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Al-Adyan: Jurnal Studi Lintas Agama
ISSN : 19071736     EISSN : 26853574     DOI : -
Core Subject : Education,
Al-Adyan (ISSN 1907-1736) is a journal published by the Religious Studies, Ushuluddin Faculty, Raden Intan State Islamic Institute of Lampung, INDONESIA. Al-Adyan published twice a year. Al-Adyan focused on the Religious Studies, especially the basic antropology, local wisdom. It is intended to communicate original research and current issues on the subject. This journal warmly welcomes contributions from scholars of related disciplines.
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Kesenian Reog Sebagai Media Mempertahankan Kerukunan Umat Beragama Di Jorong Purwajaya Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota Sumatera Barat Vivi Alwada; Syafwan Rozi
AL-ADYAN Vol 17, No 1 (2022): Al-Adyan: Jurnal Studi Lintas Agama
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (433.841 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/al-adyan.v17i1.12135


Local communities have the value of local wisdom in maintaining inter-religious harmony through cultural actions as the cultural basis that exists in their lives. One of the local wisdoms is local art that exists and is still being maintained today. The Purwajaya community of West Sumatra as one of the multicultural societies inhabited by various religions and ethnicities continues to maintain artistic media such as reog, Kuda Lumping and Kuda Kepang in maintaining harmony and harmony among religious communities. Thus, this article focuses on explaining the art of reog as a medium to maintain religious harmony in Purwaraja, West Sumatra. By using qualitative research as well as interview and observation techniques in data collection, the authors found (1) The multi-ethnic and religious Purwajaya community always upholds harmony among others, both among religious communities and between religious communities. (2). Reog art in Purwajaya is held at Purwajaya Anniversary, RI Anniversary, welcoming guests and community events such as circumcisions, thanksgiving, and other events. (3). Reog art as a medium in maintaining religious harmony is reflected in the function of entertainment and communication which contains social values, educational values and religious valuesMasyarakat lokal memiliki nilai kearifan lokal dalam mempertahankan kerukunan antar umat beragama melalui tindakan budaya sebagai basis kultural yang ada dalam kehidupannya. Salah satu kearifan lokal itu adalah kesenian lokal yang ada dan masih dipertahankan sampai saat sekarang ini. Masyarakat Purwajaya Sumatera Barat sebagai salah satu masyarakat multikultur yang dihuni oleh berbagai agama dan etnik terus mempertahankan media kesenian seperti reog, kuda lumping dan kuda kepang dalam mempertahankan keharmonisan dan kerukunan umat beragama di antara mereka. Dengan demikian artikel ini focus menjelaskan tentang kesenian reog sebagai media untuk mempertahankan kerukunan umat beragama di Purwaraja Lima Puluh Kota Sumatera Barat. Dengan menggunakan penelitian kualitatif serta tekhnik wawancara serta observasi dalam pengumpulan datanya penulis menemukan (1) Masyarakat Purwajaya yang multi etnik dan agama selalu menjunjung tinggi kerukunan antar sesama, baik sesama umat beragama mapun antar umat beragama. (2). Kesenian Reog di Purwajaya dilaksanakan pada acara HUT  Purwajaya, HUT RI, penyambutan tamu dan acara warga seperti pada saat acara khitanan, syukuran, dan acara-acara lainnya. (3). Kesenian Reog sebagai media dalam mempertahankan kerukunan umat beragama tercermin dari fungsi hiburan dan komunikasi yang mengandung nilai-nilai sosial, nilai pendidikan dan nilai religi
Nuansa Harmoni di Alam Kebhinekaan: Praktik Toleransi di Situs-situs Religi Indonesia Tri Ramadhan; Sulasiah Sulasiah; Faishal Bagaskara; Abdul Chair
AL-ADYAN Vol 17, No 1 (2022): Al-Adyan: Jurnal Studi Lintas Agama
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (528.519 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/al-adyan.v17i1.11016


The link between pilgrimage tourism, pluralism, and tolerance on religious communities is often a hot topic that can be common concern because it can be a parameter of society harmony. One of the interesting issues to discuss is how the relationship between religious communities around religious sites. This article will focus on the practices of inter-religious tolerance in five representative place of religious sites, namely Banten Lama, Telukbetung Lampung, Sam Po Kong Semarang, Maria Ambarawa Cave, and Bukit Kasih Toar Lumimu'ut. The five places are considered representative in presenting space of harmony between religious communities because in one location there are more than one religious site. The method used in this article is qualitative method with observation, interview, and literature study. The results showed that tolerance was still maintained at all of these sites and could be used as a role model of tolerance. By maintaining tolerance, it is hoped that it can help our government and society in strengthening harmony and overcoming the problems of ethnicity, religion, race and intergroup (SARA) which have recently surfaced.
Liturgi Sebagai Perayaan Umat Menurut KHK Kanon 837: Upaya Mewujudkan Partisipasi Umat Dalam Kehidupan Sosial-Politik Mathias Jebaru Adon; Alphonsus Tjatur Raharso
AL-ADYAN Vol 17, No 1 (2022): Al-Adyan: Jurnal Studi Lintas Agama
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (551.082 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/al-adyan.v17i1.11119


The involvement of Catholics in socio-political life in Indonesia is getting dimmer. The appreciation of the people's faith tends to be focused on inward fellowship, not outward. Whereas the call to become Catholics in Indonesia demands the active involvement of all communities as a contribution to the wealth of the nation's pluralism. This is influenced by the liturgical life which does not touch the struggles of daily life. The liturgy seems to return to Old Testament worship which distances people from celebrations, and worship seems to be a special business for the clergy. The true liturgy is a celebration of the entire community so that it becomes the source and peak of the Christian life. Therefore, this study aims to make the liturgy a celebration of all the people as stated in the Canon Law of the Catholic Church Canon 837. In this way, liturgical celebrations bring renewal of people's lives so that people are increasingly called to manifest their faith through their involvement in socio-political life in Indonesia. This research uses literature study from the perspective of phenomenology. This study found a link between the people's active participation in the liturgy and their involvement in community life.
Impression Management Komunikasi Lintas Agama Di Sorong, Papua Barat Ali Nurdin; Ahmadi Ahmadi; Rr. Suhartini; Mustain Mustain; Ali Abdul Wakhid
AL-ADYAN Vol 17, No 1 (2022): Al-Adyan: Jurnal Studi Lintas Agama
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (516.152 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/al-adyan.v17i1.11627


Indonesia as a country with a diversity of religions provides part of a strong guideline in the society. The purpose of this study is to describe the management of impressions in inter-religious communication in Sorong, West Papua. The approach of research uses a phenomenology of descriptive-qualitative type with the perspective of dramaturgy theory. Moreover, the data were collected through interviews with religious leaders of Papua, while the observations were made to understand the situation of social interaction in society as well as documentation related to research themes. Furthermore, the data analysis is by grouping information, making categories, and producing findings. Meanwhile, the results of this study will describe that the process of managing impressions in interreligious communication in the Sorong, West Papua is the appearance of stage impressions, appearances, and behavioral styles. Stage impression management is done externally and internally. In addition, the external stage performance was carried out through the Religious Communication Forum (FKUB/Forum Komunikasi Umat Beragama) meeting, while the internal stage was held in a meeting at a place of worship. As for the appearance and style of behavior based on local Papuan customs by the traditional guidelines and religious teachings adopted. Therefore, the overall management of impressions by religious communities as a social capital that could minimize horizontal conflict in the name of religion
Konstruksi Makna Sosial dalam Tradisi Keagamaan di Makam Ageng Muhammad Besari, Tegalsari, Ponorogo Kholid Karomi; M. Kharis Majid; Tonny Ilham Prayogo
AL-ADYAN Vol 17, No 1 (2022): Al-Adyan: Jurnal Studi Lintas Agama
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (468.83 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/al-adyan.v17i1.11487


The diversity of religious customs in various places always has local elements. Among them is the pilgrimage, which is one of the everyday rituals in society. The presence of this modern era has primarily begun to leave the tradition and culture of pilgrimage. With the assumption that pilgrimage is an ancient tradition and does not match the times, the tomb of Kiai Ageng Muhammad Besari is also a place that is considered sacred by the community. This study employed social phenomena that occur in one of the tomb pilgrimage activities at Kiai Ageng Muhammad Besari using the social construction theory of Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckmann with theoretical models and existing social realities. As well as the Social Action theory from Max Weber, this is to describe and explain the causes of the actions of people who carry out religious activities by visiting the tomb of Kiai Ageng Muhammad Besari. Therefore we need a complementary research approach, and the researchers will emply a sociological approach. The novelty of this study are that the pilgrimage tradition of Kiai Ageng Muhammad Besari's tomb is not only singular and only prays. Hitherto, the motivations and interests and the goals that are expected and desired by each pilgrim and society are following the intentions in their hearts. The conclusion is that the practice of the pilgrimage tradition of Kiai Ageng Muhammad Besari's tomb, which is still running strong and persists until now, is due to the construction process through the transfer of intergenerational values. Second, social feedback has an effect that binds the participation of the surrounding community.  Abstrak:                Keberagaman adat istiadat keagamaan di berbagai tempat selalu terdapat unsur-unsur lokal. Diantaranya adalah ziarah yang merupakan salah satu ritual yang umum di masyarakat. Kehadiran era modern ini sebagian besar mulai meninggalkan tradisi dan budaya ziarah. Dengan anggapan bahwa ziarah merupakan tradisi kuno dan tidak sesuai zaman, begitu pula keberadaan makam Kiai Ageng Muhammad Besari menjadi tempat yang dianggap keramat oleh masyarakat. Penelitian ini menggunakan fenomena sosial yang terjadi di salah satu kegiatan ziarah makam di Kiai Ageng Muhammad Besari dengan menggunakan teori konstruksi sosial dari Peter L. Berger dan Thomas Luckmann dengan model teoritis dan realitas sosial eksis. Serta teori Tindakan Sosial dari Max Weber hal ini untuk menguraikan dan menerangkan penyebab tindakan masyarakat yang melakukan kegiatan keagamaan dengan berziarah ke makam Kiai Ageng Muhammad Besari. Oleh karena itu diperlukan sebuah pendekatan penelitian yang saling berkaitan, maka peneliti akan menggunakan pendekatan sosiologis. Hasil temuan dari penelitian tersebut adalah tradisi ziarah makam Kiai Ageng Muhammad Besari tidaklah hanya bersifat tunggal dan hanya berdoa saja. Akan tetapi motivasi dan ketertarikan serta tujuan yang diharapkan dan diinginkan oleh masing-masing peziarah dan masyarakat, sesuai dengan niatan dalam hatinya. Adapun kesimpulannya yakni praktek tradisi ziarah makam Kiai Ageng Muhammad Besari yang masih berjalan kuat dan bertahan sampai sekarang ini disebabkan Pertama, proses konstruksi melalui transfer nilai antergenerasi. Kedua, feed back sosial sebagai effect yang mengikat partisipasi masyarakat sekitarnya.
Hidup Damai Dengan Alam Perspektif Umat Buddha Vihara Mahavira Graha Semarang Miftakhul Azizah; Moch. Muchlizun; Muhammad Faisal Abror; Ahmad Fauzan Hidayatullah
AL-ADYAN Vol 17, No 1 (2022): Al-Adyan: Jurnal Studi Lintas Agama
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (373.91 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/al-adyan.v17i1.10849


Every religion must have its concept of living in peace with nature, including Buddhism with its theological teachings.  Buddhism is known as a religion that highly upholds a sense of savage love for the preservation of nature.  Buddhism views that there is a relationship between one's morality and nature preservation because events that occur in nature influence each other.  This study aims to determine the perspective of the Buddhist Vihara Mahavira Graha Semarang about living in peace with nature.  The research data was obtained by conducting in-depth interviews with Suhu Chuan Ling, then analyzed by descriptive-analytic.  The results of this study are (1) Buddhism has a concern for the surrounding environment to preserve the environment: (2) Living in peace with nature is closely related to the vegetarian lifestyle as the Buddhists in this monastery who adhere to the Mahayana sect;  (3) Buddhism understands that nature is impermanent, so humans need to accept the nature possessed by nature so that the benefits that humans receive also increase.
Minahasa-Kristen Dalam Gejolak Eksistensi Antara Budaya Dan Agama Rocky Ratuwalangon; Rudolf Sagala; Stimson Hutagalung; Rolyana Ferinia
AL-ADYAN Vol 17, No 1 (2022): Al-Adyan: Jurnal Studi Lintas Agama
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (373.085 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/al-adyan.v17i1.11480


This reasearch attempts to seek the possibilities and obstracles that impact Minahasan-Christian’s community in the fluctuation among culture and religion which involve in struggle and controversy in public. It leads to the unconfidence of Minahasan-Christian to express their social identity. Confirming its identity in local scope is essential and shares massive debates, moreover, in NKRI form, it faces challeges. Therefore, this essay employs qualitative approach intends to display on how culture and religion involves in intense discussion that relates to the existence of MInahasan-Christian in the state. In conclusion, the tension expresses possibilities and obstacles, the culture and religion should share common instead of involve in a battle. The Minahasan-Christian should engage deeply with religious teaching and preserve indigenous tradition and culture.

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