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Edueksos : Jurnal Pendidikan Sosial & Ekonomi
ISSN : 22529942     EISSN : 25485008     DOI : -
Edueksos: Jurnal Pendidikan Sosial dan Ekonomi is a peer-reviewed journal that focuses on critical studies of basic education. It investigates the dynamics of teaching and learning of social education, social and economic problems in the society context of the primary, senior, and high education level. Besides focusing on the development of studies issues of basic education, Edueksos also covers the critical view and comprehensive mind in the economic and social education. The scope is related to social and economics education, such as: Social Science (Economic, Sociologi, History, Citizenship, Study Gender) in Education Perspective Learning Innovation in Social Education Cultural Values in Education Multicultural education Humanities issues in education
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Articles 216 Documents
Building Resilience Together: Enhancing Community Preparedness for Flood Disasters in Meteseh Semarang Lidya Rizki Safitri; Anang Widhi Nirwansyah
Edueksos Jurnal Pendidikan Sosial & Ekonomi Vol 12, No 01 (2023)
Publisher : Department of Tadris IPS FITK IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24235/edueksos.v12i01.13417


ABSTRACT This study examines community preparedness for flood disasters in Dinar Indah, Meteseh Subdistrict, Semarang Municipal. Through qualitative analysis of data collected from 14 informants via in-depth interviews and observations, the study identifies various aspects of community preparedness. Additionally, the study highlights the importance of community cooperation and the implementation of emergency response plans, such as disaster management organizations, evacuation plans, simulations, and evacuation reports. The study reveals that the current warning system in Dinar Indah relies on traditional methods, such as kentongan (traditional instrument), electricity poles, and mechanical flood early warning tools. To address the challenges faced in Dinar Indah, the community mobilizes resources through human resources, funding, stakeholder coordination, and technical guidance. In summary, this research investigates community preparedness for floods in Dinar Indah, Semarang, focusing on key factors like knowledge, attitudes, experiences, vulnerabilities, and essential facilities. It emphasizes the significance of community collaboration, emergency response plans, and the need for an improved warning system. Furthermore, it highlights resource mobilization through human resources, funding, coordination, and technical guidance as vital elements for addressing the issues faced in Dinar Indah.Keywords:  Knowledge, Preparedness, Flood Disaster 
Management and Governance of Community Learning Activities Centers in Majalengka District Indrayogi Indrayogi; Dadang Sudirno
Edueksos Jurnal Pendidikan Sosial & Ekonomi Vol 12, No 01 (2023)
Publisher : Department of Tadris IPS FITK IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24235/edueksos.v12i01.13421


ABSTRACT The purpose of this activity is to look at the condition of PKBM management and governance in Majalengka Regency. This study contains a survey on the management of community learning activity centers in Majalengka Regency. This analysis was conducted to determine the level of development and management of PKBM. The analysis carried out in the outline consists of two things. First, analyze the development of PKBM. Second, look at the management of PKBM. The method used is a survey; the sample is PKBM heads throughout Majalengka Regency, totaling 35 people, using interview and documentation technical instruments. The implementation of community service activities is from September 2022 to January 2023. Based on the analysis of studies from the survey results, overall the performance of the PKBM activity process is good but still needs to be improved so that the quality of community education increases. From a management perspective, it needs to be improved, especially in terms of infrastructure, teachers, and education personnel to support learning activities. It can be concluded that the development and management of PKBM in Majalengka Regency are in the good category.Keywords: Governance; Management; Learning Centers.   
Get It Fast, Pay It Later: Analysis of Paylater Features as A Support of The Generation Z Lifestyle Fauza Husna
Edueksos Jurnal Pendidikan Sosial & Ekonomi Vol 12, No 01 (2023)
Publisher : Department of Tadris IPS FITK IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24235/edueksos.v12i01.13313


ABSTRACTThe paylater feature is a new combination from the times. Currently, paylater is part of the transaction that is popular with many groups, one of which dominates is the younger generation. This transaction is considered practical because it is able to grant the wishes of its users quickly and with minimal obstacles. This study aims to analyze the existence of the paylater feature among Generation Z in fulfilling lifestyles in this modern era. The method used is a qualitative descriptive method or a method that is included in the type of literature research where the authors retrieve data through written data sources and other related sources. The concept of "buy now pay later" in this feature makes it easy for its users to make payments in buying and selling, especially buying and selling online. As time goes by, the lifestyle of Generation Z will continue to improve. This is what makes Generation Z the best target for the presence of the paylater feature, considering that the younger generation has a fairly high level of consumerism. Therefore, this article aims to discuss the existence of paylaters as a support for the lifestyle of Generation Z today. The results of this study indicate that paylaters bring convenience, especially among Generation Z, to be able to quickly grant their wishes at any time, so that paylaters are the best option to support the lifestyle of Generation Z, which is increasingly heterogeneous. Keywords: Paylater, Generation Z, Lifestyle
Social Studies Teachers' Perceptions of Merdeka Belajar Curriculum through Islam-Based Materials for Madrasah Tsanawiyah in Kudus Misroh Sulaswari; AT. Sugeng Priyanto
Edueksos Jurnal Pendidikan Sosial & Ekonomi Vol 12, No 01 (2023)
Publisher : Department of Tadris IPS FITK IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24235/edueksos.v12i01.11299


ABSTRACTThis study aims to determine the social studies teacher's perception of the implementation of the merdeka belajar curriculum and the social studies teacher's perception of social studies learning that is integrated with applied Islamic values through social studies material for MTs. in Kudus. This research is motivated by changes in the merdeka belajar curriculum which has not been accompanied by readiness on the part of the teacher, included in the preparation of teaching materials which are entirely made by the teacher. Researchers used a qualitative descriptive approach by collecting data through interviews and FGDs. Based on the results of the contextual analysis of the research data, it shows that 30 social studies teachers MTs in Kudus who are members of the MGMP IPS MTs of Kudus Regency have known about the change in curriculum to become an merdeka belajar curriculum even though they were not fully prepared for its implementation. Teachers feel they are not ready to face curriculum changes related to the learning and evaluation process. The results also found that social studies teachers understand the importance of integrating Islamic values in social studies learning through the development of social studies teaching materials. Merdeka belajar curriculum is considered more flexible and focuses on essential material so that the material is not too dense. Social studies teachers allow it to develop materials with the characteristics of the school environment and students, including incorporating Islamic values into learning materials.Keywords: Merdeka belajar Curriculum, Social Studies Learning, Islamic Religious Values, Integration of Science and Religion.  
Learning Styles, Sense of Classroom Community and Student Engagement In Hybrid Learning Saringatun Mudrikah; Anna Kania Widiatami
Edueksos Jurnal Pendidikan Sosial & Ekonomi Vol 12, No 01 (2023)
Publisher : Department of Tadris IPS FITK IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24235/edueksos.v12i01.13315


ABSTRACTThe aims of this study were: to analyze differences in learning outcomes, learning satisfaction, a sense of class community, and student involvement between the experimental and control classes, to analyze the effect of learning styles on learning outcomes, learning satisfaction, a sense of class community, and student involvement. This type of research is a quasi-experimental, with a population of accounting education students. The sampling technique uses purposive. Data collection techniques in the form of tests and questionnaires. Data analysis techniques in the form of prerequisite tests and hypothesis testing. The results of the study are: there is no difference in learning outcomes and learning satisfaction between hybrid and face-to-face learning, in hybrid learning there is a difference in sense of classroom community with face-to-face learning, in hybrid and face-to-face learning there is also no difference in student engagement, overall learning style. has a positive effect on learning outcomes, learning satisfaction, and sense of class community, and learning styles have no effect on student engagementKeywords: Learning styles, Sense of Classroom Community, Students' engagement, Hybrid learning
Formation of Political Party Images in Urban Village Communities as a Strategy Ahead of the 2024 General Elections Isnaeni Qurotun Nisyak; Agus Machfud Fauzi
Edueksos Jurnal Pendidikan Sosial & Ekonomi Vol 12, No 01 (2023)
Publisher : Department of Tadris IPS FITK IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24235/edueksos.v12i01.13376


ABSTRACTThe 2024 presidential election is the subject of much coverage in the mass media. Issues related to the pair of leaders who will run for office have been busy in various media today. There are many opportunities as well as challenges faced by various political parties ahead of the 2024 presidential election. Given the intense competition, political parties form a political image to attract the general public to support one of these parties. It was found that several political parties were also present directly to village communities in urban areas to find out what problems the community was facing. The purpose of this research is to see how political image is present in the life of urban village communities as part of the strategy ahead of the 2024 general elections. This study uses qualitative research methods with supporting data obtained from interviews and literature studies from news, journals, website, and others. The results of this study indicate that the political imagery carried out by several parties in urban village communities is to accommodate various kinds of aspirations and complaints of the community related to conditions, the economy, development, and others - Other. The formation of this political image can attract attention, especially in urban village communities to choose a suitable candidate. Political image is present as a form of strategy from political parties towards the 2024 general elections.Keywords: Political Image, Urban Village, Election  
Group Investigative Learning Model to Improve Students' Critical Thinking Skills Through Learning Social Sciences Esty Setyo Utaminingsih; Sulasih Sulasih; Tri Mulyaningtiyas
Edueksos Jurnal Pendidikan Sosial & Ekonomi Vol 12, No 01 (2023)
Publisher : Department of Tadris IPS FITK IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24235/edueksos.v12i01.12334


ABSTRACT The fourth-grade elementary school students have not been able to construct the information they get well, so their critical thinking skills are still not good. This research aims to study the role of the learning models’ investigation group in elementary school through critical thinking skills in social science learning. The method used in a study is a literature review. Data collection techniques through collecting articles on the group investigation model, critical thinking, and learning Social Sciences in elementary schools. Databases used for journal searches include Google Scholar, Research Gate, Academia Edu, and Publish or Perish. The research results show that the group investigative learning model guides students to identify information or problems, explore information, make knowledge a provision, analyze data, and construct knowledge to find solutions to problems. Then conclude. These activities lead students to train and familiarize students with thinking critically. Critical thinking is one of the skills that students must have in 21st-century learning. The group investigation learning model is essential in improving students’ critical thinking skills in learning social studies in elementary schools in 21st-century education.Keywords: Critical Thinking, Group Investigation, Social Science
The Influence of Al-Bahjah's Da'wah Media on Solving Society's Social Problems Sunoto toto Sunoto
Edueksos Jurnal Pendidikan Sosial & Ekonomi Vol 12, No 01 (2023)
Publisher : Department of Tadris IPS FITK IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24235/edueksos.v12i01.13182


ABSTRACTIn Cirebon Regency, there are several social problems that must be resolved, such as the number of juvenile delinquency, divorce, technology and morals. Da'wah is one of the alternatives in solving these problems which is broadcast through the media. The aim of this research was to find out the influence of Al-Bahjah’s dakwah media on solving social problems in society. Kind of this research is correlation research with a quantitative approach. The techniques to collecting the data are questionnaires with a total sample of 50 respondent, structured and unstructed interviews and observations in the object of research. The techniques of data analysis are simple regression, hyphotesis tes (t test) and determination test. The result of this research indicate that: (1) based on signification test obtained results where the variable of dakwah media with a significance value of 0,000 < 0,05 with tcount of 4,430 > Ttable 2,010. It means that there is a significant influence between media of dakwah and resolution of social problems. Based on the facts on the ground too, da'wah through technological media has an effect on efforts to provide Islamic solutions to various life problems and move people from a better situation. Although there are some people who feel that their social problems have not been fully resolved through the existence of the da'wah media.Keywords: Da'wah, Social Issues, Media   
Blended Learning for The Higher Students at Post Pandemic, Why Not? Khomarudin Khomarudin
Edueksos Jurnal Pendidikan Sosial & Ekonomi Vol 12, No 01 (2023)
Publisher : Department of Tadris IPS FITK IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24235/edueksos.v12i01.14791


Covid 19 pandemic that has hit almost all over the world requires that the learning process at a Higher Education Institution be carried out online. The purpose of this study is to find out student responses to the online learning process during the Covid 19 pandemic, the second is how students respond to blended learning models that combine offline and online. The method used is descriptive qualitative. The researcher distributes questionnaires to students via Google forms related to learning during the Covid 19 pandemic and the blended learning model. The data that has been collected is then classified according to its type, analyse to explore the contents of the questionnaire, then concluded. From the results of the questionnaire, the researcher describes it to conclude. The results of the questionnaire show that students are starting to feel comfortable with online learning. The habit of online learning during the 2 years of the covid 19 pandemic provided valuable experience, finally they began to find comfort in online learning. As the learning process progresses through online media, students begin to find rhythm and comfort in online learning. Then the research data shows that more than 90% of respondents respond positively to learning with the blended learning model. In the blended learning model learning provides opportunities for students to adapt and develop soft skills in the field of technology. Some students also hope that 50% of the blended learning models will be used online and 50% offline. Based on the results of this research, blended learning is the choice of learning model after the pandemic.Keywords: Blended Learning, Covid 19, Higher Education
Exploring The Economic Potential of Banjararum Village Through Economics Education: A Phenomenological Analysis Ardhita Eko Ginanjar; Waspodo Tjipto Subroto; Muhammad Abdul Ghofur; Heny Musfidah
Edueksos Jurnal Pendidikan Sosial & Ekonomi Vol 13, No 01 (2024): Edueksos: Jurnal Pendidikan Sosial dan Ekonomi
Publisher : Department of Tadris IPS FITK IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24235/edueksos.v13i01.15313


Banjararum Village in Tuban Regency, East Java, has a variety of good economic potential, unfortunately it has not been utilized optimally and is reflected in the high percentage of poor people at 30%, which is the main problem in this research. An ideal example is Karangtinoto Village in Tuban Regency which has successfully produced 7,780 tons of rice in one harvest and the rapid development of local businesses. This success is partly due to optimal training of farmers and entrepreneurs. Unfortunately, these efforts have not been evenly implemented, including in the neighboring village of Banjararum, causing massive economic inequality between the two. The aim of the research itself is to identify the village's economic potential, the role and economic impact of education in society. This research uses a qualitative phenomenology. Data collecting method were using interview, observation and questionnaire techniques, given to key informants, namely five residents with different professions to represent the economic conditions of Banjararum Village. The data analysis technique used is analysis using the Miles & Hubberman framework and triangulation. From this, the results obtained are that in the agricultural sector changes are needed in the form of training to optimize agricultural products according to the capacity of residents, while from the local business side, training is needed that focuses on the craft sector and street businesses to advance the village economy which is not yet running well.Keywords: Economics of education, Village potential, Phenomenology, Village economy