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Case Report: Grade II Hypertension Accompanied by Obesity with Consumption of Propolis Herbs Arsa, Sri Asmawati; Makmun, Armanto; Paulus, Paulus
Journal La Medihealtico Vol. 5 No. 3 (2024): Journal La Medihealtico
Publisher : Newinera Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37899/journallamedihealtico.v5i3.1362


Hypertension is often said to be a silent killer, because it is a deadly disease without being accompanied by symptoms first as a warning for the victim. Hypertension with the incidence of obesity is still common. The prevalence of hypertension accompanied by obesity also continues to increase. According to some studies, obesity and hypertension have a meaningful relationship. One alternative treatment that can be an option to lower blood pressure is herbal therapy. Herbal medicine is classified as complementary medicine is a phenomenon that appears today among many other non-conventional treatment phenomena, such as treatment with herbs or herbal therapy, acupuncture, and cupping. The use of herbs is one of the alternative treatments chosen by the community other than conventional (medical) treatment.One of the natural products produced is propolis. Propolis is one of the natural products produced by bees and is widely used as a medicine or supplement, anti-inflammatory, disease treatment, accelerating wound healing, and others. The patient in this case is a woman with the age of 50 years. Patients come with complaints of dizziness, headache and low back pain accompanied by a history of hypertension, and obesity. The patient was diagnosed with Grade 2 Hypertension on Treatment, and Obesity was given therapy in the form of Amlodipine 10 mg 1x1, Paracetamol 500 mg 3x1 and Vitamin B Complex 2x1.Hypertension suffered by patients is hypertension obtained due to several predisposing factors in patients, namely diet, obesity, age, and gender.
Pengaruh Puasa 12 Jam Terhadap Kadar Asam Urat pada Mencit (Mus Musculus) Hiperurisemia Fakhirah, Muthiah Raghdah; Makmun, Armanto; Ningsih, Iin Widya; Kartika K, Irna Diyana; Murfat, Zulfitriani
MAHESA : Malahayati Health Student Journal Vol 4, No 7 (2024): Volume 4 Nomor 7 (2024)
Publisher : Universitas Malahayati

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33024/mahesa.v4i7.14700


ABSTRACT Gout is one condition that is categorized as a metabolic disease and is rather common in both developed and developing nations. Uric acid can accumulate in tissues and blood due to gout, a common inflammatory disease. The term hyperuricemia refers to the state in which an individual has an excess of uric acid in their blood, surpassing the upper limit of normal, which is 6.8 mg/dl. If the uric acid level in a man is more than 7 mg/dl, and more than 6 mg/dl in a woman, it is considered hyperuricemia. One of the religious practices that Muslims follow at Allah SWT's command is fasting. Blood levels of uric acid, cholesterol, and glucose can all be lowered by fasting. According to the research's results the patient had a uric acid level of 7.7 mg/dl prior to fasting, whereas men's normal uric acid levels are less than 7 mg/dl. It turned out that the same person's uric acid dropped to 6.6 mg/dl in the first ten days. The 21st day saw another drop in his uric acid level to 6.2 mg/dl. It was not specified, though, what kind of fasting was done based on this research. Thus, more thorough research is required to determine the best kind of fasting to lower blood levels of uric acid. Mice (Mus musculus) are mammals and are polyestrus animals, which means that over a period of one year there is a repeated reproductive cycle. Mice (Mus musculus) from their external shape are more practical and efficient for research in the laboratory. Analyze and determine the effect of 12 hours of fasting for 14 days on uric acid levels in hyperuricemic mice (Mus musculus). This type of research is true experimental research with a Pre-Test and Post-Test Control Group Design research design. Measurement of uric acid levels in mice (Mus musculus) was carried out before and after treatment. The population in this study were mice (Mus musculus) aged 6 - 8 weeks with a body weight of 20 - 40 grams. All mice were given food and drink twice a day with the same food and drink for 1 week. Then the mice were induced with potassium oxonate at a dose of 300 mg/kgBW or 6 mg/20gBW in the intravenous area. Mice were divided into 3 groups. Group 1 (Control), namely mice that did not fast 12 hours for 14 days. The second group, namely mice, fasted 12 hours during the day for 14 days. The third group, namely mice, fasted 12 hours at night for 14 days. This treatment was carried out for 14 days by providing the same type of food and drink. Mice uric acid levels were measured after being induced by potassium oxonate and on the last day of fasting. Mice blood was collected from the tail vein using a blood lancet. From the research results, it was found that there were insignificant changes in the control group of mice and significant changes in the group of mice with nighttime fasting intervention. The results of the study also showed a significant relationship in the three groups of mice after treatment. Then the group of mice that fasted at night was the group of mice that experienced the most significant changes in uric acid levels. From this research, the results showed that there were significant changes in the uric acid levels of mice before and after fasting for 12 hours at night for 14 days.  Keywords: Fasting, Gout, Mice, Research  ABSTRAK Salah satu penyakit yang memiliki prevalensi cukup tinggi di Negara berkembang bahkan di Negara maju yang tergolong kedalam penyakit metabolik adalah penyakit gout. Gout merupakan penyakit inflamasi yang umum terjadi dan memungkinkan terjadinya penumpukan asam urat dalam darah dan jaringan. Kondisi ini disebut dengan hiperurisemia yaitu kondisi seseorang yang mengalami kelebihan asam urat di dalam darah, yang mana asam uratnya melampaui batas atas normal yaitu 6,8 mg/dl. Pada laki-laki dikatakan hiperurisemia apabila kadar asam uratnya > 7 mg/dl dan pada perempuan apabila kadarnya > 6 mg/dl. Puasa adalah salah satu ibadah yang dilakukan oleh orang islam atas perintah Allah SWT. Puasa dapat menurunkan kadar glukosa, kolesterol, dan asam urat dalam darah. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, sebelum puasa kadar asam urat pada pasien sebesar 7,7 mg/dl dimana nilai normal dari kadar asam urat untuk laki-laki yaitu dibawah 7 mg/dl. Ternyata dalam 10 hari pertama pada orang yang sama, asam uratnya mengalami penurunan menjadi 6,6 mg/dl. Pada hari ke-21, asam uratnya turun lagi menjadi 6,2 mg/dl. Namun, berdasarkan penelitian tersebut tidak disebutkan jenis puasa yang dilakukan. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan penelitian yang lebih mendalam terkait jenis puasa yang tepat untuk menurunkan kadar asam urat dalam darah. Mencit (Mus musculus) merupakan hewan mamalia dan termasuk hewan poliestrus yang artinya dalam periode satu tahun terjadi siklus reproduksi yang berulang-ulang. Mencit (Mus musculus) dari bentuk luarnya lebih praktis dan efisien untuk penelitian di laboratorium. Menganalisis dan mengetahui pengaruh puasa 12 jam selama 14 hari terhadap kadar asam urat pada mencit (Mus musculus) hiperurisemia. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian true experimental dengan desain penelitian Pre-Test and Post-Test Control Group Design. Pengukuran kadar asam urat pada mencit (Mus musculus) dilakukan sebelum dan setelah diberikan perlakuan. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah mencit (Mus musculus) yang berusia 6 - 8 minggu dengan berat badan 20 – 40 gram. Semua mencit diberikan makan dan minum dua kali sehari dengan makanan dan minuman yang sama selama 1 pekan. Kemudian mencit diinduksikan dengan kalium oksonat dosis 300 mg/kgBB atau 6 mg/20gBB di daerah intravena. Mencit dibagi menjadi 3 kelompok. Kelompok 1 (Kontrol), yakni mencit yang tidak berpuasa 12 jam selama 14 hari. Kelompok kedua, yakni mencit yang berpuasa 12 jam siang hari selama 14 hari. Kelompok ketiga, yakni mencit yang berpuasa 12 jam malam hari selama 14 hari. Perlakuan ini dilakukan selama 14 hari dengan memberikan jenis makanan dan minuman yang sama. Pengukuran kadar asam urat mencit dilakukan setelah diinduksi kalium oksonat dan hari terakhir dipuasakan. Pengambilan darah mencit dilakukan pada pembuluh darah bagian ekornya dengan menggunakan blood lancet. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa terdapat perubahan yang tidak signifikan pada kelompok mencit kontrol dan perubahan signifikan pada kelompok mencit dengan intervensi puasa malam hari. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan hubungan yang signifikan pada ketiga kelompok mencit setelah perlakuan. Kemudian kelompok mencit pada puasa malam hari merupakan kelompok mencit yang mengalami perubahan kadar asam urat paling signifikan. Dari penelitian tersebut didapatkan hasil bahwa terdapat perubahan signifikan pada kadar asam urat dari mencit sebelum dan sesudah berbuasa 12 jam di malam hari selama 14 hari. Kata Kunci: Puasa, Asam Urat, Mencit, Penelitian
The incidence of obesity in patients seeking treatment at Ibnu Sina Hospital: Indonesia Makmun, Armanto; Karim, Marzelina; Bamahry, Aryanti; Vitayani, Sri; Purnama, Indah Dian
Window of Health : Jurnal Kesehatan VoL 6 No 2 (April 2023)
Publisher : Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Muslim Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33096/woh.v6i2.767


Obesity is a condition of excess nutrition or being overweight that can interfere with health. Obesity is a multifactorial disease caused by several risk factors such as gender, genetic factors, food intake, physical activity, and socioeconomic, many diseases can be caused by obesity, such as type 2 diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, and various other diseases, so that researchers are interested to conduct research related to the characteristics of the disease in obesity conditions treated at the Ibnu Sina Hospital Makassar in 2019. This study used a descriptive design with a cross-sectional using secondary data taken from the Ibnu Sina Hospital Makassar. Most patients are in the age range of 20- 60 years with a total of 32 people (71.1%), female sex with a total of 30 people (66.6%), Obesity Body Mass Index I with a total of 39 people (86.6%). , work as a housewife with a total of 18 people (40%), high school education level with a total of 17 people (37.7%), and type of diabetes mellitus type 2 with a total of 20 people (44.4%).
Interprofessional Collaboration Penanganan Awal Kasus Preeklamsia Dan Eklamsia Di Kabupaten Wajo Sulawesi Selatan Andi Mappaware, Nasrudin; Mokhtar, Shulhana; Alamanda Irwan, Andi; Sulvita Karsa, Nevi; Mursyid, Muhammad; Makmun, Armanto; Adriansyah, Aan; Irsan, Muhammad; Parningan, Zherant
Window of Community Dedication Journal Vol. 2 No. 2 (Desember, 2021)
Publisher : Pusat Kajian dan Pengelola Jurnal FKM UMI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33096/wocd.v2i2.1766


Preeklamsia dan eklamsia merupakan kesatuan penyakit. Istilah kesatuan penyakitdiartikan bahwa kedua peristiwa dasarnya sama karena eklamsia yang merupakanpeningkatan dari pre-eklamsia yang lebih berat dan berbahaya dengan tambahan gejalagejalatertentu. Interprofessional collaboration (IPC) merupakan strategi dalammeningkatkan kualitas pelayanan. Strategi IPC bertujuan untuk patient safety, memperbaikikualitas SDM, dan mengubah sistem perawatan kesehatan yang lebih efektif. Dengandemikian IPC merupakan hal yang penting dalam pelayanan rumah sakit. Tenaga kesehatanyaitu dokter, bidan, perawat dan apoteker untuk dapat menyelesaikan permasalahankegawatdaruratan obstetri maka dapat dilakukan pelatihan dan menerapkan interprofessionalcollaboration (IPC) dalam memberikan edukasi, skrining dan penatalaksanaan awal olehdokter, bidan, perawat dan apoteker dalam menurunkan kejadian yang tidak diinginkanataupun kematian pada kasus preeklamsia dan eklamsia. Pelatihan diberikan kepada petugaskesehatan khususnya dokter, bidan, perawat dan apoteker dalam melakukan praktek IPCdibagi 4 dimensi yaitu Assessment of Interprofessional Team Collaboration Scale (AITCS)meliputi partnerships, Cooperation, Coordination, Shared Decision Making.