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Bumi Lestari
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Bumi Lestari Journal of Environment (p-ISSN: 1411-9668; e-ISSN: 2527-6158) is a peer-reviewed journal, presents original research articles and letters in all areas of environmental studies and environmental sciences (biotic, abiotic and social/cultural). This journal has been indexed by cabdirect, AJD (Academic Journals Database), ISJD (Indonesian Scientific Journal Database), IndexCopernicus, Portal Garuda, researchBib and Google Scholar. The journal is published by Environmental Research Center (PPLH) of Udayana University. The journal is published two times a year: February and August in both printed and online versions. The online version is free access and download. This journal is devoted to publish research papers such as environmental biology, environmental physics, environmental health, ecology, geosciences and environmental chemistry including such matters as land, water, food, conservation, population, risk analysis, pollution, energy, economics of ecological and non-ecological approaches, social advocacy of arguments for change, analytical methods, legal measures, implications of urbanism, energy choices, waste disposal, health effects, recycling, transport systems, political approaches, social impacts and other issues of mass society. There is concern also for marginal areas, under-developed societies, minorities, species loss, etc. The purpose of this journal is to provide input and its solution to the environmental problems that has happened or will be happen from the results of researchs.
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Bumi Lestari Journal of Environment Vol 16 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Environmental Research Center (PPLH) of Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/blje.2016.v16.i02.p08


Biknoi River is potential to be polluted by domestic cesspool because it crosses settlement area. It is important to be paid more attention because the water from Biknoi River is used as the basic source of Municipal Waterworks (PDAM) of Kupang town. The aims of the research are identifying the society along the riversides’ habitual in throwing out the domestic cesspool which potential to reduce the quality of the water in that river, evaluating the waters’ quality, knowing the contribution of the society’s domestic cesspool towards the water’s quality in Biknoi dam, knowing the level of water pollution by using Pollution Index method and knowing the effort for solving this problem.This research combined physical research and social research. Physical research was done by chemistry analysis for the sample of water, while the social research was done by having an interview which used questionnaire. The result of this research showed that there was a strong relationship between the society’s habitual with the reduce of the water’s quality of Biknoi River. The reduce of the water’s quality showed by the result of pollution enumeration index i.e. medium pollution category. The biggest pollution is COD i.e. 28.996 ton / month. The effort to solve this problem is by making the society to be aware, cesspool management, aware of rules, critical area rehabilitation, real action, controlling and layout.
Evaluasi Kesesuaian Lahan Sumba Tengah Untuk Tanaman Pangan Serta Perancangan Pola Tanamnya Yang Spesifik Lokasi Dina Banjarnahor; Bistok Hasiholan Simanjuntak
Bumi Lestari Journal of Environment Vol 16 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Environmental Research Center (PPLH) of Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/blje.2016.v16.i02.p04


The regency of Sumba Tengah in the province of East Nusa Tenggara relies on rainfall to support its dry land agriculture hence should be supported with land suitability evaluation and cropping pattern design for a more sustainable crop production. This study aims to evaluate land suitability for food crops in Sumba Tengah and formulate the appropriate precipitation-based cropping patterns. This work was carried out from March to June 2015. Stages of research were: 1) characterizing land attributes (climate and soil) by soil analysis and desk study, 2) assessing land suitability level by comparing land attributes and crops requirements, and 3) composing feasible cropping patterns by using water balance method. Soils of Sumba Tengah varied from sandy to clayey with low to neutral pH and low to very high content of organic carbon and nitrogen. Phosphate and potassium availability was very low. Sumba Tengah was exposed to only four wet months a year with annual precipitation of less than 2000 mm. This region was highly and moderately suitable for growing paddy, maize, tubers, and legumes. It was not suitable for wheat. Some of the northern part was arable merely for one cropping season in a year, mostly from December to April, with the alternative of growing paddy or other crops. The remaining was likely to cultivate for two cropping seasons. Legumes were recommended to include in the rotation for soil conservation. Shortage of irrigation led to the unlikeliness of three cropping seasons in a year.
Bumi Lestari Journal of Environment Vol 16 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Environmental Research Center (PPLH) of Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/blje.2016.v16.i02.p09


Mangrove forest has an important function for living thing especially in the ocean and coastal area. Besides as feeding and nursery ground, mangrove forest is also has a function as carbon sinker. The utilizing of mangrove forest as a corbon sinker is one of ways to reduce CO2 in atmosphere. Mangrove forest in Oebelo village has a capability to utilize as carbon sinker. The aim of this research was to estimate above ground biomass and carbon reserve from two mangrove species Avicennia marina and Rhizopora mucronata in coastal area of Oebelo Village. In this research data was collected from diameter breast high and litter from forest floor. Alometric was used to estimate the above ground biomass. After data collected, analysis would continue with t test to know the different between these two species.The result showed A. marina and R. mucronata were different, the highest biomass, carbon reserve and CO2 sequestration were in A.marina respectively 118.80 Mg.ha-1, 54.65 Mg.ha-1, 200.37 Mg.ha-1 and R. mucronata respectively 28.90 Mg.ha-1, 13.30 Mg.ha-1, 48.75 Mg.ha-1. The result for litter biomass and carbon reserve showed there was no different between these tow species.
Pengaruh Sanitasi Lingkungan Tempat Tinggal Dan Karakteristik Sosial Ekonomi Rumah Tangga Terhadap Terjadinya Diare Pada Balita Di NTT (Analisis Lanjut Data Susenas 2012) Martin Suanta
Bumi Lestari Journal of Environment Vol 16 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Environmental Research Center (PPLH) of Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/blje.2016.v16.i02.p05


Diarrhea is one of the main reasons of infant mortality in Indonesia. Diarrhea is also a negative impact of interaction between human beings and the environment. The aims of reasearch to know the influence of environment sanitation of house area and social economical characteristics of household toward diarrhea at infant in NTT. Design used secondary data from Susenas 2012 by using household sample for 4 triwulan as many as 10,702 household in all the regencies/city. Unit of analysis consists of both household having infants suffer diarrhea and infants did not suffer from diarhea, so that the amount of household that was researched were as many as the amount of infants in the household namely 5.783. The analysis method was descriptive analysis and inferensial, meanwhile the tool of statistics was by using the logistics regression. The result showed that the variable influences diarrhea at children under five years based on logistics regression was environment sanitation that was non-improved source (OR = 1.484; 95%CI = 1.180 – 1.867), source of water that was non-improved source (OR = 1.516; 95%CI = 1.097 – 2.095), type of tile from soil (OR = 1.439; 95%CI = 1.139 – 1.818), age of infant less than 24 month (OR = 1.294; 95%CI = 1.043 – 1.606), education of household is low (OR = 1.412; 95%CI = 1.010 – 1.973), and without breast feeding (OR = 1.898; 95%CI = 1.001 – 3.601). There was a significant relationship between source of water, condition of improved source sanitation, type of tool, age of children under five years, education of the head of household, and breast feeding with the diarrhea at children under five years (p = 0.000). The risk factor that was proved to influence diarrhea at children under five years was source of water that was non-improved source, condition of environment of house area that was not healthy, type of tile from soil, age of infant less than 2 year, education of the head of household was low, and there was no breast feeding given.
Persepsi Masyarakat Terhadap Ekosistem Daerah Aliran Sungai Ayung Menuju Sumberdaya Air Berkelanjutan I Made Sudarma; Wayan Widyantara
Bumi Lestari Journal of Environment Vol 16 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Environmental Research Center (PPLH) of Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/blje.2016.v16.i02.p01


The sustainability of watershed ecosystem functions in managing the water system can be achieved if the utilization pattern of their territories in accordance with the rules of conservation. A decrease in quantity and quality of the river water can be an indicator that condition of the watershed have been damaged. The destruction of the watershed ecosystem as a result of various causes will be able to threaten supply of sustainable water resources. The aim of this research is to determine and analyze the perceptions and behavior of upstream communities and governments about the function and role of water conservation and watershed in their behavior in the preservation of the watershed and its relationship with the current condition of the Ayung river. The study was conducted in the area upstream of Ayung river, which is in the Belok Sidan and Plaga Village, Petang, Badung, stake holder water users Ayung River such as PDAM, AMDK, rafting and farmers, as well as the government of Badung Regency that responsible for the management and conservation of Ayung River. Results of the study found that the public perception of the functions and benefits of watershed in the conservation of water resources classified in the category of high, but was followed by actions or attitudes in the medium category. There was no real relationship between perception and action, but the action affect current watershed conditions. The role and participation of stakeholders Ayung River water users were still relatively low in the preservation of the watershed, while the government's role classified as medium has not been done in an integrated among sectors and regions. From the results of this study it is recommended that the preservation of the Ayung river through various conservation action were integrated by involving communities upstream more active through the empowerment of local knowledge and improve their welfare. Government plays an important role in moving towards unity of this act.
In Vitro And Ex Vitro Propagation Of A Wild-Extinct Fern Lygodium Circinnatum (Burn.F) Sw. Grown In Bali Rindang Dwiyani
Bumi Lestari Journal of Environment Vol 16 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Environmental Research Center (PPLH) of Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/blje.2016.v16.i02.p06


Research concerning of propagation of a wild-extinct fern Lygodium circinnatum had been done at Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University, Denpasar Bali Indonesia. At some places in Indonesia, as well as Bali, this species is used as materials for making handicraft. In Bali, the species grows wildly in the forest and it is almost extinct due to over gathering. This study aimed to find out method for domestication of L. circinnatum, therefore this wild species can be cultivated, provided materials for making handicraft and might solve the problem of extinction. Various media for growing spores of L. circinnatum in vitro and ex vitro were trialed. In conclusion, full strength of MS media without sugar was the most appropriate media for growth and development of spores of L. circinnatum in vitro. While for ex vitro, the appropriate media were paddy silt-soil and decomposed leaf either with or without addition of foliar fertilizer. However, we suggested ex-vitro cultivation was more appropriate, the technique was much easier and the spores grew faster compared to those of in-vitro.
Analisis Efektivitas Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah Dan Penilaian Masyarakat Terhadap Pengolahan Limbah Cair Rumah Sakit Umum W. Z. Yohanes Kupang Delila Grez Waang; Hironimus Fernandez; Ruslan Ramang
Bumi Lestari Journal of Environment Vol 16 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Environmental Research Center (PPLH) of Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/blje.2016.v16.i02.p02


The hospital is one fairly large waste generators that produce adverse effects on the environment. This is because the waste has the potential to cause environmental and public health problems. Most hospital waste is a hazardous medical waste that is infectious. Research carried out in public hospitals WZ John Kupang showed fairly good efficiency. The WWTP used activated sludge have an efficiency of over 60% for all parameters and relatively efficient. The highest level of efficiency was the parameter of TSS (83.60%) and the lowest was the BOD (62.03%). However, the treatment of wastewater was classified not as effective with an average percentage of 60%, meaning that waste management which carried out was used all available resources but does not meet the expected target, or in other words sewage treatment efficient but not effective.
Pemanfaatan dan Ekonomi Lontar Bagi Masyarakat Di Kota Kupang Marlistiyati Marlistiyati; Mahayasa Mahayasa; Marthen R. Pelokila
Bumi Lestari Journal of Environment Vol 16 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Environmental Research Center (PPLH) of Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/blje.2016.v16.i02.p07


This study was a descriptive study aimed to describe the form of the utilization of palm and its products as well as economic value is given, while also seeing how the other benefits of ejection for the surrounding environment, as well as how the shape of preservation for plants papyrus remain. This study was conducted in five village spread over 2 sub-district in the city of Kupang Namely District of Kelapa Lima (Ex. Oesapa and Kel. Lasiana), District Maulafa (Ex. Maulafa, Ex. Naimata, Ex. Penfui). The results showed that the population of ejection in the city of Kupang decreased dramatically due to the logging in the region much overgrown palm trees for the construction of both the tourist and residential., Selin was also in the utilization of palm majority of people take advantage of ejection based on knowledge own. Forms of utilization of ejection by the public more on making laru (alcoholic beverage) compared to utilization in other forms such as the manufacture of sugar and liquid sugar plate. It also forms other uses by the community that is in the manufacture of woven still own consumption and has not been introduced to the outside world, although there is the result of webbing that has been introduced to the international level (sasando) but even that would be done by a small group, while when seen in a tree palm has many benefits that can help improve the local economy. Research results also showed a lack of government attention to forms of utilization of these palm trees. Lontar will have value and economic benefit is higher when papyrus was given attention and assistance for people in their utilization thus increase the economic value to the community beneficiaries ejection. Based on these results submitted suggestions like society, the government and all parties concerned to keep attention ejection as one of the typical existing plants NTT. For the government dfan the relevant agencies need to continue to do the socialization and assistance to the community in terms of pemafaatan, processing and marketing of products or product ejection to be better known by the outside world and also needs to be an understanding for the community in the efforts to the preservation of plants palm that because other than plant papyrus that have direct benefits, papyrus also has services for the environment, so that the existence of ejection is maintained.
Pengaruh Lingkungan Tempat Tinggal Dan Karakteristik Rumah Tangga Terhadap Munculnya Pekerja Anak Di NTT (Analisis Data Susenas Dan Potensi Desa 2011) I Made Juli Ardana; I Gusti Bagus Arjana; Ruslan Ramang
Bumi Lestari Journal of Environment Vol 16 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Environmental Research Center (PPLH) of Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/blje.2016.v16.i02.p03


In Nusa Tenggara Timur the appearance of child labour affected by the living environment and the household characteristic. The descriptive analysis showed that in 2011 there were 4,37 % child labour in NTT. The inference analysis showed the probability of children who live in urban area become a child labour was 0,56 times than who live in rural area, the probability of children who live in a region that there was school available become a child labour is 0,43 times than children who live in a region without school. Children with head of household work in formal sector had less probability become a child labour than children with head of household not working/work in informal sector, the probability was 0,47 times. Probability of children with head of household education highschool or above become a child labour 0,58 times than children with head of household education secondary school or less. Probability of children with head of household sex was male become a child labour 0,70 times then whose head of household sex was female. A boy have probability become a child labour 1,36 times than a girl. This result showed that living environment and household characteristics influence the appearance of child labour in NTT.

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