, anggur, leci, dan mundu. Ketersediaan buah umumnya masih bersifat musiman, dengan musim panen dominan dari Desember sampai Maret. Produksi buah-buahan lokal Bali dimanfaatkan untuk konsumsi lokal, komoditas ekspor, perdagangan antar pulau, keperluan ritual adat dan budaya, dan pasar pariwisata. Pemanfaatan untuk pariwisata masih relatif terbatas, meliputi: (1) hasil buah untukkonsumsi segar (fresh fruit) seperti salak, wani, pisang, mangga, jeruk, pepaya, semangka, melon dan manggis; (2) hasil buah untuk bahan juice (markisa, mangga, melon, semangka, stroberi, wani); (3) hasil buah untuk bahan wine (salak, anggur), (4) bagian buah, daun, atau bagian lainnya untuk massage/spa (jeruk lemon, nenas, avokad, pepaya, stroberi, belimbing wuluh); dan (5) kebun buah untuk agrowisata (stroberi, salak, jeruk, dan manggis). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini perlu ada upaya nyata meningkatkan pemanfaatan buah-buahan lokal untuk pariwisata agar kesejahteraan petani buah-buahan semakin meningkat.Kata kunci: buah lokal, integrasi, pariwisata, pertanian, sumber daya genetik
Pengendalian Getah Kuning Pada Buah Manggis Dengan Irigasi Tetes dan Antitranspiran Chitosan I Nyoman Rai; I Wayan Wiraatmaja; Cokorda Gede Alit Semarajaya; IGK Dana Arsana; NK Alit Astiari
Jurnal Hortikultura Vol 24, No 4 (2014): Desember 2014
Publisher : Indonesian Center for Horticulture Research and Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/jhort.v24n4.2014.p307-315


Manggis merupakan buah segar terbanyak yang diekspor Indonesia, namun hanya 12,79% dari total produksi buah manggis Indonesia yang layak ekspor karena kualitasnya rendah. Gangguan getah kuning merupakan penyebab utama rendahnya kualitas buah manggis. Penelitian bertujuan mengendalikan getah kuning pada buah manggis dengan irigasi tetes dan antitranspiran Chitosan. Penelitian dilakukan di kebun manggis petani di Desa Munduk Bestala, Kecamatan Seririt, Buleleng, pada musim panas (April–November 2011). Perlakuan yang dicoba terdiri atas dua faktor, disusun secara petak terpisah dengan rancangan acak kelompok dan sembilan ulangan. Faktor utama adalah perlakuan irigasi tetes terdiri atas dua taraf, yaitu dengan irigasi tetes (I) dan tanpa irigasi tetes/kontrol (I (A1), dan 0,30% (A2k), sedangkan subplot adalah konsentrasi antitranspiran Chitosan, terdiri atas tiga taraf yaitu 0% (A). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan interaksi antara irigasi tetes dan konsentrasi antitranspiran berpengaruh tidak nyata terhadap getah kuning pada buah manggis. Perlakuan irigasi tetes meningkatkan secara nyata persentase buah yang dagingnya tidak bergetah kuning. Buah yang dagingnya tidak bergetah kuning pada perlakuan irigasi tetes mencapai 83,70%, sedangkan pada kontrol hanya 36,30%. Demikian pula pemberian antitranspiran Chitosan menurunkan secara nyata buah yang dagingnya tidak bergetah kuning. Buah yang dagingnya tidak bergetah kuning pada antitranspiran Chitosan konsentrasi 0,15% dan 0,30% masing masing 60,00% dan 64,44%, sedangkan pada kontrol hanya 55,56%. Disamping itu, antitranspiran Chitosan tidak menurunkan proses fotosintesis yang tercermin dari tidak turunnya kandungan gula pereduksi, gula total, dan sukrosa daun. 
Co-Authors A.A.P Agung Suryawan Adriana Hiariej, Adriana Agus Sutanto Agus Sutanto Anak Agung Istri Kesumadewi ANELIA REZKINA BR.S Bambang S. Purwoko Bambang Sapta Purwoko Cokorda Gede Alit Semarajaya Deni Suwardhi ENIEK KRISWIYANTI Faisal Siregar Fenny M. Dwivany FENNY MARTHA DWIVANY Fina Elziana Sapary G Wijana Gede Wijana GEDE WIJANA Giasintha Stefani Husna Nugrahapraja I G. R. M. TEMAJA I GEDE JAYA MAHENDRA I GEDE KRISNA PRATAMA PUTRA I GEDE SUDARMIKA I GUSTI ALIT GUNADI I GUSTI AYU ARINI LAKSEMI I Gusti Ayu Kadek Dian Permatha Suyoga I Gusti Ayu Kadek Dian Permatha Suyoga I GUSTI NGURAH SANTOSA I KADEK DWI MAHARDIKA I KADEK EKADANA I Ketut Suada I KETUT SUNARKA I MADE MARTANA DIPUTRA I Made Sudana I Made Sudana I Made Sudana I Made Sudana I Made Sukewijaya I Nyoman Dibia I NYOMAN GEDE ASTAWA I Nyoman Gede Ustriyana I Nyoman Sunarta I Nyoman Wahyu Ardianta I Nyoman Wahyu Ardianta I PUTU DHARMA I PUTU DIAN PRATAMA I PUTU SUDANA I W BUDIARSA SUYASA I Wayan Diara I WAYAN EKA SAPUTRA I Wayan Nuarsa I WAYAN RUMADA I Wayan Sandi Adnyana I WAYAN SUAMBA I WAYAN WIRAATMAJA I WAYAN WIRATMAJA I.G.K. Dana Arsana IDA AYU ASTARINI IDA AYU MAYUN Ida Ayu Putri Darmawati Ida Bagus Komang Mahardika Ida Bagus Komang Mahardika IGK Dana Arsana KADEK JUNIARI Karlia Meitha ketut asrini Ketut Wikantika Latifah K. Darusman Latifah Kosim Darusman Luh Kartini Luh Putu Ratna Sundari M. Praborini M. Sudiana Mahendra Mahardika, Ida Bagus Komang MARLIN MARHAENI PE Melani Jelita Tarigan Muhammad Rivai NADA SAHARA NGAKAN MADE ADI WEDAGAMA Ngurah Gede Astawa NI KADEK ARYANI NI KADEK EMA SUSTIA DEWI Ni Kadek Trisnayanti Ni Kadek Trisnayati Ni Komang Alit Astiari Ni Komang Alit Astiari Ni Komang Alit Astiari, Ni Komang Alit Ni Komang Ayu Septiani Ni Luh Kartini NI MADE KESUMA DEWI Ni Made Tia Juliasari NI NYOMAN ARI MAYADEWI Ni Putu Anom Sulistiawati Ni Putu Anom Sulistiawati Ni Putu Anom Sulistiawati, Ni Putu Anom NI PUTU ARYANTI Ni Putu Giyan Adnya Antari Niken Prameswari Putri Nisrina Sukriandi NK Alit Astiari, NK Alit Onesimus Ke Lele Putu Suwardike Rindang Dwiyani ROEDHY POERWANTO Roedy Poerwanto SAKHARA ZADE Shinta Lestari Santosa SITI SHOFIAH Topik Hidayat UTAMI UTAMI UTAMI UTAMI Wayan Trisna Dewi Yohanes Setiyo Yoshua Aurelio Tarigan Yosni Kiuk Yuyun Fitriani