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Students’ English Language Learning Strategy and Implication to the Teaching and Learning Activity: A Study at Health Vocational Schools (SMK Kesehatan) in Ruteng at Flores Daar, Gabriel Fredi
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies Vol 1, No 6 (2019): October 2019
Publisher : Universitas Malikussaleh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/ijevs.v1i6.1620


Different theorists proposed different definition of learning strategies (Wenden, 1987, O’Malley and Chamot, 1990, Oxford, 1990).  All the definitions highlighted that learning strategies are the actions taken to make learning easier, faster, more enjoyable, more self-directed, more effective, and more transferrable. The study aims to find out how Health Vocational School students in Ruteng, Flores employ learning strategies, what strategy is mostly employed and the implications of learning strategy employed to language learning and teaching which cover cognitive strategy, meta cognitive strategy and social strategy. It’s mixed method research combining the use of quantitative and qualitative study.  For the purpose of quantitative study, it was chosen 123 students by using the technique of cluster random sampling, meanwhile for the purpose of qualitative data, it was chosen 12 students and three English teachers by using purposive sampling. The research result shows that students of health vocational schools in Ruteng, Flores employ medium language learning strategy for the three learning strategies studied (Cognitive strategy employed by 90,2% (111) students, meta cognitive strategy employed by 86,2%(106) students, and social strategy employed by 86,2% (106) students. Regarding learning strategy mostly employed, the most frequent strategy is cognitive strategy which gains the mean 3.33. Meanwhile, the least strategy is social strategy and it reaches the mean of 3.26.  Medium learning strategy for the three strategies studied, and cognitive strategy as the most frequent strategy employed has the implication to applying teaching method which is oriented to raise up students’ cognitive strategy, adopting regularly the meta cognitive instruction in the classroom to help students improve academic achievement, and providing the opportunity for students to practice speaking English out of the classroom.
Analysis the Implementation of Communicative Language Teaching and Classroom Interaction in the Effort to Increase Learners’ Speaking Skills Daar, Gabriel Fredi; Ndorang, Theofilus Acai
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies Vol 2, No 12 (2020): December 2020
Publisher : Universitas Malikussaleh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/ijevs.v2i12.2969


Communicative language teaching (CLT) is a set of principles about the goals of language teaching, how learners learn a language, the kinds of classroom activities that best facilitate learning, and the roles of teachers and learners in the classroom (Richard, 2006:2). Classroom interaction occurs in the process of applying CLT which requires the participation of both learners and teacher. The study aims at finding out how CLT and classroom interaction implemented collaboratively in the effort to increase learners’ speaking skill at private senior high schools in Ruteng, Flores. It’s mixed method research combining the use of descriptive quantitative and qualitative study design with phenomenological approach. For the purpose of quantitative study, it’s chosen 123 students by using cluster random sampling, meanwhile for the purpose of qualitative data, it’s chosen 12 students and three English teachers by using purposive sampling. The research result showed that CLT characteristics (82=66.7%) and teacher’s role (98=79.7%) were mostly categorized as high level of CLT implementation. Meanwhile, material, media and learners’ role were mostly categorized as medium level. English teachers always involve their students in the productive activities. However, they mostly used book or hand out as the media to deliver materials. Integrating technology into classroom, using games as one of method to cheer up the students boredom hardly ever undertaken. Regarding the implementation of classroom interaction; initiation was mostly in the category of low level (76=61.8%). Students mostly do the activities of learning English designed by teacher. They are not engaged with learning autonomy that leads them to have self learning habit. Consequently, students are only able to accomplish the simple tasks
Penyuluhan Meningkatkan Pengetahuan Orang Tua Tentang Perawatan Anak Pada Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Sambi Poleng Manggarai Veronica Carolina Agnes Batta; Wilibrodus Sandri Mampur; Maria Cendrasi Saputri; Gabriel Fredi Daar
Jurnal Pengabdian Dharma Laksana Vol 4, No 1 (2021): JPDL (Jurnal Pengabdian Dharma Laksana)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Pamulang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32493/j.pdl.v4i1.13175


Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman orang tua tentang perawatan anak pada usia Paud. Kegiatan PkM dilakukan di Paud Sambi Poleng Desa Sambi Kecamatn Reok Barat Kabupaten Manggarai NTT. Kegiatan dilakukan dalam bentuk penyuluhan dengan metode ceramah, diskusi, dialog dan sharing praktik yang baik. Berdasarkan eavlausi lisan, hasil yang dicapai dari kegiatan ini adalah beberapa orang tua berpandangan bahwa faktor keterbatasan waktu merupakan penyebab utama orang tua tidak dapat melakukan perawatan kepada anak-anak mereka pada usia paud. Ini disebabkan oleh pekerjaan orang sebagai petani dan tukang kayu yang sebagian besar menghabiskan waktu untuk bekerja di kebun atau melakukan pekerjaan sebagai tukang. Dengan adanya kegiatan penyuluhan tentang pearwatan anak ini, orang tua semakin sadar betapa pentingnya melakukan perawatan anak pada usia paud sebagai salah satu upaya preventif dan kuratif kejadian stunting pada anak di Desa Sambi.
Penggunaan English Vocabulary Games Untuk Meningkatkan Minat Belajar Bahasa Inggris Siswa Sekolah Dasar Inpres Karot Selama Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Kristina Kresna Wanti; Katarina Ilaning Alur; Maria Oktaviana; Gabriel Fredi Daar
Jurnal PADMA: Pengabdian Dharma Masyarakat Vol 1, No 4 (2021): PADMA
Publisher : Universitas Pamulang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32493/jpdm.v1i4.13485


Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan minat belajar bahasa Inggris Sekolah Dasar. Kegiatan dilakukan di Sekolah dasar Inpres Karot, Kabupaten Manggarai NTT. Kegiatan dilakukan dalam bentuk praktik dan simulasi bermain games kosa kata berbahasa Inggris. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi melalui obervasi, ditemukan bahwa siswa SDI Karot senang dan antusias mengikuti kegiatan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan Vocabulary Games. Ini terlihat pada keaktifan dan partisipasi siswa dalam mengikuti diskusi kelompok dan dalam menjawab setiap pertanyaan yang diajukan pelaksana PKM. Dengan demikian dapat direkomendasikan bahwa penerapan Vocabulary Games hendaknya selalu diimplementasikan dalam kegiatan pembelajaran kepada siswa SD. Konsekuensinya adalah guru mempersiapkan dan merancang media secara sistematis yang dapat menunjang penerapan English Vocabulary Games.Kata Kunci: Bahasa Inggris, Vocabulary Games, Minat, Siswa Sekolah Dasar This community service activity aims to increase interest in learning English in Elementary School. The activity was carried out at the Karot Inpres Elementary School, Manggarai Regency, NTT. Activities carried out in the form of practice and simulation playing English vocabulary games. Based on the results of the evaluation through observation, it was found that SDI Karot students were happy and enthusiastic about participating in English learning activities using Vocabulary Games. This can be seen in the activeness and participation of students in participating in group discussions and in answering every question posed by PKM implementers. Thus, it can be recommended that the implementation of Vocabulary Games should always be implemented in learning activities for elementary school students. The consequence is that teachers prepare and design media systematically that can support the implementation of English Vocabulary Games.Keywords: English, Vocabulary Games, Interest, Elementary School Students
Penanaman Pengetahuan dan Keterampilan Berbahasa Inggris Siswa SD Pedesaan Melalui Kursus Bahasa Inggris Intensif di Desa Sambi Gabriel Fredi Daar; Fransiskus Jemadi
JPKMI (Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Indonesia) Vol 1, No 3: Agustus (2020)
Publisher : ICSE (Institute of Computer Science and Engineering)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36596/jpkmi.v1i3.67


Kebijakan pemerintah yang tidak memasukan Bahasa Inggris sebagai mata pelajaran wajib pada jenjang sekolah dasar menyebabkan siswa SD di pedesaan termasuk siswa SD di Desa Sambi Kecamatan Reok Barat NTT tidak mendapatkan ruang untuk mempelajari Bahasa Inggris. Keadaan ini menimbulkan dampak lanjutan yaitu siswa SD di desa Sambi mengalami kesulitan mempelajari bahasa Inggris saat berada di jenjang SMP. Selain itu, beberapa siswa SD yang dipercayakan mengikuti perlombaan tingkat kabupaten mengalami kesulitan mengerjakan soal-soal bahasa Inggris yang pada dasarnya tidak mereka pelajari di sekolah. Kegiatan PkM ini bertujuan untuk menanamkan dan memperkenalkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan berbahasa Inggris kepada siswa SD Kelas 4-6 di desa Sambi dan mendorong terbentuknya Pusat Kegiatan Belajar Masyarakat tempat masyarakat Desa Sambi mendapatkan pengetahuan Bahasa Inggris melalui pendidikan non formal berkelanjutan. Kegiatan kursus dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode ceramah, tanyajawab, simulasi, dialog practice, penggunaan permainan, bercerita, dan diskusi kelompok. Hasil yang dicapai dari kegiatan ini yaitu 1) siswa memiliki pengetahuan dasar dan kemampuan berbicara Bahasa Inggris sederhana. Dengan memiliki pengetahuan dan keterampilan sederhana bahasa Inggris, siswa SD di desa Sambi memiliki kesiapan memasuki jenjang SMP. Selain itu, mereka bisa mengerjakan soal-soal Bahasa Inggris ketika mengikuti perlombaan di tingkat Kabupaten meskipun tidak diajarkan di sekolah formal, 2) Terbentuknya wadah Pusat Kegiatan belajar Masyrakat tempat siswa SD mempelajari Bahasa Inggris secara berkelanjutan dan terstruktur. Kegiatan ini mendapat dukungan dari masyarakat desa Sambi yang diwujudkan dengan kerelaan masyarakat membentuk dan menyediakan tempat PKBM serta keterlibatan dalam kegiatan pembelajaran
Pembudayaan Perilaku Bersih dan Peduli Lingkungan di Dusun Nanu untuk Mendukung Gerakan Nasional Revolusi Mental 2019 Gabriel Fredi Daar; Theofilus Acai Ndorang
JPKMI (Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Indonesia) Vol 1, No 2: Mei (2020)
Publisher : ICSE (Institute of Computer Science and Engineering)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36596/jpkmi.v1i2.40


Abstrak: Gerakan Nasional Indonesia Bersih dan Peduli merupakan dua dari lima program besar Gerakan Nasional Revolusi Mental tahun 2019 dalam rangka mendorong terwujudnya mental masyarakat yang bersih dan peduli terhadap keadaan sekitarnya. Kegiatan PkM ini bertujuan untuk menanamkan kesadaran masyarakat tentang pentingnya menjaga kebersihan diri dan peduli terhadap lingkungan sekitarnya. Kegiatan PkM ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode sosialisasi (ceramah), simulasi, praktik, dan aksi Nyata. Hasil yang dicapai dari kegiatan ini yaitu 1) siswa SD Kelas VI memiliki pengetahuan dan kesadaran terkait mencuci tangan agar terhindar dari berbagai penyakit. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan kemampuan siswa melakukan praktik mencuci tangan secara benar saat diminta secara individu dan kelompok, 2) Terbentuknya sikap peduli terhadap keadaan lingkungan sekitar. Sikap peduli tersebut dibuktikan dengan tindakan-tindakan konkret dilakukan masyarakat dusun Nanu diantaranya membersihkan gang atau lorong-lorong dusun, membuat tempat sampah dari bahan bekas, menanam pohon dan membersihkan area sekitar sumber air bersih Kegiatan ini mendapat dukungan dari masyarakat dusun Nanu yang diwujudkan dengan kerelaan masyarakat terlibat secara aktif dari awal hingga akhir kegiatan.Abstract: The Clean and Concerned Indonesian National Movement are two of the five major programs of the 2019 Mental Revolution National Movement in order to encourage the realization of a mental society that is clean and cares for its surroundings. This community service activity aims to instill public awareness about the importance of maintaining personal hygiene and caring for the surrounding environment. This community service activity is carried out using the method of socialization (lecture), simulation, practice, and Real Action. The results achieved from this activity are 1) Elementary students of grade VI have knowledge and awareness related to washing their hands to avoid various diseases. This is evidenced by the ability of students to practice washing their hands properly when asked individually and in groups, 2) The formation of a caring attitude towards the environment. This caring attitude is proven by the concrete actions carried out by the Nanu community, including cleaning the alleys of the village, making garbage bins from used materials, planting trees and cleaning the area around the source of clean water. the community is actively involved from the beginning to the end of the activity. 
Students’ independent learning implementation during learning from home period (a study at Unika Santu Paulus Ruteng, Flores) Gabriel Fredi Daar
English Vol 4 No 2 (2020): December 2020
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Bali

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (477.107 KB) | DOI: 10.31940/jasl.v4i2.2164


This study explored students’ independent learning during the Learning from Home Period within this covid 19 outbreak. This study was conducted at the Faculty of Health Science and Agriculture Unika Santu Paulus Ruteng, Flores covering four study majors. In order to obtain the objective of the research, it’s used qualitative studies with a phenomenological approach. Data were obtained through interviews. For the purpose of individual interviews, it’s chosen 12 respondents consisting of 8 students and 4 teachers taken purposively. The research results showed that 1) Students use books, modules, portable computers, and mobile phones as the media to apply independent learning. Certain teachers use online applications such as Goggle Classroom, Email, Whats app, and websites to engage students with internet learning instruments. Dealing with learning sources, students use files in the form of PPT, PDF, a word containing the materials, learning videos, notes, google, youtube, assignments distributed by teachers, and some other materials gained by the students themselves from the internet. 2) Students haven’t possessed time management skills. They don’t provide a specific time to learn the materials they obtain from teachers. They only used the learning schedule provided by the campus. 3) Teachers play most of their roles as instructors and facilitators. As instructors, teachers provided some instructions through materials or subject matters to be learned by the students. Moreover, students are asked or instructed to complete certain assignments within the time limit set up through the learning application used. Meanwhile, as facilitators, teachers provided opportunities for the students to discuss and ask questions through an online application provided. Even, certain questions asked through WhatsApp answered directly by the teachers. 4) There are some advantages and obstacles that could be the policymakers and school authority concerns in order to promote optimal self-learning during this covid-19 outbreak.
Journal of English Educational Study (JEES) Vol 3, No 1 (2020): May Edition
Publisher : STKIP Persada Khatulistiwa Sintang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (297.349 KB) | DOI: 10.31932/jees.v3i1.664


Self Directed Learning is the actions taken by which the students independently take initiative to assess their own learning needs, set up learning goals with implementation of appropriate strategies and evaluate learning outcome. This study aims to find out how Students of Nursing at Unika Santu paulus Ruteng, Flores implement self Directed Learning in learning English for Specific Purposes (ESP). It’s mixed method research combining the use of quantitative and qualitative study. For the purpose of quantitative study, it’s used total sampling. Therefore, all 6th semester students numbered 32 were chosen as the samples of the research. Meanwhile for the purpose of qualitative study, it’s chosen 6 students taken purposively. The research result showed that most students of Nursing Unika Santu Paulus Ruteng 23 (71.9%) implemented medium Self Directed Learning in learning English for Specific Purpose (ESP).  It’s furthermore supported by the findings of qualitative study which was elaborated and described based on Self Directed Learning processes namely 1) self learning awareness, 2) planning to learn, 3) learning goal, 4) being discipline to learn, 5) self confident, 6) hard working to learn, and 7) originality. The findings would be the suggestions for school authorities in particular English teacher to plan for applying Self Directed Learning in learning English for Specific Purpose at Nursing Study program Unika Santu Paulus Ruteng, Flores. By knowing earlier the concept and how to apply SDL, students of Nursing have a free will to implement it in learning English.Keywords: SDL, learning English, ESP, nursing students
Classroom Interaction In English Speaking Class (A Study at SMA Santu Fransiskus Ruteng, Flores) Gabriel Fredi Daar
Journal of English Language Teaching and Linguistics Journal of English Language Teaching and Linguistics, 5(3), December 2020
Publisher : Yayasan Visi Intan Permata

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21462/jeltl.v5i3.437


Classroom interaction emphasizes on the effectiveness of the students participation in the dialogue, and finally improving the ability of speaking. It involves all participants; teacher, learners and learning sources. There are some different purpose of using speaking. Each purpose implies knowledge of the rules that account for how spoken language reflects the context in which the speech occurs (Richard and Renandya, 2002:201). The study aims at finding out how classroom interaction employed in speaking class at SMA Santu Fransiskus Ruteng, Flores.  It’s used mixed method combining the use of descriptive quantitative and qualitative study design with phenomenological approach. It’s used random sampling, with 45 students taken as the samples. Meanwhile, employing a qualitative research design and phenomenological approach, the data for this study are mostly collected through interview completed by observation and documentation. For the purpose of deep interview, the participants are 1 English teacher and 4 students taken purposively. The study showed that 1) there is one aspect of classroom interaction mostly categorized as high level of implementation; Response and Asks Questions (28=62.2%). Data of interviewed confirmed that students needs appreciation for learning progress or achievement they may make. It encourages them to be more active and participative. 2) Feelings acceptance, praises or encouragement, and  ideas use or acceptance implementation (40=88.9%) and giving directions, criticisms or authority justification (38=84.4%) were mostly in the category of medium level. Meanwhile, initiation was mostly in the category of low level (24=53.3%). Data of interview confirmed that low initiation is caused by students learning habit. Most students do the activities of learning English when English teacher fosters them to learn. It’s in the form of quiz, assignment, mid test or final test. Leaning is merely conducted to improve and increase English score. Other activities such as memorizing vocabularies, writing stories, answering questions based on the passages, building up sentences and other classroom activities designed are done under teacher’s control and design. In the next phase, students find it difficult to accomplish complex tasks. They are only able to accomplish simple tasks. Learning autonomy which is oriented to build up speaking ability hardly ever done.  To this extend, English teacher pay more attention to the topic chosen in teaching learning processes. It determines whether the students initiate interaction or not.
Indonesian Higher Education of Innovation In Learning English In The Pandemic And New Normal Period Gabriel Fredi Daar
Journal of English Education Vol 6, No 2 (2021): JEE
Publisher : Universitas Sembilanbelas November Kolaka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31327/jee.v6i2.1577


Innovation of learning activities in universities is a necessity because they are considered as actors of innovation itself. This paper aims to explore higher education innovations in Indonesia during the pandemic and post-pandemic that can be utilized in English learning activities. This research is a literature study by utilizing data obtained from online journals, books, and government regulations as analysis material. Higher education innovations can be seen in the government's new concepts and policies that are relevant to the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, the innovation of learning platforms, including digital learning media, is very appropriate to use in online English learning activities from home. These two major innovations, besides being useful for responding to educational challenges during the pandemic, are also a medium for developing independence in student learning.