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Pengaruh Pestisida dari Aktivitas Pertanian Terhadap Konsentrasi Merkuri (Hg) pada Sungai Sumur Beremas Kota Sungai Penuh Anggrika Riyanti; Marhadi Marhadi; Syskha Eka Patri
Jurnal Ilmiah Universitas Batanghari Jambi Vol 22, No 1 (2022): Februari
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/jiubj.v22i1.2076


Agricultural activities cannot be separated from the use of pesticides to control plant-disturbing organisms. The mercury (Hg) content in pesticides cannot be naturally degraded on agricultural land, so it will be carried off by run-off into the waters. Pesticide’s run-off from agricultural activity along the Sumur Beremas River has an effect in increasing mercury concentrations in the river. This study aims to analyze the effect of pesticide use on mercury concentrations in the Sumur Beremas River and to analyze the capacity of river pollution loads. The effect of pesticide on mercury concentrations was analyzed using Pearson correlation. The capacity of Sumur Beremas River's pollution loads against mercury was analyzed using mass balance method. The results showed that the use of pesticides had a significant effect on the increase in mercury concentrations in river water. The greatest correlation value occurs in downstream of irrigation, namely 0.977, which indicates the high run-off that occurs from agricultural area to the irrigation flow. The concentration of mercury based on the analysis of river pollution loads is 0.00242 ppm, exceeding the standard PP no. 82 of 2001 Class II, 0.002 ppm, which indicates that Sumur Beremas River is no longer able to accommodate the load of mercury pollution.
Jurnal Ilmiah Universitas Batanghari Jambi Vol 15, No 2 (2015): Juli
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (205.538 KB) | DOI: 10.33087/jiubj.v15i2.174


The planning of sewerage system  in Telanaipura subdistrict is an urgent program. This is because there are many puddles of water on the area that can interfere the the community. Therefore we need a domestic sewerage system that carried by by pipeline form the tank to the building septic processing (small bore sewer). For domestic wastewater treatment used sump wells equipped with pumps, initial sedimentation pond, stabilization pond, and collector pond. It is expected that delivery system and treatment of domestic waste water in the Telanaipura can reduce sanitation problems and the can realize a healthy region, comfortable and livable.Keyword : Telanaipura, small bore sewer, sewerage
Jurnal Civronlit Unbari Vol 2, No 2 (2017): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (458.722 KB) | DOI: 10.33087/civronlit.v2i2.21


Lead Content Analysis (Pb) On Snack Road Ir. H. Juanda City Jambi increasingly proliferation of street vendors snack on the street where the activity is quite crowded, allowing snacks that are sold can be contaminated by lead (Pb) coming from motor vehicle fumes. This study aims to determine the content of lead on street snacks and compared with the maximum limit of lead food in snack foods that have been determined by the Director General of POM in the decision of Director General of POM Number HK. Year 2009 on the maximum limit of metal contamination in food that is 0,25 ppm. This research is a descriptive research that gives a picture of lead content in snack. The study was conducted on traders selling fried foods at Street H. Juanda Jambi City. Sampling using total sampling technique where for each place of sale taken three kinds of fried foods such as fried bananas, tofu contents and bakwan. Examination of laboratory test of Environment Department (DLH) Province Jambi Year 2017 got big parameter of S02 equal to 19.5 μg/nm3 whereas standard quality standard set PP. 41 of 1999 on the ambient air quality of 900 μg/nm3, for the parameter N02 of 23.0 μg/nm3, while the standard quality standard set PP. 41 of 1999 on ambient air quality of 400 μg/nm3, for lead parameters (Pb) with the result 0.082 μg/nm3, while the standard quality standard established PP. 41 year 1999 About ambient air quality of 2 μg/nm3 and dust parameter with result 80 μg/nm3 while standard quality standard set PP. 41 of 1999 on ambient air quality of 230 μg/nm3. The content of timbale in banana snack food is 0,0850%, for food bakwan is 0.0008% and for food tofu content is 0,1505% so it has not exceed the maximum limit of metal contamination in food which has been determined by Dirjen POM in decision of Dirjen POM Number HK. Year 2009 is 0.25 ppm.Keywords : Ambient Air Quality, Lead (Pb), snack food
Efektifitas Bank Sampah dalam Pengelolaan Sampah di Kota Jambi David Evianto Tampubolon; Marhadi Marhadi; Anggrika Riyanti
Jurnal Civronlit Unbari Vol 4, No 2 (2019): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (219.356 KB) | DOI: 10.33087/civronlit.v4i2.52


Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di tiga Bank Sampah di Kota Jambi yang terdapat sistem 3R yaitu Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Pengumpulan data ini didapat dari hasil survey, kuesioner, wawancara lalu di bandingkan dari 3 Bank Sampah 3R tersebut dan di dapat hasil efektifitas Bank Sampah berbasis 3R yang berada di Kota Jambi. Hasil penelitian yang penulis dapatkan adalah merupakan suatu gambaran pengetahuan yang baik, sikap yang cukup baik dan perilaku yang kurang dari masyarakat Kota Jambi terhadap sampah. Dari penelitian yang dilakukan oleh penulis, maka dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa masyarakat Kota Jambi memiliki pengetahuan yang baik tentang sampah, sikap yang cukup baik terhadap sampah, tetapi perilaku yang kurang baik terhadap sampah dikarenakan kurang perhatian dari pemerintah.
Analisis Penurunan Eceng Gondok (Eichornia Crassipes) dalam Perbaikan Kualitas Air Ditinjau Dari Parameter Timbal (Pb) dan Besi (Fe) Marhadi Marhadi; Henri Wibowo; Vivie Amelia Kurniawan
Jurnal Civronlit Unbari Vol 3, No 2 (2018): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (566.931 KB) | DOI: 10.33087/civronlit.v3i2.37


Danau Sipin memiliki potensi perairan umum yang cukup besar dengan luas 40 Ha mengalami degradasi fungsi lingkungan ditandai dengan fluktuasi debit air antara musim kemarau dan musim hujan pendangkalan alur sungai dan semakin berkurangnya kapasitas penampungan air danau, Tujuan Penelitianmengetahui berapa perbandingan penurunan parameter Pb dan Fe oleh eceng gondok dari setiap bak, perubahan Ph dan Suhu dari setiap bak dan perubahan fisik eceng gondok sebelum dan sesudah penellitian. Metode penelitian mengetahui penurunan kadar timbal (Pb) dan besi (Fe) terhadap eceng gondok. Pada penelitian ini dibagi 4 perlakuan dengan berat eceng gondok yang berbeda namun kapasitas air sama yaitu sebesar 12 liter di setiap bak, dengan perlakuan sebagai berikut, pemberian eceng gondok atau disebut dengan bak kontrol (K) perlakuan pertama pemberikan eceng gondok sebesar 200, perlakuan kedua pemberian eceng gondok sebesar 400 gr dan perlakuan ketiga pemberian eceng gondok sebesar 600 gr,.masing-masing dari perlakuan tersebut mengalami pengontrolan yang sama, yaitu mengecek perubahan kadar pH dan suhu serta waktu detensi awal eceng gondok kontak dengan air sampel selama 9 hari. Setelah 9 hari dilakukan pengambilan sampel ke 2, pada hari ke 11 dilakukan pengambilan sampel ke 3, dan pada hari ke 13 dilakukan pengambilan sampel terakhir. Hasil penelitian untuk parameter besi (Fe) pengujian pada bak 200 gr sebesar rata-rata - 0.01 mg/L - 0.023 mg/L, bak 400 gr rata-rata sebesar 0.01 mg/L, bak 600 gr sebesar rata-rata 0.01 mg/L - 0.032 mg/L untuk pengujianparameter timbal (Pb) pada bak 200 gr sebesar 0.02 mg/L, bak 400 gr sebesar 0.02 mg/L, bak 600 gr sebesar 0.02 mg/L, untuk pengukuran pH dan suhu mencapai 29? dengan pH bak 200 gr 5, pH bak 400 gr 6, pH bak 600 gr 6,5 dan pH bak K 6. Perubahan fisik eceng gondok sebelum dan sesudah eksperimen sangat terlihat jelas pada daun dan batangnya, sebelum penelitian eceng gondok pada setiap bak berwarna hijau dan batang yang segar dan setelah penelitian ada beberapa eceng gondok yang berubah warna kekuningan dan layu dan perubahan pada airnya. Eceng gondok 600gr dengan kapasitas air 12 liter, selain daun eceng gondoknya yang menguning dan batangnya yang layu, dan air berubah semakin keruh dikarenakan kapasitas air 12 liter tidak cukup menampung eceng gondok dengan berat 600 gr.
Jurnal Civronlit Unbari Vol 1, No 1 (2016): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (313.755 KB) | DOI: 10.33087/civronlit.v1i1.4


Sistem penyaluran air limbah merupakan bagian penting dalam sistem prasarana perkotaan.Tujuan penelitian ini merancang desain sistem penyaluran air limbah domestik menggunakan off site system di Kecamatan Jambi Timur.Data penelitian berupa data sekunder dari instansi terkait, studi pustaka, dan hasil beberapa penelitian terdahulu.Perkiraan jumlah penduduk dikecamatan pada tahun perencanaan 2037 menggunakan metode eksponensial. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan survei lapangan dan waktu penelitian dilakukan pada tanggal 1 April sampai dengan 1 Agustus 2016 Dalam perencanaan blok layanan paling kecil di Kelurahan  Tanjung Pinang dan Tanjung Sari untuk luas daerah layanan 1,69 km2dan kebutuhan air bersih sebesar 20,31 liter/orang/detik dan volume air limbah 16,24 liter/orang/detik, dan yang terbesar di daerah sijenjang 7,88 km2. Dan kebutuhan air bersih sebesar 64.29 liter/orang/detik dan volume air limbah 51.42 liter/orang/detik. Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah (IPAL) dibangun di lokasi Kelurahan Kasang Jaya. Perencanaan blok pelayanan sebanyak 5 buah zona. Perecanaan debit air limbah 20 tahun kedepan pada tahun 2037 sebesar 0,12 m3/detik dengan infiltrasi sebesar 0,024 m3/detik. diameter pipa yang digunakan pipa air limbah adalah 6 – 8 inchi dan diameter pipa yang digunakan pada perencanaan ini adalah 150 mm dan 200 mm dengan jenis pipa PVC tipe D. Proses pengolahan air limbah domestic mengunakan instalasi pengolahan air limbah (IPAL) dengan jenis biofilter aneraob. Panjang pipa yang dibutuhkan di wilayah zona A untuk Keluahan Payo Selincah adalah 1650 meter, untuk wilayah zona B Kelurahan Talang Banjanr, Budiman dan Sulanjana adalah  2460 meter, untuk wilayah zona C Kelurahan  Tanjung Pinang dan Tanjung Sari adalah 2492 meter, untuk wilayah zona D Kelurahan Kasang, Rajawali dan Kasang Jaya adalah 1391 meter dan  untuk wilayah zona E Kelurahan Sijenjang adalah 3854 meter
Hubungan Keanekaragaman dan Keberadaan Plankton Terhadap Faktor Fisika Kimia Sungai Batanghari Marhadi Marhadi; Ira Galih Prabasari; Ria Pratiwi
Jurnal Daur Lingkungan Vol 1, No 2 (2018): Agustus
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (726.726 KB) | DOI: 10.33087/daurling.v1i2.11


Water pollution can not only be measured only by chemical and physical parameters, Plankton have properties that are always moving so that they can be used as indicators of water pollution. Plankton play an important role in influencing the primary productivity of river waters. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the diversity and presence of plankton to the quality of the Batanghari River. The study was conducted in February 2018 in Jambi City. Primary data taken in the form of concentrations of physical and chemical parameters include turbidity, pH, TDS, BOD, COD, DO, Phosphate, Nitrate, Nitrite, Ammonia, Lead, Chloride, Sulfate and the amount of plankton abundance (ind / L) on the Batanghari River. The time of sampling was in the morning and evening on the same day.  The results showed that the relationship between the existence of plankton and the quality of the Batanghari River showed the condition of the Batanghari River in Jambi City was in phase a - Mesosaprobic (heavy pollutant level). Parameters of pH, COD, Phosphate, Nitrite, Lead and Chloride are moderately correlated to phytoplankton, while TDS, BOD, DO, Nitrate and Ammonia are weakly correlated with phytoplankton. And for temperature parameters it is strongly correlated with phytoplankton. For correlation to zooplankton, parameters of pH, TDS, BOD, COD, COD, DO, Phosphate, Nitrate, Nitrite, Lead, chloride are very weakly correlated while ammonia and turbidity correlate moderately to zooplankton.
Desain Gambar Teknis IPA Kapasitas 20 Liter/Detik Anggrika Riyanti; Mitra Edyatma; Marhadi Marhadi
Jurnal Daur Lingkungan Vol 3, No 1 (2020): Februari
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/daurling.v3i1.40


Meeting the need for clean water is very necessary, especially in remote areas, or areas that are difficult to get water that is suitable for consumption. Clean water treatment, in order to meet the needs of customers where the installed capacity is often used in rural areas or small cities, namely WTP 20 L / sec. To plan a 20 L / sec IPA it is necessary to calculate first, which is usually prepared by the government through the Indonesian National Standard, its function after calculating so that an IPA 20 L / sec unit is obtained, and can determine the budget plan. This study aims to make a picture of the operating units of the IPA capacity of 20 L / sec with the calculation standard of SNI SNI 7507-concerning Complementary Building Specifications for Water Treatment Installation Units, and SNI 19-6774-2002 for planning procedures for water treatment installation package units. Includes calculation of intake, pre-sedimentation facilities, coagulation treatment processes, flocculation, sedimentation, and filtration, disinfectants and reservoirs, so that later they can be applied especially in rural areas or small cities in order to obtain clean water that is suitable for consumption.
Analisis Daya Tampung Beban Pencemaran Air Sungai Asam Kota Jambi Ridho Renaldi; Marhadi Marhadi; Anggrika Riyanti
Jurnal Daur Lingkungan Vol 4, No 2 (2021): Agustus
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/daurling.v4i2.80


The Asam River is one of the rivers that crosses the sub-districts, including Kota Baru, Jelutung and Pasar Jambi. Asam River is located in Jambi City with a length of 10.68 km, and a watershed area of 2,930 Ha. The Asam River is generally polluted by waste originating from activities, office areas, hotels, trade centers, prominent figures and residential areas. To determine the quality of acid river water, it is necessary to analyze the load carrying capacity of water pollution. Methods that can be used to analyze the load carrying capacity of water pollution include the Mass Balance method and the Streeter-Phelps method. Based on the results of the calculation of the carrying capacity of the river pollution load using the mass balance method on the parameters, pH, TSS, BOD and COD. The Asam River which cannot accommodate the pollution load is found in the TSS parameter of -110.129 mg/l with a quality standard of 30 mg/l according to the Ministry of Environment and Forestry Number P.68 of 2016 concerning domestic waste quality standards, while for the parameters pH, BOD, and COD still below the domestic waste quality standard. The results of the calculation of the carrying capacity of the pollution load using the streeter-phelps method show that at 4 sampling points the BOD concentration can still accommodate the pollution load in the river which does not exceed the quality standard. the effect of DO concentration on AP1 Upstream to AP4 Downstream is still available in sufficient amount of DO.
Pengolahan Sampah Organik Menjadi Biobriket Sebagai Energi Terbarukan G M Saragih; Marhadi Marhadi; Yulia Defriati
Jurnal Daur Lingkungan Vol 3, No 2 (2020): Agustus
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/daurling.v3i2.55


One of the uses of organic waste is processing it into biomass briquettes which can later be used as energy. Organic waste received is dry organic waste such as dry leaves, dry twigs, inorganic waste such as plastic waste which can be used as an adhesive in making waste biobriquettes. The purpose of processing organic and inorganic waste into energy is to benefit from the waste in the city of Jambi. The benefit obtained is to reduce waste which can be used as energy. The kerosene to LPG conversion program has resulted in a rapid increase in LPG consumption which domestic production cannot meet. This causes LPG imports to increase rapidly, so that if in 2007 the volume of LPG imports was still at 137 thousand tons, in 2011 it increased to 1,992 thousand tons or an increase of almost 15 times (Outlook Energi Indonesia 2013). The highest calorific value with the optimum composition is found in biobriquette sample 3 with a variation of the composition of 75% organic waste: 5% inorganic waste: 10% water: 10% glue, which is 19361 J / gr. The lowest ash content with the optimum composition was found in sample 3 with a variation of the composition of 75% organic waste: 5% inorganic waste: 10% water: 10% glue, namely 5.06%. The lowest water content with the optimum composition is found in sample 1 and sample 2 with a water content of 0.92%, this is already in accordance with SNI for biobriquettes. The lowest CO content with the optimum composition is found in the biobriquette sample 1 with a variation of the organic composition of 85%: 5% inorganic: 5% water: 5% glue, which is 60.33 μg/Nm3.