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Optimal selection of LQR parameter using AIS for LFC in a multi-area power system Abdillah, Muhammad; Setiadi, Herlambang; Reihara, Adelhard Beni; Mahmoud, Karar; Farid, Imam Wahyudi; Soeprijanto, Adi
Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power and Vehicular Technology Vol 7, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Research Centre for Electrical Power and Mechatronics, Indonesian Istitutes of Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3287.043 KB) | DOI: 10.14203/j.mev.2016.v7.93-104


This paper proposes a method to optimize the parameter of the linear quadratic regulator (LQR) using artificial immune system (AIS) via clonal selection. The parameters of LQR utilized in this paper are the weighting matrices Q and R. The optimal LQR control for load frequency control (LFC) is installed on each area as a decentralized control scheme. The aim of this control design is to improve the dynamic performance of LFC automatically when unexpected load change occurred on power system network. The change of load demands 0.01 p.u used as a disturbance is applied to LFC in Area 1. The proposed method guarantees the stability of the overall closed-loop system. The simulation result shows that the proposed method can reduce the overshoot of the system and compress the time response to steady-state which is better compared to trial error method (TEM) and without optimal LQR control.
Optimal selection of LQR parameter using AIS for LFC in a multi-area power system Muhammad Abdillah; Herlambang Setiadi; Adelhard Beni Reihara; Karar Mahmoud; Imam Wahyudi Farid; Adi Soeprijanto
Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power and Vehicular Technology Vol 7, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : National Research and Innovation Agency

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14203/j.mev.2016.v7.93-104


This paper proposes a method to optimize the parameter of the linear quadratic regulator (LQR) using artificial immune system (AIS) via clonal selection. The parameters of LQR utilized in this paper are the weighting matrices Q and R. The optimal LQR control for load frequency control (LFC) is installed on each area as a decentralized control scheme. The aim of this control design is to improve the dynamic performance of LFC automatically when unexpected load change occurred on power system network. The change of load demands 0.01 p.u used as a disturbance is applied to LFC in Area 1. The proposed method guarantees the stability of the overall closed-loop system. The simulation result shows that the proposed method can reduce the overshoot of the system and compress the time response to steady-state which is better compared to trial error method (TEM) and without optimal LQR control.
Kontrol Flow Gas pada Pengembangan Sistem Distribusi Gas Rumah Tangga Menggunakan PLC dan Metode Fuzzy Logic Damara Achmad Fenanda; Imam Wahyudi Farid; Ciptian Weried Priananda
Jurnal Teknik ITS Vol 10, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Direktorat Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (DRPM), ITS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12962/j23373539.v10i2.68298


Penyaluran gas bumi melalui pipa yang memerlukan pemantauan secara berkala untuk memastikan jalur distribusi gas bumi tersalurkan dengan baik, serta meminimalisir faktor kebocoran gas pada pipa distribusi gas yang disalurkan ke pelanggan yaitu rumah tangga. Pada sistem control aliran gas dilengkapi dengan metode aplikasi Fuzzy Logic, yang dimana metode ini merupakan metode yang mampu menganalisa dan mengklasifikasi dari akibat suatu kejadian atau masalah yang timbul selama proses pendistribusian gas. Penggunaan metode fuzzy logic dalam sistem Kontrol Flow Gas Pada Pengembangan Sistem Distribusi Gas Rumah Tangga Menggunakan PLC Dan Metode Fuzzy Logic dilakukan dengan memasukan seluruh jumlah nilai input aliran udara mulai dari 50-100 m3. Pada aliran gas tinggi sistem control flow gas bekerja dengan optimal untuk mencegah terjadinya over flow gas dengan cara memperkecil bukaan valve sehingga aliran gas setelah melalui valve akan tetap terjaga dalam range normal.
Sistem Otomasi Load Shedding pada Smart Meter Menggunakan Metode Fuzzy Logic Divan Andika Yuhansyah; Imam Wahyudi Farid; Ciptian Weried Priananda
Jurnal Teknik ITS Vol 10, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Direktorat Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (DRPM), ITS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12962/j23373539.v10i2.68680


Kebutuhan energi listrik bagi sektor rumah tangga telah menjadi kebutuhan dasar. Namun, masih ada masyarakat yang mengeluh terkait dengan tagihan rekening listrik yang mahal. Selain itu penggunaan listrik sangatlah tidak disarankan untuk melebihi kapasitas daya yang dapat mengakibatkan terjadinya korsleting. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan alat yakni Smart Meter yang dapat memonitoring penggunaan energi listrik serta dapat melakukan load shedding secara otomatis untuk mengurangi terjadinya korsleting. Sistem otomasi load shedding menggunakan salah satu metode dari teknologi artificial intelligence yaitu dengan menggunakan Fuzzy Logic Mamdani sehingga dapat mengenali pola, klasifikasi/identifikasi, prediksi, dan optimasi terhadap penggunaan energi listrik. Load shedding yang dilakukan berdasarkan pada beban prioritas dan beban non-prioritas. Dari pengujian sistem otomasi load shedding yang dilakukan sebanyak 5x dengan 6x percobaan kombinasi beban menghasilkan bahwa pada percobaan ke-1 hingga ke-4 mendapatkan hasil output Relay_Hidup3, pada percobaan ke-5 mendapatkan hasil output Relay_Hidup2, dan pada percobaan ke-6 mendapatkan hasil output Relay_Hidup1. Untuk melakukan proses load shedding tersebut didapatkan rata-rata delay waktu sebesar 2,302 detik.
Automatic Transfer Switch Dilengkapi Fitur Monitoring Website pada On-Grid Solar Home System Iqbal Aulia Lazuardi; Imam Wahyudi Farid; Ciptian Weried Priananda
Jurnal Teknik ITS Vol 10, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Direktorat Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (DRPM), ITS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12962/j23373539.v10i2.68713


Penggunaan photovoltaic sangat meningkat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sehari - hari. Namun saat ini penggunaan energi listrik dari photovoltaic belum dapat dimonitoring dan dikontrol dengan baik. Hal ini ditunjukkan dari cepat rusaknya baterai dan sistem photovoltaic yang digunakan pada Solar Home System (SHS). Oleh karena itu, diperlukan sebuah perangkat monitoring serta kendali untuk membantu pembagian besaran daya yang keluar dari photovoltaic untuk suplai beban rumah tangga. Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) merupakan alat yang dapat melakukan pergantian porsi suplai energi listrik secara otomatis memanfaatkan cara kerja relay dengan memperhatikan kondisi presentase dari baterai. ATS dilengkapi dengan sistem monitoring berbasis website dengan menggunakan metode Network Control System yang dapat melakukan kontrol dan monitoring secara real time. Sistem Automatic Transfer Switch dapat melakukan switching atau perpindahan beban dari sumber utama ke sumber cadangan berdasarkan kondisi presentase dari baterai saat mencapai nilai sebesar 11,4 Volt dengan kapasitas baterai berkisar antara 36%-38%. Sehingga ATS melakukan cut off sumber dari PLTS dan mengalihkan beban pada sumber PLN tanpa jeda. Pada sistem monitoring ATS menggunakan metode Moving Average sebagai filter hasil data yang tidak sesuai pada pengukuran keluaran photovoltaic, dan didapatkan grafik monitoring tegangan dan arus photovoltaic yang lebih stabil. Dengan MAE tegangan PV = 1,368 V, MAE arus PV = 0, 152 A dan MSE tegangan PV= 3,389 V, MSE arus PV = 0,079 A. Serta penggunaan metode Network Control System dengan pemograman millis interrupt pada kendali relay ATS didapatkan rata-rata hasil delay relay 1 dan relay 2 sebesar 1,034 seconds jauh lebih baik daripada penggunaan pemrograman tanpa millis interrupt yaitu sebesar 61 seconds. Hal tersebut tentunya berpengaruh pada keefektifan kerja dari relay kontrol.
Sistem Traffic Line Produk pada Area Packaging dengan Metode Round Robin Farah Julita; Arif Musthofa; Imam Wahyudi Farid
Jurnal Teknik ITS Vol 10, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Direktorat Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (DRPM), ITS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12962/j23373539.v10i2.72981


Pada industri manufaktur tertentu, terdapat sistem distribusi dengan manual pada area tertentu misalnya seperti pada area packaging. Dengan meminimalisir terjadinya human error atau kesalahan yang dilakukan oleh para tenaga kerja dan terjadinya penumpukan produk saat target jumlah produksi sedang tinggi, hal ini dapat mempercepat dan mempermudah proses pendistribusian. Dengan adanya permasalahan tersebut maka diperlukannya membuat rancangan suatu conveyor dengan sistem traffic line produk yang dilengkapi dengan metode round robin untuk penjadwalan alur proses produksi secara efektif . Ketika terjadi penumpukan antara line 1 atau line 2, maka sensor akan mendeteksi dan men-trigger gate untuk membuka jalur tersebut dan LED hijau ON sehingga produk berjalan menuju main conveyor. Salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan sistem pengaturan traffic line dan gate adalah dengan mengoptimalkan waktu siklus traffic line 1 dan line 2 dengan alogaritma yang dapat digunakan untuk melakukan pegaturan siklus sistem traffic line ini dengan round robin dan prioritas. Hasil dari alat yang telah dirancang dapat diimplementasikan di industri – industri tertentu yang membutuhkan sistem ini agar bekerja secara efisien, terlebih pada bagian area setelah packaging menuju ke storage. Sistem traffic line yang dilengkapi dengan metode round robin ini dapat mengurangi tingkat penumpukan dan mempercepat arus traffic line produksi sebesar 58,18%.
Low-Frequency Oscillation Mitigation usin an Optimal Coordination of CES and PSS based on BA Dwi Lastomo; Herlambang Setiadi; Galih Bangga; Imam Wahyudi Farid; Muhammad Faisal; Peter Go Hutomo; Taurista Perdana Syawitri; Louis Putra; Yongki Hendranata; Kristiadi Stefanus; Chairunnisa Chairunnisa; Andri Ashfahani; Ahmad Sabila
Proceeding of the Electrical Engineering Computer Science and Informatics Vol 5: EECSI 2018
Publisher : IAES Indonesia Section

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (339.971 KB) | DOI: 10.11591/eecsi.v5.1627


Small signal stability represents the reliability of generator for transferring electrical energy to the consumers. The stress of the generator increases proportionally with the increasing number of load demand as well as the uncertainty characteristic of the load demand. This condition makes the small signal stability performance of power system become vulnerable. This problem can be handled using power system stabilizer (PSS) which is installed in the excitation system. However, PSS alone is not enough to deal with the uncertainty of load issue because PSS supplies only an additional signal without providing extra active power to the grid. Hence, utilizing capacitor energy storage (CES) may solve the load demand and uncertainty issues. This paper proposes a coordination between CES and PSS to mitigate oscillatory behavior of the power system. Moreover, bat algorithm is used as an optimization method for designing the coordinated controller between CES and PSS. In order to assess the proposed method, a multi-machine two-area power system is applied as the test system. Eigenvalue, damping ratio, and time domain simulations are performed to examine the significant results of the proposed method. From the simulation, it is found that the present proposal is able to mitigate the oscillatory behavior of the power system by increasing damping performance from 4.9% to 59.9%.
Monte Carlo method at the 24 game and its application for mathematics education Meita Fitrianawati; Zulhaj Aliansyah; Nur Robiah Nofikusumawati Peni; Imam Wahyudi Farid; Lukman Hakim
Journal of Honai Math Vol 5, No 2 (2022): Journal of Honai Math
Publisher : Universitas Papua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30862/jhm.v5i2.250


Students often find mathematics a challenging subject and turn it into a scourge for them. Game-based learning, such as “24-card game”, help engage students in a self-paced and fun learning process and thus may overcome students’ math anxiety and promote mental math skills. This research aims to examine how the 24-card game works using the Monte Carlo method and the possibility to overcome students' mathematics anxiety. The meta-analysis method was used to explain Monte Carlo’s simulation to solve the solution for all possible combinations of cards in the game and respectively assign difficulty levels. The student's proficiency level was evaluated based on the divergence value in the number of guesses required to solve the dealt combination at 87% to show full proficiency. The evaluation could also show the math difficulty of advanced operations, such as fractions and grouping games. This game is more efficient in developing students' mental math skills compared to a conventional and rigidly structured classroom lecture.
LOW-COST LIDAR TLS-100 COMPARISON WITH LIDAR IPAD PRO FOR 3D MAPPING Yanto Budisusanto; Muchammad Rizki Ubaidillah; Mokhamad Nur Cahyadi; Daud Wahyu Imani; Imam Wahyudi Farid
Journal of Marine-Earth Science and Technology Vol. 2 No. 3 (2021): December
Publisher : Marine & Earth Science and Technology Research Center, DRPM, ITS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12962/j27745449.v2i3.430


Currently, creating a 3D model of an object has undergone relatively rapid development, especially in technology. Several technologies that can be used to create 3D models are total stations, LiDAR, UAVs, terrestrial laser scanners, and various other products. There are also various methods for obtaining 3D models, such as aerial photogrammetry, close-range photogrammetry, terrestrial, and satellites. This study focuses on comparing the TLS-100 from aerial portraits with the iPad Pro LiDAR product from Apple Inc. The results to be analyzed are the resulting data format, the speed of data retrieval, the quality of the data obtained, and statistical analysis. This study is expected to assist in proving the quality of low-cost LiDAR and iPad Pro LiDAR products.
Greenhouse Potential based on Ecotourism and Education for Sustainable Village Economic Resilience Lilik Nurindah Sari; Tutik Nurhidayati; Maya Shovitri; Enny Zulaika; Nengah Dwianita Kuswytasari; Arif Luqman; Nur Hidayatul Alami; Kristanti Indah Purwani; Nurul Jadid; Dini Ermavitalini; Imam Wahyudi Farid; Ciptian Weried Priananda
IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series No 1 (2023): The 1st International Conference on Community Services and Public Policy (ICCSP) 2022
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12962/j23546026.y2023i1.16378


Indonesia has many rural areas with diversity and uniqueness in each region that have developed into eco-tourism. The village that is being developed as an eco-tourism destination is expected to improve the welfare of the surrounding community. Developed eco-tourism can provide jobs for residents in the village. Eco-tourism is also one of the developments to preserve ecosystems in rural areas. This eco- tourism sector can support community welfare and sustainable rural development. One approach to the development of rural areas is through village ecotourism. Village Ecotourism is a rural area with several special characteristics that can be used as a tourist destination. One way to improve the development of village ecotourism is by adding new facilities that lead to educational tourism, i.e., greenhouse facilities. The existence of this greenhouse can be used as a means of science education about a more advanced agricultural system with a controlled environmental system. Greenhouse technology can improve the quality and quantity of plant productivity, thereby increasing people's income, and producing healthier organic plant products. Greenhouses can also be used as educational tourism facilities for various science education activities and simple agricultural training. Training for residents can also be carried out, for community empowerment, such as training in planting, fertilizing, nurseries, processing plant products, and the process of packaging plant products. This review summarizes the various potentials of Greenhouse development for the development of education-based village ecotourism and provides references for further research that focuses on community service, which is increasing sustainable village economic resilience.