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Agrotrop : Journal on Agriculture Science
Published by Universitas Udayana
ISSN : 2088155X     EISSN : 26544008     DOI : -
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Cover Agrotrop Vol. 6, No. 2, Nopember 2016 Jurnal AGROTROP
Agrotrop : Journal on Agriculture Science Vol 6 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Udayana

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Cover Agrotrop Vol. 6, No. 2, Nopember 2016
Identifikasi dan Karakterisasi Sumber Daya Genetik Buah-Buahan Lokal di Kabupaten Badung I GEDE SUDARMIKA; I NYOMAN RAI; UTAMI UTAMI
Agrotrop : Journal on Agriculture Science Vol 6 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Udayana

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Identification and Characterization of Genetic Resources of Local Fruits inBadung Regency. Local fruit are all species of fruits developed and cultivated in Bali,while the local fruit products are all productsderived from fruit plants that are still fresh orthat have been processed. This study aimed to identify the species of genetic resources oflocal fruits in Badung Regency, profiling the genetic resources concerning the morphologicalcharacters, usebility, production, superior fruit, harvest fruit, and geographic distribution mapsof genetic resources. The research was done in all Districts in Badung regency, Province ofBali, namely Petang, Mengwi, Abiansemal, North Kuta, Kuta and South Kuta. Conductedfrom February to September 2015. The research consisted of collecting secondarydata,collecting primary data, surveying genetic resources and species distribution, determiningmorphological characters, determining the superior fruit, and compiling geographical maps.The research found 34 species and 51 sub-species of local fruits in six districts. Based on thevalue of Location Quotient Badung Regency has eight superior fruits commodied that areavocado, durian, guava, jackfruit, pineapple, banana, sapodilla, and watermelon.
Aplikasi Ekstrak Hasil Fermentasi Biji Jagung dan Rebung untuk Meningkatkan Mutu Buah Anggur Bali (Vitis vinifera L. var. Alphonso Lavallee) I NYOMAN GEDE ASTAWA; RINDANG DWIYANI; NI NYOMAN ARI MAYADEWI; I MADE SUKEWIJAYA
Agrotrop : Journal on Agriculture Science Vol 6 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Udayana

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Applications of Extracts of Fermented Immature Corn Seed and BambooSprout For Improvement of Table grape Quality of Vitis vinifera L. var.Alphonso Lavallee. The objective of the research was to determine the effect ofapplication of extracts of fermented immature corn seed and bamboo sprout for improvementof table grape quality. The research was designed as Completely Randomized Block Design,with five treatments and ten replications. The treatments were K0 (control), J50 (extract offermented immature seed of corn with concentration of 50%)), J100 (extract of fermentedimmature seed of corn with concentration of 100%), R50 (extract of fermented bamboo sproutwith concentration of 50%) and R100 (extract of fermented bamboo sprout with concentrationof 100%). The results showed that all of the treatments improved sugar content of the fruit.However, the treatment of J100 resulted in the greatest increase of berry number per-bunchand the lowest number of seed per-berry. In conclusion, for improvement of the table grapequality, the treatment of J100 was the most appropriate among other treatments used in thecurrent research.
Daftar Isi Agrotrop Vol. 6, No. 2, Nopember 2016 Jurnal AGROTROP
Agrotrop : Journal on Agriculture Science Vol 6 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Udayana

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Daftar Isi Agrotrop Vol. 6, No. 2, Nopember 2016
Epidemiologi Penyakit Karat pada Tanaman Jagung (Zea mays L.) di Denpasar Selatan NI MADE PUSPAWATI; I MADE SUDARMA
Agrotrop : Journal on Agriculture Science Vol 6 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Udayana

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Rust Disease Epidemiology of Maize (Zea mays L.) in South Denpasar. Rustdiseases consists of Southern rust, Common rust, and Tropical rust, has contracted causingsubstantial losses in maize in the world. Disease began to be seen attacking the corn crop inSouth Denpasar. The purpose of this study to determine the presence of rust disease on corn ,contracted diseases, epidemiology, and weather factors that dominate affect diseaseprogression. Place of research conducted in South Denpasar, the time from April to June2016. The study used survey methods at the center of the corn crop, and then determine thesample of plants by taking a random 20 corn plants in each plot, which was repeated 3 times.The results showed that the type of rust that attacks corn planting area in the south ofDenpasar was a kind of Southern Corn Rust, caused by the fungus Puccinia polysora.Pathogens can be identified by urediniosporanya, which is elliptical, there is also a round withno makrokopis symptoms on the leaves are brown reddish yellow . Epidemiology of diseasesincluded in the criteria being the epidemic range from 0.054 to 0.329 per unit per day. Therelationship between temperature and humidity with the intensity of the disease were notsignificantly different, but the relationship temperature with infection rate was significantlydifferent, while relationship humidity with infection rate was significantly different. Multipleregression temperature and humidity with infection rate was highly significant.
Induksi Organogenesis pada Mikropropagasi Anggrek Vanda tricolor Lindl. serta Deteksi Variasi Genetik Hasil Perbanyakan dengan RAPD RINDANG DWIYANI
Agrotrop : Journal on Agriculture Science Vol 6 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Udayana

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Induction of Organogenesis on Micropropagation of Vanda tricolor Orchidand Detection of Genetic Variation of the Progenies Using RAPD Marker.Research concerning on micropropagation of Vanda tricolor orchid and detection of geneticvariation among the progenies has been conducted in the year of 2015. The objective of theresearch was to obtain the most appropriate explant type for inducing organogenesis and toobserve genetic variation of the progenies using Random Amplification of Polymorphic DNA(RAPD). Various pieces of organ from 18 month old-seedlings were used as material ofmicropropagation, i.e. shoot tip, shoot base, leaf tip and leaf base. Explants were planted onMS medium without plant growth regulator. The percentage of explant producing shoots andthe average number of shoots per-explant were observed at 12 weeks after planting. Progeniesresulted from the micropropagation were then analysed using RAPD with 5 primers, i.e.OPA8 (5’ GTGACGTAGG 3’), OPA9 (5’ GGGTAACGCC 3’), OPA10 (5’ GTGATCGCAG3’), OPA11 (5’ CAATCGCCGT 3’), OPA13 (5’ CAGCACCCAC 3’). The results showedthat the most appropriate explant for inducing organogenesis was shoot base. Analysis ofRAPD showed that the slight variation was detected between mother plant and the progeniesand also among the progenies. The results obtained from the current research are promisingand suggests that RAPD markers can be utilized as a simple molecular tool to assess thegenetic variation of plants derived in-vitro.
Tim Editorial Agrotrop Vol. 6, No. 2, Nopember 2016 Jurnal AGROTROP
Agrotrop : Journal on Agriculture Science Vol 6 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Udayana

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Tim Editorial Agrotrop Vol. 6, No. 2, Nopember 2016
Dinamika Populasi Hama dan Penyakit Utama Tanaman Jagung Manis (Zea mays saccharata Sturt) pada Lahan Basah dengan Sistem Budidaya Konvensional serta Pengaruhnya terhadap Hasil di Denpasar-Bali SALBERD FERDINAN RONDO; I MADE SUDARMA; GEDE WIJANA
Agrotrop : Journal on Agriculture Science Vol 6 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Udayana

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Dynamics of Pest Population and Main Diseases of Sweet Corn Plants (Zeamays saccharata Sturt) at Wetland with Conventional Cultivation Systemand Their Effect on Yields in Denpasar-Bali. The study was conducted usingsurvey techniques of pests and diseases in paddy fields belonging to farmers in Denpasar-Bali, which consists of three fields. The three areas were Sidakarya, Renon and Kesiman.Plant samples in each land were taken using the sample plot diagonal method, with the areaof diagonal plot in each land was 3 m x 3 m. Plot observations on each of the specified areaof plant samples was done randomly (lottery) as much as 25% of the total number of plantsper-plot, then observation was done for population growth of pests and diseases, temperature,humidity and crop yield. The observations was started from 1week old plants after planting(MST) to 1 week before harvesting, with intervals of 1 week. Recording the population ofpests and diseases from week to week, the temperature condition and humidity in each areaand the condition of the field ( the existing other plants, mulching). Recorded informationabout conventional cultivation systems applied by each farmer were be explored throughinterview techniques. The data were then analyzed using correlation and regression and weredescriptively explained. The results showed that there were four main types of pests (locusts,seed flies, armyworm and caterpillars cob) and three kinds of major diseases (blight, rust anddowny mildew) associated with sweet corn. The results also showed that there was nosignificant between the correlation dynamics of pest population and diseases withtemperature and humidity. As for the commercial harvest, significant effect was shown by thediseases that had an impact on the decrease in yield in quantity especially downy mildew andpest impact on the quality of yields, especially caterpillar cob.
Pengaruh Umur Panen dan Jenis Legum Penutup Tanah terhadap Kualitas Tanah di Lahan Kering ANTONIUS ALI; I GUSTI AYU MAS SRI AGUNG; GEDE WIJANA
Agrotrop : Journal on Agriculture Science Vol 6 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Udayana

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Effects of Harvesting Time and Types of Legume Cover Crop on SoilQuality in Dryland Farming. Dryland is characterized by limited water resources, itdepends on amount and distribution of rainfall and its low quality of soil. Effort onimprovement of soil quality have been reported could be done through incorporating biomassof legume cover crops (LCC). Time of harvesting (then incorporated) and types of LCCdetermine the nutrients in the biomass, which finally affects the soil quality. A fieldexperiment was conducted to study the effects of time of harvesting and types of LCC on soilquality in dryland farming area in the village of Sengguan, Gianyar Regency, Bali Provincefrom August to December 2015. The experiment was arranged in a completely randomizedblock design with three replications. The treatments were the times of harvesting (or thenincorporation) (3, 6 and 9 weeks after sowing or WAS) was assigned as the first factor whiletypes of LCC (Mucuna pruriens L. (kara), Crotalaria juncea L.(orok-orok), and Phaseoluslunatus L. (kacang arbila)) as the second factor. Results of experiment indicated thatincorporated LCC biomass significantly (P<0.05) increased soil quality (physically,chemically and biologically). Mucuna pruriens and Phaseolus lunatus harvested and thenincorporated at 3 WAS significantly (P<0.05) increased chemical (organic-C, total-N,available K) quality of the soil, while when harvested 9 WAS the effects were moresignificant on physical (bulk density and porosity) quality. Soil moisture content increasedwhen Phaseolus lunatus was harvested and incorporated at 3 WAS, while microbial activities(indicated by soil respiration) increased when Mucuna pruriens was treated at the same time.
Reviewer Agrotrop Vol. 6, No. 2, Nopember 2016 Jurnal AGROTROP
Agrotrop : Journal on Agriculture Science Vol 6 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Udayana

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Reviewer Agrotrop Vol. 6, No. 2, Nopember 2016

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