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Unnes Political Science Journal Vol 2 No 1 (2018): January
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Politik Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Universitas Negeri Semarang

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The development of beach tourism could increase original local income, in that case Pemalang Regency?s government made a Local Rregulation to optimize the potential of Widuri Beach tourism. The objective of this research is: (1) What are Pemalang Regency?s government policy corresponding to the Pemalang  Regency?s Local Regulation Number 6 Year 2008 relating about Widuri Beach Tourism Area. (2) How is the implementation of Pemalang Regency?s Local Regulation number 6 year 2008 relating about Widuri Beach Tourism Area. The research methods that was used in this research is qualitative research. The type of data that was used is primary and secondary data. The data collecting technique was using observation technique, interviews and documentation. This research was using qualitative analysis which covers data reduction technique, data presentation and data conclusion. The result of this research shows that: (1) Pemalang Regency?s Government policy corresponding to Pemalang Regency?s Local Regulation number 6 year 2008 relating about Widuri Beach Tourism Area which are: (a) The policy of development of tourism facilities and infrastructure (b) Guidance, arrangement, supervision and control of tourism (2) The implementation of Pemalang Regency?s Local Regulation number 6 year 2008 relating about Widuri Beach Tourism Area based on Edwards? perspective, which are: (a) Communication are done through direct meeting, coordination meeting and socialization (b) Resources, resources in the implementation of this local regulation, whether in the human resources or money resources, both are very limited. The money resources came from APBN and APBD. The limited human resources can be supported with the help of contract employee (c) Dispositions, the implementers do the task based on the directives of the local regulation and the leader (d) Bureaucratic structure, bureaucratic structure is not effective and efficient and cause the employee to be burdened, but the government can maximize that bureaucratic structure. The researcher suggests that: It is necessary to increase the budget from Pemalang Regency?s Government to support the regional development of Widuri Beach Tourism Area optimally and it is necessary to increase the human resources based on the fiels that needed.                                                                                          
Upaya Badan Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Keluarga Berencana (Bppkb) dalam Penanggulangan Kasus Kekerasan Anak Dan Perempuan Di Kabupaten Kendal Firdausi, Aulya Della; Susanti, Martien Herna; Sunarto, Sunarto
Unnes Political Science Journal Vol 2 No 2 (2018): July
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Politik Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Universitas Negeri Semarang

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The case of child and woman violence in Kendal District has increased for three consecutive years since 2013. One of the agencies responsible for the prevention of child and female violence cases in Kendal District is the Women's Empowerment and Family Planning Agency (BPPKB). So the the problem in this research are (1) How is the effort of BPPKB in handling child and woman violence case in Kendal District?, (2) What is the cooperation system of BPPKB with other institutions?, and (3) What kind of problems did BPPKB get in handling cases of child and woman violence in Kendal District?. The results of the research show (1) the effort that has been done by BPPKB in handling cases of child and woman violence can be divided into two, prevention and handling after the happening of the case. As a prevention, BPPKB has conducted socialization activities with the material of Law Number 23 Year 2002 regarding Child Protection and Law Number 23 Year 2004 on the Elimination of Domestic Violence. Then for the post-case handling, the victims will be given five services in the form of Reporting Service, Health Service, Advocacy Service, Rehabilitation Service by Shelter and lastly Service of Return and Social Reintegration. (2) Cooperation conducted by BPPKB with other institutions contained in the Decree of Regent of Kendal Number: 463/248/2012 then formed an Integrated Service Team on Handling of Violence Against Women Based on Gender and Child which then formed an organization of Center for Integrated Service of Handling of Violence of Women and Larasati Children (PPT - PKPA Larasati). (3) The problem faced by BPPKB is the lack of human resources and infrastructure facilities. The suggestions that can be given is the addition of the number of human resources officers in both the reporting service and medical services, increasing the intensity of socialization in various layers of society and maintaining cooperation relationship between BPPKB and various related agencies that work together.
Partisipasi Politik Perempuan Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan di Kabupaten Cilacap Anggraeni, Feni; Priyanto, Agustinus Sugeng
Unnes Political Science Journal Vol 4 No 2 (2020): Juli
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Politik Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui: 1) Partisipasi politik perempuan PDI Perjuangan di Kabupaten Cilacap dalam kegiatan pemilihan, melobi, organisasi, dan mencari koneksi; serta 2) Faktor yang mempengaruhi partisipasi politik perempuan PDI Perjuangan di Kabupaten Cilacap. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif. Sumber data penelitian meliputi sumber data primer dan sumber data sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi langsung, wawancara, dan kajian dokumen. Uji validitas data menggunakan triangulasi sumber. Analisis data yang digunakan meliputi tahapan pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Partisipasi politik perempuan PDI Perjuangan dilihat dari kegiatan pemilihan dan organisasi telah berjalan dengan sangat baik, sedangkan untuk kegiatan melobi dan mencari koneksi masih terbilang rendah, hal ini dikarenakan kurangnya kemampuan dan pengalaman yang dimiliki oleh anggota perempuan; (2) Faktor yang mempengaruhi tingkat partisipasi politik anggota perempuan PDI Perjuangan di Kabupaten Cilacap ialah dukungan keluarga dan dorongan dari masyarakat yang meliputi kebijakan pemerintah, media massa, dan partai itu sendiri. Saran, PDI Perjuangan Kabupaten Cilacap dalam upaya meningkatkan partisipasi politik perempuan dapat dilakukan dengan mengadakan pelatihan kepemimpinan, pelatihan manajemen waktu dan kegiatan yang dikhususkan bagi anggota perempuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan anggota perempuan secara individu seperti diskusi-diskusi politik, pendidikan politik, dan seminar-seminar politik. The purpose of this research is to know: 1) Political participation of women in PDI Perjuangan in Cilacap Regency in election activities, lobbying, organization, and seeking connections; and 2) Factors affecting the political participation of women in PDI-P in Cilacap Regency. The research method used is a qualitative approach. Sources of research data include primary data sources and secondary data sources. The data collection techniques used were direct observation, interviews, and document review. Data validity test used source triangulation. Data analysis used includes the stages of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that: (1) PDI Perjuangan women's political participation, seen from the election and organization activities, has been running very well, while lobbying and connection-seeking activities are still low, this is due to the lack of skills and experience possessed by female members; (2) The factors affecting the level of political participation of female members of the PDI Perjuangan in Cilacap Regency are family support and encouragement from the community which includes government policies, the mass media, and the party itself. Suggestion, PDI Perjuangan Cilacap Regency in an effort to increase women's political participation can be carried out by holding leadership training, time management training and activities specifically for women members to improve the abilities of individual women members such as political discussions, political education, and political seminars.
The Role Of Tourism And Culture Department In The Development Of Bandengan Beach Tourist Area In Jepara Regency Bima, Bima
Unnes Political Science Journal Vol 2 No 2 (2018): July
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Politik Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Tourism development is directed in the role of social and economic activities, to create jobs, to increase community's incomes, as well as local revenues. The development of facilities and infrastructure as a support in the development of tourism destinations need to be balanced with the empowerment of local people around the tourist area. Therefore, the development of tourist areas is needed. The purpose of this study is to know the role, socio-economic impact and constraints of Tourism and Culture Department in the development of Bandengan Beach tourist area. The research method is qualitative. The focus of the research is the role, socio-economic impact and constraints of the Tourism and Culture Department in the development of Bandengan Beach tourist area. Source of data wereobtained from interviews, documentation, and observation. Data validity was tested by triangulation technique. Data were analyzed interactively through the steps of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, conclusion, and verification. The Hierarchy Process Analysis Method of determining priority development of tourist areas used with the application of expert choice. The research results show that the role of Tourism and Culture Department in the development of Bandengan beach tourist area by means of human resource development, tourism product development, market development and marketing, also institutional development. Socio-economic impacts on people's lives. Social impacts include people's mindset, community behavior and self-confidence. The impact of the economic changes experienced is the increase in income. The constraints experienced by the Department of Tourism and Culture in the development of Bandengan beach tourist area are internal and external constraints. This internal obstacle are the limited budget and still lack expertise while external constraint comes from low level of public awareness.
Partisipasi Politik Pemilih Pemula Penyandang Disabilitas Tuna Rungu Anggota DPC Gerkatin Jakarta Selatan pada Pilkada Gubernur Dki Jakarta Tahun 2017 Pratiwi, Retno Herningrum; Susanti, Martien Herna
Unnes Political Science Journal Vol 4 No 2 (2020): Juli
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Politik Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Partisipasi politik merupakan salah satu aspek yang penting dalam suatu negara yang berlandaskan asas demokrasi. Indonesia merupakan negara yang demokratis, partisipasi politik dapat dilakukan dalam berbagai macam bentuk. Seperti yang telah dilakukan oleh pemilih pemula penyandang disabilitas organisasi Gerakan untuk Kesejahteraan Tuli Indonesia (GERKATIN) DPC Jakarta Selatan pada Pilkada Gubernur DKI Jakarta tahun 2017. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan teknik pengambilan data meliputi wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian di lapangan menunjukan bahwa: bentuk Partisipasi politik yang dilakukan oleh anggota pemilih pemula Gerkatin Jakarta Selatan dalam Pilkada Gubernur DKI Jakarta tahun 2017 hanyalah sebatas Kampanye, Diskusi Politik, Komunikasi Politik, dan Pemberian Suara. Adapun dalam kegiatan partisipasi politik terdapat beberapa hambatan yang dialami oleh pemilih pemula penyandang disabilitas Tuna Rungu Gerkatin DPC Jakarta Selatan, yaitu adalah Kurangnya Sosialisasi, Tidak Ada Pendampingan, dan Sarana yang Kurang Ramah Disabilitas. Political participation is one of the important aspects in a country based on democratic principles. Indonesia is a democratic country, political participation can take many forms. As what had been done by novice voters with disabilities, the Movement for the Indonesian Deaf Welfare Organization (GERKATIN) South Jakarta DPC in the DKI Jakarta Governor Election in 2017. This study used a qualitative research method with data collection techniques including interviews and documentation. The results of the research in the field show that: the form of political participation by novice voters Gerkatin South Jakarta in the 2017 DKI Jakarta Governor Election is only limited to Campaign, Political Discussion, Political Communication, and Voting. As for political participation activities, there are a number of obstacles experienced by novice voters with disabilities from the Deaf Gerkatin DPC of South Jakarta, namely: Lack of Socialization, No Mentoring, and Facilities that are Less Disabled Friendly.
Implementasi Peraturan Daerah Nomor 1 Tahun 2016 Tentang Keuangan Desa di Desa Kedungombo, Kecamatan Baturetno, Kabupaten Wonogiri Ernawati, Wahyu; Kristiono, Natal
Unnes Political Science Journal Vol 4 No 2 (2020): Juli
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Politik Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Peraturan Daerah Nomor 1 Tahun 2016 tentang Keuangan Desa merupakan peraturan yang digunakan sebagai pedoman pengelolaan keuangan desa bagi setiap desa yang ada di wilayah Kabupaten Wonogiri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) Implementasi Peraturan Daerah Nomor 1 Tahun 2016 tentang Keuangan Desa di Desa Kedungomo, Kecamatan Baturetno, Kabupaten Wonogiri; (2) faktor penghambat dan faktor pendukung dalam implementasi Peraturan Daerah Nomor 1 Tahun 2016 tentang Keuangan Desa di Desa Kedungomo, Kecamatan Baturetno, Kabupaten Wonogiri. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Lokasi penelitian bertempat di desa Kedungombo Kecamatan Baturetno Kabupaten Wonogiri. Pengumpulan data dengan wawancara, dokumentasi, dan observasi. Uji keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi sumber. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa (1) Implementasi Peraturan Daerah Nomor 1 Tahun 2016 Tentang Keuangan Desa di Desa Kedungombo, Kecamatan Baturetno, Kabupaten Wonogiri terlaksana dengan cukup baik. Pengelolaan keuangan desa di Desa Kedungombo telah sesuai dengan Peraturan Daerah Nomor 1 Tahun 2016 Tentang Keuangan Desa yang berdasarkan asas-asas transparan, akuntabel, partisipatif serta dilakukan dengan tertib dan disiplin anggaran. Tahapan Pengelolaan keuangan desa terdiri dari perencanaan, pelaksanaan, penatausahaan, pelaporan, dan pertanggungjawaban. (2) Faktor pendukung dalam pelaksanaan keuangan desa di Desa Kedungombo adalah adanya struktur pegawai yang cukup serta sesuai dengan Tugas Pokok Fungsi (Tupoksi) serta kegotongroyongan masyarakat yang masih kental. Sedangkan faktor penghambat yaitu Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) dari perangkat desa dalam mengelola keuangan desa dan kurangnya kemampuan Desa Kedungombo dalam menggali sumber keuangan desa yang berasal dari pendapatan asli desa. Regional Regulation Number 1 of 2016 concerning Village Finance is a regulation used as a guideline for village financial management for each village in the Wonogiri Regency. The purpose of this study was to determine: (1) Implementation of Regional Regulation Number 1 of 2016 concerning Village Finance in Kedungomo village, Baturetno sub-district, Wonogiri district; (2) inhibiting factors and supporting factors in the implementation of Regional Regulation Number 1 of 2016 concerning Village Finance in Kedungomo Kedungomo village, Baturetno sub-district, Wonogiri district. This study uses a qualitative method. The research site was located in the village of Kedungomo village, Baturetno sub-district, Wonogiri district. Data collection by interview, documentation, and observation. Data validity test uses source triangulation. The results of this study indicate that (1) Implementation of Regional Regulation Number 1 of 2016 concerning Village Finance in Kedungomo village, Baturetno sub-district, Wonogiri district is carried out quite well. Village financial management in Kedungombo Village is in accordance with Regional Regulation No. 1 of 2016 concerning Village Finance based on transparent, accountable, participatory principles and carried out in an orderly and budgetary discipline. Stages of Management of village finance consists of planning, implementation, administration, reporting, and accountability. (2) Supporting factors in the implementation of village finance in Kedungombo Village are the existence of an adequate staff structure and in accordance with the Main Task Function and the strong mutual cooperation of the community. While the inhibiting factor is the Human Resources (HR) of the village apparatus in managing village finances and the lack of ability of the Village of Kedungombo in exploring village financial resources that originate from the village's original income.
Sikap Apatis Pemuda terhadap Politik di Dusun Mekarsari Desa Kalibeber Kecamatan Mojotengah Kabupaten Wonosobo Al Faza, Fariz; Lestari, Puji
Unnes Political Science Journal Vol 4 No 2 (2020): Juli
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Politik Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Apatis merupakan ketidakpedulian suatu individu dimana mereka tidak memiliki perhatian atau minat khusus terhadap aspek-aspek tertentu. Dalam konteks ini, sikap acuh tak acuh atau ketidakpedulian terhadap politik. Banyak pemuda saat ini merasa tidak memiliki kepedulian terhadap politik. Padahal politik menjadi penentu segala aspek mulai dari sosial, ekonomi, pendidikan, dan banyak hal lainnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui mengapa latar belakang sikap pemuda yang terhadap apatis politik dandampak yang ditimbulkan dari sikap apatis pemuda terhadap politik di Dusun Mekarsari Desa Kalibeber Kecamatan Mojotengah Kabupaten Wonosobo. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif, dengan fokus penelitian yaitu latar belakang sikap apatis pemuda terhadap politikdan dampak yang ditimbulkan dari sikap apatis pemuda terhadap politik di Dusun Mekarsari Desa Kalibeber Kecamatan Mojotengah Kabupaten Wonosobo. Sumber data diperoleh dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis dilakukan dengan beberapa tahap, yaitu melalui pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa (1) sikap apatis pemuda terhadap politik di Dusun Mekarsari Desa Kalibeber dilatarbelakangi beberapa faktor, yakni pendidikan masyarakat yang mayoritas tamatan sekolah dasar; rendahnya kepercayaan terhadap pemerintah karena beranggapan siapapun pemimpinnya tidak mengubah kehidupannya; kondisi ekonomi yan rendah sehingga lebih memilih melakukan kegiatan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup sehari-hari daripada harus memahami dan peduli terhadap politik; dan faktor lingkungan dikeluarga maupun pertemanan yang sangat mempengaruhi bentuk karakter seseorang untuk bersikap; (2) dampak yang ditimbulkan adalah tidak tersedianya waktu bagi pemuda desa untuk berkumpul, saling bekerja sama, dan bergotong royong dalam kegiatan politik karena terbatasi oleh status dan pekerjaan sehingga tidak mampu memberikan kontribusi untuk perbaikan, seperti sulit melakukan aktivitas untuk saling tukar pikiran dan tukar pendapat. Berdasarkan temuan penelitian di atas, disarankan kepada Pemerintah Desa untuk menyediakan akses atau fasilitas-fasilitas yang memadai kepada pemuda-pemuda Dusun Mekarsari untuk mendukung kegiatan politik, diantaranya memberikan pendidikan atau sosialisasi politik.Kepada pemuda Dusun Mekarsari dibina untuk memiliki kemampuan menyaring informasi terkait politik di Media Sosial agar dapat memahami tindakan elit politik. Dengan demikian, pemuda desa memiliki sikap positif dan berpartisipasi dalam mewujudkan situasi politik yang kondusif dan konstruktif. Apathy is the indifference of an individual where they do not have special attention or interest in certain aspects. In this context, indifference or indifference to politics. Many young people today feel they have no concern for politics. Though politics becomes a determinant of all aspects ranging from social, economic, education, and many other things. The purpose of this research is to find out why the background of the attitude of youth towards political apathy and the impact arising from the apathy of youth towards politics in Mekarsari Hamlet Kalibeber Village Mojotengah District Wonosobo Regency. This study used a qualitative method, with the focus of the research being the background of the youth's apathy towards politics and the impact caused by the apathy of youth towards politics in Mekarsari Village, Kalibeber Village, Mojotengah District, Wonosobo Regency. Sources of data obtained by data collection techniques such as observation, interviews, and documentation. The analysis technique is carried out in several stages, namely through data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate that (1) the apathy of youth towards politics in the Mekarsari sub-village of Kalibeber Village is motivated by several factors, namely the education of the majority of primary school graduates; low trust in the government because it assumes that whoever the leader does does not change his life; low economic conditions so that they prefer to carry out activities to meet their daily needs rather than having to understand and care about politics; and environmental factors in the family and friendship that greatly influences the shape of one's character to behave; (2) the impact caused is the unavailability of time for village youth to gather, cooperate with each other, and work together in political activities because they are limited by status and employment so as not to be able to contribute to improvements, such as difficulty in exchanging ideas and exchanging opinions. Based on the above research findings, it is suggested to the Village Government to provide adequate access or facilities to the youth of Mekarsari Hamlet to support political activities, including providing education or political outreach. To the youth of Mekarsari Hamlet is fostered to have the ability to filter political related information in Social Media in order to understand the actions of the political elite. Thus, village youth have a positive attitude and participate in creating a conducive and constructive political situation.
Peran Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Kabupaten Grobogan dalam Upaya Relokasi Pasar Pagi Purwodadi Romadhon, Abdillah Ibnu; Suhardiyanto, Andi; Saputro, Iwan Hardi
Unnes Political Science Journal Vol 4 No 2 (2020): Juli
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Politik Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengetahui upaya Disperindag Kabupaten Grobogan dalam melaksanakan relokasi Pasar Pagi Purwodadi. (2) mengetahui faktor penghambat Disperindag Kabupaten Grobogan dalam upaya Relokasi Pasar Pagi Purwodadi. Metode Penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif. Latar Penelitian di Kantor Disperindag Grobogan dan Pasar Pagi Purwodadi. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Analisis data dimulai dari analisis sebelum ke lapangan, pengumpulan data, teknik reduksi data, penyajian data, dan verifikasi atau kesimpulan data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam merelokasi pasar pagi Purwodadi, Disperindag melakukan upaya-upaya seperti: (1) melibatkan pedagang dengan membentuk tim kecil yang terdiri dari unsur pedagang pasar dan Disperindag, (3) melakukan pendataan jumlah pedagang Pasar Pagi Purwodadi, (4) melakukan koordinasi dalam rangka pembangunan gedung pasar baru agar sesuai dengan standar, (5) bekerjasama dengan Satpol PP, Polres Grobogan, Kodim 1707 dalam hal keamanaan, (6) membangun pagar seng di area pasar lama (eks koplak) agar pedgang tidak kembali. (7) membangun gedung perluasan. Hambatan yang dihadapi yaitu: adanya penolakan dari pedagang pasar pagi Purwodadi dan anggaran dari Pemerintah Daerah masih kurang untuk mengupayakan relokasi pasar pagi Purwodadi dan memastikan pedagang tertampung semua. Saran dari peneliti adalah: (1) kepada pihak Disperindag Grobogan, menerapkan kebijakan relokasi di tempatkan yang lebih strategis dan melibatkan pedagang, (2) selalu melakukan pendataan pedagang secara berkala, agar perkembangan pedagang terkontrol dan juga untuk mengawasi lokasi pasar yang lama. The purpose of the research is: (1) find out the efforts of the Department of Industry and Trade of Grobogan Regency in carrying out relocation of the Purwodadi Morning Market. (2) knowing the inhibiting factors of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Grobogan Regency in the effort to relocate Purwodadi Morning Market. The research method used is qualitative. Research Background at the Office of Disperindag Grobogan and Purwodadi Morning Market. Data collection techniques using observation, interview and documentation techniques. Data analysis starts from analysis before to the field, data collection, data reduction techniques, data presentation, and verification or conclusion of data. The results showed that in relocating the Purwodadi morning market, the Disperindag made efforts such as: (1) involving traders by forming a small team consisting of elements of market traders and Disperindag, (3) conducting data collection on Pagi Purwodadi Market traders, (4) conducting coordination in the framework of building a new market building to conform to the standards; (5) cooperating with the Satpol PP, Grobogan Regional Police, Kodim 1707 in terms of security, (6) building a zinc fence in the old market area (ex koplak) so the pedestrians do not return. (7) building expansion buildings. The obstacles faced are: the rejection of Purwodadi morning market traders and the budget from the Regional Government is still lacking to strive for the relocation of the Purwodadi morning market and ensure traders are all accommodated. Suggestions from researchers are: (1) to the Department of Industry and Trade of Grobogan, applying relocation policies that are placed more strategically and involving traders, (2) always collecting traders 'data, so that traders' development is controlled and also to oversee the old market location.
Peran Komisi Pemilihan Umum Kabupaten Wonosobo dalam Pendidikan Politik untuk Masyarakat pada Pemilu Serentak 2019 Zubaidah, Duwi; Munadi, Munadi
Unnes Political Science Journal Vol 4 No 2 (2020): Juli
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Politik Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran KPU Kabupaten Wonosobo dalam melaksanakan pendidikan politik dalam hal meningkatkan partisipasi politik masyarakat Kabupaten Wonosobo pada pemilu serentak 2019. Jenis penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif variabel terdiri dari orang yang memiliki keterkaitan dengan masalah yang diteliti. Teknik pengambilan sampel dengan purposive sampling sesuai dengan responden yang memenuhi kriteria dasar berdasarkan ciri khusus tujuan penelitian. Teknik pengumpulan data terdiri dari metode observasi, metode wawancara dan metode dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa peran KPU Kabupaten Wonosobo dalam pendidikan politik untuk peningkatan partisipasi politik masyarakat pada pemilu serentak 2019 melakukan tahapan sosialisasi yang terdiri dari tahap persiapan dan tahap pelaksanaan. Tahap persiapan KPU menyusun target sosialisasi yang terbentuk menjadi enam belas basis. Selanjutnya KPU menyusunan metode sosialisasi sesuai dengan kebutuhan semua basis sasaran sosialisasi baik secara online maupun offline. Akhir dari tahap persiapan ini menyusun materi sosialisasi yang untuk pemilih. Materi tersebut secara global mengenai tahapan Pemilu serentak 2019. Materi terdiri dari sosialisasi pembentukan badan ad-hoc, pemutakhiran dan daftar Pemilih, pendaftaran, verifikasi dan penetapan partai politik, menetapan jumlah kursi dan menetapan dapil, pencalonan dalam Pemilu, Kampanye, tata cara pemungutan, penghitungan dan rekapitulasi hasil penghitungan suara Pemilu, penetapan hasil pemilu, Bahan Sosialisasi, alat Peraga kampanye dan Penyebaran Alat Sosialisasi. Pada tahap pelaksanan KPU menyelenggarakan sosialisasi sesuai dengan apa yang telah dimuat dalam tahap persiapan. This study aims to determine the role of the Commission of General Election (KPU) Wonosobo Regency in implementing education in terms of increasing the political participation of the people of Wonosobo Regency in the 2019 elections. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method consisting of people who have a relationship with the problem under study. The sampling technique was purposive sampling in accordance with the respondents who met the basic criteria based on the specific characteristics of the research objectives. The data study technique consisted of observation, interview and documentation methods. The results showed that the KPU of Wonosobo Regency in political education to increase public political participation in the 2019 simultaneous elections carried out socialization stages consisting of the preparation stage and the implementation stage. The preparatory stage for the KPU to set up socialization targets which are formed into sixteen bases. Furthermore, the KPU prepares a socialization method according to the needs of all target bases of socialization, both online and offline. At the end of the preparation stage, the socialization material for voters was compiled. This material is globally in the stages of the 2019 simultaneous elections. The material consists of socialization of an ad-hoc body, updating and voter lists, registration, monitoring and political determination, determining the number of seats and determining electoral districts, nominating elections, campaigning, voting procedures, counting votes, determination of results, socialization materials, election campaign tools and dissemination of socialization tools. At the implementation stage, the KPU conducts outreach in accordance with what has been stated in the preparation stage.
Peran Kepemimpinan Kepala Desa dalam Penguatan Potensi Lokal Utami, Dwi; Munandar, Moh Aris
Unnes Political Science Journal Vol 5 No 1 (2021): January
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Politik Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Tugas Kepala Desa adalah mengenali apa saja potensi lokal yang dimiliki daerahnya. Kepala Desa memiliki peran dalam penguatan potensi lokal di Desa Grogol Kecamatan Weru Kabupaten Sukoharjo yaitu peran Kepala Desa sebagai motivator sebagaimana kepala desa telah melaukan penyuluhan kepada masyarakat, peran Kepala Desa sebagai fasilitator sebagaimana kepala desa telah mengupayakan pendanaan guna memfasilitasi Tenun Sari dan peran Kepala Desa sebagai dinamistator sebagaimana kepala desa mengadakan paradiga guna mengkoordinasikan pengembangan potensi desa bersama seluruh aparatur desa pada umumnya dan seluruh anggota masyarakat pada khususnya. Strategi yang dilakukan kepala desa dalam memajukan Tenun Lurik yaitu dengan cara mengajarkan kepada tenun Sari cara memmasarkan lurik dengan internet sehingga Lurik dapat diketahui oleh masyarakat luas. Kepala Desa juga giat dalam memperkenalkan lurik kepada tamu-tamu desa agar Lurik desa grogol sendiri dikenal dikalangan pejabat setempat dan akan mudah dalam hal pengajuan bantuan. Kendala dalam pengembangan Lurik sendiri berasal dari masyarakat yang masih beranggapan bahwa menenun atau bergabung dengan Tenun Sari sendiri belum bisa dijadikan pendapatan hidup yang menjadikan dan lebih memilih untuk menggarap sawah. Ditambah lagi potensi desa yang terdapat di desa Grogol tidak hanya Lurik saja melainkan ada beberapa potensi lain seperti mebel,wuwung,genteng press dan lain-lain. Saran yang diberikan adalah agar Kepala Desa lebih intens lagi dalam upaya mendekatkan diri dengan masyarakat dan dilakukannya sosialisasi secara menyeluruh ke anggota masyarakat agar seluruh anggota masyarakat mau bergabung dengan organisasi yang dibuat pemerintah desa guna memajukan potensi desa. The duty of the village chief is to recognize what lokal potential the region has.Village Head has a role in strengthening lokal potential in Grogol Village, Weru Sub-district, Sukoharjo Regency, namely the role of the Village Chief as a motivator, such as the village chief having conducted outreach to the community, the role of the Village Chief as a facilitator such as the village chief has sought funding in order to facilitate Tenun Sari, and the role of the Village Chief as a leader like held a paradiga in order to coordinate the development of the village potential together with all village officials in general and all members of the community in particular. The strategy undertaken by the village chief in advancing Lurik Weaving is by teaching Tenun Sari how to sell Lurik on the internet hence Lurik can be known by the wider community. The village chief is also active in introducing Lurik to village guests hence Grogol Village Lurik itself is known among lokal officials and will be easy in terms of propose aid, as in funding. The obstacles in the development of Lurik itself come from people who still think that weaving or joining Tenun Sari itself cannot be used as living income that makes them and prefers to work as farmer. In addition, the potential of the village found in the village of Grogol is not only Lurik, but there are several other potentials such as furniture, wuwung, tile press and others. The suggestion given is that the village chief is more intense in his efforts to get closer to the community and conduct a comprehensive socialization to community members hence all members of the community want to join the organization created by the village government to advance the village’s potential.

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