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dwijenAGRO Vol 3 No 1 (2012): dwijenAGRO
Publisher : Program Studi Agribisnis Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Dwijendra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (104.774 KB) | DOI: 10.46650/dwijenagro.3.1.281.%p


Konsumsi jeruk oleh penduduk Bali yang jumlahnya 3.890.575 jiwa akan memengkosumsi jeruk sebanyak 31.526 ton/th. Dengan produksi jeruk sebanyak 99.150 ton/th, maka terjadi surplus produksi jeruk. Untuk itu perlu dicarikan solusi agar harga tidak jatuh pada musim panen, yang dapat berakibat kepada turunya penerimaan petani jeruk. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui struktur pasar dan keragaan pasar jeruk dalam tataniaga jeruk siamkintamani. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa struktur pasar jeruk siam kintamani bestruktur monopoli, dengan derajat monopoli tertinggi terjadi pada pedagang pengumpul. Dalam keragaan pasar nampak bahwa pedagang besar/antar pulau mempunyai share keuntungan paling besar 54,47% (lebih dari 50%). Kata kunci : Struktur pasar, keragaan pasar, monopoli ,  keuntungan, jeruk siam kintamani.
dwijenAGRO Vol 3 No 2 (2013): dwijenAGRO
Publisher : Program Studi Agribisnis Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Dwijendra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (573.194 KB) | DOI: 10.46650/dwijenagro.3.2.288.%p


Krisan atau bunga sruni merupakan bunga potong yang sangat disukai oleh masyarakat internasional, sehingga pasar potensialnya adalah negara negara barat. Sementara itu aspek pasar domestiknya dipengaruhi oleh perilaku para pedagang terutama dalam penentuan harga. Pengalaman menunjukkan bahwa posis tawar pedagang lebih kuat dari posis tawar petani produsen, sehingga petani memperoleh harga rendah ketika melakukan transaksi jual beli. Oleh karena itu diperlukan ichtisar agar petani tidak terus menerus berada dalam posisi lemah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui posisi petani maupun pedagang dalam berteransaksi, dan apakah harga bertransmisi dalam tataniaga bunga potong krisan.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa posisi tawar petani berada dalam kondisi sangat lemah, para pedagang tidak memberikan informasi harga kepada para petani. Sedangkan volume transaksi produsen berpenagruh posistif terhadap harga beli di tingkat konsumen yang berarti bahwa konsumen masih kekurangan bunga krisan.Kata kunci : posisi tawar, tramisis harga.
dwijenAGRO Vol 5 No 1 (2015): dwijenAGRO
Publisher : Program Studi Agribisnis Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Dwijendra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (144.681 KB) | DOI: 10.46650/dwijenagro.5.1.322.%p


Artikel ini bertujuan menerangkan kinerja usahatani sayuran yang manajemennya berada dalam bentuk coorporate farming. Apakah manajemen usahatani yang berada dalam bentuk coorporate farming telah menghasilkan kinerja yang menghasilkan usahatani yang efisien dalam menggunakan biaya dan menghasilkan produk sayuran yang optimal dan kompetitif dipasar. Jika belum, usaha strategis apakah yang mungkin dapat dilakukan oleh manajer agar coorporate farming menjadi optimal dalam berproduksi. Ternyata coorporate farming telah berkinerja cukup baik, tetapi belum efisien dan belum mampu   berproduksi optimal. Oleh karena itu usaha strategis yang dapat dilakukan oleh manajemen adalah  meningkatkan produksi 1,5 â?? 2,0 kali lipat, dan menurunkan harga jual sebesar 25 % - 50%. Kecuali pada komoditi  selada. Komoditi ini telah diproduksi secara efisien dengan harga jual yang sangat kompetitif.Kata kunci : kinerja, corporate farming, efisiensi, dan strategi
Defisit Serebelum Murni akibat Stenosis Arteri Serebri Posterior Widyantara, I Wayan; Kondra, I Wayan
Cermin Dunia Kedokteran Vol 42, No 5 (2015): Kardiologi
Publisher : PT. Kalbe Farma Tbk.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (242.629 KB) | DOI: 10.55175/cdk.v42i5.1013


Latar Belakang: Stroke merupakan penyebab kematian utama nomor 2 di dunia dan berkontribusi besar dalam penyakit global. Stroke arteri serebri posterior/posterior cerebral artery (PCA) terjadi pada sekitar 26,5% stroke iskemik dan disabilitas yang disebabkannya berupa defek lapang pandang, hemiparesis, gangguan sensibilitas, gangguan kognisi dan perilaku. Sedikit laporan yang menyatakan infark PCA menyebabkan ataksia atau gangguan koordinasi. Laporan kasus: Seorang laki-laki 43 tahun, datang dengan kondisi sadar mengeluh pusing berputar mendadak saat aktivitas sejak 3 hari sebelum masuk rumah sakit. Keluhan pusing menetap, tidak memberat pada perubahan posisi dan tidak membaik saat istirahat; disertai sulit mengendalikan gerakan diikuti kurang tangkasnya tungkai kiri sehingga pasien tidak mampu berdiri dan berjalan. Didapatkan vertigo tipe sentral, kekuatan keempat ekstremitas dalam batas normal, gangguan koordinasi lebih berat pada sisi kiri tubuh, asinergia serebelar, proprioseptif normal. Pemeriksaan MRA Magnetic Resonance Angiography) mendapatkan gambaran stenosis PCA dekstra. Simpulan: Gambaran klinis gangguan serebelum murni kedua sisi dapat akibat stenosis arteri serebri posterior kanan yang memberikan percabangan pada kedua sisi arteri thalamoperforate.Background: Stroke is the second leading cause of death in the world and contributed the majority of global illness. The incidence of posterior circulation stroke is about 26.5% causing disabilities such as visual fi eld defect, hemiparesis, sensibility disorder, cognition and behavior disorders. There was a report that infarc of PCA cause ataxia or coordination disorder. Case Report: A 43-year old male, alert, presented with chief complain of sudden spinning sensation during activity 3 days prior to admission. The symptom was continues and settle, not get worsen by changing position and not improving by resting. It was accompanied with diffi culty to control movement followed by left leg weakening resulting in inability to stand up and walk. Neurological examination found central type of vertigo, normal strength with coordination defect on both sides but more severe on the left, cerebral asynergy, normal proprioception. MRA (Magnetic Resonance Angiography) showed stenosis of the right posterior cerebral artery (PCA). Conclusion: Pure cerebellum defi cit on both sides can be caused by stenosis of the right posterior cerebral artery which supplied both thalamoperforate arteries.
Persepsi Masyarakat Terhadap Ekosistem Daerah Aliran Sungai Ayung Menuju Sumberdaya Air Berkelanjutan I Made Sudarma; Wayan Widyantara
Bumi Lestari Journal of Environment Vol 16 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Environmental Research Center (PPLH) of Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/blje.2016.v16.i02.p01


The sustainability of watershed ecosystem functions in managing the water system can be achieved if the utilization pattern of their territories in accordance with the rules of conservation. A decrease in quantity and quality of the river water can be an indicator that condition of the watershed have been damaged. The destruction of the watershed ecosystem as a result of various causes will be able to threaten supply of sustainable water resources. The aim of this research is to determine and analyze the perceptions and behavior of upstream communities and governments about the function and role of water conservation and watershed in their behavior in the preservation of the watershed and its relationship with the current condition of the Ayung river. The study was conducted in the area upstream of Ayung river, which is in the Belok Sidan and Plaga Village, Petang, Badung, stake holder water users Ayung River such as PDAM, AMDK, rafting and farmers, as well as the government of Badung Regency that responsible for the management and conservation of Ayung River. Results of the study found that the public perception of the functions and benefits of watershed in the conservation of water resources classified in the category of high, but was followed by actions or attitudes in the medium category. There was no real relationship between perception and action, but the action affect current watershed conditions. The role and participation of stakeholders Ayung River water users were still relatively low in the preservation of the watershed, while the government's role classified as medium has not been done in an integrated among sectors and regions. From the results of this study it is recommended that the preservation of the Ayung river through various conservation action were integrated by involving communities upstream more active through the empowerment of local knowledge and improve their welfare. Government plays an important role in moving towards unity of this act.
Pendapatan Usahatani Pakcoy (Brassica rapa L) di Desa Baturiti, Kecamatan Baturiti, Kabupaten Tabanan NI MADE NOVARINA DWITA LAKSMI; I WAYAN WIDYANTARA; I NYOMAN GEDE USTRIYANA
Jurnal Agribisnis dan Agrowisata (Journal of Agribusiness and Agritourism) Vol.10, No.1, Juli 2021
Publisher : Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University

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Pakcoy Farming Income (Brassica rapa L) in Baturiti Village, Baturiti Sub-District, Tabanan Regency Mustard spoon or often known as pakcoy is a type of vegetable that is widely cultivated today. The stems and leaves are wider than ordinary green mustard, making pakcoy mustard types more often used by the people in various dishes. This certainly provides a bright business prospect for Pakcoy farmers, because the market demand is quite a lot. The purpose of this study is to determine the income and break-even point of Pakcoy farming in Baturiti Village, Baturiti Sub-District, Tabanan Regency.The population of this research is Pakcoy farmers in Baturiti Village, and using purposive sampling with a total sample of 42 farmers who work on Pakcoy and broccoli. Data analysis techniques are income analysis and break even point analysis. The cost calculation used is an approach from the production aspect and the result of the percentage of Pakcoy commodity is 38.02%. The results show that the income received by Pakcoy farmers is greater than the costs incurred, while the income of farmers who do Pakcoy farming for one growing season is Rp 1,751,056.00 for an average land area of 0.10 ha. Break-even point production from Pakcoy farming reached 51.93 kg and break-even point obtained price of Rp 2,335.67/ kg. Break even point of products and prices from Pakcoy farming in Baturiti Village shows a smaller value than the number of products produced by farmers, which is 227.38 kg and the price that farmers have sold is Rp 10,226.19. Pakcoy farming can be categorized as profitable because farmers have managed to get revenue above the breakeven capital.
Risiko Produksi Cabai Merah Besar Pada Berbagai Luas Garapan Usahatani WAYAN WIDYANTARA
Jurnal Agribisnis dan Agrowisata (Journal of Agribusiness and Agritourism) Vol.5, No.2, April 2016
Publisher : Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (181.257 KB)


Abstract Production Risks of Big Red Chillies in Various Land Farming Areas Big red chili is one kind of chillies which are much needed by the people of Indonesia, so that this commodityhas a high economic value. With the chili consumption of 1.4 kg per capita per year, domestic production cannot meet this demand, so the price of chillies in the market varies widely. On the farming side, farmers experience uncertainty caused by climatic factors and other factors of chilli cultivation. The goal of this study was t identify: the productivity of various land sizes, to know the optimal  areas of big red chilli farming,  and the susceptibility or the gravity of the risk of chilli farming production. The results showed that the wider areas tend to have lower and lower productivity. The optimal chilli farming land area was 31.59  are. The production risks which were most vulnerable was experienced by farmers who had land areas between 21 and 30 ares while narrower farming areas were not susceptible to risks.
Kontribusi Usahatani Kakao terhadap Pendapatan Rumah Tangga Petani di Desa Pangsan, Kecamatan Petang, Kabupaten Badung ELTA DINA PARTIWI; I WAYAN BUDIASA; I WAYAN WIDYANTARA
Jurnal Agribisnis dan Agrowisata (Journal of Agribusiness and Agritourism) Vol.7, No.1, Januari 2018
Publisher : Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (175.008 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/JAA.2018.v07.i01.p15


Contribution of Cocoa Farming to Farmers Household Incomein Pangsan Village, Petang District, Badung Regency The study aims to determine the sources of cocoa farmers' income, and the largecontribution of cocoa farming to the income of the farmers' households in PangsanVillage, as well as to find out the physical management practices and postharvesthandling applied by the cocoa farmers. The technique of determining the sample wasby using proportional random sampling and the sample was taken randomly to selectthe sample by lottery method with the number of samples of 34 cocoa farmers. Thedata collection was conducted from early February to the end of February 2017. Thestudy used farming analysis to calculate net income and total household income ofcocoa farmers during 2016. The results showed that cocoa farming has the highestcontribution of 70.10% of the total household income of farmers amounting to Rp.85,954,990.80 / year with an average income of Rp. 60,252,258 / year. The physicalmanagement practices of cocoa farming applied by cocoa farmers in Pangsan Villageare in accordance with the physical management practices in the cocoa GoodAgricultural Practices (GAP) guidelines, and it is known that farmers did not applyGood Handling Practices (GHP) to postharvest handling.
Jurnal Agribisnis dan Agrowisata (Journal of Agribusiness and Agritourism) Vol.4, No.5, Desember 2015
Publisher : Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (54.677 KB)


Abstract Noble values ??contained in Subak finally set to make UNESCO as World Cultural Heritage in need of protection. The challenge is not only coming from the onslaught of tourism alone but the biggest challenge comes from farmers themselves, namely the lack of interest of young generation to carry on the profession as a farmer. This led to concerns about the sustainability and preservation of the water control system. Subak as one of the world's cultural heritage contained in Sub Sukawati Gianyar regency which Subak Kulub Atas, Subak Kulub Bawah, and Subak Pulagan. Very important for the socialization of Subak as a world heritage, especially on the definition and management to the surrounding communities and the general location of the high school students in the District Sukawati Gianyar regency. Service activities that have been conducted in SMU 1 Sukawati, these students showed enthusiasm in listening to the material that we provide. After counseling, community service our team provides time for students to discuss around the water control system and world heritage, and there are many students who are interested and ask questions about how to preserve Subak and what they should do as the younger generation. As their young people are less interested in working in the agricultural sector, but they have the desire to preserve subak. Keywords: subak, world cultural heritage, agricultural
Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Konversi Lahan Pertanian di Subak Sebuah, Kelurahan Kerobokan, Kecamatan Kuta Utara, Kabupaten Badung, Bali NI LUH RISKA WIRYANTINI; I WAYAN WIDYANTARA; IDA AYU LISTIA DEWI
Jurnal Agribisnis dan Agrowisata (Journal of Agribusiness and Agritourism) Vol.7, No.3, Juli 2018
Publisher : Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (233.975 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/JAA.2018.v07.i03.p01


Factors Affecting Agricultural Land Conversion in the Irrigation Organizationof Subak Sebuah, Kerobokan Urban Village, Sub-District of Kuta Utara,Badung Regency, Bali The research aimed to investigate the factors that affect the conversion of agriculturalland and the dominant factors that affect the conversion of agricultural land in thetraditional irrigation organization of Subak Sebuah, located at Kerobokan Urban Village,Sub-District of Kuta Utara, Badung Regency, Bali. The location was chosenpurposively in Subak Sebuah, Kerobokan Urban Village, Sub-District of Kuta Utara,Badung Regency, Bali. The number of respondents was 70 people by using quotasampling method. This research used factor analysis. The findings showed that factorsaffecting the conversion of agricultural land in the Subak Sebuah are economic factors(land selling price, land leasing price, farm income, household expenditure), socialfactors (following neighbors, age, and the number of family members working outsidethe agricultural sector) and land conditions factors (availability of irrigation water,access to irrigation water, land area before conversion, and location of land). Thedominant factors affecting the conversion of agricultural land in Subak Sebuah,Kerobokan Urban Village, Sub-District of Kuta Utara, Badung Regency, Bali are theeconomic factors.