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Prediksi Kebutuhan Data Mahasiswa Untuk Kuliah Daring Kondisi Covid-19 Di Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Mataram: Prediction of Student Data Needs for Online Lectures Covid-19 Conditions in the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Mataram Made Sutha yadnya; Ni Luh Sinar Ayu Ratna Dewi; Sudi Maryanto Al Sasongko; Rosmaliati Rosmaliati; Abdulah Zainuddin
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jstl.v7i2.284


In the covid-19 condition, lectures at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Mataram University changed from a face-to-face process to via the Internet. T here will be a very sharp increase in demand. The use of data initially provided by the University of Mataram using a free hotspot network turned into a burden on lecturers and students. This research was conducted by sampling, general compulsory subjects, compulsory electrical courses, and compulsory expertise subjects. The distribution of variations of students domiciled in the City of Mataram and the other place coverage Lombok Island, within NTB and outside NTB. The results obtained are as follows: students who still survive in Mataram City are 17% (10.5 GB), Lombok Island 48% (8.1 GB), outside Lonbok Island 27% (4.8 GB), and outside NTB 8% (15 GB). Keyword : covid-19; lectures; online
Investigasi Tingkat Kerawanan Gedung Dalam Rangka Implementasi Mitigasi Gempa Bumi di Fakultas Teknik Universitas Mataram Teti Zubaidah; Rosmaliati Rosmaliati; Cipta Ramadhani; Dwi Ratnasari; Made Sutha Yadnya; Bulkis Kanata; Paniran Paniran; Abdullah Zainuddin; Kenya Damayanti Priyatna
Jurnal Gema Ngabdi Vol. 3 No. 3 (2021): JURNAL GEMA NGABDI
Publisher : Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jgn.v3i3.160


After the 2018 Lombok Earthquake, buildings at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Mataram (FT Unram) were severely damaged and there was no comprehensive treatment. Facilities for earthquake mitigation are still minimal and if available they are not designed and placed properly. Some parts of the building have been renovated but appear unfinished, while there were new constructions that have not been investigated regarding their suitability with earthquake mitigation. Anticipating re-occurrence of a major earthquake in Lombok, it is very necessary to implement earthquake mitigation at FT Unram. In this paper, results of vulnerability investigation of each building will be presented including number, type, and level of damages as well as their locations and detailed documentation of each point of damages in form of pictures and photos/videos. Through this activity vulnerabilities of each building can be identified comprehensively, so that appropriate treatments can be carried out, and the safest evacuation route can be planned as well.
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Fakultas Teknik Universitas Mataram

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PLN (Persero) Wilayah Nusa Tenggara Barat membangun Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS) yang berukuran 200 kWp dan 400 kWp dengan sistem on-grid untuk meningkatkan kapasitas suplai sistem kelistrikan Gili Trawangan. Penelitian ini mengamati beberapa parameter yang selanjutnya digunakan untuk menganalisis unjuk kerja dan hasilnya dapat menjadi masukan bagi PT. PLN (Persero) Wilayah Nusa Tenggara Barat dalam merencanakan PLTS pada masa yang akan datang. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pengumpulan data spesifikasi, pengukuran keluaran panel surya dan inverter, perhitungan dan analisis. Hasil perhitungan PLTS 200 kWp berdasarkan data spesifikasi didapatkan besarnya efisiensi PV (ηPV,d), efisiensi inverter (ηinv,d), efisiensi sistem (ηsys,d), hasil akhir (Yf,d) dan rasio kinerja (PRd) berturut-turut adalah 14,82%; 98,78%; 14,64%; 8,89 kWh/kWp; 88,9% dan berdasarkan hasil perhitungan data pengukuran didapatkan besarnya nilai tersebut berturut-turut adalah 12,47%; 97,61%; 12,17%; 5,13 kWh/kWp; 15,98%. Hasil perhitungan PLTS 400 kWp berdasarkan data spesifikasi didapatkan besarnya nilai tersebut pada inverter I dan inverter II berturut-turut adalah 15,76%; 99,13%; 15,62%; 8,91 kWh/kWp; 89,1% dan berdasarkan hasil perhitungan data pengukuran besarnya nilai tersebut pada inverter I dan inverter II berturut-turut adalah 10,24% dan 10,32%; 95,72% dan 94,14%; 9,80% dan 9,72%; 4,83-4,84% kWh/kWp; 15,04-15,07%. Dari hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa hasil perhitungan berdasarkan data pengukuran lebih kecil dibandingkan data spesifikasi, dengan besar persentase perbandingan untuk masing-masing nilai berturut-turut berkisar antara 52,60-88,53%; 94,97-98,82%; 50,45-57,09%; 34,68-59,84% dan 16,88-25,25%.
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Fakultas Teknik Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (250.365 KB)


Penelitian ini membahas tentang optimalisasi pada sisi pembangkit untuk pemilihan daya yang dibangkitkan pada masing – masing generator dengan tujuan untuk mendapatkan biaya yang ekonomis khususnya pada Sistem Kelistrikan Lombok, tentunya dengan memperhatikan daya beban dan losses. Economic Dispatch (ED) menggunakan metode Imperialist Competitive Algorithm (ICA) ini dapat menghasilkan kombinasi daya pembangkitan dan biaya termurah dengan perlakuan Parameter ICA optimasi ED Kelistrikan Lombok dengan kombinasi country = 150 dan imperialist = 5, koefisien asimilasi β = 1.5 dan koefisien revolusi = 0.3. Biaya total pembangkitan yang dihasilkan oleh metode Imperialist Competitive Algoritma sebesar 72.881.839 Rp/jam lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan metode Algoritma Genetika (GA) sebesar 73.230.930 Rp/jam sehingga dengan menggunakan kombinasi daya pembangkitan metode ICA dapat menghemat biaya sebesar 349.090 Rp/jam dibandingan dengan metode GA.
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Fakultas Teknik Universitas Mataram

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Sistem fotovoltaik dan sistem biogas telah dibangun di Laboratorium Energi Barudan Terbarukan Fakultas Teknik Universitas Mataram. Kedua sistem tersebut akan digabungkan menjadi sistem hibrida untuk menentukan pola implementasi, kapasitas dan kinerja sistem pada kelompok bebanyang terdiri dari kelompok desa dan kelompok kota.Kelompok desa terdiri dari kelompok pendapatan rendah, kelompok pendapatan menengah, dan kelompok pendapatan atas, sedangkan kelompok kota terdiri dari kelompok pendapatan rendah dan kelompok pendapatan menengah.Penelitian ini menggunakan baterai sebagai penyimpanan energi, inverter untuk mengubah DCmenjadi AC, dan beban AC yang dibutuhkan masing-masing kelompok berdasarkan data survey. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, biogas dengan kapasitas digester 8m3 dibutuhkan oleh semua kelompok. Untuk mengatasi kekurangan energi yang dihasilkan oleh biogas, kelompok desa pendapatan menengah, kelompok desa pendapatan atas, kelompok kota pendapatan rendah dan kelompok kota pendapatan menengah, membutuhkan fotovoltaik kapasitas 65 Wp dengan jumlah masing-masing panel 2, 5, 2, dan 8. Kapasitas baterai yang dibutuhkan masing-masing kelompok beban adalah 22,6Ah, 81,73Ah, 151,83Ah, 83Ah, dan 262,63Ah. Kinerja sistem hibrida fotovoltaik-biogas dipengaruhi oleh cuaca, meskipun produksi biogas cenderung tetap, tetapi kapasitas arus yang dihasilkan oleh fotovoltaik tergantung dari radiasi matahari yang diterima
Algoritma Deep Learning-LSTM untuk Memprediksi Umur Transformator Ayu Ahadi Ningrum; Iwan Syarif; Agus Indra Gunawan; Edi Satriyanto; Rosmaliati Muchtar
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 8 No 3: Juni 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25126/jtiik.2021834587


Kualitas dan ketersediaan pasokan listrik menjadi hal yang sangat penting. Kegagalan pada transformator menyebabkan pemadaman listrik yang dapat menurunkan kualitas layanan kepada pelanggan. Oleh karena itu, pengetahuan tentang umur transformator sangat penting untuk menghindari terjadinya kerusakan transformator secara mendadak yang dapat mengurangi kualitas layanan pada pelanggan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan aplikasi yang dapat memprediksi umur transformator secara akurat menggunakan metode Deep Learning-LSTM. LSTM adalah metode yang dapat digunakan untuk mempelajari suatu pola pada data deret waktu. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini bersumber dari 25 unit transformator yang meliputi data dari sensor arus, tegangan, dan suhu. Analisis performa yang digunakan untuk mengukur kinerja LSTM adalah Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) dan Squared Correlation (SC). Selain LSTM, penelitian ini juga menerapkan algoritma Multilayer Perceptron, Linear Regression, dan Gradient Boosting Regressor sebagai algoritma pembanding.  Hasil eksperimen menunjukkan bahwa LSTM mempunyai kinerja yang sangat bagus setelah dilakukan pencarian komposisi data, seleksi fitur menggunakan algoritma KBest dan melakukan percobaan beberapa variasi parameter. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode Deep Learning-LSTM mempunyai kinerja yang lebih baik daripada 3 algoritma lain yaitu nilai RMSE= 0,0004 dan nilai Squared Correlation= 0,9690. AbstractThe quality and availability of the electricity supply is very important. Failures in the transformer cause power outages which can reduce the quality of service to customers. Therefore, knowledge of transformer life is very important to avoid sudden transformer damage which can reduce the quality of service to customers. This study aims to develop applications that can predict transformer life accurately using the Deep Learning-LSTM method. LSTM is a method that can be used to study a pattern in time series data. The data used in this research comes from 25 transformer units which include data from current, voltage, and temperature sensors. The performance analysis used to measure LSTM performance is Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) and Squared Correlation (SC). Apart from LSTM, this research also applies the Multilayer Perceptron algorithm, Linear Regression, and Gradient Boosting Regressor as a comparison algorithm. The experimental results show that LSTM has a very good performance after searching for the composition of the data, selecting features using the KBest algorithm and experimenting with several parameter variations. The results showed that the Deep Learning-LSTM method had better performance than the other 3 algorithms, namely the value of RMSE = 0.0004 and the value of Squared Correlation = 0.9690.
Pengenalan Instalasi Listrik yang Aman Kepada Siswa-Siswi SMPN 7 Mataram Ni Made Seniari; Rosmaliati Rosmaliati; Supriyatna Supriyatna; Abdul Natsir; Ida Ayu Sri Adnyani; Sabar Nababan
DEDIKASI Vol 22, No 2 (2020): Jurnal Dedikasi
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/dedikasi.v22i2.16139


Understanding of electrical installation and the use of electrical equipment that is proper and safe, has a big contribution to the safety and security around us. The introduction of safe electrical installations according to the Indonesian National Standard, namely the General Requirements for Electrical Installations (SNI: PUIL 2011) needs to be disseminated to the public from an early age. The problems were: (1) Socialization of electrical installations is less socialized to the wider community, (2) Socialization of SNI PUIL 2011 is less socialized by related parties, (3) There is no special curriculum that provides practical skills to junior high school students regarding safe electrical installations. External targets are students: (1) Can recognize the components of simple electrical installations in their homes, (2) Understand the functions and workings of installation components, (3) Understand the procedures for installing electrical installations, (4) Be able to plan installation installations electricity. The methods used were (1) lectures on understanding the importance of safe electrical installations, the functions and workings of installation components, (2) demonstrations using electrical installation module boards, (3) Questions and answers and discussions. The results achieved included students: (1) Understanding of simple electrical installations in their homes, (2) Understanding of electrical installation procedures and planning, (3) Being able to plan installations
Prediksi Sisa Umur Transformator Menggunakan Metode Backpropagation Novie Elok Setiawati; Rosmaliati Rosmaliati; Misbahul Munir; Trisna Wati; Ilmiatul Masfufiah
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (701.234 KB) | DOI: 10.30651/cl.v4i1.6816


Transformator distribusi adalah salah satu instrument penting dalam penyaluran listrik ke konsumen. Selain penggunaan normal, kondisi gangguan pada transformator dapat menyebabkan menurunnya umur transformator sehingga kinerja transformator tidak optimal sampai batas umur operasinya. Oleh karena itu penting sekali dilakukan menghitung sisa umur transformator. Tahapan yang dilakukan adalah menghitung sisa umur transformator menggunakan standar IEC 60076-7.  Selanjutnya dilakukan prediksi sisa umur transformator menggunakan backprogation. Parameter-parameter yang diperlukan untuk penelitian ini pembebanan dan umur transformator. Pengukuran arus transformator distribusi dilaksanakan di Surabaya Utara dengan rating 20 KV / 380-220 Volt. Nilai pembebanan transformator yang dilakukan selama 24 jam merupakan data latih dan data testing pada backpropagation. Hasil simulasi backpropagation untuk memprediksi sisa umur mendapatkan nilai rata-rata akurasi dari komposisi I sebesar 97.81 %, komposisi II sebesar 96.94%.
Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa Sade Dalam Kesiapan Desa Tangguh Bencana Banjir dan Tanah Longsor Made Sutha Yadnya; Lalu Muhamad Irfan; Abdullah Zainuddin; Bulkis Kanata; Teti Zubaidah; Rosmaliati Rosmaliati; Paniran Paniran
Jurnal Gema Ngabdi Vol. 4 No. 1 (2022): JURNAL GEMA NGABDI
Publisher : Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jgn.v4i1.233


The Mandalika area has become an area of ​​global concern because it has a GP motorcycle racing circuit. Mandaika is geographically closely related to the 9 buffer villages. The village is Sade Village, which is a unified area that must be maintained due to the land being taken as backfill for the circuit construction area. Changes in land use are a threat that is already in sight due to the land becoming barren, it is necessary to provide knowledge about the dangers of disasters such as floods and landslides due to extreme weather. The obligation to provide knowledge on the dangers of flooding and landslides has been carried out with the help of funds from the DPP SPP Electrical Engineering, University of Mataram, through the Community Service program carried out by the research group on Electromagnetic Technology and Environmental Conservation for Humanity
Pengenalan Pemasangan Sistem Proteksi Petir (SPP) Eksternal Pada Gedung di Kota Mataram Ni Made Seniari; Rosmaliati Rosmaliati; Supriyatna Supriyatna; Abdul Natsir; Ida Ayu Sri Adnyani; Sabar Nababan
Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat PROSIDING EDISI 6: SEMNAS 2020
Publisher : Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (860.778 KB)


Abstract. Indonesia is located in the tropics with an Iso Kraunic Level (IKL) of 200 strikes / km2 / year, with a relatively large risk of loss. The introduction of planning and installing a lightning protection system (SPP) was carried out for young people around the Mataram University Campus environment and was also attended by students and alumni of the Mataram University electrical engineering department. The selection of the topic and target of this activity was due to problems including (1) Lack of public understanding of the lightning phenomenon, (2) There has been no attempt by related parties to socialize ways to reduce the risk of lightning strikes, (3) Lack of public understanding of the procedure and planning for system installation external lightning protection (SPP). The external targets were: (1) Increase public understanding of the concept of lightning, (2) Increase community understanding of the impact and risk of lightning strikes, (3) Provide knowledge on how to reduce losses due to lightning strikes, (4) Provide skills in planning the installation of external SPP. The methods used were: lectures, demonstrations, question and answer, and discussion. The results achieved include: (1) Understanding of the phenomenon of lightning, (2) Understanding of the impact of direct and indirect lightning strikes, (3) Can plan the installation of external lightning installations.