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Geo-Image Journal
ISSN : 22526285     EISSN : 25490362     DOI : -
Core Subject : Science,
This journal publishes original research and conceptual analysis of geography, geographical mapping science and technology and environmental sciences.
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Articles 7 Documents
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Daya Dukung Lingkungan Terhadap Perkembangan Objek Wisata Air Terjun Curug Silawe di Desa Sutopati Kecamatan Kajoran Kabupaten Magelang Rendi, Pradipta Achmad; Budi, Santoso Apik
Geo-Image Vol 7 No 2 (2018): Geo-Image
Publisher : Geo-Image

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The purpose of this research: (1) to know the carrying capacity of the environment in the waterfall attractions Curug Silawe, (2) to know the influence of environmental carrying capacity towards the development of waterfall waterfall waterfall of Silawe.Population in this research is all area of waterfall waterfall waterfall of Silawe. Sampling is done by incidental sampling technique that is respondent who is at the time of research. The number of samples taken yatu amounted to 60 people. Techniques used in data collection include observation, interview, secondary data collection, documentation.The results showed that there are 5 factors that influence the development of tourism object Curug Silawe, namely: (1) the attraction of the calculation of the parameters have a percentage of 61.6% fall into either category, (2) transportation with a percentage of 41.6% (3) accommodation with percentage of 41.6% fall into unfilled category, (4) service facility with 46, 6% percentage included in very good category, (5) infrastructure with percentage 26% included in good category.
Pemetaan Risiko Bencana Longsor Sebagai Upaya Penanggulangan Bencana di Kecamatan Tembalang Kota Semarang Fitriani, Nur; Heri, Tjahjono; Budi, Sanjoto Tjaturahono
Geo-Image Vol 7 No 2 (2018): Geo-Image
Publisher : Geo-Image

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This Research aims for knowing the level of landslide risk and for knowing how much knowledge of citizens, then to know how disaster management is done in Tembalang district, Semarang city. To create landslide risk map was based on the Regulation of the Head of National Disaster Management Agency Number 02, 2012, defined by Hazard, Vulnerability, an Capacity factors.In determining hazard, vulnerability, and capacity, each has sub factors to determine it along with the scores. Based on this research in Tembalang district, the villages have high level of risk are Jangli, Tandang, Sambiroto, Mangunharjo, Tembalang, Bulusan, Sendangmulyo, and Meteseh. In Tembalang district, most of the villagers already have the basic knowledge of landslide, and in their handling about landslide they used to build talud together.
Kajian Sebaran Penutup Lahan dan Nilai Temperature Humidity Index (THI) Kampus Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES) Rilo, Pambudi; Budi, Santoso Tjaturahono; Ananto, Aji
Geo-Image Vol 7 No 2 (2018): Geo-Image
Publisher : Geo-Image

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This research uses quantitative method. Data analysis used quantitative descriptive of land cover interpretation data, vegetation distribution, temperature measurement and air humidity and THI value. The results of the study showed that: 1) UNNES from the interpretation data of UNNES photographic image 2015 has an area of 586,060 m² with built land covering 206,179 m² (35.18%), a water body of 3,547 m² (0.61%), 68,460 m² (11.68%), and tree vegetation 307,874 m² with 273,228 m² (46.62%) of the tree vegetation including campus park and 34,646 m² (5,91%) of forest. 2) Average THI Campus UNNES ranged from 26,51-27,11. 3) The lowest average score of 26.51 included in the comfort category is found in Kebun Wisata Pendidikan, meanwhile the biggest THI value of 27.11 included in the partially uncomfortable category located at Simpang 7 UNNES. The land cover condition at Simpang 7 UNNES, which is dominated by hard surface (asphalt road) and become the main transportation access becomes the factor of high THI value at that location. UNNES as a conservation campus with the increasing number of students and facilities and infrastructure development is expected to maximize the existence of existing parks with various types of tree in order to create comfort in lecturing activities
Pemanfaatan Citra Satelit Untuk Menganalisis Kualitas Lingkungan Permukiman di Kecamatan Pekalongan Selatan Kota Pekalongan Gayuh, Supangkat; Erni, Suharini; Budi, Sanjoto Tjaturahono
Geo-Image Vol 7 No 2 (2018): Geo-Image
Publisher : Geo-Image

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Increased population growth always bring a change of one is the change in the level of environmental quality neighborhoods. The availability of space in the citys fixed and finite, then the alternative elections occurred naturally in the space to meet the need for housing and the building of settlements performed ignoring about environmental quality neighborhoods. These parameters include the density of building settlements, settlement building layout, the width of the entrance of the settlement, the settlements entrance road conditions, location of settlements, and a protective tree driveway neighborhoods. To help the analysis process by making use of remote sensing technology for the mapping, and using software SIG. The method is using score (scoring), stack bundles (overlay). The result of the overlay map quality neighborhoods in district of Pekalongan Selatan, Pekalongan. From this research it can be known that settlements in Pekalongan South with good quality with an area of 60.9 Hectares, better quality with extensive 373.9 Ha, bad quality and with an area of 89.1 Ha. The results of the settlement in the South dominated by the Pekalongan neighborhoods with better quality.
Perubahan Garis Pantai dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Status Kepemilikan dan Penguasaan Tanah Timbul di Muara Sungai Wulan Tahun 1986-2016 Condro, Hastuti Endang; Budi, Sanjoto Tjaturahono; Puji, Hardati
Geo-Image Vol 7 No 2 (2018): Geo-Image
Publisher : Geo-Image

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Change of the shoreline is an event that affected by the proceedings accretion and abrasion.Due to changes in the shoreline is the emergence of the terrestrial globe earth arising. Land arising is an asset valuable that can be used for the benefit of people in surrounding.The goals are 1 ) to identify a tendency change the shoreline years 1986-2016, 2 ) to identify speed change the shoreline, 3 ) to identify the causes of change the shoreline, and 4 ) to identify an impact the shoreline about the status of possession and tenure of land arising in the mouth of the Wulan river on 2016.Technique analysis the data used is a technique analysis interpretation imagery and descriptive analysis explorative.The result of this research are 1 ) the trend in the change the sea shore in Berahan Kulon village is accretion , while in Berahan Wetan village is abrasion , 2 ) the speed changes in land accretion is 29,4 m/year and on land abrasion 11,919 meters/year , 3 ) the process of accretion and abrasion caused by the difference in width of the river so as to affect material intake sediment that has come into the two rivers the sources of their astuaries , and 4 ) the status of ownership and mastery of fish-ponds within Berahan Kulon village is 98 % sppt and 2 % have a certificate and the status majority of personally.
Pemanfaatan Sistem Informasi Geografis Untuk Kajian Tingkat Kerentanan Banjir di Kecamatan Tirto Kabupaten Pekalongan Nur, Rokhayati; Sriyono, Sriyono
Geo-Image Vol 7 No 2 (2018): Geo-Image
Publisher : Geo-Image

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This study purposed to: (1) Identify flood susceptibility level by using Geographic Information System (2) To know flood characteristics that occur in accordance with flood susceptibility level (3) Formulate effort of area management based on flood susceptibility level. The research use descriptive quantitative research method, with technique scoring and overlay for data analysis technique it. The results showed susceptible flood susceptibility covering an area of 11.07 km², a very susceptible class of 7.98 km² and a slightly susceptible class of 1.89 km². Flood characteristics in the form of deluge and rob (annual) floods occur in very susceptible classes, seasonal floods (5-10 annual repeat periods) occur in flood-prone classes, rather susceptible flooded classes are never flooded areas that result in losses. Efforts to manage potentially flooded areas in the regions are particularly susceptible to the construction of flood controls (dikes / river and marine water walls, polder, flood profing), susceptible and somewhat susceptible areas of management of the area not much different from the normalization of rivers and drainage improvements, making artificial recharge on multilevel buildings and settlement development must be in accordance with the provisions of spatial law and the development of water conservation technology in vacant land.
Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Laju Pertumbuhan Penduduk di Kecamatan Bawen Kabupaten Semarang Tahun 2000-2015 Nasichah, Almaulida Dianatun; Saptono, Putro; Puji, Hardati
Geo-Image Vol 7 No 2 (2018): Geo-Image
Publisher : Geo-Image

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This research was aims to know what factors that affect the rater of growth the population in Bawen. The method is used descriptive guantitative approach and qualitative and linier regression to know how much impact multiple factor of birth, death and migration in affect the level of the population rate. Data collection techniques that is the primary data obtained from a guestronnaire and interview, while the secondary data obtained from the data related agencies, documents and library research. The result showed that population growth that the areas of research from 2000-2015 included in the high category due to increased each year the growth of 0,40%. The factors that most affect the growth rate of the population is factors migration sign in, it is known from figure migration entry increased by the number of migrant because the availability of jobs. The infulence of factors birth of the population growth amounting 2,59% and the influence of factor death of the population growth amounting 10,63% also mean that population growth factors also influence the rate of growth the population. Factor that influence the lowest factors is migration out that the effcet of 0,18%.

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