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Analysis of Doctor Service Relationship in the Disease Specialist with Patient Satisfaction in Regional General Hospitals Aceh Tamiang in 2018 Adrian, M Ali; Gultom, Rumondang
Proceeding - Sari Mutiara Indonesia International Conference on Health Vol 1 No 1 (2018): Sari Mutiara Indonesia International Conference on Health
Publisher : Sari Mutiara Indonesia University Press

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Good service quality is now important to improve service quality and patient satisfaction. So that satisfied customers will share satisfaction with producers or service providers. Even satisfied customers will share their taste and experience with other customers. This study aims to analyze the relationship between internal medicine specialist services with patient satisfaction in the Aceh Tamiang Regional General Hospital in 2018 to determine the relationship between the quality of service to the professional behavior of doctors in providing health services in accordance with what is expected by patients or families. Indications of the quality of health services that have been received. services ranging from reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy and direct evidence to patient satisfaction. The number of populations in the Aceh Taming Regional General Hospital was 423, this research design used a cross-sectional study approach. The population is all inpatients in Aceh Tamiang Hospital. The sample in this study was as many as 80 patients using the accidental sampling technique. Collection of research instruments in the form of questionnaires. Data analysis was tested by chi-square. The conclusion of this study is that there is a significant relationship of tangibles with inpatient satisfaction in Aceh Tamiang Hospital with a value of p = 0.024, There is a significant relationship of reliability with patient satisfaction with p = 0.042, there is a relationship significant responsiveness with patient satisfaction with p = 0.013, there is a significant relationship of assurance (assurance) with patient satisfaction, with a value of p =. 0.024, There is a significant relationship (empathy) with patient satisfaction with a value of p = 0.024
Improving Physical Activity Level on Elderly People by using Transtheoretical Model Approach Siregar, Rinco; Gultom, Rumondang
Proceeding - Sari Mutiara Indonesia International Conference on Health Vol 1 No 1 (2018): Sari Mutiara Indonesia International Conference on Health
Publisher : Sari Mutiara Indonesia University Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (252.075 KB)


It is important to promote physical activity for elderly people, but to improve the level of physical activity of elderly people is a challenge for health workers. The purpose of this quasi-experimental study was to determine the effect of exercise consultation program by using the Transtheoretical Model (TTM) approach on physical activity level in elderly people at Darussalam’s Community Health Center in 2017. The two comparison groups for this study were purposively designed for pre-test/post-test procedures; sixty elderly people at Darussalam’s Community Health Center with randomly allocated into the experimental (30 people) and the control (30 people) groups. While the experimental group received the exercise consultation for 6 weeks, the control group received routine care. Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly (PASE) was used to assess the physical activity of the elderly. Comparative assessments on differences in the level of physical activity both within the group using Wilcoxson matched-pairs and between group using Mann Withney U Test. The results of this study found that after receiving exercise consultation program, level of physical activity in elderly people significantly increased in the experimental group (p < .05), but there was no significant difference in the control group. Between groups, level of physical activity significantly increased after receiving the exercise consultation while no change was found among those who did not (p <.05). The exercise consultation program by using TTM approach could increase the level of physical activity of elderly people. Implication: Exercise consultation by TTM is a simple intervention could promote the physical activity of elderly people. Suggestion: Health worker can use this intervention to improve the physical exercise of elderly people.
MONSU'ANI TANO Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 4, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Luwuk

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32529/tano.v4i2.1006


Demensia adalah sindrom yang diakibatkan penyakit atau gangguan otak yang dapat bersifat kronik maupun progresif dan dapat memperlambat fungsi kognitif seseorang (kemampuan berfikir) termasuk daya ingat, daya pikir, orientasi, daya tanggap, berhitung, kemampuan belajar, bahasa, daya nilai dan dapat mempengaruhi aktifitas sehari-hari. Salah satu terapi pengekspresian perasaan yang dapat memicu munculnya rasa percaya diri dan perasaan dihargai pada lansia yang berdampak pada munculnya koping positif yang mempengaruhi persepsi dan emosi lansia dalam memandang suatu masalah adalah terapi Reminiscence. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilakukan pada hari Jumat, tanggal 31 April 2021 di Aula UPT Pelayanan Sosial Lanjut Usia, Binjai yang bertujuan untuk membantu meningkatkan fungsi kognitif pada lansia melalui terapi reminiscence. Kegiatan in dihadiri oleh 20 orang lansia. Diharapkan melalui kegiatan terapi Reminiscence ini dapat meningkatkan fungsi kognitif pada lansia di UPT Pelayanan Sosial Lanjut Usia Binjai.
Jurnal Online Keperawatan Indonesia Vol 4 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Online Keperawatan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51544/keperawatan.v4i1.1987


Post-stroke patients often experience obstacles in Activity Daily Living (ADL), efforts to increase the independence of elderly post-stroke activities require family participation. This study identifies the relationship between family support and the level of independence in Activity Daily Living (ADL) in post-stroke elderly. This study used descriptive correlative with a cross sectional approach. The population in this study were post-stroke patients who visited the Polyclinic of the General Hospital of Sufina Aziz. The research sample was using purposive sampling technique. The research sample consisted of 57 people. Data analysis used Rank Spearman Rho test.This study shows that family support for the level of independence in daily activities in the post-stroke elderly is in the moderate category (54.4%). The level of independence in daily living (ADL) activities in post-stroke elderly in the mild dependency category (73.7%). The results of this analysis meet the criteria of the hypothesis requirements, that there is a relationship between family support and the level of independence in daily living (ADL) activities in post-stroke elderly at RSU Sufina Aziz Medan with a p = 0.014 (p <0.05). Therefore, nurses at the General Hospital Sufina Aziz Medan routinely provide counseling or health education to patients and families about the importance of providing support to the elderly after stroke in Activity Daily Living (ADL).
Pengaruh Latihan Jalan Tandem terhadap Keseimbangan Tubuh Lansia untuk mengurangi Resiko Jatuh di UPT Pelayanan Sosial Lanjut Usia Binjai Sumatera Utara Rinco Siregar; Rumondang Gultom; Iin Ivining Sirait
Publisher : Universitas Ubudiyah Indonesia

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Kejadian jatuh dilaporkan sangat tinggi pada lansia diatas 65 tahun. Lemahnya kekuatan otot extremitas bawah, kerusakan saraf ganglia basal, dan serebelum, diabetes, dan neuropati perifer adalah beberapa faktor penyebab yang lebih sering  risiko jatuh pada lansia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh latihan jalan tandem terhadap keseimbangan tubuh lansia untuk mengurangi resiko jatuh di UPT Pelayanan Sosial Lanjut Usia Binjai Sumatera Utara. Penelitian ini pre-eksperiment only one group pretest and  posttest design. Populasi dalama penelitian ini adalah seluruh lansia yang tinggal di UPT. Besar sampel dihitung dengan menggunakan G-Power Analysis, dengan settingan Power : 0.80, Effect Size : 0.80 dan Significant Alpha : 0.05 diperoleh sampel 26 orang lansia. Untuk estimasi dropout diambil 20% dari jumlah sampel menurut penelitian terdahulu sehingga total sampel sebesar 29 orang lansia yang diambil secara purposive sampling. Berg Balance Scale (BBS) digunakan untuk mengukur keseimbangan tubuh lansia dan panduan latihan jalan tandem digunakan untuk mengintervensikan latihan jalan tandem dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa rata-rata skor keseimbangan tubuh lansia sebelum dilakukan latihan jalan tandem adalah 16,38 dan setelah dilakukan latihan jalan tandem diperoleh rata-rata skor keseimbangan tubuh lansia adalah 42,12. Hasil Uji wilcoxson test diperoeh nilai P=0.000; < 0.05 yang berarti ada pengaruh latihan jalan tandem terhadap keseimbangan tubuh lansia untuk mengurangi resiko jatuh di UPT Pelayanan Sosial Lanjut Usia Binjai Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahawa latihan jalan tandem dapat meningkatkan keseimbangan tubuh lansia. Oleh karena itu disarankan agar latihan jalan tandem  ini dapat dijadikan sebagai salah satu intervensi untuk mengatasi masalah keseimbangan tubuh lansia sehingga resiko jatuh dapat menurun.  
Hubungan Pengetahuan dengan Sikap Perawat tentang Triage di IGD Dimasa Pandemi Covid-19 Siska Evi Martina; Galih Satria; Donal Nababan; Rumondang Gultom
Faletehan Health Journal Vol 8 No 03 (2021): Faletehan Health Journal, November 2021
Publisher : Universitas Faletehan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33746/fhj.v8i03.280


The number of patients who come to the emergency department makes nurses have to sort patients quickly and precisely according to priority. It requires knowledge and attitude in terms of segregation of patient type and emergency in triage, so that patient care can be more optimal and directed. This study aimed to find out the correlation between nurses’ knowledge and attitudes of triage. The research used a correlation research method with a cross-sectional approach. The study was carried out at the emergency room of Dr. H Kumpulan Pane General Hospital in Tebing Tinggi City, Rantau Prapat General Hospital, and Tuan Rondahaim Simalungun General Hospital from January to August 2020. The samples of this study were 46 nurses in charge at the emergency room of Dr. H Kumpulan Pane General Hospital in Tebing Tinggi City, Rantau Prapat General Hospital, and Tuan Rondahaim Simalungun General Hospital, taken by total sampling. The research instrument was a questionnaire. The data analysis used Spearman’s rank correlation at the 95% confidence interval. The results of the descriptive analysis showed that majority of nurses had adequate knowledge of triage (48%) and majority nurses had positive attitude (77%). The results of Spearman’s rank statistical analysis obtained a spearman correlation coefficient of 0.753 with ρ-value 0.000 < 0.05; thus, Ha was accepted. In conclusion, there is a correlation between nurses’ knowledge and attitude of triage at Dr. H Kumpulan Pane General Hospital in Tebing Tinggi City, Rantau Prapat General Hospital, and Tuan Rondahaim Simalungun General Hospital.
SIMULASI BANTUAN HIDUP DASAR (BHD) DI SMK KESEHATAN SENTRA MEDIKA MEDAN JOHOR Henny Syapitri; Johansen Hutajulu; Rumondang Gultom; Rosetty Sipayung
Community Development Journal : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 3 (2020): Volume 1 Nomor 3 Tahun 2020
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/cdj.v1i3.918


Kondisi gawat darurat dapat terjadi akibat dari trauma atau non trauma yang mengakibatkan henti nafas, henti jantung, kerusakan organ serta perdarahan. Kegawatdaruratan bisa terjadi pada siapa saja dan dimana saja, biasanya berlangsung secara cepat dan tiba-tiba sehingga tak seorangpun yang dapat memprediksikan. Dengan pemahaman yang utuh tentang konsep dasar gawat darurat, maka angka kematian dan kecacatan dapat ditekan serendah mungkin. Salah satu bentuk pertolongan medik yang perlu dimiliki adalah Bantuan Hidup Dasar. SMK Kesehatan Sentra Medika Johor berdasarkan peta geografis bahwa sekolah tersebut berada didaerah jalan protokol yang memungkinkan banyak terjadinya kasus kecelaakaan. Kegiatan pengabdian Masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan siswa SMK Kesehatan Sentra Medika Medan Johor untuk melakukan simulasi pelaksanaan bantuan hidup dasar. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan di SMK Kesehatan Sentra Medika Medan Johor. Peserta yang mengikuti kegiatan ini sebanyak 45 orang dan mereka sangat antusias mengikuti kegiatan simulasi pelaksanaan bantuan hidup dasar ini. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan siswa/siswi sebelum dilakukan simulasi BHD mayoritas pengetahuan nya adalah kurang, yaitu sebesar 55,5%, pengetahuan siswa/siswi sesudah dilakukan simulasi BHD mayoritas pengetahuan nya adalah Baik, yaitu sebesar 77,8%, keterampilan siswa/siswi sebelum dilakukan simulasi BHD mayoritas keterampilan nya adalah kurang, yaitu sebesar 71,1%. Diharapkan pihak pengelola SMK Kesehatan Sentra Medika Johor melakukan perencanaan pelatihan BHD secara rutin, menyediakan alat dan bahan seperti pantom RJP Bayi, Anak dan Dewasa untuk digunakan siswa praktik tindakan BHD agar dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan siswa dalam memberikan BHD pada pasien/korban kondisi darurat.
AMALIAH: JURNAL PENGABDIAN KEPADA MASYARAKAT Vol. 4 No. 2 (2020): Amaliah: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32696/ajpkm.v4i2.520


Kadar asam urat yang tinggi dapat menyebabkan rasa nyeri pada tulang dan sendi, sering dialami oleh sebagian besar lansia. Dapat mengakibatkan lansia kesulitan untuk melakukan aktivitas akibat nyeri yang ditimbulkan. Pengobatan non farmakologis dapat dilakukan untuk mengontrol kadar asam urat yaitu dengan melakukan senam ergonomik. Senam ergonomik merupakan suatu gerakan otot yang dikombinasikan dengan teknik pernapasan. Tujuan dari Program Pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan lansia dalam penanganan asam urat dengan latihan senam ergonomik. Metode kegiatan yang dilakukan adalah dengan penyampaian materi dan melakukan latihan senam ergonomik serta diskusi dan Tanya jawab. Hasil pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian ini setelah dilakukan penyuluhan dan latihan senam ergonomik menunjukkan 75% paham terkait penjelasan materi dan 75% lansia dapat mempraktekkan latihan senam ergonomik.
Belitung Nursing Journal Vol. 5 No. 6 (2019): November - December
Publisher : Belitung Raya Foundation, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (14.374 KB) | DOI: 10.33546/bnj.830


Background: Depression level among elderly remains high in Indonesia. One of efforts to decrease depression is laughter therapy, which is assumed able to lower depression. Objective: This study aimed to examine the effect of laughter therapy on depression level in elderly at Nursing Home of Binjai Integrated Social Service Unit for the Elderly, North Sumatra, Indonesia. Methods: This was a quasi-experimental study with pretest posttest with control group design. Forty-two participants were selected using a purposive sampling, with twenty-one participants were randomly assigned in each group. An experimental group received one-hour laughter therapy for 3 times a week in 4 weeks, and a control group received usual care. Depression was measured using Geriatric Depression Scale-15. Data were collected from April to June 2018. Independent and dependent t-test were used for data analysis. Results: Findings revealed that the level of depression in elderly significantly decreased in the experimental group (p<.05), but there was no significant change of it in the control group (p=.648). Between the two groups, there was a significant difference in depression level in elderly (p<.05). Conclusion: Laughter therapy could reduce depression among elderly. Therefore, this therapy can be used as one of interventions in nursing practice, especially at nursing homes.
Evaluasi Sistem Informasi Manajemen Rumah Sakit Di Instalasi Rekam Medis RSUP H. Adam Malik Dengan Metode Human Organization Technology Fit (HOT-FIT) Tahun 2019 Welly Satria Dewi; Daniel Ginting; Rumondang Gultom
Jurnal Ilmiah Perekam dan Informasi Kesehatan Imelda Vol. 6 No. 1 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah Perekam dan Informasi Kesehatan Imelda Edisi Februari
Publisher : Akademi Perekam dan Informasi Kesehatan Imelda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52943/jipiki.v6i1.510


Based on the regulations of the Act – Act number 44-year 2009 about hospitals, where each hospital is obligated to do the recording and reporting of all activities of the Organization of the hospital in the form of hospital management information system (SIMRS). Therefore, every hospital is obligated to run SIMRS with the use of open source as has been set in the Year 2013 No. 82 Permenkes about SIMRS. The purpose of the study in order to evaluate the management information system in hospital medical record Installation was RSUP. Adam Malik. Quantitative research method withcross sectional design to measure the research variables model HOT Fit: Human (the use of the system, user satisfaction), Technology (quality system, the quality of information and service quality), Organization (structure), against a Net benefit. Population is the entire staff of medical record that uses SIMRS of 69 people, sampling techniques are the total sampling. The data analysis done in a multiple regression. The purpose of the study to find out the influence of the factor of human technology is preferred, and the organization 's response to the net benefit. The results of the research there is the influence of human factors and technology against a net benefit to mean Ho denied and Ha was accepted, while to factor the organization has no influence on the net benefit, meaning that Ho and Ha accepted rejected. Simultaneously all the independent variables have significant effects on the dependent variable i.e. factors human, technology and organization, the impact on the net benefit. The R-squared value of 0.635 which means all variables the dependent variable may affect independent of 63.5%. Conclusion the research need to craft a careful planning for the development of SIMRS in order to get a quality system, quality of information and service quality, and poured in the master plan, and strategic plan of the hospital.