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Jurnal Teknik Lingkungan Vol 21, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : ITB Journal Publisher, LPPM ITB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (621.676 KB) | DOI: 10.5614/jtl.2015.21.1.7


Abstrak: Salah satu alternatif teknik pengolahan tanah terkontaminasi minyak dengan remediasi secara fisik dan kimia adalah dengan teknik soil washing. Soil washing adalah proses reduksi volume atau miniminasi limbah dimana partikel tanah yang mengandung mayoritas kontaminan dipisahkan dari fraksi bulk tanah, atau kontaminan disisihkan dari tanah dengan larutan kimia dan di-recovery dari larutan dalam bentuk substrat padat. Kajian awal yang dilakukan untuk menerapkan teknik soil washing adalah karakteristik tanah tercemar minyak yaitu analisa Oil and Grease, TPH, GCMS, grain size, dan XRD. Tanah dengan tekstur sand, loam dan sandy loam yang mengandung TPH dengan persentase 2,34%, 1,61% dan 4,48% secara berurutan akan diolah dengan teknik soil washing menggunakan surfaktan Tween 80 dan rasio solid/liquid yang sesuai. Hasil variasi konsentrasi larutan surfaktan menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi surfaktan optimum dalam penyisihan TPH dari ketiga tekstur tanah adalan 0,25% untuk tanah sand, 1% untuk tanah loam dan 0,5% untuk tanah sandy loam. Sedangkan rasio solid/liquid optimum adalah 1:15 (gr/ml) untuk ketiga tekstur tanah. Penyisihan TPH yang tercapai dengan pengadukan selama 10 jam dari masing-masing tekstur tanah adalah 85,32% pada tanah sand, 47,65% pada tanah loam, dan 72,94% pada tanah sandy loam. Koefisien distribusi (Kd) TPH setelah proses soil washing tanah sand, loam dan sandy loam adalah 0,388 g/ml, 0,071 g/ml, dan 0,180 g/ml. Kata Kunci: soil washing, surfaktan, rasio solid/liquid, tangki berpengaduk Abstract: Among alternative technique for remediation of contaminated soil is chemical and phsycal technique that is soil washing. soil washing is a volume reduction/waste minimization treatment process where those soil particles which "host" the majority of the contamination are separated from the bulk soil fractions, or contaminants are removed from the soil by aqueous chemicals and recovered from solution on a solid substrate. Pre-study for application of soil washing is examination of soil characteristics including Oil and Grease, TPH, GCMS, grain size and XRD analysis. Sand, Loam, and Sandy Loam with TPH consentration of 2.34%, 1.61% and 4.48% respectively will be treated using Tween 80 surfactant enhanced soil washing method and optimum solid/liquid ratio. Variation in surfactant solution resulting the optimum surfactant concentration of 0.25% for sand, 1% for loam, and 0.5% for sandy loam. Meanwhile optimum solid/liquid ratio for the soils are 1:15 (gr/ml). TPH removal achieved after agitation for 10 hours of three types of soil are 85.32% for sand, 47.65% for loam, dan 72.94% for sandy loam. TPH distribution coefficient (Kd) after soil washing of sand, loam and sandy loam were 0,388 g/ml, 0,071 g/ml, and 0,180 g/ml respectively. Keyword: soil washing, surfactant, solid/liquid ratio, agitated vessel
Sustainable Environmental and Optimizing Industry Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2019): Maret
Publisher : Universitas Sahid

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36441/seoi.v1i1.171


Leachate atau lindi sampah berpotensi untuk mencemari air pemukaan dan air tanah. Hal ini diakibatkan degradasi biologis leachate menghasilkan pencemar berbahaya seperti zat organik dan logam berat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengamati efisiensi MSL dalam mereduksi pencemar yang terkandung dalam leachate. Pengamatan penelitian difokuskan pada pengaruh hydraulic loading rate (HLR) terhadap efisiensi reduksi pencemar, yang terdiri atas 250 l/m2 .hari, 500 l/m2 .hari dan 1000 l/m2 .hari. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara mengalirkan secara gravitasi leachate Tempat Pemprosesan Akhir (TPA) Talang Gulo ke reaktor MSL berdimensi 15x50x50 cm. Reaktor MSL terdiri atas lapisan impermeable dan lapisan permeabel. Lapisan impermeabel merupakan lapisan yang terdiri atas campuran tanah dan arang dengan rasio 2 : 1, serta lapisan permeabel terdiri atas lapisan zeolit berdiameter 0,25 – 0,5 cm. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, didapat bahwa MSL dapat menetralkan pH dan mereduksi konsentrasi pencemar COD, amoniak, besi (Fe) dan warna. Efisiensi reduksi untuk semua pencemar berkisar 92% – 99,966%. Secara umum, HLR sangat mempengaruhi efisiensi reduksi, dimana makin rendah HLR maka makin rendah konsentrasi outlet serta makin tinggi efisiensi reduksi.
Sustainable Environmental and Optimizing Industry Journal Vol 1, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Sahid

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36441/seoi.v1i2.178


Leachate atau lindi sampah berpotensi untuk mencemari air pemukaan dan air tanah. Hal ini diakibatkan degradasi biologis leachate menghasilkan pencemar berbahaya seperti zat organik dan logam berat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengamati efisiensi MSL dalam mereduksi pencemar yang terkandung dalam leachate. Pengamatan penelitian difokuskan pada pengaruh hydraulic loading rate (HLR) terhadap efisiensi reduksi pencemar, yang terdiri atas 250 l/m2.hari, 500 l/m2.hari dan 1000 l/m2.hari. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara mengalirkan secara gravitasi leachate Tempat Pemprosesan Akhir (TPA) Talang Gulo ke reaktor MSL berdimensi 15x50x50 cm. Reaktor MSL terdiri atas lapisan impermeable dan lapisan permeabel. Lapisan impermeabel merupakan lapisan yang terdiri atas campuran tanah dan arang dengan rasio 2 : 1, serta lapisan permeabel terdiri atas lapisan zeolit berdiameter 0,25 – 0,5 cm. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, didapat bahwa MSL dapat menetralkan pH dan mereduksi konsentrasi pencemar COD, amoniak, besi (Fe) dan warna. Efisiensi reduksi untuk semua pencemar berkisar 92% – 99,966%. Secara umum, HLR sangat mempengaruhi efisiensi reduksi, dimana makin rendah HLR maka makin rendah konsentrasi outlet serta makin tinggi efisiensi reduksi.
Jurnal Ilmiah Universitas Batanghari Jambi Vol 17, No 3 (2017): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (530.866 KB) | DOI: 10.33087/jiubj.v17i3.419


The liquid waste produced by the tofu industry is organic waste which is degradable or can be naturally decomposed by microorganisms. This study aims to measure the volume of tofu industrial wastewater required to produce biogas with a certain pressure so that the liquid waste used as raw material can be utilized optimally. In addition, testing the content of TSS, ammonia, BOD5, COD, and pH in tofu waste in the process of processing it into biogas was also carried out. Experiments were carried out using a biodigester to create anaerobic conditions for tofu waste. The presence of the decomposition gas is detected using a simple manometer. In addition, the possibility of methane gas is estimated by conducting a flame test. The variation of the composition of tofu waste and cow dung (starter) with volume ratio in the biodigester is without starter on Gallon I and Drum I, using a 2% starter on Drum II, and using a 10% starter on Gallon II. The experimental results showed that each biodigester drum I, drum II, gallon I and gallon II produced maximum pressures of 2,158.2 Pa, 42,844.9 Pa, 1863.9 Pa, and 3,629.7 Pa. The maximum retention time for each biodigester drum I, drum II, gallon I, and gallon II was 53 days, 43 days, 58 days and 49 days. The flame test conducted showed that there was only a flame in the biodigester with the addition of a starter material of 10%. Processing of tofu waste into biogas without a starter can reduce the pollutant content, namely TSS and ammonia by 96.5% and 96%, whereas with a starter of 2% by 95% and 94%, and with a starter of 10% by 91% and 95%. Likewise with BOD and COD parameters, the reduction in waste without starter was 96% and 97%, with a starter of 2% by 96% and 96%, and with a starter of 10% by 97% and 98%. The increase in pH occurred in waste without starter to 0.99, waste with a starter of 2% was 1.65 and waste with a starter of 10% was 1.27.
Jurnal Civronlit Unbari Vol 2, No 2 (2017): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (461.833 KB) | DOI: 10.33087/civronlit.v2i2.18


The increasing of palm oil mills as a result of an increase in public interest of land exploitation to produce  palm oil can cause high environmental pollution if the waste oil generated were not managed properly. Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) is the wastewater generated by palm oil extraction process. On the other hand, POME is a renewable energy source. To address the need for electrical energy increases, the monitoring of POME is an effort that needs to be studied because POME is no longer a pollutant to the environment but a helpful resource.This study uses field data collection in the form of POME volume and treatment plant process management to determine the COD levels so that the estimation of total biogas can be done. Based on the calculation of the energy potential of POME in Jambi province with  processing capacity of the entire Province amounted to 1,230 tons FFB / hour, 20 hours operating time / day and COD content of 50,000 mg / L, the amount of energy can be obtained is 737.712 MWh / day or 269.26 GWh / Year.Keywords: POME, biogas, energy
Analisis Kualitas Bioetanol Dari Kulit Pisang G M Saragih; Hadrah Hadrah; Dilla Tri Maharani
Jurnal Daur Lingkungan Vol 4, No 2 (2021): Agustus
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/daurling.v4i2.72


Indonesia is ranked sixth in banana production with total production in 2015 of 7.299.275. the more people who like bananas, the higher the volume of banana peel waste produced. Banana peels are usually thrown away immediately and can contaminate the soil surface because banana peels contain acid so that it can have an impact on evironmental problems. The starch content of banan peels has the potential to be used as a raw material for bioethanol production with the help of the fermentation process. Therefore this research aims to determine the quality of bioethanol which is produced from several types of banana peels. The types of banana peels used are Ambon banana peel, Barangan banana peel and horn banana peel. The method used to manufacture bioethanol form the types of banana peel of ambon, barangan and horn is fermentation using yeast tape or saccharomyses cereviciae. The variables observed in this study were the variety of banana peel types, fermentation time for 6 days and 10 days, and the use of yeast as much as 5 grams. The fermentation results in the form of bioethanol were analyzed using gas chromatography, the best results from this study were obtained on the type of banana peel of Ambon for 10 days, that is 4.451% bioethanol.
Perencanaan Jaringan Pipa Sistem Penyaluran Air Buangan Terpusat (Off-Site System) di Kecamatan Pasar Jambi, Kota Jambi Monik Kasman; Hadrah Hadrah; Robby Ikhsan
Jurnal Daur Lingkungan Vol 3, No 2 (2020): Agustus
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/daurling.v3i2.54


Improving the quality of service and processing of infrastructure and facilities for wastewater has been programmed in the national development program 2000-2004 as stated in Law No. 25 of 2000. For this reason, the need for waste management and treatment to minimize environmental pollution, one of which is liquid waste generated from the community in the form of wastewater, centralized wastewater pipeline planning in Pasar Kecamatan, Jambi City, as an illustration or engineering in environmental management especially wastewater, because this area is dense with buildings and settlements, making it feasible to build a wastewater distribution pipeline system. Based on the analysis in this plan, the total number of service blocks for Jambi Market District consists of 11 service blocks with coverage in 4 Kelurahan, namely Beringin kelurahan with 3 service blocks, Orang Kayo Hitam Subdistrict 3 service blocks, Sungai Asam with 3 service blocks, and Pasar Jambi 2 service blocks, for the total pipe needs, the total number of lateral pipes is 61 pipes with a total length of 6579.2 m, for the total branch pipes are 17 pipes with a total length of 5801 m, and for the main pipe consists of 10 main pipes to drain water discharge to WWTP, totaling 10 main pipes with a total length of 2075, the diameter on the market from the smallest is 90 mm and the largest is 800 mm. Complementary buildings consist of clean out as many as 134 clean out terminals, 80 manholes, 2 pumps, and 1 siphon or crossing building, minimum digging depth for lateral pipes is 0.88 m and the deepest follows the ground slope or assuming with requirement if the ground pipe slope is less than 0, the final drainage of each pipe meets the drainage standard that is 0.6 m / sec <Vp <3 m / sec.
Pemanfaatan Media Filter Kearifan Lokal dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Air dengan Proses Filtrasi G M Saragih; Hadrah Hadrah; Herman Herman
Jurnal Daur Lingkungan Vol 4, No 2 (2021): Agustus
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/daurling.v4i2.85


The need for clean water continues to increase with changing times and the passage of time, however, clean water that is suitable for consumption is not easily available in some areas, considering that the physical conditions of regional geomorphology and hydrology have different forms. Water that is suitable for drinking must be clean and minimal from pollutant loads and substances that can interfere with the health of the body, this is different from the water obtained by people in Rantau Karya Village, Geragai District, Tanjung Jabung Timur Regency, because the hydrological conditions of the area are dominated by peatlands so that the water consumed is included in peat water, where the majority of the people use dug well water, therefore a simple technology is needed in dug well water treatment by utilizing local wisdom filter media. The results showed the efficiency of removal of organic substances (KMnO4) where the initial parameter was 22.5 mg / l to be 11.218 mg / l. The efficiency of turbidity reduction is 56%, where the initial result of the turbidity parameter is 31 NTU and the final result is 15 NTU, and the final pH of well water is 6.26, where the initial test shows the number 5.6. Each thickness of the filter media to get optimum results with a thickness of 15 cm.
Analisis Penurunan Parameter Pencemar Limbah Cair Laundry dengan Multi Soil Layering (MSL) Hadrah Hadrah; Monik Kasman; Karunia Tri Septiani
Jurnal Daur Lingkungan Vol 2, No 1 (2019): Februari
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1011.722 KB) | DOI: 10.33087/daurling.v2i1.22


Laundry wastewater is grey water, which is part of domestic wastewater, which is not through the toilet. Laundry wastewater contains COD, BOD, TSS, Total Phosphate, pH, MBAS which includes derivatives of organic substances so that the accumulation causes an increase in the organic content of water or groundwater. The purpose of this study was to observe the effects of the hydraulic loading rate (HLR) and permeable layer (zeolite and gravel) on the efficiency of decreasing laundry wastewater pollutants. Variations in HLR consist of 500 l / m2 day, 750 l / m2 day and 1000 l / m2 day. In this study, laundry wastewater was introduced gravitationally into the MSL reactor with dimensions of 15x50x50 cm. The MSL reactor consists of impermeable layers and permeable layers. The impermeable layer is a layer consisting of a mixture of soil and charcoal with a ratio of 2: 1, and a permeable layer consisting of layers of gravel (MSL 1) and zeolite (MSL 2) with a diameter of 0.25 - 0.5cm. Based on the results of the study, the HLR and permeable media have an effect on the decrease of laundry wastewater pollutant parameters. The highest decrease in pollutants for COD, BOD, TSS, Total Phosphate, pH, and MBAS parameters was obtained at HLR 1000 l/m2.d with the highest percentage reduction is 95% at MSL 1 and 92% at MSL 2. Decreasing pollutant concentration of laundry wastewater is higher in MSL 2 (permeable layer of zeolite) compared to MSL 1 (permeable layer of gravel).
Ketersediaan Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) Taman dan Hutan Kota di Kota Jambi Marhadi Marhadi; Hadrah Hadrah
Jurnal Daur Lingkungan Vol 3, No 1 (2020): Februari
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/daurling.v3i1.38


Green open space functions as a supporter and enhancer of the value of quality in the environment and culture of the city so that it can be allocated and shaped in its use in accordance with its needs and interests, Jambi City Regional Regulation No. 9 of 2013 concerning the Spatial Planning for the Jambi City Region in 2013-2033. Jambi City with an area of 205.38 km² requires minimum public green open space of 4,107.60 ha and private green open space of at least 2.05.38 ha. Based on DLH data from Jambi City. In 2017, the City of Jambi still lacked 2,220.13 ha of public green space and 774.36 ha of private green space, the research objective identifying the extent and availability of urban parks and forests based on population and water demand approach. The research method uses data analysis criteria identifying the needs of parks and urban forests, population and water consumption. Identify the number and extent of urban parks and urban forests as many as 45 city parks and 2 urban forests in Jambi City and the largest urban parks are in the youth arena park located in Kota Baru District with an area of 2,008 ha, public open space city parks and urban forests jambi has a total area of 72,922 ha. The required green space in Jambi City is 4,107.6 ha, it is obtained that the area of public green space identified is only about 1.77% of the total area of the city. The needs of urban forest area based on the water approach that requires land until 2028 covering an area of 5,614.47 ha are less fulfilled, because the total available land is 58 ha with potential land of 79.85 ha, only 94.32 ha has been developed, but it can only meet the needs of the area of urban forests based on the water approach only in 2018 of 2,495.32 ha