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The Compliance-Based Coffee Growers of Bondowoso on Regent Amin Said Husni in the Culture of Madurese Society Izzah, Latifatul; Sulistiyono, Singgih Tri; Rochwulaningsih, Yety; Salindri, Dewi; Handayani, Sri Ana; Januar, Jani; Afiah, Neneng
KARSA: Journal of Social and Islamic Culture Vol 27, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/karsa.v27i2.2152


This study discussed the compliance of the coffee farmers particularly in Sumberwringin Bondowoso against the figure Amin Said Husni. The Regent concerns for the fate of the coffee farmers and public welfare in Bondowoso cannot be inseparable from the religious life of the Regent; implementing policies based on the principles of the Islamic religion. This study aimed to answer the question regarding the causes of the emergence of people’s compliance with coffee farmers to switch the Arabica coffee plant according to the instructions given by the Regent. This study applied the habitus concept developed by Pierre Bourdieu and sharpened using the historical method. The studied population was coffee farmers at district of Sumberwringin (Sukorejo, Rejoagung and Sumberwringin village). This study found that the compliance of the coffee farmers could attract people who originally planted Robusta switched to Arabica coffee as their Regent’s instruction. The compliance of coffee farming communities (majority of Madurese) was hierarchical obedience that became a necessity to be actualized in daily praxis as “normative” binding. The compliance of produce luck to economic conditions as well as improving the welfare of coffee farmers, because the selling price of Arabika is higher than the Robusta coffee.
LITERASI: Indonesian Journal of Humanities Vol 5 No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Faculty of Humanities, Jember University

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This article discusses the condition of the community in Mulyorejo village, Silo subdistrict, Jember regency that is discredited by the government of Jember regency and categorized as a poor village. Through the poverty theory and from primary and secondary sources, this research can prove a contrary reality about the community. Almost 70 percent of the community invests their money for pilgrimage to Mecca. Their economic sources depend on the harvest of the traditional Coffee Plantations owned by the local farmers. The natural condition of the village as a rural area causing the village community do not have a sufficient facility for health and electricity from the government. However, these conditions do not make the villagers frustrated, but encourage them to establish a micro-hydro power plant using self-generated funds. The efforts to get the power plant they have done is a long-term infestation that earns billions of Rupiah.Keywords: smallholder coffee, haj investment, Mulyorejo district community
Feudal Culture in the Ijen Highlands’ Poor Society Latifatul Izzah
Karsa: Journal of Social and Islamic Culture Vol. 24 No. 2 (2016): Islam, Culture, and Economics
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/karsa.v24i2.1129


This study aims to respond the problems on: Why Indonesia which is merely independent but there still exists the feudal culture in the society, especially people around the Ijen highlands? The problem is investigated along several questions, elaborated as: 1) What causes PT. Nusantara Plantation XII (PTPN XII) gains HGU (Cultivation Right on Land) from the government to manage the coffee plantations in the Ijen highlands?; 2) Why people around the Ijen highlands only became workers in their own homes? This research combines the historical and anthropological political methods, particularly the use of agricultural involution theory and the theory of hegemony to examine why the feudal culture still exist among the already independent society, especially in the Ijen highlands. The results of this study are: (1) PTPN XII got HGU of the government to manage the coffee plantations in the Ijen highlands is not merely without a reason, but it has gone along a careful govern-ment consideration. PTPN XII is a state-owned company managed by a profes-sional so that the government benefited from a big share of profit in every single year. (2) the society of the Ijen Highland became laborer in their own homes is because the large number of people work for PTPN XII, particularly in Blawan and Kalisat Jampit plantations, as laborers not as skilled employees.Copyright (c) 2016 by KARSA. All right reserved DOI: 10.19105/karsa.v24i2.1129
The Compliance-Based Coffee Growers of Bondowoso on Regent Amin Said Husni in the Culture of Madurese Society Latifatul Izzah; Singgih Tri Sulistiyono; Yety Rochwulaningsih; Dewi Salindri; Sri Ana Handayani; Jani Januar; Neneng Afiah
Karsa: Journal of Social and Islamic Culture Vol. 27 No. 2 (2019)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/karsa.v27i2.2152


This study discussed the compliance of the coffee farmers particularly in Sumberwringin Bondowoso against the figure Amin Said Husni. The Regent concerns for the fate of the coffee farmers and public welfare in Bondowoso cannot be inseparable from the religious life of the Regent; implementing policies based on the principles of the Islamic religion. This study aimed to answer the question regarding the causes of the emergence of people’s compliance with coffee farmers to switch the Arabica coffee plant according to the instructions given by the Regent. This study applied the habitus concept developed by Pierre Bourdieu and sharpened using the historical method. The studied population was coffee farmers at district of Sumberwringin (Sukorejo, Rejoagung and Sumberwringin village). This study found that the compliance of the coffee farmers could attract people who originally planted Robusta switched to Arabica coffee as their Regent’s instruction. The compliance of coffee farming communities (majority of Madurese) was hierarchical obedience that became a necessity to be actualized in daily praxis as “normative” binding. The compliance of produce luck to economic conditions as well as improving the welfare of coffee farmers, because the selling price of Arabika is higher than the Robusta coffee.
MISTERI DESA KAYUMAS: WARISAN KEJAYAAN KOLONIAL BELANDA DALAM PERKEBUNAN KOPI ARABIKA Latifatul Izzah; Suharto Suharto; M. Zamroni; Neneng Afiah; Anik Yuhana; Sri Rahayu; Endah Khodijah
Publisher : UPT Penerbitan Universitas Jember

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Kecerdikan para investor Eropa dalam memilih lahan untuk dijadikan ajang bisnisnya memang luar biasa jitu. Tidak peduli apakah lahan tersebut sulit dijangkau atau tidak, yang penting mendapatkan profit yang tinggi dengan kalkulasi yang cermat. Pemerintah Kolonial Belanda memberikan hak erfpacht (hak sewa) di dataran tinggi yang tidak digunakan oleh pribumi pada para investor. Uniknya tidak menyurutkan semangat para investor untuk menanamkan investasinya di wilayah Hindia Belanda (penyebutan nama Indonesia pada masa Kolonial Belanda), khususnya lahan Kajoemaas Keresidenan Bezoeki. Pilihan tanaman yang ditanam adalah kopi jenis Arabika yang digandrungi masyarakat Eropa pada saat itu, yang cocok ditanam pada lahan yang terletak di atas ketinggian 760-1550 meter dpl. Investor Belanda, H.H.van Kol bersama rekannya J.C. Egter van Wissekerke tertarik untuk menyewa lahan seluas 504 Ha di Kajoemaas pada pemerintah Kolonial Belanda selama 75 tahun. Dengan mendirikan perusahaan “Cultuur Maatschappij Kajoemaas”. Sekarang posisinya diganti oleh PTPN XII dengan melanjutkan pengelolaan perkebunan Kopi Arabika. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode sejarah untuk mendapatkan gambaran yang kronologis dan detail tentang misteri Desa Kayumas yang dipilih oleh investor Belanda sebagai ladang emasnya. Hasil riset membuktikan bahwa Desa Kayumas baik secara geografis maupun klimatologis sangat cocok ditanami kopi jenis Arabika yang nilai jualnya lebih tinggi dibanding dengan jenis kopi lainnya. Kondisi ini menginspirasi masyarakat petani kopi Desa Kayumas untuk melanjutkan penanamannya, dan terbukti bahwa tanaman Kopi Arabika memberikan kemakmuran bagi masyarakat Desa Kayumas. Kata Kunci: Desa Kayumas, Kopi Arabika, warisan kolonial
Publisher : UPT Penerbitan Universitas Jember

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Riset ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan gagasan ulang mengenai kebijakan perlindungan dan penguatan kopi rakyat Bondowoso. Bangunan icon Kabupaten Bondowoso sebagai “Bondowoso Republik Kopi” yang diwujudkan oleh Bupati Amin Said Husni (Periode 2008-2013 dan 2013-2018) perlu ditindaklanjuti oleh Bupati Salwa Arifin (Periode 2018- 2023). Mengingat Cluster Kopi Arabika yang dijadikan produk unggulan Kabupaten Bondowoso mempunyai cita rasa yang khas berbeda dengan Kopi Arabika dari wilayah lain, serta mampu mendongkrak perekonomian petani kopi rakyat pada era Bupati Amin Said Husni. Untuk itu perlu adanya program berkelanjutan dari Pemerintah Kabupaten Bondowoso demi kemakmuran para petani kopi rakyat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode sejarah guna mendapatkan data di lapangan secara detail dan kronologis mengenai kondisi produksi Kopi Arabika rakyat dan market Kopi Arabika rakyat pada masa Bupati Salwa Arifin. Hasil riset membuktikan bahwa perlu adanya gagasan ulang mengenai kebijakan perlindungan dan penguatan kopi rakyat Bondowoso. Fakta di lapangan menunjukkan bahwa para petani terjebak pada sulitnya mendapat modal usaha dan juga market Kopi Arabika rakyat. Para buyer mempermainkan harga jual Kopi Arabika rakyat karena mereka mengetahui bahwa para petani membutuhkan fresh money baik untuk keberlangsungan hidupnya maupun untuk proses produksi Kopi Arabika. Kata kunci: Gagasan ulang, Kopi Arabika rakyat, perlindungan, penguatan
Ritual Sebagai Ekosistem Budaya: Inovasi Pertunjukan Berbasis Ekonomi Kreatif Novi Anoegrajekti; Sudartomo Macaryus; Asrumi Asrumi; M. Zamroni; Abdul Latif Bustami; Latifatul Izzah; Rendra Wirawan
PANGGUNG Vol 31, No 1 (2021): Eksistensi Seni Budaya di Masa Pandemi
Publisher : LP2M ISBI Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1982.135 KB) | DOI: 10.26742/panggung.v31i1.1535


Ritus merupakan salah satu dari 10 (sepuluh) objek pemajuan kebudayaan. Ritus sebagai bagian dari budaya dipandang berpotensi sebagai basis pengembangan ekonomi kreatif. Artikel ini bertujuan membahas bagaimana dinamika ritual sebagai ritus tahunan bersih desa dalam kaitannya dengan ekonomi kreatif. Ritual diselenggarakan sebagai syukur atas panen, keselamatan, dan penghormatan cikal bakal desa. Ritual meliputi: Seblang, Ider Bumi, Kebokeboan, Keboan, Puter Kayun, Gelar Pitu, dan Petik Laut diselenggarakan setahun sekali. Dengan metode etnografi, menghimpun data lapangan melalui observasi, partisipasi, dan wawancara mendalam dengan informan kunci. Dengan pendekatan cultural studies setiap data ditempatkan sebagai peristiwa budaya dalam kaitannya dengan relasi kuasa. Dinamika dan inovasi ritual dilakukan untuk mendukung pengembangan pariwisata. Inovasi juga untuk mewujudkan upaya peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Dengan demikian penyelenggaraan ritual berkaitan dengan kebijakan pemerintah. Hal itu menjadi peluang bagi optimalisasi potensi ekonomi kreatif masyarakat, menyosialisasikan, mempromosikan, dan memasarkan produk industri lokal.Kata Kunci: Festival, Kebijakan, Lokalitas, Ritual
Besoekich Proefstation for European Investors in the District Oosthoek Dutch East Indies Latifatul Izzah
Historia Vol 6 No 1 (2023): Budaya dan Ekonomi
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Sejarah Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/jh.v6i1.38336


In 1870 the Dutch Colonial Government had a new policy towards the Dutch East Indies as its colony. The promulgation of the Agrarische Wet and Agrarische Besluit by the Dutch Colonial Government, it opened opportunities for investors to invest in the Dutch East Indies. European investors flocked to the Dutch East Indies to invest. The business that was run was a plantation, by growing agro-industrial plants that were selling well in the European region at the time. This research used historical methods to explore the secrets behind the courage of European investors to lease land in the Indies, especially the Oosthoek area. The results of the research proved the success of European investors doing business because of the large role of a research laboratory named Besoekisch Proefstation. From this research, there has been a success in minimizing crop failures which impacted the high profits earned by the investors.
Historical Review of Smallholder Coffee Farmers Population in Kayumas Village, Situbondo Regency Latifatul Izzah; Yety Rochwulaningsih; IG Krisnadi; Denny Antyo Hartanto; Insan Cita Sampurna
Indonesian Historical Studies Vol 7, No 1 (2023): In Progress
Publisher : Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/ihis.v7i1.17370


This study discusses the historical context of the existence of community coffee farmers in Kayumas Village, Arjasa District, Situbondo Regency, starting in 1883 until the formation of a coffee farmer group in 2018. Based on the historical research using primary and secondary sources, this study informs that before Persil Kayumas were rented by a Dutch investor named H. H. van Kol and his colleague J. C. Egter van Wissekerke in 1883, there were already some residents who were growing Arabica coffee. Arabica coffee cultivation was ultimately carried out from generation to generation, because farmers knew that the market for Arabica coffee was higher than products outside of coffee, such as ginger, tobacco, and so on. It was proven that in 2018, eight coffee farmer groups consisting of 410 farmers were formed.